STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineThe Human's story - Conclusion to "Beginnings"

Translation Draft

Here I come to a kind of end of my great introduction through this series of posts "Beginnings", which has "jumped" of 75,000 words that constitute in a kind of manifest statement and, in no way, be able to make a real introduction to what is to come... So it's time to "draw" one or more conclusions!

The universe has evolved, finely tuned to create life, of many types, apart from the carbon-based one, that of Earth... And from what we have discovered through all the materials, there are both definite "Big Bang" landmarks in reference to an intrinsic capacity of matter to evolve towards life but also of the "God Bang" type if we consider the definite manifestations of a world of souls, those that create everything, from matter to life...

So, there can be nothing certain that can be considered apart from what can complete the whole without the possibility of "contestations" out of evolution... Evolution is the only certain element, constant, indisputable, regardless of the evolutionary or creationist point of view... A true "common factor"...

So it is not precisely evolutionism that supports evolution?!? Isn't he some kind of indisputable solution to decipher who we are and, why not, what we're going to be?!?

Strange as it may seem, evolutionism and evolution are a part of the "system", because evolution also occurs in the case of creationism, if we eliminate the dogmas of the "puerile" of religions... From what we have discovered and constituted as clear, researchable, repeatable evidence, according to all the principles of science, there is a kind of inexplicable "something" behind any materialistic evolution, an equally inexplicable "something" behind any creationist evolution...

And, from my point of view and the accepted authors, the only "detail" that is lost along the way is the "purpose", the "objective", the "interest"...

Evolutionism, with "chaotic" and "natural selection" tends to lose the "qualities of matter" discovered in posts about energy, universe and implicitly Earth, the "qualities of water" discovered in water posts and then all the elements of life discovered in posts about the evolution of life and, custom, that of man, in terms of their complete bonds, which seem effectively governed... What seems clearly related to what it says, "in small", creationists...

So, the logic of a deduction will force me to carry everything forward by permanently putting the materialists, evolutionists first and only then, step by step, to venture to structure the creationist elements, those difficult to accept in the "presence" of so many dogmas, including those of materialists...

So, summarizing on the basis of the above we will have only one palpable conclusion: Whether it was to be a kind of "God Bang" or a "Big Bang", evolution is what matters, regardless of the source, processes or "characters" along the way being only evolutionary stages in what would be the manifestation of each "part" of the holographic ensemble towards the elimination of contradictions, towards stability...

But what about the "purpose" I mentioned earlier?!?

Well, purpose only arises in the case of creationist elements... From what I have presented, life seems to be the direct or "corrected" product from the specific point of evolution to what would be the present man, possibly beings with the same abilities of self-consciousness and other defining elements of man...

Which, however, chaotically and through natural selection has already been achieved by nature, without any intervention whatsoever... It would be the next deduction... So possibly the intervention of divinity would be related only to a possible event of subsequent inescence of some energetic beings, potentially considerable to be supernatural for the perceptions of apes, evolving hominids...

And obviously this goal remains the only "solution" of bringing together and certifying both theories, of all human, scientific perceptions, described in the posts made in the series "Beginnings"...

And I no longer complicate the statement of this "starting" conclusion... It's totally enough and that's it, for now...

So what could I do next with this "New Medicine"?!? Body, mind, soul would be the main landmarks to address... But what about medicine?!? What about some minimal input elements that I feel need to be implemented, as I've intuited right from the start of my posts in 2014?!?

So, we will discuss "introductive" about life, then we will focus on a kind of "staging" of man, in terms of the periods of his life (baby, childhood, puberty, adolescence, adult and old age), how our mind works, the interface between matter and soul, how our body works, how our spirit works, and only then will I enter the territory of current medicine and that of new medicine...

With materials about medical diseases, diseases in terms of new medicine and many other medical stuff or "new-medical opinions"... Now, in early 2015, I realized that going down the line of medicine, as I did in 2014 and starting 2015, is a serious error...

Medicine has its own materials, abundantly presented, documented and we have fallen into the trap of the medical framework... I feel like I have to deal with everything in a different order, the one that was exposed earlier...

So, I know what to do and I get to work...

But, well, I didn't finish posting, even though I started with what was supposed to be the end...

In addressing the human story you could see that, for example, we analyzed the mind from the point of view of the "proto-brain" as well as the brain... Then we analyzed anthropologically, then we switched to the microbiome, then to the souls...

Elements that I found indisputable, at least in terms of the "curiosity" that I have already discovered in the posts about matter...

This is why I will now proceed to small "details" about certain comments "contrary", both from the point of view of evolutionists and creationists... As long as I plan to proceed like physicists, towards the discovery of "unique formula/theory".

I will start with something particularly important from my point of view, and the authors accepted by me, even if it can be "commented" that it is a predominantly creationist topic... Free will...

One of the basic divine laws is, with certainty, free will... Natural selection would not be something similar even by the impossibility of influencing something chaotic, possibly "the law of the most powerful who does what he wants"?!?

From the point of view of evolutionists there are no problems from this point of view... Everything is evolution, uncontrolled, often chaotic, towards what it would be now, with or without considering the natural selection but obviously based on the free will of the "muscles", the fangs, the claws, the adaptation...

But in creationists, we're dealing with big, real, palpable problems, apart from dogmas... Dogma is dogma and you are not even allowed to discuss its "edge" without becoming heretical, unfaithful or the like... So, to continue the theme, we will consider a small "deliberation" made previously...

We're all sinners, OK... why?!? Either from what we have done in life, because, necessarily, there is no man without sin, or "pulling" after what our forefathers did, until the famous Adam, including... And as a result of these sins, mistakes or whatever they may be, we will have something to atone for...

For some faiths in the great judgment that takes place immediately, or immediately after death, after a time or at the end of time, for others in the next lives through what will be karma or the like...

For the "immediate atonement" version, it is clear that human judgment comes into play, arbitrary, depending on the one who judges as an individual or as a group, according to a human landmark, even if it is attributed to divine "origins"...

Let me also remember that Hitler did not break any German law?!? May I recall the beheadings of Christians or Muslims to whom the fault of the heretic or the infidel applies?!? Colonialism, racism, elitism, nobility, etc?!? Of many landmarks of "immediate atonement", be it delayed or staggered?!?

But this "atonement" is only valid for the soul, the body "of flesh" being dead, burned, buried or devoured at the "end of the road"... Possibly "transmitted" further through the genes but also the environment in which the body evolved, which will continue the forms of organization, social, cultural, etc., especially in the case of humans...

So anyway I twist the problem, it's obvious that there's going to be something to atone for...

But in all cases, even if the materialist or "atheist" is also used to "you're dead and done", where there's still a simple logic of "after me the flood", something will follow, even if only for those left alive?!?

Considering that everything ends in the flesh, which is a phenomenal courage, stressed by me in the introduction to all these posts about "New Medicine" (the thing about "Whether you believe or not believe in God and he doesn't exist you haven't lost anything, but if He exists and you don't believe you've lost everything!"), it would only be valid "immediate judgment", wouldn't it?!? Complicated bet...

But how many times have you been able to notice throughout your life that every deed has been punished?!? And, especially, after the criteria (don't forget Hitler)?!? I really can't understand those who keep supporting this way of perceiving their existence...

It will all be just a "game" of a lot in which everyone will do what they can, pointlessly, aimlessly, apart from the intuitive or accepted function of the environment, society, etc... Or aiming at a kind of perpetuation of the "own gene" by inheritance to the offspring, by "enrollment" in the ephemeralands and "adaptable" history books and other similar landmarks...

But we're not talking about an "exit" from the rules?!? About an "escape" from the majority of evolution... Throwing atomic bombs and that's it, it would be some kind of final solution... To which we seem to be heading if we keep holding on to materialism...

From here, to the happiness of the creationists, we come to "atonement" as a goal... But from what we have presented so far, coming out of the typical dogmas of creationists, it follows that the atonement is an evolutionary matter, according to the conclusion already presented... And so comes the paradox of free will...

To be equal before the Absolute Divine Power, in the face of its judgment, we would all have to be born "Adam"... Let us be put in his position and thus appear a clear demarcation of the Atonement, in the sense of "who atone and who does not", right?!?

But the reality is quite different... We live in a body, under certain conditions with a purpose, purpose... I think any creationist agrees with that... But if we're talking about a destiny, then what about free will, what can make a difference?!?

It is not just that we exist to repent, to repent, to be humble, to suffer without purpose and logic, to fear or not fear something that will follow as a judgment?!? Even Jesus leaves much to be understood by his "I did not come here for the faithful but for the unbelievers!" even if His "speak" seems torn out of context...

So we reach the end, destiny, fate, karma... But what does this end have to do with free will?!? Most of us believe that the idea of free will is opposed to that of destiny, fate, etc. But is that right?!?

Not fate, karma, etc. is a result, the sum of our deeds, from... yes, from where?!? Of this life?!? I have come to the conclusion that it is accepted by all the earth's beliefs that it is an accumulation of lives lived before the "current" ?!? Whether you want to accept it or not, whether it's just a previous life or more, even if the "dogmas" tell us that it's possible, even if we only consider Adam...

Or, then, if it comes down to a lack of free will, we didn't get free will?!? We did not enjoy freedom of choice?!?

But even these conditions, we were born with all the king of France, caesareans or other forms of independence "decision"?!? We all had as a mother Saint Mary?!? Of course not! So, he's really going to drop the free will thing...

So the "source" of the problems tends to "fall" and rises to another reality, that of free will in deliberately involving ourselves in such experiences, at the risk of making mistakes and having to atone, us and/ or our descendants, these mistakes, immediately or in future lives...

Involvement that attracts subsequent personal choices, for what?!? Not to check how he will react to the events of a material life to "pull" or not the consequences all in such a life?!? Does anyone else believe, apart from dogmatics in the hell of penitence, the one populated by mystical, scary beings, who can take the place of life in material reality?!?

But then, why would we need "conclusions" or what would anyone else need, even the Supreme Being, the Presence, the Source, the Supreme Divine Power, of these conclusions?!?

Re-incarnation would certainly mean nothing if living in matter led to something predestined, be it for "correction" or the elimination of contradictions that existed or were "discovered" on the "journey"... Then what could "stand up" ?!?

One argument in favour of the idea that determinism is opposed to free will is that the Supreme, or a group of secondary ramifications, primary to an manifestation of the hologram, are responsible for the fact that there are clear demarcations of "evolutionary material environment", very clearly related to the material location and the "resources" made available by it.

Something like a school-study class demarcation... Where the benchmark would be the desire to participate in the studies offered by each "study class", by specialities, offers of study or other similar criteria...

And, looking briefly at the "Terra study class", we are dealing with many problems represented by natural cataclysms, a terribly unjust social system and other "details" over which there is not the slightest chance of control, Earth, for example, being considered by souls to be a very heavy "school", often referred to as the "school of powerlessness", the great lesson of the Earth being to overcome all destructive forces, individual or global, to emerge strengthened from this effort and to go further by rejecting by our essence even the insignificant appearance of such "next" evolutionary statuses, to us or to anyone else.

In this school, to a large extent, we come "equipped" with everything we need not to take care of ourselves or loved ones, often the perception that fate, karma, etc. may seem punitive, but to learn... What is fear, what is acceptance, what is love, what is hate, what is happiness, what is unhappiness, and so on, permanently amplified, "adapted" to the moment of evolution of the soul...

For example, fear occurs when we separate ourselves from our spiritual power... I have known many times of the trials of this life, even before them when I chose them, as souls who "proceeded" to incarnation, for good reason. Even accidents involving our bodies are not considered random by souls...

That's because the mere will of our own self has the power to resist the weakness of our own character, especially in adversarial circumstances... And why not, because we have the freedom to rebuild our lives after any catastrophe, if we are to assume this responsibility.

But, of any fact, all of this seems to be terribly unfair "considerations" to the bodies?!? What fault have the bodies, the expression in matter, that the soul to call it "principal", the one who sent only a small part of it into that body, decided that it must close I do not know what contradiction by "living in matter", living that brings pain, suffering, torments, etc?!?

Or, moreover, to close I do not know what "blame" of the soul from I do not know what experience in previous matter when another body, expression of that moment of the soul, opposed, for example, and attracted the "necessity" of an experience to be lived by the current body...

Or, even more, more "painful", to be a soul that came to the aid that must close the guilt of other souls with their bodies, their expression in matter, which did not conform to the presence, actions, possibly only the particularly useful advice of the soul that came to the aid, in a "living in matter" previously...

Then, why not, there is the possibility of "living" some "elements" necessary for the future... What would the body have to do with something that will have lived in another life, future?!?

Doesn't that seem like everything terribly unfair, at least for the bodies?!? But at the same time, isn't it all starting to make sense, both from the point of view of materialists and creationists, both considered "individual" and "cumulated" ?!?

Maybe that's where the huge dose of negativity comes from about how bodies deal with "spiritual" problems...

Some, the vast majority, will put themselves before all fear, will be capped in dogmas, and will remain anchored in the "first class" of experience, the one in which they study and study everyday life, for material purposes or not, possibly and the abecedar of accepted faith embodied in Bibles, Koran and the like...

"Class I" which is not as easy and easy as human schools but is often the most painful, the most "obliging" class of "study"...

Others will climb, class by class, in real perceptions, in acceptances, collaborations, etc., depending on their spiritual constancy "touched" and not necessarily existing, real. And, they'll get to college, but just to practice accepting evolution in every way...

An acceptance that takes into account a certain moment of evolution, of acceptance that without light one cannot perceive darkness, that without good there is no evil, regardless of the density and instability of the factors involute, regardless of the density of the presence of contradictions...

So they will "advance" but will not be "left" by the "Class I" of those around them, whom they will love regardless of hatred, resentment, harassment, aggression that will be given to them "in exchange" for their kindness and involvement...

The body, regardless of their contradictory points of view, their honesty or dishonesty, is created, exists because of the soul and, above all, for the soul, it being the reflection of the soul, the limited identity of the soul...

So, if we exist, both in terms of body and soul, we exist in an intentionally imperfect class of study, whether we consider the reality that we are dealing with only one universe of many existing ones, each having its own "Creator" governing on a kind of hierarchy of competence, under this true pantheon, the divine being in our divine house allowing it to govern in its own way, according to their own powers of manifestation (see evolutionary example from farmer to engineer presented above).

There would be one more important detail for this "completion" introduction... If our souls are the offspring of a divine soul, Father, Supreme Divine Power, which becomes wiser, certain through our endeavor, then it would not be best to evolve as quickly as possible, as best as possible, so that He would be good according to our individual desires, but also as a whole?!?

And by direct inference, the concept that our immediate divinity is still evolving, that it is only a part of something larger, that part that exists within us, together with us, like us, does nothing to mind the idea of an "Absolute Source" of perfection that gives birth to our divinity.

Following the example of the souls within us, more correctly a part of a soul that is being in us, it is quite obvious that there is a supreme, perfect deity that would not lose the all-powerfulness or absolute control over all creation by allowing the maturation of a less perfect, star, which has been delineated to reach by experimentation the possibility of "retrieval" through all-present perfection...

And, let us not forget, more important than the events that live their body with the soul is the individual or common reaction to them and how to proceed in the face of their consequences, towards a definite line of responsiveness, "tested" several times either during a life, a body, or over the course of several lives, several bodies...

Body which, like the soul, even if it becomes more and more "perfect" in terms of "accumulations" of experience, will still be forced to live the "imperfection" for some contradictions or "sin" of a "debtpast"...

Doesn't it seem like there's even more "injustice", since, let's not forget that everything the body lives and the soul part of it, then the whole soul in it, and the whole "hierarchy" to the Presence...

Are we dealing with a masochistic "Creator", eager to live pain in every possible way?!?

Obviously I don't... The "tips" that come from him, the "Love your neighbor as yourself!", with "Don't judge!", "Don't steal or cheat!", "Don't... many..." I'm not proof that he doesn't even like fear?!? Doesn't He just want love, mutual help, construction, perfection and the like?!?

There are certainly no things to say to "dogmatics" or bigots, as there are no things to say to those who suffer from, say, an incurable disease.

The suffering in matter, at least earthly, is insidious, because it can block the healing power of our soul, even our body, especially if we have not accepted what happens to us either as an attempt established before this existence or as a result of our opposition to a situation in this life. Forgetting that no attempt at our lives will be more than we can bear.

Then, why not, it is good to remember that the aspects of divine interventions reflected in this universe must remain in our ultimate reality, and if our ultimate divinity is not the best, because of the use of suffering as a learning tool, we must still accept it as the best we have, in perfect accordance with who we are, and consider our existence as a divine gift.

Like holy books that are full of imperfections, interpretations, sometimes "cruel" deviations from the "real path", but they are the only "paths" that we have as a constructive "starting point"...

And now, in the world of souls, it is time for there to be an increasingly powerful movement that supports "changing the rules of the game in this corner of the material universe".

That's because, in the past, in early civilizations, souls were less amnesiac about their selves and life after death, including re-incarnation. And, it seems, in the last millennia, their eternal memories have been "massively" locked on a conscious level, a factor that has contributed to the loss of faith in our own transcendence.

Earth is now full of material bodies that are trying to increasingly accentuate a sense of emptiness and hopelessness for the meaning of life, evolution. The absence of a connection with the immortal part of us generates more and more anxiety in the world of souls who are increasingly difficult to understand with their representations in matter, with their bodies.

And perhaps that is why, now, it is the "time" of the new medicine, a medicine of the soul without being religion, dogma or perception "misunderstood but present", a medicine that wants to restore the real nature of man as a whole by restoring natural bonds body-mind-soul...

Because the body will be "to the fullest" healthy under the conditions of collaboration with a healthy mind and thus the soul will be able to sustain more and more easily and certainly the whole of its representation... Support that will only work under the conditions of the complete assembly...

And, the complete ensemble, "body-mind-soul" adapted to each "status" is the "path" of what can be perceived by the term "New Medicine"!

And finally, we have concluded what would be the introductory part, of knowledge, of what will be a huge material of study, complementing knowledge (as I presented "intuitively" earlier)... yes, that's what it's like, "a huge study material"... At least because after finding that 100,000 words we have not been able to distinguish too much "palpable thing" (including after, now, at the start of 2017, we have far exceeded 1,000,000 words)...

And in terms of the way I work, I'm going to follow the pedagogical models of this moment... Initially it will be a kind of cumulation of materials like a kind of participation in a course where you make "class" notes with everything you think is interesting, with everything that you think is defining and you will need to be able to move on from the path of knowledge...

Then comes that moment when I will do my homework by synthesizing, structuring everything I consider to be useful, discovering possible themes of study, supporting some kind of final work, such as the work of diploma or master's...

So, many years follow, literally, of research, of accumulations and, why not, of discoveries that I hope will be yours, the readers of these lines...

Thank you to those who have gone through these lines, thank you to those who will continue!

That's what I feel, and that's what I'm going to do for the rest of the years That I have left, either as a kind of search of myself or as a response to what I feel for many, already too many years, to carry out a kind of mission that will materialize in a kind of cumulation of materials that will, anyway, come under the gaze, analysis and possibly your acceptance, of those who read...

To the Next time!

Bibliography (only on "The Story of Man"): "Pe to Man" – History
Channel; "Great transitions: The Origin of Humans" – HHMI BioInteractive; "The First Human" – Timeline 6-01; "First Man" – Curiositystream; "The Journey of Man – A Genetic Odyssey" – National Geographic 56-49, The Human Microbiome: A New Frontier in Health, "Birth of a Civilization" – National Geographic, TEDx – Rob Knight: "How our microbes make us who we are" – University of California, TEDx – Warren Peters: "Gut Bugs and You", Ruairi Robertson, TEDx - Food for thought: How your belly controls your brain, "Your Inner Fish" (Episode 1), "Your Inner Reptile" (Episode 2), "Your Inner Monkey" (Episode 3) – An Evolution Story – Neil Shubin, PBS, The Incredible Human Journey – BBC, Origins – The Journey of Humankind – National Geographic, Michael Newton – "Destiny of Souls", "The Great Chance of Existence: Evolution and Development of Man" – Alice Roberts.

Love, Gratitude and Understanding (Namaste)!

Dorin, Merticaru