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To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineThe Human's Story - The World of Souls.

Translation Draft

Even starting from the title, the evolutionists will be dissatisfied and the creationists think that they will retire or anathematize, depending on their worship … I think because in the 50 years „mine” I met a lot of religious dogmatics, without taking any more I am aware of the comments and I know that any comment on this subject „comes out of the religious writings” and no discussion can take place. Who am I to shake their faith?!?

But, both „categories”, if they finish reading this post will have big surprises.

This series of posts is required to complete the picture of evolution, human stories, being obligatory to complete what you will permanently perceive in my posts as the triad „body-mind-soul” …

And, even if it seems, at first glance, that we have already „discussed” a great deal about many things about human evolution, raising a question that seems legitimate: „What more could be said?!? We’ve just talked about all creation or the whole universe. ”

Well, what stands out permanently, regardless of the approach, is evolution … Everything has evolved … But how can one explain the evolutionary perfection that is embodied in Homo Sapiens, regardless of its possible „arbitrary cataloging”? How can one explain the perfection of almost every form of life on our Earth? Without considering how the perfection of the entire universe can be explained.

In my „roads” to the knowledge that I have now, I met, like everyone else, the idea of ​​the soul … Starting from the terrible injustices pointed out in the holy books, of any kind, related to the judgment of certain facts, the obligatory fate of the unfortunate man, and so on…

I think it is quite clear that, for the first time, I have „touched” on things related to ghosts, the torments of souls, all kinds of agonizing concepts related to the final path of most people or souls who were here, the penitentiary, the purgatory, the hell. souls et al.

Including all kinds of conspiracy stuff, related to the harvesting of souls, their manipulation, and the like.

But my searches led me, at one point, to completely different perceptions … I do not necessarily refer to the personal ones that, from today’s society, have anchored me in ostracization and blames, but which offer me alternative routes to a pray in flames to be linked to or, in effect, in the great prayer imagined by the religious dogmas of all kinds

Here I met other perceptions, it is as cold, insensitive to human needs, but they had a clear logic, which offered me something tangible in the black ocean of legislated ignorance … It is about what it would be, and it is called „the world of souls” …

So, at work, in presenting what I have managed to assimilate about this world! But, remember, not necessarily to describe it with my perceptive and understanding smallness, as briefly as possible, but to complete the picture of „human stories” in a maximum possible reality to my possibilities of „processing”!

From the existing and published studies, about this controversial world of souls, many interesting, useful „human stories” can be „come off” … What will follow will be just a „review” related to the topic of this introductory series, „The Beginnings” „But much deeper than you could imagine from this short introduction … Especially since it is an area where you have to have the courage to debate something, no matter how concrete the subject seems …

So, for the „beginning”, I will discuss a little about the soul, about the systems of the soul groups, and what could be „connected” to the „modern man” …

The souls, obviously, also have a kind of human-type history, no matter how surprising … But to a point of comparative type … In the sense that they are born and evolved … And, in this small argument, I will follow a description that will correlate with the evolution of a human individual … Even if, you will see, souls are the ones who created everything, they are the ones who put „in nature” a kind of Absolute Divine Will …

Honestly, from the beginning, I am unable to maintain a kind of „balance” of approach between creationists and evolutionists, but I will try „to the maximum” a kind of „complete” approach.

I will start with the followers of the „God Bang”, with the followers of creationism, where things are as simple as they are controversial …

From the „holy books,” the soul comes from somewhere, simply, unspecified except the idyllic „to the right of Divine Power” or „from his garden” and „enjoys” its temple, the human body. Dry, without connotations, without „origins”, without anything … And everything, in most cases, leads to the path of „canceling sins” through an evolution that does not concern even the slightest „equal opportunities”.

In other cases, however „majority” in terms of the number of „practitioners”, everything leads to the fulfillment of karma, payment of debts, participation in a holy war, „sharing of divine terms” or other „things” quite similar to „acceptance” of „sin”, debt, etc …

Yes, everything is simply considered to be the „Will of Divine Power”, but with the same result, the „judgment”, immediately after „extinction” or at the time of „rising from the dead” … Both nothing more and nothing more illogical. … Divine power cannot be limited only to the existence in one or of a body, to the „judgment” being the need of the body …

So, without wishing to enter into polemics related to „birth” inequality, chances, without wishing to enter into those related to the fantastic illogical of this true „summary”, I will try to follow the evolutionary realities …

Where does the „tide” of souls that Divine Power still incarnate come from, would be the first question … Creationists have no answer as much as they would „joke” through their dogmas …

But, the „frontier” researchers, evolutionists and, of course, logicians, have discovered many elements that prove, including the „ways” of the creators, that there is a birth of souls and an evolution of them, „clearly transposed” in multiple embodiments, even if it is only the final one, the judgment … Evolution clarifies the inequality „at birth”, the inequality of opportunities, and everything that stands out as illogical in the arguments of the creationists …

Let’s start, isn’t it?!?

The sources of „sampling” of information are, of course, those with a spiritual touch … As the creationists come with the words „taken”, possibly written by some „initiates”, the evolutionists who deal with the study of these „phenomena” come with the words ” taken „, possibly written by” participants „who transmit something …

Well, what would be the basic criterion for selecting these „words”?!?

Holy books are holy books … An initiated person appears and transmits something from „what he has received” from the Divine Power … All the „opposite” words are transmitted by „Darkness”, „Malefic” or the like … OK, up here …

But, most holy books say about „the other holy books” that „infuse” „words” contrary … Then there will be a kind of selection, also of divine origin, of assigning individuals to the faithful and unbelievers, believers and heretics, etc. … Or is it all about the inequality of opportunity?!?

Evolutionists about whose findings I will write later have written only works that could be considered to be scientific, full of „words” contrary or not to what has already been written …

But do not holy books also have versions, within the same „cult group”, subsequent words to other words on the same topic?!? In a kind of effort to clarify those already written but in an unexplained or too archaic, unintelligible language, or other justifications for correcting and interpreting the holy books already written …

Explicitly it is about Christianity, for example, which at first “benefited” from a kind of chronicle, after which an initial cult was born, later corrected and re-corrected by Orthodox, Catholics, Calvinists, Anglicans, Lutherans, Presbyterians, at, the, the …

If you will have the ability and curiosity to look for and study „older” holy works, to discover the constancy of its form, you will have big surprises finding a permanent modification, interpretation, correction as time goes on … Regardless of „the source „The respective holy book …

And, if I set Christianity as an example, it is time to set an example of Islam, which through the followers of Muhammad, „divine” modifies the texts of the Qur’an, regardless of whether the motives of modification will be similar to the Christian efforts of correction, completion, interpretation, etc.

Why did I stress all this?!? Simply, I do not intend to comment on the divinity of the evolutionary gestures on the holy writings, but based on the „underlining” is the evolution … The appearance of the „words” at different times, regardless of the reason for the appearance and acceptance of these holy words …

Words that, even if they modify or supplement a holy scripture, denote the effort of correction, interpretation of the divine initiating power of that holy scripture …

So, even from the holy writings we will reach the divine evolution, manifested through human expression.

But dogmas are dogmas … Even if it were based on a divine source … So from here, I will stop because I have shown what I had to prove …

Now comes the turn of the „capacity” that I mentioned earlier … About the ability to interpret the information coming from the direction of the divine source, of the divine power, regardless of the interpretation of „faithful or unfaithful work” …

And, I will present a kind of paradox of the divine sources (apart from the inequity of „differentiation of opportunities”, of „judgment” or other details of the holy books) …

Imagine that you are the „divine source” who „bends” on a mortal, chosen „on the brow” to cause him to write a holy book that will only benefit the earthly world!

From here, you can see the true outrage of the holy writings that are not italicized, have no logical support, except for the dogmatic „believe and do not research” or „blood” lines of the electors who give parables, tips, psalms, songs and so on. This outrage can be supported by invoking only the inability of „taking over” by the receiver, the „chosen” … Well, then why was he chosen?!?

But, even so, why are there big gaps, „riddles”, „parables” and other interpretable elements?!? Do you think that Absolute Divine Power could be capable of such incoherence?!? My view is that you offend divine power by resorting to dogmatism, bigotry!

Then, it is impossible not to „take into account” the ability to interpret the receiver. For example, remember the banks of the schools followed by you, be it and the bank of a place of worship … Constant is just the presence and not necessarily the understanding … Why this?!?

Everything belongs to the receiver, clear and without a doubt! In vain do I come and emphasize „Love your neighbor as yourself!” because everything will depend on your interpretation as a receiver. What does „neighbor” mean, what does „love” mean, what does „yourself” mean?!? We can write dozens of holy books only on the subject of these three questions in a simple „directive” …

„Almost” just means „my blood”, just „my faith”, just „my cult”, just „the place where I was born”, just what?!? „Love” means „accept”, „understand”, „forgive”, is „divine” or „carnal”, blah, blah, blah …

A divine power would have clarified all this … But, justifications like „Love me, me, myself!” … Ready with all this! There have been written thousands, tens of thousands of „interpretation” books, in which the „elected” presented their views …

What I would like to emphasize, in the end, is that the interpretation of the „elect”, whether the issuer is even the Divine Power, is limited to the possibility of interpreting the „elect”. If he believes in hell, ruined by his incompetence or interest in being „chosen”, he will focus on what he can interpret, that is, on any connection to hell … If he believes in love, in an „ocean” of lack of love, he will „elevate” the concept above the „ocean”, obviously remaining only the divine, the Divine Power, with rare human cases that will also be elevated to the rank of „the Son”, ” the same with the Divine Power”.

A clear example, in this sense, would be the reality represented by the number of people who managed to reach these lines, a very limited number of the „existing perception elements” of the person reading these lines … So, it does! Let’s go to the researchers who systematize the information, regardless of their power of interpretation, those who seek coherence, clarity in what is perceived!

There are numerous cases of such researchers throughout human written history. In the beginning, few, but with the increase in the number of people, the population, more and more … And they are spiritualists, people of religion, prophets, esoteric „living”, people with unique capacities of perception, visualization, projection. , etc.

But no matter how many these people are, the number of the „ignorant”, possibly also the „speculators”, will be exponentially higher … So the number of those who will accept the dogmas, for lack of possibility of interpretation, will be bigger and bigger, their words „diluting” in the ocean of ignorance … According to a famous thought that says „Intelligence is a constant, only the number of people increases” …

Well, at this time of „writing these words”, I read thousands of books, in search of truth or untruth … Who am I to say that I would have the slightest connection to the true reality, to the right books?!? If I were like this, it is clear that I have become dogmatically like the religious …

And, from these „words” I have come to systematize enormously many as being correlated, clearly acceptable as words „coming from elsewhere”, I underline, without having the claim that it is about Divine Power or „Contrary” … I can neither at least specify the „route” of the „words” that I went through, so I will proceed to write a few „words” about my perceptions and, obviously, my „acceptances” …

The first clear perceptions about the soul, the human-soul connection, and, finally, the Absolute Divine Power-Soul-Man, we have seen from the ancient Hindu writings that claim that the Earth is just a newborn, compared to other planets in the universe created by Divine Power. absolute.

Then, surprise, the dating of the appearance of the first man occurs 18 million years ago before Jesus … Compared to other beliefs that put everything at most 10,000 years ago, somewhere compared to the last period of evolution from evolutionists …

But, further, surprise … Then the first alien ship, coming from Venus, landed … The Hindus tell how it came from the planet Venus, Sanat Kumara, who will lead the spiritual hierarchy of Shambala, along with his four great leaders and his 100 assistants. These beings of light took care that the souls of the earth were reincarnated into physical bodies on earth.

And, until this arrival, the man did not possess self-consciousness, he being the product of centuries of evolution on earth … Physically he resembled man nowadays but mentally he resembled animals. When the newcomers saw this, they felt it was their duty to contribute directly to its development. And they used their spiritual powers to awaken the centers of individuality on earth.

According to Hindu legend, the first „awakened” man, Sanat Kumara named him, curiously, Adam and the first „awakened” female was Eve.

And it comes with this description because I do not want to underline a strange resemblance to „Christian spiritual myths”! I just wanted to point out that, from here, I began to have question marks about what the souls would be like and their „interaction” with us, the earthly, why they are „temporarily” using human bodies with all possible conditions that can be „detached”. „From the holy books and many, many questions that came up as we went through more and more materials …

I will not systematize for more than 20 years now „materials traveled, assimilated, synthesized, analyzed, etc.” because they will follow, in a more or less near future, very consistent materials on this subject but, for this introductory series, I will present some kind of informative material, especially accessible and logical …

One of the main sources of „perception” of the world of souls relates to a form of „spiritualism” related to modern psychoanalytic processes, especially those embodied in regressive hypnosis.

Well, there are many books written after decades of accumulation of efforts, of systematic accumulations in this direction, materialized in „books with words” about the world of souls, about the holy writings, about the parallel worlds, etc …

But, I will limit myself to regressive hypnosis, which I witnessed … Where it is clear, immense evidence for many, accumulated over time, either through psychologists who have „recorded” and can make hypnosis sessions available, in the form audio or video recordings …

Subject to the rather vague reservation that it might be about „orchestrated” records that are easily counteracted with a large number of researchers, independent of each other, without taking into account the decades during which this „orchestration” would be required.

Then, it would be worth considering my level of perception and processing, the one about which I have made enough „correlations” previously, a level which, believe me, is practiced, perfected, completed over decades of study, directly or comparatively … I think it can already be noticed only from this „Human story” in which I invested not only „typing time”, writing „words” … So …

Initially, obviously, not being „gifted” in the so-called „extrasensory perceptions” or not having active experiences in this direction, of regressive hypnosis, I discovered the writings, the „words” of others, in my effort to understand everything related to us. medicine, true medicine, without in any way worsening the classical, current medicine, with its significant importance in the acute cases of destabilizing the state of health.

We have systematically maximized, year after year, the information. Holy books, medical works, psychology, esoteric, energetic, conspiratorial works, etc. I encountered contradictions, gaps … Everywhere I invested my attention and time, my life, my searches … But obviously, the moment came when I witnessed such hypnosis sessions and the vague question disappeared.

Thus, I was a real, tangible witness, I have evidence in this regard, that everything is unique in terms of presentation, systematics, the described system, with small differences related to the interpretation of people „under hypnosis”, their beliefs that they only gave shades of interpretation, without questioning the coherence of the ones described …

Details about previous lives, the world of souls and, surprisingly, about future lives … I will detail at the right time, now my intention is limited to a kind of introduction about what will happen, to an argument about my effort and how to approach it of everything that will follow …

Yes, and I have also discovered something of „crucial” importance in the study, understanding of everything related to the world of souls. of „general line” of the assimilated culture, accepted …

Because every faith is the faith of each one of us, even if it resembles the faith of those around us or the faith of a huge group of people … It is like a garment that, even if it is fashionable, may not suit us, because any individual he has his clothes to wear …

But let’s just leave the introductions and get to work!

Love, Understanding, and Gratitude (Namaste)!

Dorin, Merticaru