STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineAlpha Therapies - Introduction (2).

Translation Draft

Let's continue yesterday's discussions about relaxation! The use of relaxation methods "attracts" the following effects:

1. Facilitates the entry of the practitioner into the state necessary for retrieval, reconciliation with ourselves and with others, in order to be able to access the subconscious and, thus, in order to be able to understand the connection with all that exists, to realize the openness to the power within us, with the power of God,

2. Facilitates the detachment from the "ephemeral treasures" of the outside world, from the beliefs, schedules (referring to the negative ones), etc. that we have assimilated over time, in order to be able to achieve the interiorization, the journey in which we return / return to the source of life of the universe in each of us,

3. Helps the practitioner enter the state of true "prayer", which is not a request but an opening to the omnipresent center within us, through teaching or giving to God,

4. It allows the awakening or discovery of our true identity, which Socrates called a second birth or "liberation from the dark cave" and 5. Unlocks natural resynchronization processes, which facilitate the elimination of diseases, otherwise considered incurable that access only the plan of effects (alopathy) and neglect the causal plan (informational, karmic, etc.), guiding the processes of return to "watchfulness" and returning to "The Kingdom of God within us".

Jesus told us, "The kingdom of God does not come in such a way as to deliver the eyes. There she is. or there she is! For behold, the kingdom of God is within you." (Luke 17.20-21; Rom, 144.17; Verse. 23)

Lao Tzu told us: "Without crossing the door, you can know the whole universe. Without looking out the window, you can see the Way of Heaven. The more you get out, the less you know yourself." (Tao Te Ching, chapter 47)

Isaac from Syria told us: "Try to enter your treasure and you will find the strength of Heaven. He who knows himself all things are given to him, for to know himself is the fulfillment of all things."

Empedocle told us, "God is a circle whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere."

Even the Roman manipulators and profiteers took over "Nosce te ipsum" (Know yourself) from Socrates, or from where they came from, "getting rid" of posterity against all their dogmas related to the divinity of the cesarean and/ or their obscurity...

So relaxation, the first step "access" to alpha, is even so, one of indeterminable importance. And alpha has demonstrated over time the ability to fall asleep and wake up (even without an alarm clock) when necessary and/ or when deciding (respecting normal human physiological requirements) including amplification of recovery processes during natural sleep, combating stress and fatigue, remaining in a "sleepiness" state of wakefulness (stay awake when you are mollify - passive, comforting activity), increased physical performance (sports or not), removal of pain from any part of the body, e.g. headache (e.g.), stimulation of the immune system, resolution with significantly increased success rate of ad hoc problems, abandonment of some vices (tobacco, alcohol, drugs, etc.), addictions (such as, for example, food-related – with body slimming), easy retention of a long list of problems, more effective learning (study with better concentration and more effective memory), correction of any negative change in your body, simultaneous coupling of both cerebral hemispheres to solve any task, increasing creativity and responsiveness, solving problems through a dream, causing the causal healing of some diseases (obesity, blood pressure, diabetes, infections, allergies, asthma, etc. – more than you can imagine), triggering the processes of regeneration and rejuvenation, helping others in case of illness even if only by improvement, the ability to achieve your goals more easily and safely, eliminating the effects of various physical and mental traumas, etc., and, last but not least, regaining beauty and the joy of living (the second birth makes you see with new eyes everything, realizing that you have never really seen anything, that you have been blinded to the miracles around us) and, why not, for survival in the event of natural cataclysms, when there are no more medicines (tranquilizers, relaxants, anxiolytics, sleeping pills, etc.,.m etc.) when the mind has been trained to generate exactly the impulses needed to obtain anesthesia, regeneration, sleep, calming.

And finally, relaxation is also the way to true or truer prayer. And not only that... For example, a man was once asked: what did he gain if he kept praying to God. Nothing but peace: peace with me, peace in the family, peace with people, peace with God. But I know what I've lost: pride, cruelty, pride, greed, ruthlessness, injustice, anger, misfortune, cleavage, envy, laziness, helplessness, stupidity, unwisdom, charms, curses, depression, insecurity and fear of death and much more...

There is the myth that relaxation means fun, or a decrease in muscle tone, when in fact the term has the same origin, "to release", as the term absolute. The absolute term comes from the Latin "graduation", which means liberated, untied, unconditional, the state of liberation, separation from the phenomenal world and to achieve access to uncreated or divine light. Even the Anglo-Saxon origin, "to relax", has the meaning of liberation, "to be liberated", and is achieved by extinguishing any tensions, by reconciling with oneself or with others, by emptying, by putting it to rest. Then, all the ads use the relaxing term for furniture (photos, chairs, sofas, beds, mattresses), for restaurants, cafes, teahouses, rooms, soft drinks, medicines and drugs of all kinds, for massage, for devices of all kinds, so this descriptive inflation is no longer random.

But if we were really careful, we'd notice that's not the case. Man does not care about food until he is hungry and desperately seeks water when he is thirsty, looking to sleep as restfully as possible when he is tired. But all of this has nothing to do with relaxation. Authentic relaxation, which springs from within us, as well as unconditional, perennial happiness, is a state that no one can give us and nothing from the outside: neither sounds, nor colors, nor medicines, nor appliances, nor drugs (alcohol, tobacco, others), not even the much-appreciated sex (sexual activity, orgasm). All of the latter are just dependencies, elements of deviation from reality.

It follows that man lacks the genuine relaxation, which springs from within him, lacks liberation from a state of captivity, and this liberation cannot be achieved by external means...

So the state of relaxation is the opposite of the state of tension. Relaxation is a state of tranquility, calm, peace or reconciliation, which manifests itself naturally after any effort in the form of physical and mental rest. We live in a reality where opposites (rest and activity) are two inseparable sides of the same coin: we cannot throw away rest without simultaneously throwing away the activity. For example, did you know that the heart actually rests more than it works?!? A complete cardiac cycle "lasts" 0.8 seconds of which the atrial systole 0.11s (only in the systole the muscle is contracted, diastole being the time of relaxation) the remaining 0.69s resting atria and ventricular systole of 0.27s following atrial activity (0.05s isovolumic contraction, 0.09 rapid ejection and 0.13s slow ejection) the remaining 0.53s being rest. Overall it looks like the heart would work 0.38 seconds, so less than half of 0.8 seconds but, as you saw above, it's not like that... 0.69 or 0.53 of 0.8. But, let's go back!

So, in nature, any flow is followed by reflux. Activity (in the form of tension or muscle exertion, or other exertion) and rest (relaxation, immobility, settlement, deactivation, calming) follow each other. If we prolong it excessively activity or effort, without going back to the state of relaxation (but also vice versa), exhaustion, illness and even death occur. In multicellular organisms, relaxation is achieved through involuntary processes (programmed, automatic, autonomous) of resting, disabling, partial lydisconnecting or totaling from the outside world, using programs developed during a philogenetic development of billions of years (only if we are evolutionists and materialists). In humans, programmed involuntary relaxation processes are often disrupted by social programming (or conditioning).

The erroneous attitude towards involuntary reinstatement processes is a deliberately induced implant or virus to turn human beings into obedient consumers and unconditional slaves. From the point of view of consumerist obedience one can perceive reality from only three main aspects:

1. The world consumption of stimulants (coffee, tea, energy drinks and the like) used in the fight against fatigue or sleep has reached an unprecedented level,

2. World use of psychotropic drugs (sedatives, tranquilizers, anxiolytics, myorelaxants, sleeping pills) used to fight insomnia, strain, psychomotor agitation and anxiety (triggered by the misuse of stimulants) are at the origin of entry into a vicious circle (dependence on substances that induce awakening and falling asleep), which triggers the collapse of the immune system and accelerated degeneration of nerve cells (which has the diseases of nervous degeneration and depression, in such severe forms that they no longer respond to any medication, regardless of the dose administered and require the implantation of impulse generators in the brain) and

3. The analysis of verbal labels indicates a false value hierarchy, which has led to the current imbalance in the individual and social plane: externalization and activity are cherished and often despised and often blamed the states of interiorization (medication or concentration absorption) and rest (sleep and actual rest, the state necessary for recovery being considered an inactivity).

This is reflected in the terms used for meditative, internalized, at rest, represented by: tired, asleep, drowsy, lazy, lying, listless, indolent, disinterested, inert, slow, inactive, and so on.m. These erroneous attitudes of rejection and struggle with the processes of interiorization and rest, which facilitate self-knowledge and recovery, result in the fact that on Earth the most widespread disorders are self-ignorance, stress, heart disease, immune, chronic fatigue and insomnia amid the growing, ruthless and cruel demand for increased yields. Sleep is too often considered by the ignorant as an empty time or as a wasted time.

It is of boundless stupidity and arrogance to believe such a thing as long as nature has endowed all animals with this quality, as long as without sleep/rest anyone dies and everything. Note, moreover, that most mammals (and we do not refer to less active species) sleep more than modern humans sleep (e.g. felines can easily sleep 15 hours a day), not to mention the sleep needs that are "signalled" to us during childhood. The concept of concentration is also true here: it is obvious that someone who sleeps well will be more awake and more capable of concentrating in the waking phase.

Notice that, in the end, the human being, more than any animal, has the ability to counter these natural instincts and learn new habits (freedom to incoculat new addictions, erroneous programs appears). In conclusion, do not rely entirely on your desires and sensations regarding sleep (because man's natural programs have been infected during conditioning)!

That's enough for today! Let's talk about it tomorrow (probably more days)!

Love, Gratitude and Understanding (Namaste)!!!

Dorin, Merticaru