STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineAlpha Therapies - Introduction (3).

Translation Draft

And today we're going to talk... all about relaxation...

Many times in human history it has been proven that those who have underestimated their opponents have suffered resounding defeats. If we understand that the opponent is our own misprogramming, not sleep, fatigue, stress, insomnia, etc., then we are obliged to give up the wrong fighting attitude from the start because the battle is lost before we start. The one fighting insomnia does not sleep, the one who struggles to relax is tense, that is, he gets the opposite effect.

In order to learn to reproduce the relaxation processes voluntarily we need to change our attitude towards fatigue and the process of putting us to rest (relaxation). Abandon the struggle with fatigue and seek to understand it, he has become aware. Fatigue and drowsiness are not our enemies, but allies that make relaxation and life possible, they are not subjective sensations, somatic, affective and psychic impressions on the conscious screen of programs that manage the state of the biological system.

The learning process of the skill to relax our body and mind is one of discovery, of awareness of how to stop our own vehicle (the first phase of self-knowledge and self-control) and is similar to that of learning to drive a car. Archimedes said, "Give me a fixed point and I'll be able to move the earth!" ... Difficult to discover apart because the fixed point or axis of the universe already exists in each of us, even within ourselves. Only if we discover in us experimentally the stillness, the incline, existing in the center of the whirlwind within ourselves, can we be at the center of reference, which makes it possible to observe all the movements or processes in the universe (the realization of omniknowledge).

Lao Tzu, Socrates, Jesus and Pantajali stated that there is a ubiquitous fixed point, because the immutable axis or "foundation" of the universe is now and here, at the center of each new tooth, within ourselves. And if we are in resonance with the ephemeral world in which we live, then it will be much harder for us to be in resonance with the "music of the spheres" that constantly floods the entire universe like a waterfall. But the immutable "rock" of the universe in which we should lay the foundation of our home (of our whole) remains invisible to those fixed apart, to the outside world, to those blinded by attachments, those who will not see "what is" always present here and now, at the base of any manifestation of the phenomenal universe.

Without relaxation, regardless of its level (profane, Taoist, yoga, zen, etc.) it is not possible to keep the body in a "key" position for as long as possible, during the time required for relaxation and/ or meditation. In Daoism, relaxation (passive phase, yin) was preceded and followed by physical exercise (active phase, yang). Notice this sequence between the active phase, the tension, and the passive phase, relaxation, in young children and animals, who before going to sleep fully tense, stretch and cap, before moving on to relaxation/ rest.

For example, a good solution for you would be to try to relax every time you browse my posts. And so, at the same time as disabling the agitation of the body by relaxation, you will find that there is an increase in consciousness, an outward detachment of the flow of attention, which turns inward, you will find that the disinterest in everything that is foreign to what you do now, you are only interested in what you are reading now, you feel the body sitting comfortably, getting heavy, the legs become more heavy, soft, relaxed, as when you are tired, after walking a lot, the body warms up and shows interest only for what you read.

And, speaking of writing! Notice that written words also have the power to help you relax, relax and return to the age of childhood, to the age when we were first listening to our body, breath, heart. The written word, like the word thought or spoken, influences how water crystallizes (see previous posts
about water), influences plants and cultures of bacteria, etc.

And if you've relaxed, let's see what's behind the "I don't have time for this?" ... But the beginning of the small arguments that will follow begins brutally... if we don't have time for the purpose for which we came to earth (to wake up) it means that we have not escaped the slavery of life here. "I don't have time" seems like a well-founded excuse for people whose life time is increasingly provisionally managed by others or for people who are concerned about their worries and concerns (not to mention that it's all due to beliefs). "Tell me what you do (concern, master) to tell you who you are." Jesus said, "Rather, a camel enters through the ear of the pin, than a rich man (occupied with what he possesses) in the Kingdom of Heaven." Lao Tzu said, "You have a cup, a house or a mind if they are full (occupied) to the lip." The Zen masters resume in the form of "koan" the parable of the tea-filled cup, which, like the knowledgeful mind of an erudite, has nothing else for anything else.

A full hand is closed and remains busy with what it has and only an open hand can receive the help of a hand that comes in support, in aid. Between the master (the possessor) and what he possesses (slaves, subordinates, wealth, money. Fame, position, information, knowledge, etc.) there is not a frozen relationship, which always preserves one meaning, but a dynamic relationship. Everything we possess and possess to the extent that we attach, identify, or become dependent on what we possess. Thus, a man with a great fortune (fame, position, etc.) will become too concerned with the care not to lose it (the history of mankind so often records that the master has become the slave of what he possesses). Jesus said, "Where your treasure is, there is your heart."

In "translation", where your "treasure" is (value hierarchy, attachment, identification), there is care, attention, fear and vulnerable point. Invulnerability is achieved only by "gathering wealth in Heaven", where moths do not eat them, rust and steal their thieves. He who has as his sole attachment, identification and treasure the values of "God" (attention, I do not send you to religion but to the values of God!!!), he is the one who "gathers wealth in Heaven" and is everlasting, invulnerable.

In a story in a book for the training of the princes of Persia it is about a king who had a devoted servant who made it so that the king was very pleased with his services. Increasingly freed from his duties, the king passed into oblivion, history retaining the name of the slave who was assimilated with the king. The story is marked by the fact that, in fact, the servant had become the master of the one who served him from the moment he gave up performing his duties.

Now, the place of the slave of yesteryear is taken by the technological means of transport (cars, trains, airplanes), by the means of communication (televisions, telephones, internet) or by the tools of processing matter, energy and information (computers). If the modern slave does everything for us and mediates human contact, isolation from fellows, sedentaryism, capacity atrophy ("The mind, like the unused sword rusts," Leonardo Da Vinci said) and total dependence on this modern slave.

So, the more we have to think about the fact that a man who identifies with what he possesses (money, wealth, knowledge, ranks, titles, positions, fame, etc.) becomes the slave of that possession and is too preoccupied with worry to learn something for his own benefit or, at most, "bends" himself to become as dependent on what he possesses. Yes, we are increasingly dependent, possessed or occupied by what we possess or use. Take, for example, money, the humblest form of manifestation of the desire for power. It is a means that was invented to facilitate human exchanges that has become the master of the whole world in which everyone seeks "capital".

For this "slave master" people have come to give up any value, even to themselves, thus becoming just a mere commodity (only this is the real purpose of the money). But money cannot give away the state of relaxation that cures all diseases considered to be incurable, the condition that reveals true identity, evidence of many accomplished people who have "gone" because of diseases without their money. No matter how much money a man has, he can't buy a cure for the amnesia he's suffering from, he can't buy the awakening. Maybe, at most, buy time to worry about it. No matter how much money he has, man can't buy a cure for the suffering he sustains.

This "behavioral pattern" is also "maintained" in our ideas, in the way we see the world, on us, by God. Like scholars, academics and representatives of existing churches, we all seem to be in possession of the truth. No doubt, no right to be contradicted. I will now move away from ourselves and see in history what happens in this case...

When a "monopoly of truth" is threatened by a discovery, be it theoretical or experimental, most seek defenses. "That's what I say!" becomes the most widely used defense formula. Dependence on the possession of each one stops progress, and not only of the ego that blocks everything but often of all. Usually, awareness of "weakness" gives rise to monsters (sleep/sleep of reason gives birth to monsters) that attack, even in the idea of "preventive defense".

History proves to us that such means of defense can be burning at the stake (of Giordano Bruno, and tens of thousands more), the crucifixion of Jesus (and many others who ascended the road to Him), the beheading of John (and many other prophets), the concealment or destruction of evidence left by the civilizations that preceded us ("laughing" traces, cities, populations, burning of Alexandrian, non-Stalinist or non-Nazi libraries), keeping secret the amazing capacities of the human being, etc.

The truth is difficult to accept by some "authorities" who wish to be considered as holders of the truth and whose competence and knowledge would be called into question. And, this behavior is all the more clear, more deliberate, more aggressive, as the "holder of truth" considers himself to be above those who challenge his possession. It's simpler, more ego-- to deny reality than to admit incompetence and ignorance. It's easier to put your slaves and addicts to work than to do it yourself.

Imagine considering such behavior when this conflict of possession of truth occurs in ourselves, when the mind contradicts the subconscious?!?

So, what's to be done? I don't have time because... (see posts describing that this is conceptually the moment of emission of energies, negative vibrations)... So, clearly, there is no basis for this excuse, of lack of time. Relaxation is as necessary as air, water and food, as happiness, fulfillment, and God. It is done automatically after the activity following relaxation. I have shown before that the incessant activity of the heart is an illusion, that the heart rests more than "activates". By constant exercise in the direction of relaxation you will reach undreamed performance.

Did you know that, for example, there are people who replace up to 8 hours of sleep with just 30 minutes of deep relaxation?!? But the reality is quite different... There are more and more people who need to learn the ability to relax consciously, to get rid of insomnia, nightmares, fatigue. I must also remember that more and more people wake up more tired than when they went to sleep, because, during sleep, daytime activity continues in other forms (worries, concerns, problem solving, etc.)...

That's enough for today! Continue...

Love, Gratitude and Understanding (Namaste)!!!

Dorin, Merticaru