STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineThe Human's Story - Homo Sapiens.

Translation Draft

We have now reached the moment when Sapiens, in a relative acceptance, exists mostly throughout the territory of the Earth … The evolution of what exists today cannot be stopped …

I would have something to say just about the territories of the Americas and Australia after all those presented, what more could be said?!?

For example, for North America, regarding the second wave of „infiltration”, the legends of Native Americans who remained among the natives of these infiltration zones, from the „extreme” North of North America, describe that their ancestors they have come to the ice on these lands. Other indirect evidence is the relatively identical way of life, tents identical to the populations of Siberia, and many, many other details.

A peculiarity of those times, is that, at the end of the glacial period, the ice blanket did not actually melt, but slowly, initially appearing a corridor throughout the western shore of North America, 13,000 years ago … Moment of what the specialists were called „Clovis Point”.

So, from this moment on, all waves of „infiltration” had a clear path, like a corridor, into the interior of North America, to the hotter climate zones, from the present territories of the southern US and the territories of Mexico …

Territories filled with mammoths, bison, mastodons, and other elements of a well-lived life. This fact led to the rapid development of the population, soon reaching the extermination of mammoths and mastodons.

But here, in the area of ​​Mexico, were hit by the very well organized companies of the first infiltration wave and, thus, the clear delimitation between the territories of the first and the second wave was achieved.

The proof is the archaeological sites in Texas, such as Gault, which reveals this reality, a pre-Clovis culture that belongs to the first wave of human colonization.

Descending in South America, on the territory of Brazil, archaeological sites, such as the one in Santarem, Monte Allegre, describe a human society different from that of Clovis, much more organized and based on sedentary and non-nomadic social structures as existed in most of America. North, although the presence of hominids with North Asian descent is “preserved”.

A famous archaeological site is the one called „The Painted Stone Cave”, 13,000 years ago, which has brought numerous archaeological „resources” within the reach of the researchers, especially those of dating and „cultural framing”.

The skull named „Luzia”, ​​dated 13,000 years ago, discovered throughout Brazil, which attests that the first wave of the American population was already „well established” throughout the country when the second migratory wave came.

However, colonization by the second wave of South America continued over time, through a „coastal infiltration” aisle on the west coast … DNA studies have already created a map of colonization of the Americas, and in Alaska, there is a rare type of DNA, existing only in 2% of the Native Americans, which is found and confirms the route of the second wave, but thus recreates the route of the first wave of colonization along the western coast of both Americas.

Then comes the surprise from the archeological site of Los Lagos in Chile, called „Monte Verde”, where an entire prehistoric settlement was discovered, with dwellings including a „central house” of a tent type, with a length of 20 meters.

Here, in addition to the remains of animals, mastodons, other traces were found, among them the first traces of potato consumption. But above these discoveries is the age of this „settlement”, which dates back to 14,500 years ago.

However, it was also confirmed that the first wave of colonization also belongs to the South-Asian line.

There would be discoveries in Santa Rosa, California, which reveal the human presence 13,000 years ago but also the water navigation capabilities of the people of those times.

And many, many more …

And, with 12,000 confirmed the popularity of the whole earth by modern man, with the end of the last great ice age.

The man begins to practice agriculture, the first great settlements begin to appear and he begins to unfold the known, „recorded” history

Thus, forests begin to be cleared, agricultural land to expand, cities to become significantly larger and, thus, social, cultural, „military” history, etc. to intervene decisively in everything that will become Sapiens.

So, what would follow is history and less the „road” of man from my approach in this series of posts …

However, there would be something very interesting about this evolution, the blood of Homo Sapiens … Maybe not for nothing, in all human beliefs the connection of blood is taken into account … And, being an „easy” task, because I will only adopt a text published by me on 20 years ago, here’s what a surprise it is!

Some theories place group 0 (I) at the origin of „blood evolution”, stating that this is the first, most basic and oldest blood group, the one taken from proto-humans. The arguments on which these considerations are based are related to the fact that this blood group is the most common on Earth today with a predominance worthy of consideration at the level of Africa (from which it is considered that the primitive man would have left the road towards the „trophic chain”).

Besides, the „adherence” of individuals with this blood group (0-I) to „carnivorous” eating causes those who support this theory to „emphasize” the acceptance of „first blood group – the first humanoid individuals” (which were predominantly carnivores, living almost exclusively from hunting).

Also, there are certain immunological characteristics of individuals who „hold” blood group O (I) also linked to Africa and a regressive evolution over time of group-specific antibody types (this blood group is characterized by a strong and well-endowed immune system ).

It is the blood group that characterizes the age, the native intelligence, the cunning, and the „coldness” typical of the hunter. The „genetic memory” of individuals with blood group O (I) „characterizes” them as being strong, resistant, daring, gifted with intuition and innate optimism, native.

They are also the individuals most inclined to the „benefits” of physical exertions, their body having an „effort” metabolism that efficiently exploits and preserves the nutrients being the kind that „efficiently” releases its stress against the background of physical exertion (special attention to the fact that these individuals have a high intolerance to changing environmental conditions, diet, biorhythm, etc.), the digestive tract, nervous system, immune system of these people is especially vigorous but, as is normal, only under conditions of stability and of „normal operation.

However, it is important to remember that people in group O (I) feel much better when their activity requires physical effort, having the gift of calming, increasing morale, etc. as a major factor in eliminating any stress factor (controlling the effects without eliminating its cause – that’s why exposure should not be longer than it can be tolerated).

Group O (I) „characterizes” individuals as survivors, powerful persons, who rely almost exclusively on their powers or, in the happiest case, will exploit the „powers” of those around them, proving themselves a true leader, willing and able to help or destroy anyone, friend or foe.

They are characterized by a power of concentration worthy of envy, characterized by security, they benefit from a „complement” of these qualities with the inclination to action and a developed sense of self-preservation, a fact that often drives them higher than they „deserve” – in case of careful analysis (if such a term can be used).

It is interesting to note here that the hyper protein and hyperlipidemic diet of the ancestral „O” individuals (with a possible extension even today) determines that they „possess” a metabolism called „ketone”.

This type of metabolism is optimal for rapid and often instinctive reactions (without the basis of a preliminary analysis). Another result of this type of metabolism is the state of relative euphoria, of non-involvement, more or less accentuated in the „responsibility” of the times lived (quite easy to correlate with a certain lack of adaptation requirement, risk-taking being for them something easy and weightless as the flair almost perfectly coordinates these decisions.

And, not in the last instance, it can be remembered that this type of metabolism is the one that favors the alcoholism best (due to the ketone determinants of the excessive or constant consumption of alcohol).

Of course, the „existence” of the quality, quite disputed of the individuals „holders” of group O (I), that of real leaders, focuses on the fact that they often lack the intellectual, cultural, technical substrate, etc. to lead but statistics indicate that these individuals have that ability necessary for leaders to intuit the right path, element / guilty person, etc. not to mention the sense of the true leader, the leader, who knows what the person to water, or to destroy, for the most favorable course of events.

Group O (I) being „assimilated” to the first human (humanoid) individuals is the group of travelers, migrants, nomads, those who colonized our planet from around 20,000 BC).

The incidence of this blood group cannot be specified (clearly only being the most common on the whole surface of the Earth), being „present” in proportions „quite compatible” with any other „majority” blood group in a given area. (even in the Americas there is a relatively equal weight between-group O and group A due to a very low incidence of blood groups B and AB).

And so, let’s move on to the second group …

Evolutionists place the blood group (A-II) as the next step in „human” evolution. It signifies the end of the Paleolithic and the transition to the Neolithic, the end of the exclusively „carnivorous” period, and the transition to agriculture, with everything related to it (exploitation of domesticated animals, social systems grouped around stable settlements – communities, etc.).

It appears between 20,000 – 10,000 BC. in an area delimited in the confluence area „Balcano-Carpato-Euxino-Caucasian” and „characterizes” the beginning of human agglomerations, stress, and sedentary lifestyle.

In this sense, it is argued by increasing the organizational capacity (with reference in particular to the „intellectual and organizational background”), the increase of the survival rate for „community” diseases and by a constant superiority of those with group A in regarding living together in large human agglomerations (life in interdependence with the other components of a given community).

It can be noticed that the psychological background that can be assimilated to the „holders” of blood group A (II), if the psychological studies in the field are taken into account, is characterized primarily by skills in the sense of planning and teamwork, through a predominantly cooperative style.

They are individuals who respond quite well to various adaptation and organization requirements, provided they are known and accepted by them (from the organism as well as from an intellectual point of view), cooperative and intelligent but also much more. too slow, slow, especially if they are faced with the demands of a quick reaction (perhaps from these individuals, there is a psychological background quite „inclined” towards order, orderly society).

The main gain in the direction of cooperation is related to the development of respect towards others, including the face of property – land, tools, etc. (compared to the psychological background of the O (I) group holders who are „uncomplexed” from this point of view).

Their „favorite” diet, by vegetarians, says a lot about them, everything is perfect if you follow a normal „meaning” of things and/or requirements.

Some disadvantage of „integration into the community” is related to the diminution of „leadership” capabilities (in which the O (I) group owners excel) in favor of cooperation. However, given the fact that they are unscrupulous, based on cooperation, they are capable of being leaders more efficient and charismatic than any other individual „benefiting” from the support of those who „accept” their leadership.

Without „benefiting” from this support, they must be (really) strong characters because they have a tendency towards mental breakdowns (especially as a result of inefficiency or after blaming by bosses, „subjects” or collaborators, they are „the kind” „Which” puts everything to the heart „) – one of the” most remarkable „examples in this regard is Adolf Hitler.

Due to the tendencies towards steadiness, the individuals of group A (II) are quite sensitive especially in the conditions of environmental changes, activity, etc. They react positively only if they are allowed a more or less long adaptation period (depending on the individual).

Immune systems and all other components of the body are sensitive to rapid changes. Stress is quite easy to „get” and „shutting down” the person, lack of performance or the like are quite „guaranteed”.

All this is due to a certain kind of „hereditary” constitution inclined to very effectively eliminate stress states through calming exercises, which require a break-in activity/request „closely linked to solitude”.

It should be noted that, if in blood group O (I), stress is in „direct relation” to physical activities, in blood group A (II) it is directly related to intellectual activities (producing anxiety with inhibition reactions and / or ostracization of the protective type, irritability and / or hyperactivity with the most aggressive reactions – the fact that the „natives of group A” are more sociable does not mean that they do not „count” among the best and most sadistic warriors ).

A very important reality for the „owners” of group A (II) is the need to combine physical activity with the mental one. Characterized by intelligence, cleverness but also with passion and sensitivity, they are the most inclined individuals for the mental activities of meditative type both in a constructive sense, of involvement in the daily life (with responses to stimuli), and in the direct sense. , of involvement in the „etheric” life (with integration reactions in all that pertains to the faith).

In a direct expression, the individuals of group A are those who can „lower” the Divine Power in daily life. The reverse of the medal regarding this „power” is a great sensitivity to the „non-integration” or „disintegration” of the value systems built erroneously or not accepted by society for each individual.

If the imbalance occurs and is „aware” it will give serious reactions in the body of the individual with effects of the most diverse and „appetizing” such as the collapse of the immune system (as a kind of renunciation of the fight „, cancer (as a kind of punitive self-dissolution) ), severe cardiovascular disease (as a kind of internalization of one’s disability), etc. – and when you think that the power of faith is, in this case, simply misused.

From a distribution point of view, this blood group is commonly found in the people of Central Asia with a slight „decrease” as it moves to western Europe. Once the „Balcano-Carpato-Euxino-Caucasian” threshold has passed, the distribution begins to grow in proportion to the advance to Western Europe. Of note is Japan where the incidence of blood group A is significantly higher than the other „zonal” blood groups.

It is the turn of the third blood group …

Blood group B (III) has a rather disputed „origin”. Some claim that it is a direct descendant of group O (I), others that it would be the result of the completion of blood group A (II) mutation. But, following the study of previous posts, it is quite obvious that it is a „zonal” gene developed directly from group O (I), as a result of the localized evolution of Homo Erectus …

Those who claim that „B” is the descendant of group O argue by the approximate similarity of appearance of group B (15,000 – 10,000 BC) with that of group A (20,000 – 10,000 BC), so without the possibility of „offspring” from it.

In the geneticists’ media, there is a statement that tells us that „during that period the rate of mutations in humans was markedly higher than the vinegar muscle (Drosophila M) – the record holder in the field of mutation rate” being used to argue this apparent temporal overlap, being normal an offspring O – A and B.

Also, they introduce the argument of blood compatibility (from transfusion) between group O and groups A and B and incompatibility between groups A and B.

Moreover, it is „used” and an argument of „psychological” type where there is a remarkable similarity for most „qualities” of group O (I) with B (III) (but, of course, up to „to a point”, because everything is based on a „similarity” comparison of group O with groups B and A).

The others claim that the offspring of O – A – B are normal, based in particular on evolutionary characteristics that more easily associate group A to B than group O to B. They nullify the blood compatibility of group O with A and B by the argument ” of the physical primitivism „of group O which” is normal to be compatible once it is compatible with all blood groups „.

But from my point of view and the accepted authors, it is obvious that we are talking about a „parallel” evolution of the human genome because it is a majority blood group in central and eastern Asia.

This blood group „characterizes” the beginnings of the real requirements for versatile adaptation of human individuals. The nomads or they’re sedentary were forced to become more creative, more inventive, more practical, and more technical than their ancestors, which led to the „creation” of a clear psychological line of the blood group B holders, being a group of adaptation and balance. „moving”.

All these „requirements” are due in particular to an acute demand for adaptation to existing populations, which demanded a great deal more balance, flexibility, and creativity than their predecessors (the ancestral man).

Also, there is an increase in the demands of physical endurance (necessary for long-distance travel or sustained work for sedentary people). Moreover, the „group B” individuals are characterized by the requirement of the combination of physical activity with the intellectual, creative type, the stress being perfectly balanced in the first and the second case. Their only real danger is „chronic fatigue” because there is a certain predisposition to exaggeration, too confusing the „necessary” activities with the activities of „relaxation”, stress elimination.

From an „organic” point of view, these individuals benefit from „capabilities” that are far superior to all other blood groups, being characteristic, a truly powerful immune system, a „psychological support” of adaptation of the most efficient, so as not to forget the system the most flexible digestive tract (compared to individuals with other blood groups).

However, this „flexibility” has its „reverse” because the tolerant digestive system favors significant deficits in the level of magnesium metabolism, with repercussions on the immune system – severe immune „falls”.

Sedentary people are more adapted to agglomerations being oriented towards individual evolution (to the detriment of group development, teamwork) and nomadic people are much more pragmatic and cruel than most other individuals due to the necessary (and useful) requirements of the „invaders”.

The character of the „assimilator” of the „possessor” of group B is also worthy of consideration, often going to the level of one’s own (reflection in the immune system giving significant predispositions for autoimmune disorders).

Equipped with the ability to withstand deprivation and stress for a long time, it seems that he is the most suitable individual to „proceed” to restructuring, restoring damaged or outdated systems.

This predisposition also has its reverse in the direction of a predisposition of the individuals „B” to chronic fatigue or endocrine system failures (especially at pancreatic level – with significant diabetic results), especially against the background of the nervous system imbalance (to note that these individuals possess the more balanced nervous system) or excess physical exertion (characteristic of them being moderate physical exertion).

Then, quite illogically close to their origin from the proto-hominids „Erectus”, the mental activities are superior to the „natives” of group A against the background of the predominantly physical and aggressive reactions of the „natives” of group O.

It should be noted that the existing or „created” balance is the best solution to „eliminate the inheritance” induced by the blood group O (I) in terms of increasing the incidence of cardiovascular diseases against the background of stress or psychic „favors”.

Empaths par excellence, holders of group B (III), can understand and easily understand with those around them. Adapting very easily to the different types of personalities, it presents a kind of relational feedback mechanism being „encompassed” by harmony and „etheric” in the conditions in which they are provoked by those around them or by confrontations born of the ideals or the environment. their life.

It should be noted that the „members” of this blood group (B) are most commonly encountered among those who „have achieved something significant in life” (either from their own or from those of others).

An unusual fact is represented by the traditional Jewish populations that are mostly „of group B”, regardless of their location (although it is obvious that they come from the east and do not have much „work” with the territories claimed by them in modern times), through the Jewish religion and culture very similar to that of the „yellow race” by „approaching” the mixture of mind, soul and matter as „defining” elements.

This blood group has the highest incidence in the populations of China, Korea, is found in considerable proportions in the Himalayan plateau, India, the Middle East, the Ural region (especially in the „steppe inhabitants”) and all of southern Asia (with a high share and in Japan) and decreases its incidence with „advancing” to western Europe (with a particular increase in the Germanic people).

And finally, the fourth blood group of the „generally accepted” (because I could „talk”) about phenomenal many features, genetic „markers” such as the famous „rhesus indicator”, and others …

Blood group AB (IV) is the rarest (being found in less than 5% of the total population of the Earth) and the newest blood group (presumed to have appeared and to have „developed” after 5,000 BC. .).

This blood group would have originated from the mix of the population with the blood group A (I) and the Mongolian / nomadic population with the blood group B (III), especially after the historical moment of the migratory waves (which „broke” the boundaries established by the dominant societies of that one. period and would have provided the infusion of group B „over” the majority of group A).

Whatever the considerations are taken into account, the „penetration” of the AB group was extremely slow (in Europe before the year 1000 AD it seems that there was still no blood group AB – studies done during the various exhumations of the graves in that period indicates a total absence of blood group AB).

This blood group is the group of „assimilation”, „pooling” of the individual to the great individual „human society” (as well as the „biological/genetic” pooling of blood groups A and B), it is the group of complexity but also of insecurity, the group of value but and of non-value, like the individual who tries to assert himself in a society that can appreciate him but can cancel him.

It is the group characterized by the best resistance to communicable diseases or autoimmune diseases (due to a hyperintolerant immune system – which can be a double-edged blade facilitating microbial invasions) but also the weakest „resistance” to cancer or stress.

Stress is, in fact, the enemy number „1” of them being necessary careful control of the nervous system (long efforts have devastating effects while moderate efforts have beneficial effects) and avoiding exaggerated physical efforts (here appears a kind of „legacy” of in the blood group O with stress resonance at cardiovascular level, in general, and at a psychological level, in particular – anxiety, irritability, hyperactivity).

The best solution is to approach mental engagement in physical activity through „moderate” involvement reports. Otherwise, severe heart disease, severe immunological failure, anemia, etc. which will be extremely difficult to control.

Due to the „foundation” based on all other blood groups, this „AB” is often referred to as „chameleon”. Adaptable to the extent of the understanding, the individual of group AB (IV) „jumps” over any possibility of being included in an offspring, in an evolutionary pattern.

The owners of this blood group are either „excellent” heirs of the „initial” groups, characterized by an optimal response to stress at the spiritual, physical or creative energy level, or „bastards” inheriting deficiencies, integration into the environment until the annulment of the person, total inhibition of the “community” activities, his

In any case, AB group owners can be immediately „detected” through their pride. Even if they do not show it, at the slightest „touch” they will show you either indirectly that nothing can affect their pride. It should not be understood here that they would be „disturbing” characters! Their way of manifesting is, in fact, a response of utmost respect to you.

Charismatic and spiritual, very attractive and popular, have a relatively bizarre behavior due to the approaches of life aspects without noticing that the person is aware of consequences and responsibilities (that is why there was often the danger that these individuals „have many faces” or to have either easily interpreted as lacking in loyalty).

A little patience, it is the best solution! You will certainly be amazed at their reaction. They will not be used to disappoint (except in cases where the persons concerned are out of the way) and, if a mistake belongs to those around them, they will find the power to remain with open arms, recipients, as they are known by all. around them.

The diplomacy and selection of the „circle of friends” is „something” that was invented by the natives of this blood group (remember that serological tests of the „Giulgi of Turin” indicated that Jesus Christ had the blood group AB !!!). If they fail they will have so „resounding” results that their person can be considered canceled as an individual, even if he/she has remained alive.

So it is not surprising to notice that one of our friends who has the role of mentor, teacher, spiritual teacher, etc. of the group/circle of friends or not only has the blood group AB – the most famous „owners” of the AB group after Jesus are Marilyn Monroe and JF Kennedy.

From an organic point of view, individuals who „benefit” from the blood group AB (IV), can boast with their dowry. Most diseases, infections, etc. they are hit by robust constitutions, without major problems in terms of the response to „aggressor”.

But it is all about aggression from the outside. Attention inside! Cancer (especially gastric cancer) will immediately penalize behavioral errors (having an increased incidence through both mental and eating imbalances). Also, pay attention to the balance of zinc and selenium in your blood, which represents the balance of the immune system.

In conclusion, we can only emphasize that the delicacy of the „owners” of the AB group is complemented by the balance and pragmatism that they have, without taking into account the real inclination of these individuals towards the mystery and the charismatic individual.

So, in this final post, the post series, what could be our conclusion?!?

From my point of view, it is obvious that it was not about migration … We have to deal only with a measurement of the genetic potential of hominids from a certain geographical area, a kind of mixture of multiple developments of the genetic area …

So a sincere, real, tangible conclusion is that there was no migration of Sapiens but the second wave of migration of proto-hominids, who developed by metaphorizing what would be the current Sapiens … A kind of continuous mixing of potential hominids, from any point of view …

So, the conclusion will be an answer to the conclusion question from the previous post: There was no migration but permanent fixation of the hominid „resources” until the final product materialized in Sapiens.

Love, Gratitude, and Understanding (Namaste)!

Dorin, Merticaru