STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineThe Language of the Whole (6).

Translation Draft

Now we know how to identify what we want, our desires. We know what contrasts are, we know what clarity is, in fact, clarification. And on the way to vibrational resonance we have completed the first step and we are doing the next step, represented by: Step 2 – pay attention to your desire.

In essence not much because it is an effort of yours to stop dealing with any form of contrast identified and to do your best to focus only on taking into account the elements of clarity. This will cause you to constantly increase the vibration frequency considered to be positive until the vibrational result is predominantly positive. So increasing the vibration frequency simply means giving your states more positive attention, more energy and focus.

That's because it's not enough (for a quick result) to identify what your goals, needs, needs, desires are, and you need to pay attention to them every day by making sure that the vibration of your desires is included in your current vibration.

The law of resonance will thus bring you more of the things that give your attention, energy and focus. However, if after identifying your desires you no longer pay attention, energy and focus, there is a chance of materializing them, but smallly small, depending on the character type of each. But obviously, the effort to focus on these desires increases the chance of materializing.

From practice I can confirm that most people, after the greater or lesser effort to identify desires, materialized first in the formation of the cards (and here I am referring also to those who have not gone through the identifications of anchors, persons, then of "associated" feelings and the small "grants" that I presented and made only the wish identification cards) , they proved pretty good at identifying desires, and then they don't pay any attention. Those who have benefited from some "reminder" about these sheets have acted unconsciously and thus come to realize that everything works even so. Knowing what your true needs are, your needs, your desires work even under the conditions of minimal attention.

And, it's all because the law of resonance can only respond "palpable" to the desires you pay attention to them. You will be able to "see" that all the techniques that I have presented and will present only work if we get involved, if we pay attention to them (if I feel sick and do not pay attention I will feel worse, right?).
Now is the time to imagine that our vibrations, starting from us, the issuer, form around us a kind of sphere that we will call a sphere of vibration.

The concept comes from the depths of human perception, from antiquity, and can also be called our sphere of action. In a way we're all included in a kind of soap bubble and interact with each other's balloons/bubbles. If we see things this way, we'll quickly come to the conclusion that the law of resonance responds to everything inside this bubble, but it's not. It is very important to understand that all our goals, needs, needs, dreams and desires are not in the bubble sphere and outside it.

If they were inside our sphere of vibration already we would have all those things and we would enjoy them (if we needed money, obviously they are apart, if we need understanding, obviously she is out, etc.). For example, the files that we have drawn up so far are within us only as an initial act of their formation, but without being involved in anything, they remain simple lists that have clarified some things that we may or may not be unconsciously aware of, their chance to materialize being inconsiderable.

More specifically, the cards thrown into a drawer will only make the law of resonance work except possibly at the level of the drawer where they are thrown. The law of resonance responds only to what is currently in our sphere of vibration and creates the potential for resonance with the outside, in order to come to resonance, to receive something from outside inside our sphere of vibration.

In this second step, we will understand how words can be used to pay attention, energy and focus to our new desires, creating the enunciation of desire. This statement will allow us to pay that attention, energy and focus to our desire in an organized, structured way and to include it in our sphere of vibration by determining with the law of resonance our new vibrational status.

This will require new data sheets. Please understand that this new year of cards should not discourage you. After all, we realize them to understand our most important goals and desires in our lives, help us in a fair and concrete effort to understand who we were, what we are and what we will be, to pay attention and get involved or not. We don't have to look at even the vaguest and smallest desires because we're going to get lost in the details, and that's why there's a feeling that there's no point in going through so many cards.

More directly, if you analyze the most important elements in need, need, desires, and then you will "solve" them you will gain confidence in who you are and, in addition, you will have the time to address small desires. In fact, only the simple "Evrika", translated into "how I have not thought of such a thing before!?!" and it is still a gain for you, by simply placing in the conscious needs, needs, desires stifled by everyday life, with its pressures, erroneous beliefs and the like.

So, let's get to work, no more sighs! Let's see now what will be included and what will be excluded from our sphere of vibration!

The new worksheets have, like those for contrasts
and clarity, only two columns: Actions that include my desire in the sphere of vibration.
Actions that exclude my desire from the vibration sphere.

These worksheets will be used to determine which of the two columns will fit each of the following actions: 1. To talk about what I want, 2. To observe something I like, 3. To dream with my eyes open to what I want, 4. To visualize what I want, 5. To pretend that I have already achieved what I want , 6. Saying "yes" to a thing, 7. Saying "no" to a thing, 8. To worry about something, about something, nine. To complain about something, 10. To remember something positive, 11. To remember something negative, 12. He flirted with the idea of getting something I wanted, 13. Do a photo-montage, sketch or something like that about what I want, 14. Praying for the fulfillment of my wish and 15. To celebrate something I love.

If you use the "print" provided above you will notice that all 15 actions are, in fact, "insert" only as actions that "include my desire in the sphere of vibration". Similarly, you should note that when you make the delimitation of the above 15 actions in the statement presented by me or you will pass "no" before the statement and move it to the column with "actions that exclude my desire from the sphere of vibration", you have just paid attention, energy and focus that strengthen the positive statement by the simple fact that our subconscious does not perceive the term "no". However, it doesn't mean you have nothing to do...

Your efforts will need to focus in the direction of eliminating whatever you have passed in column 2 to be "moved" in column 1, where the denial that certifies your lack of action disappears. So, let's get to work! One of the ways to make the law of resonance work for you is to keep your desires in the current vibration, i.e. in your sphere of vibration, to allow the resonance effect to appear and what is outside to begin to be drawn and to enter into your own sphere of vibration. Remember, the meme attracts fear, fear attracts fear, love attracts love and so on!

To complete this post with little clarification scans about what the use of statements may not, however, raise your vibration frequency. First, resonance means meeting a vibratory system of the same meaning, or desired meaning. There may be very few such landmarks in your life (see example of the Jew and the Nazis in previous posts). Then, an affirmation is a statement that, through the act of repetition (so consistency, patience and exercise is required), ends up being implanted in your mind and reprogramming your thinking. So you have to contend with your own beliefs, practiced, accepted over time. They have a concrete tendency of inertia, with which you have to fight more than you imagine.

For example, an individual who thinks he is fat (and possibly really is) and, for this reason disgraceful and sickly (the environment constantly bombards us with such information – attention, I do not condemn, Judge or the like but I'm just emphasize them as factors of strengthening our beliefs, of existing ones), will have great difficulty in asserting "I have a lean and healthy body!" (remember that I always point out that any "corrective" statement must use the present time – we will see in future posts many details in this regard) because he has the belief that it is not so and simply makes a surreal statement. What's more, he immediately feels like he's lying to himself, wasting time or the like.

And thus it emits "to resonance" only negative vibrations and the environment will react by attracting (in fact it is a kind of simple manifestation, because the feeling of attraction is only the repeated perception of the fulfillment of the "desire" launched vibrationally in the environment) to those who resonate with these "negatives" and our individual will continue to be bombarded with "information", affirmations, etc., to thank his belief that he is "fat and sickly sick".

But every time they forget that this message is transmitted to the subconscious, perceived as an order. "I'm fat and sick" means "OK, Boss, you're fat and sick. I know what I have to do because that's what I've done so far. What could be easier than that?!?". I want to have a lean, healthy body" draws to the subconscious side a kind of "OK, how do we do that?" Since you haven't given me full freedom of action, the term "I want" is ambiguous about what needs to be done. I mean, I act, the subconscious, you act, the conscious or we work together?!?." So is the use of the term "must," "try" and others. And I can pretty much digress on these misstatements.

But once the statement is made in the present time ("I have a healthy and supple body!") the order goes unequivocally both at the subconscious level and at the level of the conscious. The subconscious will have a kind of automatic response, based on the records made over time (that we were not born fat and sickly with all – and even if so, there is available genetic information, easily accessible, in which we were the original Adam, or the original Eve, even quite "transformed" by subsequent evolution – remember that we presented in previous posts that , genetically speaking, any mutation is corrected by more or less divine mechanisms over the course of only two or three generations – see previous posts). He will immediately favour (literally) any correct gestures made at the conscious level in order to facilitate (in fact to respect unconditionally) the fulfillment of the order (wish) received.

So, a pretty important conclusion, don't forget that it's all about favoring, then resonance. So every time you read, remember, etc., the statements, you will have a certain reaction, depending on how they make you feel those words. In fact, you will undoubtedly emit a certain type of vibration. And, this awareness must make you proceed to emit predominant positive vibrations. For example, let's continue with the "fat" above. Its subconscious will favor any effort to become "slim and healthy" (and, believe me, knows perfectly what to do).

Our whole gives positive vibrations in this regard and, first of all, the conscious will conform to this direction of action: we will start to eat only in the morning (as additional information, presented "in advance", because I will address it in detail in future posts, the morning meal almost does not supplement anything in the fat tissue, the lunch stores, literally , up to 30% of the food intake in fat deposits, and lunch "supplements" the fat tissue by up to 80% of any food "intake"), we will suddenly and suddenly begin to love movement and the like (repeat, all in their time).

Then, our positive vibrations will begin to attract only information about how we evolve towards a lean and healthy body, there will appear "resonators" around us to remind us of the errors made, for example when we nibble something that is wrong, and so on. The mechanism that will fulfill our desire has been triggered, our negative vibrations disappear and everything is OK. In addition, it weakens the "stress chain", the additional energy appears (in fact, not wasted on things against our desires), confidence in us increases (so the positive vibration) and everything takes an irreversible course for the better (without forgetting that those who carry it perfectly with health die healthier – our path will be favored , and not changed).

So, to finalize the idea of "final posting," a positive statement can generate negative vibrations. Most statements do not work because the law of resonance does not respond to words, but to how we feel about those words (that sequence of words). It's all a function that depends on the feelings that arise, and that's it. Here is an example that can clarify, to some extent, what the form of vibration you emit would be.

There will be a list of positive statements that, after reading, lead you to wonder what kind of vibrations you emit: 1. Relationships with my family are fully harmonious, 2. I love my body, 3. I am a millionaire in euros, 4. My activities make you feel, 5. I have perfect health, 6. I have the ideal life partner (the list could go on but I think all this is enough). So, how do you feel when you go through these statements? Do you emit negative or positive vibrations? If the statement is correct, the answer is immediate, "Yes", accompanied by a kind of pride, a sense of well-being.

And, you have emitted positive vibrations (actually you have them, but now you have perceived them and possibly amplified). If you haven't answered immediately you've done it because there are doubts because it's not everything quite right. If the answer is, however "yes", even if it is not so (the presence of doubt certifies that it is not so), you have emitted positive vibrations. But if you said "No" or "Isn't that true...," you're obviously emitting a negative vibration.

Therefore, the key to using statements is that they must be true for you in order to make you feel good, to emit positive vibrations for both you and the law of resonance. Any statement must always express the truth for you, thus making it possible to broadcast positive vibration. And even if your "dream" is too far away to make a positive, true statement at this point, you can get there through small and real "steps" (but, about that, in future posts).

So, if we remember our "fat", the statement becomes more correct, more real, if it will be in the form "I am getting slimmer and healthier!" and will strengthen these statements by responding to the support of the subconscious and everything I have described above, in the idea that the said ones are true and give rise to the foundation of the emission of positive vibrations. But that's enough for today! We'll continue tomorrow...

Love, Gratitude and Understanding (Namaste)!!!

Dorin, Merticaru