STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineThe Human's Story - The Second Wave.

Translation Draft

Our „history” is now also between 40 and 45,000 years ago.

From the „studied” so far, the whole territory of the Earth was dominated by proto-humans and Sapiens had conquered Africa, the area „Balcano-Carpato-Euxino-Caucasian” and the coastal corridors to India and Central Asia to Siberia and North Asia, but constantly mixed all areas of „tangency” in the „proto-human” territories …

We will now follow the path of colonization „Sapiens” on the „coastal” route of the Indian Ocean. This route was the easiest because the „pursuit” of the coast, the easy relief, the favorable climate was the catalyst of the first Sapiens migrations … Thus the „line” was predominantly colonized to the Indian peninsula.

Evidence that this „aisle” was already populated is many … For example, the super-eruption of the volcano on Mount Toba in Sumatra 78,500 years ago, „buried” under volcanic ash, in central India, stone tools, arrowheads similarly processed with those discovered in North Africa, which are dated 90,000 years ago, covering the entire period up to the date of the super-eruption of the Toba volcano (and after that).

What constitutes clear evidence that the human ancestors, at the time of the eruption, were already „well established” in India (and „further”).

The course along the coast meets at one point the Himalayas, at the „beginning” of the Indian peninsula, another natural barrier, easy to defend … Here the population groups of sapiens migrants will be „divided” into a group that will follow the line of the mountains towards North, the other, majority, continuing the „infiltration” along the coastline towards the Indian peninsula.

So, the next step, „from this point of history”, was represented by Asia and not by Europe, the first traces of human presence on the „northern migration corridor” in the area of ​​Siberia, for example, represented by the „concretization” of the presence of discoveries of stone tools and bone, dating back 40,000 years ago …

Obviously, please keep in mind that these areas were already populated by social, cultural, etc. structures that were well structured by proto-hominids that evolved „over here” for over 2 million years, with no clear evidence that the archaeological discoveries belonged to Sapiens or Erectus or another DNA evolutionary “link”…

In these moments the primitive man used, with certainty, „elaborate” clothes (the first needles for sewing bone, aged 45,000), obviously had a certain social life, could „navigate” perfectly in any geographical conditions and, what is more, important than we can imagine, it was already using „pets” such as dogs, cattle, reindeer and others …

Interestingly, all these populations, pushed west and east to the north, due to the difficult living conditions in the northern frigates, have remained nomadic populations even today, migrating permanently by food sources, by „inhabited” areas. „Related to the season, weather conditions, and the like.

From here, the „infiltration” started to get harder, with the population groups constantly hitting the compact areas of China in the southern part of their route, following a kind, of course, that will reach 30,000 years ago the Arctic area of ​​Asia and America North … Remember the crafting?!?

And, 25,000 years ago, the „peak” of a great glaciation came, given the extremely cold and dry climate … The populations surviving in the north were pushed further down, in the south, reaching the areas of present-day Mongolia, against the background of „withdrawal” indigenous populations much further south, in areas with acceptable climatic conditions …

Which area of ​​Mongolia was particularly well structured on the „typology” Erectus, predominant in this area, a phenomenon that acted like a piston that pushed the migratory waves to … Yes, northeast and then east, on the natural „step” (at that time) to North America…

Now is the „time” of archaeological discoveries that confirm the presence of hunting rituals, or other forms of worship, including the massive „penetration” of art into people’s concerns at the time, in an immutable course of exchanges of experience, of cultural elements, of resources. , etc.

But now is the time for a massive separation between the „migratory populations” and the hominid ones of the hominids … Thousands of years of settlement, the climatic conditions, have determined that in the south the yellow race will be delimited, following this settlement, and the northern ones will start. on the „ice” road that completely united North Asia at that time …

Maybe that’s why China’s people are sure that they have developed from a distinct human line that is attested to 2 million years ago because it is so … Original „line” from the initial population groups of Homo Erectus and Homo Habilis, constantly put by the Sapiens lines or, why not, as an evolutionary result similar to the other areas of human evolution …

The latter assertion is based on reasoning about an initial hominid line that only intersected with „migrants” from Africa, in an „unbelievable” percentage, but being very visible from many points of view that there is also an autonomous development of an already existing genetic substrate…

Moreover, clear traces of the continuity of an „original line” of the native hominid of China and neighboring territories date back to 500,000 years ago, with a „scaling” of continuity of vestiges discovered up to about 200,000 years ago, confirming only the eventual establishment of a population with its development from the ancestors of Sapiens „the African”, becoming Sapiens „asiaticus”, without the slightest other connection to the migratory populations in Africa.

The findings I refer to are those in the „Pigeon Cave” near Shanghai, where the largest „reservoir” of fossils attributed to Homo Erectus was discovered which, at that time, was already a „light assimilable” Homo Sapiens of the Asian development line. , independent of that of Africa, or loosely assimilated to „African” proto-hominids.

A clear „specialization” in the direction of these populations, which differs from that of populations from other geographical areas, is the extreme development of the use of wood tools due to their geographical peculiarity. Well, this „particularity” is represented by the huge bamboo forests that offer a wood that greatly favors the use and usefulness of (bamboo) wood tools, a specialization that persists even today in rural areas of China (and beyond).

And it would be something like a big surprise … In a cave in Zengpiyan, next to the oldest evidence of the use of the potter in the whole „recorded” and/or confirmed history of humanity, animal husbandry, 12,000 years ago, come and fossils of Homo Erectus to Sapiens, but mostly Erectus, proving, even controversially, the separate evolution of a race of Sapiens on these lands …

As for the „genetic lines” that appear in all the populations that make up China and seem to come from Africa, it seems that everything is due to a specific marker of the Homo Erectus line, assimilated without clear evidence to Sapiens, which leads the „direction of departure” all in Africa … But we cannot connect them to the time of Sapiens’s appearance neither in Africa nor in the area of ​​Asia … Maybe because there are many „seems”, right?

Another asset in the direction of the „route” of Sapiens migration is represented by Australia …

The penetration or infiltration of humanoids in Australia is estimated to have been done 100,000 years ago but there is no clear evidence…

The first humanoid fossils, anatomically similar to the modern man, from this territory, are dated only 50,000 now, through the Mungo fossils (long before the conquest of Europe by the „power” of the Neanderthals) … But „indirect evidence” clearly indicates that the humanoid population as Australia was „overwhelming” to develop from this period, proof being the „spontaneous extinction” of the giant kangaroo from this territory.

But it seems that the evolution of hominids on the territory of Australia was a „local” one, with clear bases on the population of Erectus, the line of „infiltration” being certain through the populations of south-east Asia.

And, from here, the infiltration goes on, along clear lines and reaches the islands of Oceania … Here, even today, we can see a clear delimitation of metization, with populations with specific „Asian” but also populations with specific clearly „African”, or mixing zones, of „southern” juncture, such as the area of ​​southwest Asia and the area of ​​India.

Genetic studies certify these details, revealing a predominant genetic structure on the „African” lines, with small „Asian” influences, a structure that reaches 75,000 years old as the presence of our ancestors in this geographical area.

And, the migration to Australia is only a detail, a consequence of the fact that, at that time, the islands of Oceania constituted a peninsula, the level of the oceans being one or two hundred meters lower.

The fossils of the easy passage to Australia, dating back 45,000 years ago, were discovered in the „Great Cave” Niah in Borneo…

Then come the discoveries from the caves of Flores, the islands (Lian Buh) south of Borneo, where clear evidence of the existence of a population of „Erectus” descendants, people „half-monkey” (Ebu gogo), which has survived until several hundred years ago.

This species, Homo Florinensis has been called the „Hobbit”, due to its small size, the adult being about one meter high.

But here comes the small step that has yet to be made to move a short „maritime” distance to Australia … The step that was made with the help of bamboo floats, or another form of navigation … Indirect evidence of the use of small rafts, boats, etc. to navigate is given by the numerous Neolithic archaeological sites which prove that many „coastal” settlements had the main occupation of fishing.

Fishing that immediately concludes mastery of short-distance navigation, at least. So, here’s the secret of the small distance between the southern islands of Oceania to Australia that was joined by the present-day islands of New Guinea, between 90 and 60,000 years ago (remember that sea level was well below the current one and existed, with certainty, eye contact between islands and Australia).

And, from here, from the northern territories of Australia, the way to the popularity of the whole of Australia was opened, initially on the „coastlines”, later inside the continent, as revealed by the archaeological discoveries attesting the maximum period of „infiltration” 65,000 years ago. years.

The rock drawings, the aboriginal legends, which describe that their „mother of creation” came from over the water, by far, a myth not found in any other human tradition, come as a piece of indirect, additional evidence regarding this „infiltration” route „…

Yes, it is now the turn of the Americas, first of all with North America, the only „infiltration” solution for the proto-hominids of popular times.

The first possibility of „crossing” from Asia to North America was at the time of the existence of „Beringia”, a landmass that linked the continents when the water level was very low, 65,000 years ago. This would be the time of the first wave of proto-hominid populations to enter the Americas.

And, it seems to be about Homo Erectus and Habilis populations and, by no means, of any trace of Sapiens … Possibly a proto-sapiens, as it developed in the territories of North China … of the water level, allowing an independent, isolated evolution, like the aboriginal populations of Australia, but with the Asian type, of the China area type.

An evolution that, in the most certain way possible, has attracted the popularity of the whole territory, as in the case of the other continents.

All this does nothing but think about „who was the first population to migrate?!?”. The „proto-people”, through Homo Erectus or Homo Habilis, appears to have been the first to migrate, obviously originating in Africa.

This is, of course, the first wave of the population of the Earth by humans, the wave of „proto-people” … The one who evolved became involved, etc. with the result materialized in the current Sapiens …

But let’s continue to „notice” how things are going with Homo Sapiens later, even if we get to proto-hominids …

There is a kind of „crossroads” moment in what would be the evolution, migration, metering, or want to consider, of Homo Sapiens, the period of 25,000 years ago …

For example, in Europe, after the disappearance of the „majority” of Neanderthal people through biological processes of metering, assimilation, elimination, etc., it seems that the second wave of migration occurred, 25,000 years ago and 90% of the current population of Europe comes from this „second wave” from the east. „Wave” that comes from Asia, from the east …

Genetically, the origin of this second Sapiens wave was called the mother „Iris”, compared to the origin of the first wave named the mother „Europe”. But we will talk about this „detail” …

Well, he came with a new cultural wave … From this „wave,” we have the first „maps” drawn on ivory corners, action plans, records of hunting areas and cultures, the „Venus” statue of Dolní Věstonice (a locality of the Czech Republic), one of the oldest ceramic pieces, dating back 25,000 years ago, which will be found in multiple „children” throughout almost the entire European territory to the limit with Spain, which remained at that time an uncontested territory. of the Neanderthals.

Now 25,000, it is a period of great climate change, a great glaciation, which will test the proto-Sapiens population, which will come very close to extinction in Europe … It is a period that permanently pushes the great masses of the population towards the south, east, and west, due to major climate change, emphasizing the setting, genetic refinement of a result that will haunt the geneticists …

In Europe, due to the climate, Sapiens returns to the caves, the life continuing even in extreme conditions … The famous cave drawings from the caves of Europe appear, which shows both the inclination of the people of those times to art but also spiritualism, worship, the caves becoming, besides the house and true temples, sacred places …

In Asia, there will be a „crowding” of the population towards the south, with an extreme development, cultural, social, etc. of the coastal area and, specifically of India, which will form much later the so-called Indo-European populations …

Note that the Asian area, especially the Chinese one, „benefits” from a completely different kind of agriculture, based on other principles, much more efficient and productive, but appeared with something „long” before agriculture from the European area…

An advantage that will become an invaluable support in the stability of populations in these geographical areas … Which cannot be assimilated to Europe, perhaps because the history of the European area is much more tumultuous in the climatic sense but also warrior than that of the Asian area …

We now return to Southeast Asia. The „glacial” events of 25,000 years ago have led to the forced migration of the population to the south, even for these highly favored populations. And so, the first Australian traces of hominids, appear in southeastern Australia during this period.

The archaeological „resources” are quite a few, but among them are traces of hominid steps, on their own, at the bottom of an Australian lake of those times …

And, 25,000 years ago, it was the turn of the „initiation” of a second wave in the Americas, the one that brought the Sapiens lines into the mix with populations that were evolving independently for tens of thousands of years in these territories.

Now, like all Northern Europe and Asia, North America was covered with a huge ice blanket of an average size of 2 kilometers. And Asia was united by North America through the ice, in the territories of Alaska and Canada, allowing the migration of proto-human populations that had adapted to the Arctic way of life.

So, we came to a kind of clear finding, that we have to deal with a kind of huge amplification of the footage through the „territorial compression” attracted by the glaciation. But at the same time, we have to deal with times when violence was extremely expressed, even in apparent „primitive” forms.

I stressed these details because, at the end of this glaciation, the social, cultural, military, economic, etc. progress of the people of those times was enormous, compared to the period before the glaciation.

We talk about a period, of more than 10,000 years, materialized in more than 250 generations, for the weather to change for the better, the freezing to „end” …

This period meant for all the people of Europe at that time, the lack of the sun, the solar radiation, in most of the type and, surprise, the white skin of the Sapiens specimens appeared. The researchers confirm that this process also competed with the food deficiency in terms of vitamin D, „confirmed” by many skeletons of this period that are massively deformed as a result of the diseases that arise from this deficiency.

But it also meant the lack of resources which accentuated the processes of physical elimination of Neanderthal populations, which were further isolated due to the climatic conditions, due to the existence of a permanent reservoir of population resources in the area „Balcano-Carpato-Euxino-Caucasian” „…

Which, in fact, also blocked any access of populations of African origin, remaining in the developmental stages that were encountered even in the days of the „modern” history … So any „infusion”, „infiltration” from Africa is excluded from this period, primordial „Eva” being anyway „blocked” for a long time in the genes of proto-humans, Habilis, Ergaster, Erectus or what could have been …

But, in order not to talk much longer, because we are not interested in history but the evolution towards Sapiens, the more correct setting, let’s „jump” at the end of the ice age …

And, at this moment, Africa is excluded from any possible „intervention”, Europe conquering the territories through the first step of the settlement represented by Cro-Magnon but the area „Balcano-Carpato-Euxino-Caucasian” is noted, of course …

Descending east and south, at the site of Turkey from Gobekli Tepe, one of the genetic „conjuncture” sites of the surrounding populations, we discovered that, 12,000 years ago, Sapiens was capable of the first great ritual settlements „outside the caves”.

Here we have to do with a temple-type complex of a great size and complexity, with a specific arrangement, with animal and human bas-reliefs and with a kind of symbolism that can be easily interpreted with a proto-writing …

From the „Sapiens” society in this area, it can be discovered that we have to deal with new human specialties, with craftsmen, sculptors, and others, especially those of hunters, collectors, „cult men” and, most likely with elaborate structures of the functioning of the existing company …

Thus, we have to deal with the first evidence of a different way of life from that of the nomad or the caveman …

The researchers agree with the fact that the European cereals originate in this „conjunctural” area and thus, by deduction, that here the first forms of agriculture in these areas emerged, which certainly favored, the appearance of the first large stable settlements …

And, how can one talk about the „European gene” of geneticists, that of the second wave, called „Iris”, which „eliminated” the gene of the first wave, called „Europe” … „Eva” being assimilated long over the entire territory of the Earth …

So, we will continue the next post with the period of the last 12,000 years, with approximation …

Love, Gratitude, and Understanding (Namaste)!

Dorin, Merticaru