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To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineThe Human's Story - The Proto-People

Translation Draft

And, here’s our „road” to Homo Habilis (Handyman – The Good Man at All; Zinjanthropus – The Man of East Africa) … Although I and the authors traveled and accepted we don’t think it’s just about Africa …

I will argue a little about this „faith” …

There are times when, of course, the migration of primates had begun, to all the accessible geographical areas … Even the way of life of the current monkeys is the proof, they permanently tend to dominate a certain „vital” territory …

And, with the growth of the population, especially the males are expelled … Even the female population, especially in conditions of „space” with limited resources … Or, by this reality, that’s why it reaches a kind of migration requirement …

And, if we take into account the millions of years of evolution of the proto-humanists, without further speculation regarding the possible „individual” developments of hominid populations and in other geographical areas, it is obvious that our „monkeys” followed a line of coastline, maximum extension, covering all the African and Eurasian territory.

But, about the migrations, settlements, etc. something later. Let’s go back to Homo Habilis!

This is one of the oldest human branches, discovered in 1960 in Tanzania (with clear „provenance” from Sediba), which proves the social spirit of the true ancestors of man. He mastered fire at least in various opportunistic forms and used as tools wood, stone, both raw and processed (archaeological sites where fossils were found were „massively populated” by stone tools).

There is also plenty of evidence that bone tools reached a real peak of development, with numerous sharpened arrowheads, fibulae, sewing needles and many, many other forms of tools, all made of bone, the stone being used in particular. for tools that require high longevity in use.

It „lived” 1.5 – 2.1 million years ago, but there are many controversies over this period.

As there are some controversies related to this hominid that would have used the stone tools, although the oldest discovered stone tools, 2.6 million years ago, can be „correlated” as being first used by Homo Habilis (there is some evidence that stone tools have been used by Australopithecine for 3.39 million years).

For these reasons, it is considered that Homo Habilis would be nothing more than a clear evolution of Ardipithecus and australopithecines (in particular through the genetic mixtures born of the „compatible” similarities).

This, taking into account the previously initiated idea regarding migration, can massively expand the „evolution” territory …

In this sense, a very interesting fact that other human fossils, belonging to other species (a discovery made sometimes by the same researcher), clearly demonstrating both the existence of several human evolutionary lines and their coexistence, is found in these places. (a path that strengthens the conclusion of the genetic mix to the result that will be materialized in Homo Sapiens).

However, it would be, from scientists, about this time the clear separation between the precursors of humans and those of primates is realized (compared to the genetic one that appears to be 7 million years ago), and possibly the evolutionary lines towards current primates.

It should be noted that this evolutionary „line”, Homo Habilis, presented a large brain, compatible with the activities of high adaptability imposed by the environmental requirements, by the social norms of the moment, by the increasingly specialized use of verbal language, by mastery a large number of tools and techniques, etc.

In a parallel evolution, possibly of succession, appears Homo Ergaster, considered by some authors to be the starting point of the „basal plateau” represented by the lines of Homo Habilis, from where the branches to Homo Erectus and Homo Antecessor appear, the latter being the last exemplary of the human evolutionary line that could be called the „monkey man”, hence there are clear-cut boundaries attributable to man.

We are certainly dealing with a period quite identical to that of the australopithecines and the australopithecines in which the hominid lines parallel to those of the evolution towards the modern man (Homo Sapiens) are developed, selected, etc.

From this true branch point represented by Homo Ergaster, a parallel evolution line will emerge, represented by Homo Erectus, Homo Floresiensis and other discovered or undiscovered species.

Let us now turn to the first true ancestor of mankind, Homo Erectus!

A certain example in the sense of the above statement is represented by Homo Erectus – Java Man (Pithecanthropus Erectus), Homo Erectus being considered by the Chinese researchers to be the basis of the maximum evolutionary-genetic weight of the yellow race.

For the other races, Homo Erectus is constituted to be only an evolutionary basis for departure to the „final” species and races expressed in Homo Sapiens …

Thus, this hominid appears about 2 million years ago, when the Sahara started to become desert, causing the herds of large herbivores to migrate to the areas of Asia and Europe, the hominids of these times, especially Homo Erectus migrating with them (developing „). customized ”and subsequently independent, especially in the Far East and China).

He had a cranial capacity „half” compared to the modern man but double to that of the chimpanzee. Its average dimensions were 6 ft high, 165 lbs weight, with a cranial capacity of 900 ccs, the preferred place of life being rocky plateaus with or without the presence of caves.

As a parenthesis, the present-day human being, Homo Sapiens, presents many individuals with this cranial ability, without differentiating into what might be called „backward persons.”

Returning to Erectus, he „owned” the body of a champion, being „born” to run in the bipedal posture, having long legs, balancing running with the movement of his arms. Now the „modern” cooling system of the body (the sweat glands and associated systems) is born and their skin loses its hair, taking on the appearance of the modern man.

The study of the skeleton of Homo Erectus shows that the ancestors of the man were elite runners, with a high capacity of effort and a resistance out of the ordinary heel that favors long-running and sprints „on the toes”, also contributing to the current plantar shape.

Another detail „correlated” with the one presented above, is the one related to the loss of body hair that seems to have started 3 million years ago, from the initial stages of development of the human species (since Lucy’s time).

This is due in particular to the „persistent hunting” practiced by the human species (which constantly prey on prey, possibly injuring it, without giving it a chance to cool its body, including accelerating the rate of blood loss in the event of injury) but which determine huge amounts of perspiration on the level of the human body, which in time has favored the loss of body hair in support of this cooling effort.

Of particular importance is the fact that this development towards effort allows a special development of the dimensions of the brain, participating in the developments related to the „requirements” of their way of life.

An example „often quoted” in this regard is related to the techniques of tracking the game, the man of those times being already the „beneficiary” of a long process of logical projection exercise, the hunter being permanently put in the hypothesis to interpret the traces of animals, to intuit its movements and all that would be related to „projecting” into the behavior of animals.

The traces found „beside them, through their settlements, etc.” (which go back to 1,300,000 years ago) do not prove that they were true hunters (but they are certainly the first proven especially by the association with the herds of herds of herds).

But they systematically used stone tools (leaving many traces of their ingenuity and techniques), but also others such as wooden spears (with a „heat” / fire tip) and bats, but of course, they were also hunters with ” adequate armament ”.

As a result of these realities, the fact that they lived in large groups, tribes, along with the coordinated hunting process, reveals a clear development of a well-structured language, allowing the organized actions required by the larger communities, the success of the hunting techniques and many more. , many others.

Clear evidence in this regard would be the signs of bone healing that could not be „achieved” unless the person was cared for by others. Another example in this regard is the discovery of the skull of an old man who lived long, long without teeth, also proving that he was cared for by the group. Also, from them, the first signs of faith come in the supernatural and the fact that he used fire in an organized way, preparing tools, cooking food, including protecting himself with his help.

From them come the first evidence, both indirect and indirect, of the stories told around the fire, active communication during the hunts, education given to children or adults through living graces … From them are born the first great legends of humanity, the first man being the one who he could tell his story.

As a side effect, the use of fire and cooked food has increased the sociability of the human groups that now had additional reasons for living in common (in addition to those of blood, protection, organized hunting, etc.). In turn, the human groups favored the educational mimicry of the children, allowing faster progress of transmitting the skills, techniques, etc. of survival, hunting, etc. increasing the capacity for cooperation from the earliest ages.

Its starting point is most likely in East Africa, in the Great Rift Valley, but it has migrated throughout the available territory on Earth, forming the first human societies, populating for the first time much of the earth’s space.

Various studies have revealed that human migrations started from the time of this Homo Erectus, 1.8 million years ago, due to the changes attracted by a massive wave of volcanic eruptions that have altered the climate in the savannahs of Africa. The process was very, very slow, the groups of Homo Erectus following the migrations of the animals that formed their food, later turning to other groups of animals, thus reaching the surface of the entire earth.

In connection with the permanent migrations, characteristic of the nomadic life, the experience of temporary housing construction appears, which will be the basis of future homes for the descendants of Homo Erectus. And, another detail, in this hominid appears the first evidence of wearing clothes.

An example of confirmation of migrations is the „Java Man”, relatively identical to Homo Erectus, if not exactly this species that evolves permanently from this temporary landmark of 2 million years, migrates and is discovered in Java, even if the skeleton discovered is only 800,000 years old.

This is the discovery, following a search started in the Sumatra Islands (then the „East Dutch Indies”), in October 1889, completed in the Java Islands, in October 1891 (the whole process was completed in 1892, then in Amsterdam in 1895 with total failure, the discoveries being recognized much later), of what was called the „Java Man”, which lived 800,000 years ago. Also in this period, in Africa, still living what was called „Homo Erectus”.

The „Turkana boy” proved that these individuals had a very short childhood, becoming adults at about eight years. The area „Broca” was almost as developed as the human one, but let’s not forget the difference between the modern human brain and that of Homo Erectus, which proves the use of a highly evolved language.

About the brain, due to the increase in its size, the need for food has also increased, the current consumption of the human brain being around 24% of the total body consumption, which would determine at Homo Erectus values ​​between 10 and 15% of the human resources. the energy of the body.

This consumption, under the conditions of a collector (agriculture being an occupation that belonged exclusively, at least from systematic practices, to Homo Sapiens, being practically invented by him), could not ensure the energy needs, which is why it is obviously this human type was a favorite hunter.

And finally, a minor detail, is represented by the fact that the differences in size between male and female are almost canceled, being the moment of consecration of the matriarchal society (even if the leader remained „the most destitute and intelligent member of the community”). will dominate the millennia until near the ancient period.

Then, from this species, it seems that the „S” spine is beginning to form specific to the modern man. But this specific form is a disadvantage that proves once again the evolution of humans from primates that predominantly moved on four limbs, bipedal walking bringing many problems to the spine.

All this is because, evolutionarily, the intervertebral discs have as a starting point a „project” that did not foresee bipedal walking, so that, when bipedal walking, these discs are overloaded (especially those in the thoracic curve, leading to the apex).

There would be many more to present but it is good to note that the line that, detached from Homo Ergaster, will pass or be simultaneous with Homo Erectus and go to Homo Sapiens, with the possible „parallel” branches is the one that starts with Homo Antecessor and then Homo Heidelbergensis, from which will emerge Homo Neanderthalensis and Homo Sapiens (with different evolutions, as different species).

Another example of the evolutionary diversification of hominid species would be the discovery in December 1912, presented in London, of a new „missing link”, which was called „Dawson Man” or „Piltdown Man”, after the place. the discovery of what turned out to be a million years ago.

Then, in Johannesburg, South Africa, 1924 (October 12), a fossilized trace of the inside of a skull box of a „missing link”, initially called „the Taung Man”, was discovered, after the marble quarry where it was discovered, known in nowadays as „Australopithecus Africanus”, which lived two million years ago (a child hunted by a large eagle). On this occasion, the „cradle” of man is „bound” for the first time to Africa, starting in 1925, even though this discovery was initially strongly contested, confirmed only after 40 years.

The next step is the discovery in Tanzania (July 17, 1959) of a fossil called the „Tool Maker”. He was a strong monkey, benefiting from a particularly strong tooth and a musculature that needed a skull to anchor the massive masticatory musculature. Based on this, continued the research that will be crowned with the discovery of „Homo Habilis” in 1962.

But distinctly (and scientifically proven), everything about Homo Sapiens „begins” 72,000 years ago, when global Earth temperatures drop appreciably for a very long time, polar caps grow immensely in size and, more importantly, the level of the planetary ocean decreases enormously, the water circuit in nature is massively disturbed, the desertified areas extend appreciably against the background of the immense growth of the land through the coast and the access to food of the hominins of those times is significantly reduced.

Sooner or later, hominids will proceed with a systematic migration for survival.

But this migration will not be exclusive to Sapiens, as it will be the final product of this migration, which meant nothing more than a massive set-up, with the perpetuation of „the best genes”.

I will not go into details but, in total, 6 great species populated the Earth, the mixture of which defines the man of our day … But, let’s detail a little on the main „species” mentioned by the researchers!

The Neanderthal man does not seem to be older than 40,000 years but was the first step in the quest to clarify human evolution. But, it just seems to be so „young”, because the current discoveries say something else, the European area being blocked by this species for 200,000 years …

The first waves of hominids that migrated on the territory of Europe are old species, perhaps even of pre-Habilis or even pre-Erectus type, these developing through „closed” evolution „Neanderthal” variant …

So far, more than 300 „debris” belonging to this „type” of man has been found and it is estimated that its average size is described by an average height of 5 ft 5 in, the weight of 175 lbs, the average brain size of 1,400 ccs. (as the average size of a Homo Sapiens of our time), its main habitat being caved, which is why it is also called the „Cave Man”, being found in Europe.

Other „basic” characteristics of it are represented by an uncommon force (the traces of muscular attachment on bones reveal a particularly strong musculature regardless of the individual or his sex), an advanced sense of smell (nasal cavity at the skull level as well as the volume allocated to the olfactory elements are the basis of these deductions), common hunting capabilities based on group action (planned), strength, speed but close „fight” (the arrangement of the palms, but also the upper limbs reveal reduced ability to handle „throwing objects”).

Certainly, its massive muscular endowment (estimated to be double from that of modern humans) required a constant and massive supply of protein, so a sustained activity in terms of hunting.

The main period in which it evolved is represented by the period of glaciation. It is considered that it has the main contribution to the evolution of the modern man, but the DNA study shows that it is a different species from the modern man, is a parallel line of evolution, but of course, a line of mixing between the hominid species of those moments.

It is contemporary with the bear, the lion, the cave, etc, sharing the habitats with these large predators. Its life is very difficult, especially due to the very cold climate, most of the skeletons having traces of arthritis. Also, almost all the skeletons have multiple traces of fractures, regardless of the body area, their life span being quite short, compared to that of the modern man.

The disappearance of the Neanderthal man begins 45,000 years ago when the migration of modern humans from Africa to the other continents is recorded and is considered to have been completed 12,000 years ago. And I came to Homo Sapiens, the modern man, whose „story” I will describe with tomorrow’s post …

Love, Gratitude, and Understanding (Namaste)!

Dorin, Merticaru