STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineThe Human's story - The First Steps of Souls.

Translation Draft

The „introduction” from yesterday’s post was more conceptual but today we will get to work.

From the existing descriptions, the souls are born from a great mass of energy that gives the perception of „cloudy, irregular pulsating mass” … Energy mass of yellow-orange, golden, incandescent color, which gives everyone in and in its presence a kind of perception of happiness, delimited by a warm, warm dark, described as „eternity” …

These pulses give birth or send forth vortexes of energy that will form the future soul … This process varies from one soul to another, in terms of its energy, possibly also other „landmarks” …

The vast majority of souls are born as pulsating, white energy (containing all forms of manifestation, as light contains all the wavelengths perceived by us, humans, in fact, our visual receptors and brain interpretation as all possible colors. ) … The higher energy value, compared to this equal value, „containing everything”, is perceived as a kind of addition to the white color (yellowish-white, red white, with iridescent intense blue, etc) …

The birth is „given” by a kind of delimitation effort compared to the initial large energy mass (many of the potential souls returning immediately back to the great energy mass). And, the peak, the delimitation is not made after progress or arbitrary regressive evaluation concerning the initial mass, that of perfection.

It is just a kind of expression of the inaccuracy of the great mass of energy to delimit itself, a kind of instability of a kind of initial purity based on … The concentration of „pure” conflicts (I will describe what this „manifestation” is about but, obviously later)…

Some souls are born to „participate” in „solving” some contradictions that they want, and other verbs associated with volunteering, to solve them, and, astonishment, there are many souls who want to help (although this intention, to help, is the expression of a contradiction) …

There are even descriptions that these souls appear as a result of a kind of „request” to supplement, to help, a kind of effort to „solve” the problems of the already existing souls …

Coming back, the souls that are born describe that they were carried by some kind of energy stream, „together with others similar to me” (group tendency that will maintain much of the „existence” of souls) … The incubator mothers describe the newborn souls as a mass of energy as „completely alive, with its energy and clarity” …

A quite human detail is the fact that these souls have a kind of umbilical cord shape like a blue, blue-violet energy cord …

Pretty similar to human birth isn’t it (a bit later you’ll realize why I pointed this out)?!?

From this moment, the souls are taken over and positioned in a kind of closed space, of energy delimitation, to „favor” a kind of development free of influences, together with some very loving energetic entities, who take care of the „newborn” souls „Freshly delimited,” knowing „what I’m doing.

What is interesting is that all souls quickly realize that it is a kind of nursery, with different placements in … Yes, in this material universe, even if it can be interpreted that it is a separate world of matter, that of souls …

The information „collected”, possibly to which we had access, does not give details about a kind of other dimension but an intrinsic placement to this universe, in which we, humans, and all other material beings are also …

And, in this nursery, the souls initially evolve into a kind of energy incubator, an energy delimitation often described as being like an egg (with delimitation and energy content, golden in color) … They are aware that „there” they were many other such structures in which other young souls were about to „wake up” … Something like a common consciousness, a „perceptible” connection …

Then there are descriptions related to some young, beautiful and loving mothers or children who, at a certain moment „sting” the energy membrane and release the young souls … Formats delimited … And, the first perceptions described are quite unitary, presenting turbulent energy currents „by an intense, nourishing light ”and a kind of music is perceived… The true birth, the establishment of the perceptible connection with this universe, with the existence…

About these „incubator mothers,” there are few descriptions, but there are because they are very advanced souls that are rarely encountered in the energy zone of the Earth, in the area of ​​manifestation in the matter …

They take care of the souls just delimited by the great energy mass, transmitting, first of all, the essence of a beginning, the hope of future achievement, of a necessary, existing purpose, even called by the mothers (only) as „the embrace of love” (being it’s just a kind of vibrational hug). This involves transmitting thoughts about what souls are and what they can become, instilling in them understanding and compassion.

Souls who, still do not know who I am at least, but who receive energy to realize their existence, the curiosity that will define the moment of awakening, a moment different from that of birth. Although the little ones describe that each soul is unique (there are no identical souls, there are no twin souls), in all its characteristics created by the perfection that they are not able to describe.

The processes involved by all those described above are coordinated by a kind of „Presence” (almost all present in all descriptions coming from the world of souls, regardless of „rank”, „knowledge” or activity of those who describe it), the two describing that they feel ” The presence „,” the Creator „in everything they do, but that it cannot do the concrete part of their work, their activity, but is represented by them (as with all other souls) …

The strange resemblance to the „messages” in the „holy books” that the work of Divine Power is done through people, angels, prophets, etc …

I will not go into more detail (now, because, at the right time, I will make the most complete materials from what I have been able to accumulate)! But I will point out that babies perceive only minimal elements about what will be the newborn soul that cares for them, necessary to activate their consciousness.

The little ones are constantly learning how to perform this activation as accurately as possible from their gestures and from the so-called „Nursery Masters” who will anyway define the process … If this process is not performed correctly and completely, the souls that come to life will not be truly prepared for existence, be it only in the world of souls and not necessarily in the matter …

And, another fact worth noting in this introduction, souls can go anywhere in this universe, only a part will reach the earth (in the material world of the Earth). The others will go further into the physical worlds of different parts of the universe, the delimited ones only on the clear perception that these worlds are only „worlds of pleasure” and „worlds of suffering”.

But, to remember that, there are souls who will never leave the world of souls to „enter” the matter, and that their manifestation does not take into account the „place of birth”, being a universal process, „customized” later.

Then, attention, almost all souls describe that the first perceptions of their consciousness begin with the manifestation of curiosity … From this moment, each soul is repositioned in a typical, compatible energy zone …

The main efforts are oriented towards a kind of maximum compatibility of the newborn souls with their new possible attributions, goals, etc. because they come from the perfect world and perceive another imperfect world, which will attract their maturation through … „Crush” of innocence Initial … To overcome the obstacles to make them stronger … To learn, to enjoy the experiences and for the souls to express themselves … To participate in the whole creation, the perception of the „Presence” …

It is not difficult to make an analogy with a newborn baby, with his first perceptions, with the first gestures of the mother, possibly the parents, grandparents, etc.

One more clarification, even if I repeat myself, and I will move on … Souls do not necessarily need the Earth, even if they were „born” here … There are countless places where they can be expressed similarly… Eternity never ends…

From here, souls enter a world of perception, be it only in the world of souls … The first perceptions, apart from the souls with which they take on tangents, souls who take care of new souls, are those related to spiritual settlements … So, „Maternity” of souls, or the incubator would be the first perception …

But then, coming out of protective cocoons, from the „birth” area, souls enter the community life of souls. Descriptions of the first perceptions since leaving the „motherhood”, as a place of birth and receiving the „initial” care, there is no documentation that I went through …

But there is some kind of descriptions of why there are no details … Because they were not met, by the researchers that I went through and accepted, newborn souls … Only souls who went through the subject were met, or only on the „distance” of time between birth and the incarnation that allowed the researcher’s tangency with the body-mind-soul ensemble he researched …

And, consequently, obviously, the incarnations created a kind of energetic substrate for „materializing” the descriptions, which „modifies” the way of presenting the places, the facts, etc. … It is something similar to the human childhood, in the matter, in which the children rarely can they describe the places where they have „activated” but if some memories remain perceptible they will always be „related” to the moment of experience at which they are interrogated about those places …

Coming back, as souls begin their work on matter or incarnations, descriptions of places they create or places and structures they see during incarnations, they acquire the same characteristics as those of older souls in the matter, who need some kind of perimeter, own nest, characteristic, adapted to their experience, which will become inseparable from any description …

Remember that distortions of perception are not possible and thus, the impossibility of describing something that can be distorted by the effort of visualization, recall, and, above all, communication!

Thus, these structures have pyramidal forms for solitude, meditation, and healing, rectangular forms, for revision and study of previous lives, spherical forms are used to study the future lives, those of cylindrical form to travel freely in other worlds and gain perspective. nine, etc.

And, as souls evolve, especially those who go through incarnations, spiritual settlements begin to be shaped by their perceptions, their own planetary experiences, and thus, classrooms, libraries, and temples in the world of souls appear. But, attention, it is not about buildings of the type of the terranes, of matter, of stone, brick, cement, but, simply, are sequencing, energy projections of „space” type …

This is because the scenes originating from the lives of matter, without mentioning those of the world of souls, will never leave our souls memory. Because a kind of „comfort” is born related to the pleasant or unpleasant memories perceived to be significant from the incarnations through which a soul or a group of souls passed.

And, especially, because we can create whatever we want in this world of souls, spirits, to feel better, to remind us of places and things we have enjoyed in the various incarnations, to be able to create a kind environment that will accustom us with future incarnations, etc.

But let’s summarize what souls do in the world of souls in a kind of childhood period!

The first step of a „newborn” soul would be to be assimilated by a group of „primary” souls, a matcha group, or other names. On the criteria of compatibility, purpose, harmonization of the preparation that follows, the activity that follows … „Criteria” allowed to be transmitted to our perception, earthly, material are multiple … And, from here, begins a kind of training, a kind of discovering one’s self of that soul, having as a final goal the identification of a purpose.

This training takes place, initially, with the help of a „connection” soul, called in most cases „guide”, later, the preparation process continuing in real classrooms, where, like human schools, a clear reflection of spiritual, spiritual … „Connection” that will have a permanent character until „almost” of the „highest” manifestations of the soul …

Only, the world of souls, as in the case of any „perfect” gathering (in-group, etc.) is based on a kind of socialization, on the background of a kind of general relaxation … I believe, as long as they are not pressed for time, as it matters …

It is not to be understood from here that no serious discussions take place, that there are no contradictions, doubts or other elements that signify „disagreement of collaboration”, but to understand that, the activities of the soul are not guided by a constrictive system, like the one in earth schools, from the subject! Then there is a native order and respect, not like the earthly classrooms, where the childish or adolescent manifestations are almost all present … And others … All at their time!

Interestingly, the school of the world of the souls does not follow the „age” of the spirits, which in eternity cannot represent a „landmark”, but only the level of preparation, the experience, on a kind of „specialty” according to or chosen by the soul in question, a specialization that does not remain definitive but can be changed at the choice or when discovering the valences of a soul.

Thus, from a certain energy level, of course, is a „course” group, both souls without „descents in the matter” and souls who have had many lives in the field, friends, or lovers from other incarnations, souls can be met. coming from other energy development areas, etc.

It is not to be understood that the learning process is not subject to some kind of imperative standard! Depending on the vibrational level of each soul, according to the previous embodiments, each one has something to learn, which will purify or amplify the vibration, the potential, the souls being in constant search for a purpose that can give meaning to its manifestation, of a kind of efficiencies, of some kind of progress, be it and customized …

Then, of course, study groups are formed within which there is a wonderful clarity of rational thoughts, a certain and clear harmony of the power of perception, collaboration, and other points … Self-delusion is missing because in the world of souls there are no lie, deceit, own or others … Then, those who can be called „teachers” do not impose anything, even if they can be disappointed by the decisions of „students”, absolutely everything is based on collaboration and not an imposition.

Moreover, the „students” have manifestations that are as compatible with what we notice in the earth schools, with students dissatisfied with their integration, who go through the „curricular elements” very hard and have a kind of long „schooling” process, by students who bully and even harass other souls with all kinds of perceptions …

But, unlike the „subject” schools, no fact, no thought goes without the „repercussions” needed for correction to restore harmony, with or without acceptance … To my surprise, I have found that these corrective efforts do not only affect the ” to the manifestation agent „but also to the” direct participants „, all based on the principle of harmony through understanding … I will give you more details later …

And, not only guides, „teachers” or other entities are involved in the learning process. There is, for example, a „Spiritual Library of Life Books” which is not like earth libraries, something like a collection of books, audio material videos or other forms of „media” … This library contains „energetic presences” of type memory that records the experiences of all souls in the matter, at all times, dimensions, and parallel elements, encompassing the whole „work” created by the Divine Power, from „Beginning „(And not only, read below).

As you have surely noticed, it is a kind of „Akasha Chronicles” of Eastern philosophy, which claims that any past, present, or future thought, any word or deed, are inscribed in them … More succinctly, any vibration of the energy of existence is recorded here …

This library is served by souls „trained” in this regard, with „attributable functions” such as „library guide”, „archive soul” and others, but with the help of the study also intervenes the guides of that soul, etc. And, attention, this „help staff” only introduces, helping the soul concerned to find what interests him or is most compatible, after which the study continues „alone”. Even the possibility of future events can be „traveled” with the help of „scribes”.

And there would be many things to present but, as I got used to, all at the time!

And, at the end of this post about childhood, about „study”, surprise, this school is not exclusively dedicated to a kind of learning process related to „entering the subject” and everything that „results” from it. The study covers many other aspects of knowledge.

Moreover, study groups of souls are formed on a kind of concentration of favorite concerns …

Some of these groups are dedicated to the preparation of group energy, where souls learn to shape physical matter, such as sandstones, pebbles, soil, and plants, of course, extending the activity of these groups to the creation of all matter existing in this universe, like a permanent creation.

„Creation” starting from the „basic” materials, advancing the preparation and creation of heavenly bodies, from planets to stars, passing through the „maintenance” of these bodies, and chiseling their manifestations, with all that this implies activity…

Particularizing on the solar system and then on the Earth, „work” was created to create all the components of the Milky Way, in the general assembly of the universe, much of the process being described in previous posts, then proceeded to the creation and modeling of the results of this process, customized to the creation of the system solar, then modeling its results …

Interesting and important to note is that no matter how powerful an energy entity is assimilated to the souls of whom I „talk” here, it will never create, on its own, a planet or a „sun” … There is a kind of unwritten rule of the common participation, of the harmony that will make it almost always, to the essential manifestations of the matter to participate more souls …

I will not elaborate on these groups anymore, but it must be remembered that these groups are the ones who learn the first steps in the „manipulation” of the matter. Groups that prepare the manifestation premises of those who will constitute the next step, the one represented by the creation of unicellular organisms, microbes, the less developed life forms, then of plants, and so on.

So the souls of the „next vibrational step” have learned and learned how to create and then maintain the single-celled life forms, then the „colonies” that are formed through them, their own or group creation, and, above all, how to interact and collaborate. with the „work” of the souls who „prepared the manifestation ground”.

And, obviously, from here on, as the accumulation of real experience, souls participate in the creation of increasingly advanced forms of life, reaching the participation with a group of the future human being (or not) in which they will be incarnated, depending on goals, availability and other „details” …

I will make a little „parenthesis” related to this creation, regardless of its level … Whatever will be created through the „effort” of a soul will have its meaning. Nothing is simply made of some kind of creative need for exercise or other „powers” … Either because everything is created becomes the responsibility of that „creator in small”, or because everything will be an „investment” of the energy of that soul in what is created …

So, all the more so, when it comes to incarnations, the actual participation of a part of the soul in the manifestation of the matter to which he has already invested through participation in creation, things are a little more complicated than they would seem at first sight. I will follow postings of all those accumulated by me in the already decades of experience but I will detail in these introductory materials some „stuff” …

So tomorrow!

Love, Gratitude, and Understanding (Namaste)!

Dorin, Merticaru