STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineThe Human's Story - The Microbiome (Part III).

Translation Draft

Yes, it’s time for the last introductory post about the microbiome … Many „talk” but we talk about 90% of what we are … For other details, later dedicated groups of posts will follow …

From what is presented, it is quite clear that scientists, many doctors who became aware of this „detail” of the human body, began to wonder and act to find the answer to the question: „How can we collaborate with these? microorganisms about which we do not know exactly what they are, what they eat, what requirements they have and to work effectively with them, transforming them into „molecular tools”?!? … Or, questions on this topic …

And, the first problem these researchers encountered was the identification of the bacteria that make up the microbiome … Do you think it was easy?!? I give you the answer: They haven’t succeeded so far …

Let’s see now, in short, how much the researchers have struggled to „scratch” as much as this topic. And in fact, to know that this is a long, very long way to this true beginning …

The story starts from the earliest times, the first „intuitive” entries being those from China, with „yellow soup” that I mentioned in previous posts … And maybe more recently, since the first century in the writings of Marcus Terentius Varro who called them a be „animalcules” or in the 6th century Jain writings in India which gave them the name „nigodas”

Avicenna’s intuitive mentions followed, suggesting that tuberculosis is contagious, the writings of Akshamsaddin (a Turkish researcher) named „Maddat ul-Hayat” (Matter of Life) from the 1400s, Girolamo Fracastoro’s mentions describing a mechanism of disease transmission and others, but all were intuitive …

The next steps would be related to the discovery of microorganisms, starting with 1679 when Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek built the first microscope and opened the way for their real perception.

But the true discovery of microorganisms begins „explosively” from the 1850s, with Louis Pasteur’s discoveries, then in 1876 with Robert Koch’s „postulates”, then with the discoveries of John Hogg (1860), Ernst Haeckel (1866) and all this, the discoveries „multiplying” considerably, with a cadence that led to the whole of the discoveries of today.

From my point of view, the story of the microbiome begins in 1845, with the birth of Ilya Metchnikov who was to receive the Nobel Prize in 1908 for the discovery of phagocytosis, a process that underlies the role of the immune system.

And, this Ilya discovered the first „things” in 1892 when, in a study of cholera, she decided to drink cholera „soup” to become infected and „have study material”. And, he didn’t do the disease. But after several attempts, a colleague who participated in the experiment (who escaped with life) was able to get sick.

But, thus, he could study cholera under the microscope, Metchnikov discovered that there are many species of bacteria inside human intestines, some attacking and destroying cholera, others supporting and stimulating cholera.

From here he quickly deduced that the human microbiome, even by specializing on the digestive tract, is essential for the health of the individual, a proper balance of microbial populations being able to prevent infections, although the scientific world of those moments declares the end of the digestive tract, the colon, as a true reservoir of toxins.

At that time the surgeon removed entire portions of the human intestine in patients with intestinal discomfort and Ilya failed to convince the scientific and medical world of the beneficial importance of bacteria in the human body.

A decade later, antibiotics were discovered (Alexander Fleming, 1928) and their use became more and more immediate. The same thing happened, quite „correlated” with the practice of births by Caesarean section, reaching in our time as a child of three to be born like this …

Then, the diet became more and more processed, the risk of obesity already exceeding 25%, all competing for a real war against the human microbiome with its results reflected in asthma, deficiencies of immunity, allergies, inflammatory diseases.

But, this microbiome was devastated but not defeated … It cannot even be said that there is some control of it after, already almost 100 years of „struggles” with „successful” or „failed” at the level of humanity …

Fortunately, in our time, the microbiome can no longer be neglected, and only if we analyze the factual weight of it … For example, only bacteria in the intestine reach a weight of 1.3 kg, the same weight as the brain. So, we can already talk about a true, distinct organ … And this without considering the reality that „tells us” that the microbiome represents 90% of our body …

People have already learned that the microbiome is an organ that helps digest our food, which produces essential vitamins, hormones, responds to drugs, controls the level of carbohydrates and cholesterol in the blood and other unexpected functions, reacting essentially to what they are. ” the levers of our health, from obesity and diabetes, to even osteoporosis, being involved in almost any process of the human body, functioning almost like a second brain.

But this role, of the second brain, is still underestimated … I will not expand the post with details about the man … But some „intrigues” would be interesting …

For example, mice „colonized” with the Toxoplasma microbe lost their fear of cats, becoming attracted to cats … Favoring the development of cats that had easier access to food … So, a microbial environment that takes control of an individual’s brain, either to his detriment?!?

For humans, a simple underline of the fact that the digestive tract is connected to the brain through numerous physical and biochemical „bridges” I think would be enough …

First, the digestive tract is physically connected to the brain via the vagus nerve, one of the most important nerves, which sends signals in both directions, even though without this connection the digestive tract works without any problem, independently, on its own.

Secondly, our brain is made up of hundreds of billions of cells (neurons, glial cells, etc.) that permanently send „instructions” to our body for it to function. Interestingly, our digestive tract has, on its own, about 100 million neurons … A significant figure, no doubt …

It would also be the fact that it is already proven that the microbiome is the center of our immune system, even in the case of local „reactions” that will spread throughout the body, obviously affecting the brain.

And, to complete this brief argument about „interrelation”, many of the responses with „neuro-transmitters” have as their starting point the digestive tract, especially as regards serotonin, our natural antidepressant. Yes, you read that right, 90% of the serotonin produced by the human body comes from or because of the digestive tract, with less than 10% having the brain source.

From all this, it is obvious that the microbiome influences and/or controls the general state of the body, including how the brain thinks, reacts, etc. Remember „feeling something here, in the belly” or about „butterflies in the stomach”?!?

And studies have shown that certain species of bacteria activate and support memory processes, stress response (through direct control of stress hormone levels), and others.

Following them, of course, the lists of foods that can act as prebiotics have already appeared, stimulating the growth and health of the bacteria inside our digestive tract … These include „whole wheat”, apples, leeks, onions, garlic, bananas, asparagus, honey, bees, artichokes, nuts, roots, various seeds, beans, lentils, fennel, green tea, red wine, and others, but all vegetables …

As a parenthesis, there are human „groups” that also consume animal products, such as fermented milk, which contribute to the positive health balance … But only so much …

A quick conclusion, especially for „carnivores” is that our general well-being does not necessarily depend on our feeding but also on feeding our microbiome. Therefore, the treatment of imbalances, of human diseases, where the mental problems are included, it is necessary to always take into account the feeding of our microbes.

Do you think all of these are vegan or vegan „goodies”?!? I can argue the massive „instrumental” used for scientists to say such a thing …

To begin with, it would be the practice that „works” based on „sampling” DNA, applying it to microbial environments that have not „grown” and isolated them, starting from a form of sampling …

So a sample is taken and the sample of the „landmark” DNA is taken, not to mention that that DNA comes from any cell type in that microbial environment (where there can be many types of microbes). The sample to be obtained will be noticed to be specific, such as the one called the 16-ribosomal RNA gene.

This is a gene that can only be found in bacteria, not being found in any other more advanced form of life (except symbiotic or parasitic). It is thus a very good biomarker for identifying bacterial origin because it has certain regions in the structure of this gene that are truly conserved throughout all known bacteria.

So we will use this biomarker as an anchor, an area clearly defined as a kind of starting point. And, copies of this region and those of these markers are made, determining the so-called „hypervariable” areas that have different sequence variations. Which variations depend on the bacteria from which the respective genes originate and help in clear identification, becoming true „fingerprints”.

Of course, this process will lead to the deduction of some kind of relative density of that bacterium in the studied sample, but it becomes a possibility of comparison, delimitation, which helps us to know which bacteria are in a sample and what they have, an example in health.

Similar tools were also „built” in the study of fungi, with the same abundance of species in a sample, a technique that was called „the region of interspaces”, thus being able to analyze the mushroom communities (microscopic, obviously).

From here, the microbiome study tools have evolved rapidly in recent years and now, instead of identifying a genetic biomarker, the entire extracted DNA content is taken over and sequenced in its entirety, thus reconstructing the entire genome of all microbes in that sample ( especially due to the increase of the digital information processing capacity of the last period), a technique called “shotgun metagenomics”.

So while the biomarker technique tells us who’s in the sample, metagenomics tells us a lot about the genes of organisms and what they are capable of doing.

But, he went ahead with this step. We also proceeded to extract RNA from samples, which effectively performs gene transcription. Thus we analyze exactly what for that community of microbes is the element of transcription of their genome, how they react to the current conditions.

And the analysis of this accumulation of RNA extract, also by sequencing (an operation called metatranscriptomics), will result in a kind of status of the genes that will be expressed when the sample is collected through the organisms in the microbiome.

It can be accessed even more in-depth, with the help of the next generation of sequencing tools using mass spectrometry. Which can identify small molecules and thus analyze the accumulations of proteins produced by the microbiome to understand the proteins it produces and „manipulates”, without forgetting enzymes and catalysts / catalytic functions of the microbiome.

Associated with this technique is metabolomics (metabolomics) that analyzes the small molecules through which the microbes communicate with each other the cells communicate with each other. This technique has led to the discovery of a kind of lexicon that governs interactions between microbial hosts and human hosts. There would also be photo-spectrometry and more …

Well, from this moment on, it was realized that the use of these tools, especially those based on DNA, revealed a new world of bacteria on the planet. someone, being discovered, using molecular methods, several new bacteria that duplicate the entire tree of bacterial life. Moreover, there is clear evidence that this situation is valid for viruses and fungi as well.

And the discoveries went so far as to discover that the human body is nothing more than a superorganism composed of a conglomerate of microbial cells (which colonize both the inside and the outside of the human body) and mammals that have evolved.

Besides, in what I described earlier, or even introductory, about the actual evolution of man, does it not seem strange to you to study the microbiome?!? Markers for identification, evolution, etc?!?

For example, each individual has its particularity, it is true, but a true map of microbial density distribution has been created, for example at the skin level. Well, when a similar map was made, by comparison, with the help of spectrometry, the molecules released by these microbes were found to be a major difference compared to the microbial presence and these molecules …

In the sense that, in areas where diversity, microbial density is low, the presence of molecules (biomolecular diversity) released by them is often very high … Refining the information obtained it was found that this is due to the presence of biomolecules released by the host cells as well. response to microbial biomolecules. Discovering a close collaboration, a constructive symbiosis, of „self-maintenance” between cells and microbes …

Certain similarities with research on the human path, the distribution of proto-human, humanoid, and then human genes …

Advancing with the studies in the intestines, where most researchers have concentrated, knowing for a long time that microbes participate in digestion and without them becoming effectively inefficient, even impossible as a manifestation, the surprises were even greater …

Starting from the mouth, which has its specific microbes, going along the digestive tract, each area is populated by specific colonies due to the different conditions of these areas … For example, in the stomach, the pH is very low (acidic environment), in the stomach the initial gastrointestinal tract has an environment with very little oxygen, areas with different selective pressures that determine the different types of microbes that will populate the area, in the final tract there is a rot/fermentation area, etc.

From here to find out how big the difference is between the human genome, much lower than the microbial genome, in genetic terms, it was only a step … And we should not forget that the genes are active and we rely on these for activities such as nutrient digestion and, implicitly, the medicines we ingest … For informing and influencing the body’s immune response … Being an important part of our physiology, what makes us healthy or sick … And many things presented above …

In conclusion (for now), microbial environments, however, refined the process, are composed of more types of microbes than can be processed at the moment … So, why the particular results will not be far from the real ones … Here’s why, at this time, the medical world is reserved for possible therapies or the like … And not because this is not true …

And it would be the chronological „evolution” factor of the human individual …

As we have previously presented, our direct „collaboration” with the microbiome starts from the 13th week of pregnancy, when studies show that the human body begins to feel and respond to this microbiome.

Starting with this period, in the meconium, clear, distinct, well delimited microbial colonies appear, grouped as if by common or symbiosis species, by interaction groups. They are delimited by the content of meconium in some kind of mucin bags, thus limiting their own „contamination” or meconium, these bags being correlated with some kind of own reactions, possibly by a proper immune response to the environment in which they are present, including a perfect correlation with pregnancy hormones present in their environment.

In conclusion, we are dealing with a true organism, different from that of the fetus, which cannot be delimited, phylogenetically, but which presents its unique genomics that cannot be found in other bacterial species, even if they are related.

Their structure suggests a „high” adaptation to the presence in the fetal intestine, in the uterus. An adaptation that will „explode” from the moment of birth, from which time the microbiome will develop until it reaches 90% of the entire human body at the age of 3 to 7 years …

For the uninitiated, meconium is the intestinal content of the newborn … It is a soft, paste-like, greenish-brown matter, composed of amniotic elements, fats, secretions of the digestive tract and glands, elements of the digestive tract and, of course, bacteria, which it is eliminated again in the first 12 hours after birth by defecation (first or first defecation – with „possibilities” of 11 – 22% of all births in the amniotic fluid, before birth).

But the moment of „passing” over this moment of own development of the microbiome comes … The interactions that will occur in the child’s stage will influence the microbiome in relatively small proportions, there being a kind of stability „at home”, the child having an „influence” tendency quite reduced, easy to correct by the existing microbiome … Of course, apart from major invasions, such as major infectious diseases …

But it’s time for puberty and adolescence. From these moments, the microbiome can undergo significant changes, especially due to constants that can be provided by the social environment in which the individual is activated for a more important, longer period.

Why did I stress, longer period?!? Because now comes the time of adulthood, marriage, long-term contact with another person, changing „family” microbiological constants, and many other details …

But at the same time, it is the moment of a true creation of a new symbiote, a male and a female symbiote, with all the experience „accumulated” in their microbiomes.

Do you think scientists are beating the field?!? Imagine meeting a perfect woman, considering that this is not about the „perfect woman” … And she causes nausea as soon as you are close to her … Or after everything happens you imagine with this perfect woman … will you continue the relationship with her?!? Maybe you will resist once or more times but I don’t think …

And, of course, here we talk subtly about the compatibility between two microbiomes … And everything will extend to those around …

But is that so?!?

If we perceive that, first of all, microbes are social beings, like humans and / or other living beings, they communicate with each other, they use the exchange of information (or only through the specific chemical micromolecules), perceiving who and what is in their neighborhood, in their environment and they have an adequate answer, we will have the first correct conclusions …

Then, perceiving that we have declared war on bacteria, limiting their power, instead of accepting coexistence with them, we will have a series of explanations of why what we perceive nowadays, concerning the lack of any chance we have, of people, in front of bacteria …

Famous is the case of Dr. Hamer, the „initiator” of the new German medicine (NMG) who emphasized the beneficial role of microbes, in his fourth biological law, and was blamed, destroyed and what can you imagine as bad as possible, for this … And, by this example, that is why the progress of the microbiome study „went” so slowly, even though we talk about the ’70s of the last century …

But the years have come when doctors have discovered that it is necessary to rebuild our relationships with microbes and to learn how to use them to prevent and treat health imbalances, whether acute or chronic, possibly to prolong life.

Thus, we live in times when we understand the risks and benefits of cesarean delivery, only restrict the use of antibiotics to cases of necessity, to adopt a diet worthy of the microbiome at the digestive level, a lifestyle with the same objective, to restore its balance. established along with the human generations with the microbiome…

And I think it’s enough with this presentation, introduction to what would be the microbiome. I think I have reached the goal of arousing interest … I will go into this presentation in some detail, detailing, to the maximum and useful extent, all that would be well known in this direction …

So by extrapolation, why would we not consider human evolution to be closely related to the evolution of this microbiome?!? Why would we not perceive some kind of evolution of clear stability of a superorganism based on it?!? Why wouldn’t we perceive that we have to deal with a real „other” brain? And many other questions or facts …

Now, in the following post, we will return to the „human story” from anthropology … And, I will not draw any conclusions because all this material is a complementary one for what will follow … Plus you cannot do evolutionary demonstrations for so long as much as the creationists have no chance of a „word” in favor of their theories … It would not be honest!

Love, Gratitude, and Understanding (Namaste)!

Dorin, Merticaru