STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineThe Language of the Whole (7).

Translation Draft

Here we are in August, the year of grace 2015... So let's start with the last statement you made yesterday: "The Law of Attraction responds to how you feel about what you say and what you think" (and let's continue the "start" steps in yesterday's post).

Towards the end of yesterday's post I gave the example of "fat" who rephrased the statement "I have a lean and healthy body" in "I have an increasingly lean and healthy body". Thus we initiated a kind of discussion about the reformulation of statements, so that they correspond to the truth and make us feel better. So the present time of the statements must describe the fact that we are during the process, be it the simple process of life or the process of materializing a particular desire.

This process (of materializing a desire) actually begins when we start thinking about our desire, talking about it, writing something about it or giving it any kind of attention, energy and focus. That is why we need to be aware that this is about a trial. When we say "I'm getting more and more...", I'm increasingly participating in...," "I'm about to..." makes us feel better, whether we have conscious actions or not, following these statements.

And with these new "accumulations" let us utter real "effect" statements, in accordance with our truths, with our goals, needs, needs and desires: 1. The relationship with my family is increasingly harmonious, 2. I am on the verge of enjoying my body more and more, 3. From one day to the next I am more prosperous , 4. I'm increasingly participating in the development of my business, 5. With each passing moment I am getting healthier (or, I'm about to acquire perfect health), 6. My life partner is getting closer and closer to the ideal (or, I'm about to attract the ideal life partner)... And others... Ending with "This is the reality!" (we'll see why later – in future posts). Now every statement expresses the truth to you, without a doubt. Now you feel really good, emit positive vibrations, you can benefit from the law of resonance and everything will go for the good you want (as far as possible).

So, let's go back to the statement of desire! The statement of desire is a very effective tool for lifting the frequency of vibration and is also an important step in favoring the manifestation of the law of resonance. For example, you can say, "I'm about to have my own home." At that point, the law of resonance begins to "seek", arrange, "stick" to possible resonance points, favoring circumstances and events so as to fulfill your desire and get what you want. However, there is the possibility to resonate with most people and perhaps start to self-sabotage, saying that you cannot afford the expenses attracted by the possession of a new home, or others.

In this way, you emit to the resonance, that you can not afford the desired house and thus turn off the natural course of energy, which is why there is the need to repeat the process to restart the flow of energy. As silly as it is, however unnatural you find the last statement, it is good to relate to reality this mode of manifestation. For example, I'm going to go in and study to take an exam. From one day to the next I become more and more confident that I am getting better, more and more ready to take the exam. Positive energy keeps me on this path and I'm learning as much as I can.

During the learning process, difficulties can arise that make me give up, even temporarily (things like "I don't understand anything", or "there's too much to learn" or the like). At that point, the positive energy flow stops and I feed everything with negative energy (I no longer learn and scare myself like the fool, diminishing my chances of succeeding). But I'm going to run back on the positive energy and learn again. The example is enough but I will continue (also with it). Exam day's coming up. Emotions, confusion, confidence, etc. Emotions that stop the flow of energy, resume it and so on. If I go to the exam and emit negative energy, I can't get there, give up.

If I arrive and, among the subjects, I come up with some that I look like the calf at the new gate I get stuck (although I studied and seems to have forgotten everything – our subconscious has retained everything, we always forget this detail). If I go any further, it's very possible that I'll remember everything and... No more exam! You get the point. What if we always maintained positive energy and didn't always stop it from flowing?!? And there are other details that we'll discuss in due course.

Returning to our records, it is obvious that they are an aid not only in clarifying what we want, what needs, needs and desires we have, but they are also constituted as a support to maintain the flow of positive energy. They always remind us why we have to do it. A statement, once constantly recorded and recalled, will make us feel the enthusiasm, hope and confidence that what we have set out to do is possible. So, without justifying why, let's move on to stating our desires, goals or what we're going to want to do!

The statement of a wish has three component parts: 1. The starting paragraph, 2. Content and 3. The closing paragraph.

The starting point (starting paragraph) has something to do with some items commonly found in prayer (literally). In many prayers appear elements like "I have everything I need to do what I want and I have everything I want to do the right thing" (in a general, globalized expression), "I now attract everything I need to do, know or have, to get ..." (in a punctual, custom expression). Don't give up on going on under the pretext that everything is religious, that it's not! Consider a real case (with three real forms of manifestation), for example, going on a vacation.

Case 1: Most of us when we go on a vacation begin to prepare, with money, with the study of where they will end up, what they will do, under what conditions everything will be carried out, to have at their disposal everything that would be necessary and so on.m. So without realizing it we get to "I now attract everything I need to do, know or have, to get dream leave" and we won't go on vacation until "We have everything we need to do what we want and we have everything we want to do the right thing." Interesting, isn't it, and we're not making any "religious" effort to do that.

Case 2: I have to go on vacation, and that's all I have at my disposal. It is no longer necessary to point out that everything becomes a "gambling" related to what will happen during the holiday. Without feeding with positive vibrations the future vacation... of?!? Where there's no head of resources and, above all, woe to the result. And in this case, most of those who go through the pits will blame... something religiously tinged.

And, case three: I have to go on vacation, and that's it. Here the chances of success are much higher than in case 2 because the individual/individuals focus on leave, effectively, without emitting negative vibrations, manifests being only the positive vibrations of awareness of the leave, of that event that is distinguished by silence, adrenaline, contemplation, etc., each according to preferences. So, and in this case, where's the religious effort. The final conclusion is more sarcastic than it seemed at first glance: Exactly where the "religious effort" appears, that's exactly where it doesn't work. Interesting, isn't it?!?

Exactly where the beliefs of our conscious act, that is exactly where problems arise, possibly failures. He must not be desperate for this conclusion! So what is to be done besides cising the beliefs of our conscious (possibly and the subconscious "blinded" by the consciousness's consistency)?!? Let's get on with it!

I've come to the statement of desire... Now we need our contrast lists so that we can spell out the elements of clarity correctly. In view of the new "conquests" in terms of our way of formulating our needs, needs and desires, we come to the form statements: 1. I am glad to know that my ideal partner lives in my city, 2. I like how I feel when I deposit money on account of our holiday, 3. I am enthusiastic at the thought of traveling with my ideal partner , 4. I feel great that everything I do is successful, 5. I like to see myself choose healthy food, 6. Today I feel much better than yesterday in all respects, and soon.m.d. (Remember that you cannot make statements if they are not true, or related to the truth, so, is that everything is embraced by the Light of God?!? – I am merely a witness to the power of God that has been embodied in me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen! Everything I accomplish and create is done under the guidance, through the will and in the name of the Father, amen! By Light I am protected from any influence, regardless of type, mode of action and direction of action. If we're going to give it to religious stuff).

So the above phrases allow you to talk about your desires and, at the same time, to know that they express the truth. Do you really like to know or think that... or do you like to see that... etc. Now you emit a positive vibration related to your desire and this will cause you to include it in your sphere of vibration. Attention, it is very important to use the terms "ideal", "perfect", "wonderful", "perfect", "divine", "delightful" and the like. And when you refer to something like "ideal partner," "perfect health," "great career" and so on, you do it by talking about the present time, and that will allow you to include them in your current vibe.

Remember, the purpose of the statement of desire is to confirm that you include it in your current vibration, in your sphere of vibration. You can formulate different "same-sense" statements to compare vibration differences. For example, you can feel the difference in vibration between the words "I'm glad to know that my ideal relationship fulfills me in every way" and "My relationships fulfill me from all points of view". In the first form you say that your ideal relationship will nourish and support you, and this applies whether or not you have a partnership relationship, that vibration being clearly positive. The second formulation is an assertion that implies the existence of a partner, a partnership. In this case, if this is not the case, you will emit vibrations of doubt, so with negative result.

And, this is how we've come to the closing paragraph... This "paragraph" has a rather simple statement: "The law of resonance unfolds and arranges everything that is needed to happen, for my wish to be fulfilled". Or something similar to will and how everyone feels. For example, here is a somewhat more religious statement: "Lord God, Holy Spirit, hear my prayer, and the cry of my words or my thought to You to reach! Your power unfolds and takes care of all that is needed to happen in order for my prayer to be fulfilled.

God, Holy Spirit, who is All, I entrust myself to your protection and entrust to your protection my family, my friends and all men, that only You are the one who can have such care, thank you God, Holy Spirit, glory to you." We also gave this example "religious" not to provide a stronger variant or something similar. It is simply an example to show you that this is not fixed formulas, like "Sesam open up!" but it is about statements that you feel are correct, that make you feel good, that make you vibrate positively. A laiculous person, an atheist, will not resonate well with the religious statement, while a religious person will amplify it. So pay attention to what you know is your truth and increase to work!

For today I'm done... Tomorrow we will work on the worksheets, as they must be in some sort of final, on the examples "provided" on 30.07. for Mary and Alin.

Love, Gratitude and Understanding (Namaste)!!!

Dorin, Merticaru