STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineTumors - Oncology

Translation Draft

In this material you have at your disposal only a simple list of diseases belonging to this "group" of diseases (with minimum details necessary for correct identification/catalogue), as it is present in the "Table Lists of Diseases" published by accredited public institutions.

In Romania this list is published by the "National Center for the Organization and Assurance of the Information and Information System in the Field of Health" being taken from the "International and Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems"...


A. Malignant tumours declared or presumed to be primary, with specified localizations except those of lymphoid, hematopoietic and related tissues;

1. Malignant tumors of the lip, oral cavity and pharynx – excludes the skin of the lip;

1.1. Malignant lip tumor (upper lip, free edge – upper lip: lip lipstick application area, NOS, boundary between the oral mucosa and skin; Lip, free, unspecified edge: the boundary between the oral mucosa and NOS skin; Upper lip, inner face – upper lip: oral face, frene, mucosa, oral face; The lip, the internal face, unspecified – the unspecified lip if it is upper or lower: the oral face, the frene, the mucosa, the oral face; The commission of the lips; Injury overcoming the lip; Unspecified lip);

1.2. Malignant tumor of the base of the tongue (dorsal face of the base of the tongue; Fixed part of NOS language; The posterior third of the tongue);

1.3. Malignant tumor of the tongue, other parts and unspecified (dorsal face of the tongue: two-thirds anterior of the tongue, dorsal surface – excludes the dorsal surface of the base of the tongue; The jugal part of the tongue: the tip of the tongue; The ventral face of the tongue: two-thirds anterior of the tongue, the lower face, the frene of the tongue; Two-thirds of the language, unspecified part: middle third of noS, mobile part of NOS language; Lingual amygdala – excludes NOS amygdala; Injury exceeding the tongue: malignant tumour of the tongue whose point of origin cannot be classified in any of the categories presented; Unspecified language);

1.4. Malignant tumor of the gum – includes the alveolar mucosa (creature) of the gum and excludes odontogenic malignant tumors (upper gingia; Lower gum; Unspecified gum);

1.5. Malignant tumor of the floor of the mouth (Anterior floor of the mouth: before premolar-canine junctions; The lateral floor of the mouth; Injury exceeding the floor of the mouth; Floor of the mouth, unspecified);

1.6. Malignant tumor of the palate (Hard part of the palate; The soft part of the palace – excludes the nasopharyngeal wall of the soft part of the palace; Lueta; Injury overcoming the palace; Unspecified palace: Ceiling of the oral cavity);

1.7. Malignant tumor of the mouth, other parts and unspecified (Mucosa of the cheeks: oral mucosa NOS, internal face of the cheeks; The oral vestibule: oral mouthpiece, labia gutiera; Retromolar region; Injury exceeding the mouth, other parts and unspecified; Unspecified mouth: accessory salivary gland, unspecified localization, NOS oral cavity);

1.8. Malignant tumor of the parotid gland;

1.9. Malignant tumor of the main salivary glands, other and unspecified – excludes malignant tumors of the salivary glands accessories NOS, malignant tumors of the accessory salivary glands specified which are classified by their anatomical location; parotid gland (submandibular gland: submaxillary gland; Sublingual gland: lesion exceeding the main salivary glands: malignant tumor of the main salivary glands whose point of origin cannot be classified in any of the categories; Main salivary gland, unspecified: salivary gland (main) NOS);

1.10. Malignant tumor of the tonsil – excludes the lingual amygdala, the pharyngeal amygdala (amygdalian fossa; The pillar of the tonsil; Injury exceeding the amygdala; Unspecified amygdala – pharyngeal amygdala, NOS, palatine);

1.11. Malignant tumor of the oropharynx – excludes the amygdala (the pit (foseta) gloso-epiglotic; The anterior face of the epiglottis: epiglottis, free edge, gloso-epiglotic fold(s) – excludes epiglottis (suprahioidal part) NOS; The lateral wall of the oropharynx; The posterior wall of the oropharynx; Gillial fenta: brachial cyst (location of tumor); Injury exceeding the oropharynx: the junction area of the oropharynx; Unspecified oropharynx);

1.12. Malignant tumor of the nasopharyngeal (Upper wall of the nasopharyngeal: the ceiling of the nasopharyngeal; Posterior wall of the nasopharynx: adenoid tissue, pharyngeal amygdala; The lateral wall of the nasopharynx: Rosenmuller fossa, Eustache tube hole, pharyngeal recess; The anterior wall of the nasopharyngeal: the ceiling of the naso-pharyngeal, the nasopharyngeal wall of the palatal wave; the posterior (nasal) edge of the choanes, septum; Injury exceeding oro-pharynx; Unspecified nazopharyngeal wall: nos nasopharyngeal wall);

1.13. Malignant tumor of the piriform sinus (Pyriform Fosa);

1.14. Malignant tumor of the hypopharyngeal – excludes the pyriform sinus (Retro-cricoidal zone; The ary-epiglottic fold hypopharyngeal slope: the ary-epiglotic fold marginal area, NOS – excludes the ary-epiglotic laryngeal slope; The posterior wall of the hypopharyngeal; Injury overtaking hypopharyngeal; Unspecified hypopharyngeal: NOS hypopharyngeal wall);

1.15. Malignant tumor of the lip, oral cavity and pharynx with other localizations and poorly defined – excludes the oral cavity NOS (Unspecified pharynx; Waldeyer Ring; Injury exceeding the lip, oral cavity and pharynx – malignant tumor of the lip, oral cavity and pharynx whose point of origin cannot be classified in any of the previous ones);

2. Primary malignant tumors localized to the digestive organs;

2.1. Malignant tumor of the esophagus (cervical esophagus, thoracic esophagus; Abdominal esophagus; Upper third of the esophagus; Middle third of the esophagus; Lower third of the esophagus; Injury exceeding the esophagus; Unspecified esophagus);

2.2. Malignant tumor of the stomach (Cardia: cardiac orifice, cardioesophageal junction, gastroesophageal junction, esophagus and stomach; The bottom of the stomach; The body of the stomach; Pyloric antrul: gastric antrre; Pilor: the pypilor, the pyloric canal; Small curvature of the unspecified stomach; Large curvature of the unspecified stomach; Injury exceeding the stomach; Stomach not specified);

2.3. Malignant tumor of the small intestine (Duoden, Jejun, Ileon – excludes ileo-cecal valve; Diverticul Meckel; Injury exceeding the small intestine; Unspecified thin intestine);

2.4. Malignant tumor of the colon (Check: ileo-cecal valve; Appendix; Ascending colon; Liver angle of the colon; Transverse colon; Splenic angle of the colon; The descending colon; Sigmoid colon: sigmoid (angle) – excludes the recto-sigmoid junction; Injury exceeding the colon; Unspecified colon: NOS large intestine);

2.5. Malignant tumor of the rectal-sigmoid junction (Column with rectum; Recto-sigmoid - colon);

2.6. Malignant tumor of the rectum (rectal ampula);

2.7. Malignant tumor of the anus and anal canal (Unspecified anus – excludes anal: edge, skin, perianal skin; canal: sphincter; Cloaca; Injury exceeding the rectum, anus and canal: ano-rectal junction, ano-rectal);

2.8. Malignant tumor of the liver and intrahepatic bile ducts – excludes NOS bile ducts, secondary malignant tumor of the liver (Carcinoma of the liver cell: hepato-cellular carcinoma; hepatoma; Carcinoma of the intrahepatic bile duct: cholangiocarcinoma; Hepatoblastoma; Angiosarcoma of the liver: the sarcoma of Kupffer cells; Other sarcophagi of the liver; Other specified liver carcinomas; Unspecified liver);

2.9. Malignant tumor of the gallbladder;

2.10. Malignant tumor of other and unspecified parts of the bile ducts – excludes intrahepatic bile ducts (Extrahepatic bile duct: NOS bile duct or passage, choledoc, cystic canal, hepatic canal; Ampula Vater; lesion exceeding the bile ducts – malignant tumor of the bile ducts whose point of origin cannot be classified in any of the categories stated, malignant tumor involving both intrahepatic and extrahepatic bile ducts; Unspecified bile ducts);

2.11. Malignant tumor of the pancreas (the head of the pancreas, the body of the pancreas; Tail of the pancreas, pancreatic canal; Endocrine pancreas: Langerhans Islands; other parts of the pancreas: the neck of the pancreas; Injury exceeding the pancreas; Pancreas not specified);

2.12. Malignant tumor of the digestive organs, other or poorly defined – excludes peritoneum and retroperitone (unspecified part intestinal tract: NOS intestine; spleen – excludes Hodgkin's disease, non-Hodgkin lymphoma; Injury exceeding the digestive system – excludes cardio-esophageal junction; Poorly defined localizations of the digestive system: NOS tract or food canal, NOS gastrointestinal tract);

3. Malignant tumors of the respiratory and intraoracic organs – includes the middle ear and excludes mesothelioma;

3.1. Malignant tumor of the nasal cavity and middle ear (nasal passages: cartilage of the nose, nasal corneas, internal nose, nose septum, nose vestibule – excludes nose bone, NOS nose, olfactory bulb, posterior edge of the nasal septum and choanes, nose skin; The middle ear: Eustache trunk, inner ear, mastoid cells – excludes the auditory canal (external), ear bone (meat), ear cartilage, ear skin (external));

3.2. Malignant tumor of the accessory sinuses (Maxillary sinus: antrul (Highmore) (maxillary); Ethmoidal sinus; Frontal sinus; Sphenoidal sinus; Injury overcoming the sinuses of the face; Sinus unspecified accessory);

3.3. Malignant tumor of the larynx (Glota: Intrinsic larynx, Vocal chord (true) NOS; Superglota: The ary-epiglotic laryngeal slope, The Epiglotta (supra-hioidal portion) NOS, the extrinsic larynx, the false vocal cord; Posterior (laryngeal) face of the epiglottis, ventricular bands – excludes the anterior face of the epiglottis, the ary-epiglottic fold (hypopharyngeal side, marginal area, NOS), Subglota, Laryngeal cartilage, Lesion exceeding the larynx, unspecified larynx);

3.4. Malignant tumor of the trachea (Malignant tumor of the bronchi and lung: bronchial trunk (Pinten/ carina, lung hil), upper bronchi or lung lobe, middle lobe of the bronchi or lung, lower bronchi or lung lobe, lesions exceeding the bronchi or lung, bronchi and lung unspecified);

3.5. Malignant tumor of the thymus;

3.6. Malignant tumor of the heart, mediastinum and pleura – excludes mesothelioma (Heart: pericardium – excludes large vessels; Previous mediastinum; Posterior mediastinum; Mediastin part unspecified; Pleura; Injury surpassing the heart, mediastinum and pleura);

3.7. Malignant tumor of the respiratory system and intraoracic organs, with other localizations and poorly defined – excludes intraoracic NOS, thoracic NOS (Upper Respiratory Pathways Unspecified Part; Injuries exceeding the respiratory and intraoracic organs: malignant tumor of the respiratory and intraoracic organs whose point of origin cannot be classified in any of the previous categories; Badly defined localizations of the respiratory system: NOS airways);

4. Malignant tumors of the bones and articular cartilage – excludes the bone marrow NOS, synovia:

4.1. Malignant tumor of the bones and articular cartilage sleds of the limbs (Omoplat and long bones of the upper limbs; Short bones of the upper limbs; Long bones of the lower limbs; Short bones of the lower limbs; Injuries exceeding the bones and joint cartilages of the limbs; Bones and joint cartilages of unspecified limbs);

4.2. Malignant tumor of the bones and articular cartilages with other and unspecified localizations – excludes the bones of the limbs, cartilage: ear, larynx, limbs, nose (cranial and face bones: Maxillary (upper), orbital bone – excludes carcinoma of any type except intraososor or odontogenic of the maxillary sinus, upper jaw, jaw bone (inferior); Craniofacial bones – bone: ethmoidal, frontal, occipital, orbital, parietal, sphenoid, temporal; Maxillofacial bones – Bone: NOS face, malar, nasal, zigomatic; Maxillary (superior); Basal cornets; The bone of the upper jaw; Vomit; The mandible – The lower jaw bone – excludes carcinoma of any type except the intraosos or odontogen of the lower jaw, NOS, upper; the bone of the upper jaw; Spine – excludes sacrum and coccyx; Sternum ribs and clavicle; Bones of the pelvis, sacrum and coccyx; Injuries exceeding the bones and articular cartilage – malignant tumor of the bones and articular cartilages whose point of origin cannot be classified in any of the previous categories); Bones and cartilages not specified;

5. Melanoma and other malignant tumors of the skin – excludes malignant melanoma of the skin of the genital organs:

5.1. Malignant melanoma of the skin – excludes malignant melanoma of the skin of the genital son (malignant melanoma of the lip – excludes the red edge of the lip; Malignant melanoma of the eyelid including the cantus; Malignant melanoma of the ear and external auditory canal; Malignant melanoma of the face with other and unspecified localizations; Malignant melanoma of the scalp and neck; Malignant melanoma of the torso – anal: edge, skin – perianal skin – breast skin; Malignant melanoma of the upper limbs including the shoulder; Malignant melanoma of the lower limbs including the hip; Malignant melanoma overcoming the skin; Malignant melanoma of the unspecified skin: melanoma (malignant) NOS);

5.2. Other malignant skin tumors – includes malignant tumor of the sebaceous glands and sweat glands and excludes Kaposi sarcoma, malignant melanoma of the skin, skin of the genitals (Lip skin: basocellular carcinoma of the lip – excludes malignant lip tumor; The skin of the eyelids including the cantus – excludes the connective tissue of the eyelid; The skin of the ear and external auditory conduction – excludes connective tissue of the ear; Face skin with other and unspecified localizations; Skin of the scalp and neck; The skin of the torso – anal: the edge, the skin – the perianal skin – the skin of the breast – excludes the anus NOS; The skin of the upper limbs including the shoulder; The skin of the lower limbs including the hip; Injuries overtaking the skin; Malignant tumor of the unspecified skin);

6. Malignant tumors of mesotelial and soft tissues:

6.1. Mesothelioma: Mesothelioma of the pleura – excludes other malignant tumors of the pleura; Mesothelioma of the peritoneum: mesenter, mesocolon, epiploon, peritoneum (parietal) (pelvian) – excludes other malignant tumors of the peritoneum; Mesothelioma of the pericardium – excludes other malignant tumors of the pericardium; Mesothelioma with other localizations; Mesothelioma not specified);

6.2. Kaposi sarcoma (Kaposi sarcoma of the skin, soft tissues, palate, lymph nodes, with other localizations, to multiple and unspecified organs);

6.3. Malignant tumor of the peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system – includes sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves and ganglia (sympathetic nerves of the head – excludes peripheral nerves of the orbit; Peripheral nerves of the upper limbs including the shoulder; Peripheral nerves of the lower limbs including the hip; Peripheral nerves of the chest; Peripheral nerves of the abdomen; Peripheral nerves of the pelvis; Peripheral nerves of the trunk unspecified; Injury beyond peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system; Peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system unspecified);

6.4. Malignant tumor of retroperitone and peritoneum – excludes Kaposi sarcoma and mesothelioma (Retroperitoneum; Unspecified parts of the peritoneum: mesenter, mesocolon, epiploon, peritoneum: parietal and pelvic; Peritoneum not specified; Injury exceeding retroperitone and peritoneum);

6.5. Malignant tumor of other connective and soft tissues – includes blood vessels, bursa, cartilage, fascia, fat, ligament except uterine, lymphatic vessels, muscle, synovial and tendon (teaca) and excludes articular cartilage, larynx and nose, connective tissue of the breast; Kaposi sarcoma; mesothelioma; peripheral nerves of the autonomic nervous system; peritoneum; retroperitone (conjunctive tissue and soft tissues of the upper limbs including the shoulder; Connective tissue and soft tissues of the lower limbs including the hip; Connective tissue and soft tissues of the chest: armpit, diaphragm, large vessels – exclude sand, heart, mediastinum and thymus; Connective tissue and soft tissues of the abdomen: abdominal wall and hypochondrium; Connective tissue and new tissues of the pelvis: buttock, groin, peritoneum; Connective tissue and soft tissues of the trunk Injury exceeding connective tissue and soft tissue: malignant tumour of connective tissue and soft tissues whose point of origin cannot be classified in any of the previous categories; Connective tissue and soft tissues);

7. Malignant breast tumors:

7.1. Malignant breast tumor – includes connective breast tissue and excludes breast skin (Mamelon and areola; The central part of the breast; The super-internal dial of the breast; The infero-internal dial of the breast; The super-external dial of the breast; The infero-external dial of the breast; The axillary part of the breast; Injury overcoming the breast; Unspecified breast);

8. Malignant tumors of the female genitalorgans – includes the skin of the female genitalia:

8.1. Malignant tumor of the vulva: Large lips – Bartholin gland (larger vestibular), small lips, clitoris, lesion exceeding the vulva, unspecified vulva;

8.2. Malignant tumor of the vagina;

8.3. Malignant tumor of the cervix: endocol, exocol, lesion exceeding the cervix, unspecified cervix;

8.4. Malignant tumor of the uterine body: uterine isthmus – lower uterine segment, endometrium, myometer, the bottom of the uterus, lesion exceeding the bottom of the uterus, the body of the uterus unspecified;

8.5. Malignant tumor of the uterus unspecified part;

8.6. Malignant tumor of the ovary;

8.7. Malignant tumor of other and unspecified female genitalia: Fallopian tube – oviduct, fallopian tube; broad ligament; round ligament; parameter – NOS uterine ligament, unspecified uterus appendages, other genital organs specified in the woman – Wolffian body or canal, lesion exceeding the genital organs in the woman – malignant tumor of the female genitalia whose point of origin cannot be classified in any of the previous categories;

8.8. Malignant tumor of the placenta (Coriocarcinoma NOS, Corioepitelioma NOS – excludes chorioadenoma (destructive), hydatiform mola: invasive, malignant NOS);

9. Malignant tumors of the male genitalia – includes the skin of the male genitalia:

9.1. Malignant tumor of the penis: foreskin (a skin cut covering the foreskin), the penis gland, the penile body (cavernous body), lesion exceeding the penis, unspecified penis – the skin of the penis NOS;

9.2. Malignant tumor of the prostate;

9.3. Malignant tumor of the testicle: cropptorhidic testicle (ectopic testicle, retained testicle), lowered testicle (scrotal testicle), unspecified testicle;

9.4. Malignant tumor of other and unspecified male genitalia: epididymis, spermatic cord, scrotum (scrotum skin), other genital organs specified in men (seminal vesicle, vaginal tunic), lesion exceeding male genitalia – malignant tumor of male genitalia whose point of origin cannot be classified in any of the previous categories; genital organ in unspecified men – genitourinary pathways in noS men;

10. Malignant tumors of the urinary tract:

10.1. Malignant tumor of the kidney except the renal basin – excludes chalices and pelvis;

10.2. Malignant tumor of the renal basin; pelvic-ureteral junction, renal chalices;

10.3. Malignant tumor of the ureter – excludes the ureteral orifice of the bladder;

10.4. Malignant tumor of the bladder: the trigon of the bladder, the bladder vault, the lateral wall of the bladder, the anterior wall of the bladder, the posterior wall of the bladder, the bladder (internal urethral orifice), the ureteral orifice, the uraca, lesion exceeding the bladder, the unspecified bladder);

10.5. Malignant tumor of other and unspecified genital organs – excludes noS genitourinary pathways – female and male (Uretra – excludes the urethral orifice of the bladder; Urethral glands; Injury exceeding the urinary organs – malignant tumor of the urinary organs whose point of origin cannot be classified in any of the previous categories; Unspecified urinary organ – NOS urinary system);

11. Malignant tumors of the eye, brain and other parts of the central nervous system:

11.1. Malignant tumor of the eye and its appendages – excludes the connective tissue of the eyelid, eyelid (skin), optic nerve: Conjunctiva; Cornea; Retina; Coroid, Ciliary Body (eyeball); The tear gland and the tear duct: the tear sac, the naso-lacrimal canal; Orbit: connective tissue of the orbit, extra-ocular muscle, peripheral nerves of the orbit, retro-ocular tissue, retro-bulbar tissue – excludes the orbital bone; Injury exceeding the eye and its appendages; The unspecified eye;

11.2. Malignant tumor of the meninges: Cerebral meninges; Rahidian meninge; Meninge unspecified;

11.3. Malignant brain tumor – excludes cranial nerves, retrobulbar tissue: Brain except lobes and ventricles (calos, supratentorial NOS body), Frontal lobe, temporal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, cerebral ventricle – excludes fourth ventricle, cerebellum, cerebral trunk (fourth ventricle, infratentorial NOS), Lesion exceeding the brain, Brain unspecified;

11.4. Malignant tumor of the spinal cord, cranial nerves and other parts of the central nervous system – excludes meninges, peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system: Spinal cord; Horsetail; The olfactory nerve (olfactory bubble); Optical nerve; The auditory nerve; Other cranial nerves and unspecified; Injury exceeding the central nervous system (malignant tumor of the brain and other parts of the central nervous system whose point of origin cannot be classified in any of the previous categories); Unspecified central nervous system (NOS nervous system);

12. Malignant tumors of the thyroid and other endocrine glands:

12.1. Malignant tumor of the thyroid gland;

12.2. Malignant tumor of the adrenal gland: Cortical adrenal gland, Medular adrenal gland, unspecified adrenal;

12.3. Malignant tumor of other endocrine glands and related structures – excludes the adrenal gland, endocrine pancreas, ovary, testicle, thymus, thyroid gland: Parathyroid gland, Hypophysis, cranio-pharyngeal canal, pineal gland (epiphysis), carotid corpuscle, aortic glomus and other paraganglions, unspecified pluriglandular touch (if the localizations of pluriglandular touches are known they should be classified in other categories), unspecified endocrine gland;

13. Malignant tumors with poorly defined, secondary and unspecified localizations:

13.1. Malignant tumor with other localizations and unspecified – excludes malignant tumor of NOS, female genitourinary pathways, male, lymphoid, hematopoietic and related tissue, unspecified localizations: Head, face, neck (cheek and nose NOS), Torace (NOS, intraoracic ax, NOS thoracic), Abdomen, Pelvis (inghinal NOS, localizations that exceed pelvic systems such as (sept) recto-vaginal, (sept) recto-vescal), Upper member, Lower member, Other unspecified localizations, Lesion exceeding other locations and

13.2. Secondary and unspecified malignant tumor of the lymph nodes – excludes malignant tumor of the lymph nodes specified as primary: Head lymph nodes, face and neck, sublavilal lymph nodes, intraoracic lymph nodes, intra-abdominal lymph nodes, lymph nodes of the armpit and upper limb (pectoral lymph nodes), inguinal and lower limb lymph nodes, intrapelvian lymph nodes, multiple-local lymph nodes, unspecified lymph nodes;

13.3. Secondary malignant tumor of the respiratory and digestive organs: Secondary malignant tumor of the lung; Secondary malignant tumor of the mediastinum; Secondary tumor of the pleura; Secondary malignant tumor of the respiratory and digestive organs other than those specified; Secondary malignant tumor of the small intestine; Secondary malignant tumor of the large intestine and rectum; Secondary malignant tumor of retroperitone and peritoneum – noS malignant ascites; Secondary malignant tumor of the liver; Secondary malignant tumor of other and unspecified digestive organs;

13.4. Secondary malignant tumor with other localizations: Secondary malignant tumor of the kidney and pelvis; Secondary malignant tumor of the bladder and other urinary organs and unspecified; Secondary malignant tumor of the skin; Secondary malignant tumor of the brain and cerebral meninges; Secondary malignant tumor of other and unspecified parts of the nervous system; Secondary malignant tumor of the bone and bone marrow; Secondary malignant tumor of the ovary; Secondary malignant tumor of the adrenal gland;

13.5. Secondary malignant tumor with other specified localizations: Secondary malignant tumor of the breast – excludes the skin of the breast; Secondary malignant tumor of the genitalorgans; Secondary malignant tumor with other specified localizations;

13.6. Malignant tumours with unspecified site: Cancer with unspecified (primary) (primary) localization; Carcinoma with unspecified (primary) (primary) localization; Carcinomatosis with unspecified localization (primary)(secondary); Generalized: cancer with unspecified (primary) (primary) localization; malignancy with unspecified (primary) (secondary) localization; multiple cancer with unspecified (primary) (primary) localization; malignant cheesexia; unknown primary location.

14. Malignant tumors of lymphoid, hematopoietic and related tissues (terms are used for non-Hodgkin lymphomas) – excludes unspecified secondary malignant tumor of the lymph nodes:

14.1. Hodgkin's disease: Lymphocytic predominance: Lymphocytic-histocytic predominance; Nodular sclerosis; Mixed cell; Lymphocytic depletion; Another form of Hodgkin's disease; Unspecified Hodgkin's disease;

14.2. Non-Hodgkin's follicular (nodular) lymphoma – includes non-Hodgkin's follicular (nodular) lymphoma with or without diffuse zones: small notched follicular cells; Mixture of small notched cells and large follicular cells; Large follicular cells; Other forms of non-Hodgkin's follicular lymphoma; Non-Hodgkin's follicular lymphoma not specified – Non-Hodgkin NOS nodular lymphoma;

14.3. Non-Hodgkin's Diffuse Lymphoma: Small Cells (Diffuse); Small crested cells (diffuse); Mixture of large and small cells (diffuse); Large cells (diffuse) – reticulosarcoma; Immunoblastic (diffuse); Lymphoblastic (diffuse); Undifferentiated (difuse); Burkitt tumor; Other forms of diffuse non-Hodgkin lymphoma; Non-Hodgkin diffuse lymphoma not specified;

14.4. Peripheral and Skin Z-Cell Lymphomas: Fungoid Mycoses; Reticulosis Seszary; Lymphoma of the T-zone; Lymphoepiteloid lymphoma – Lennert lymphoma; Peripheral T-cell lymphoma; Other and unspecified T-cell lymphoma;

14.5. Other types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma and unspecified: Lymphosarcoma; Unspecified B-cell lymphoma; Other specified types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma – malignant: reticuloendoteliosis, reticulosis – microglioma; Non-Hodgkin lymphoma of the unspecified type: NOS lymphoma, NOS malignant lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin NOS lymphoma;

14.6. Malignant immunoproliferative diseases: Waldenstrom microglobulinemia; Disease of alpha heavy chains; Gamma heavy chain disease – Franklin's disease; Immunoproliferative disease of the small intestine – Mediterranean lymphoma; Other malignant immunoproliferative diseases; Malignant immunoproliferative disease; Unspecified malignant immunoproliferative disease – NoS immunoproliferative disease;

14.7. Multiple myeloma and malignant tumors with plasmocytes: Multiple myeloma (Kahler disease, Myelomaosis – excludes solitary myeloma); Plasmocyte leukemia; Extra-medular plasmocytoma (Malignant tumor with NOS plasmocyte; Plasmocytoma NOS; Solitary myeloma NOS);

14.8. Lymphoid leukemia (acute lymphoblastic leukaemia - excludes acute release during chronic lymphocyte leukemia; Chronic lymphoid leukemia; Acute lymphoid leukemia; Leukemia with prolymphocytes; Hairy cell leukemia: Leukemic reticulo-endoteliosis; Adult leukemia with T lymphocytes; Other lymphoid leukaemias: Leukemia with lymphosarcoma cells; Unspecified lymphoid leukaemia);

14.9. Myeloid leukaemia – includes leukaemia: granulocytic, myelogenic (Acute myeloid leukemia – excludes acute pouting during chronic myeloid leukaemia; Chronic myeloid leukaemia; Subacute myeloid leukaemia; Myeloid sarcoma: Crorom, Granulocytic sarcoma; Acute promyelocitary leukaemia; Acute myelomonocytic leukaemia; Other myeloid leukaemias; Unspecified myeloid leukaemia);

14.10. Monocytic leukaemia – includes monocytic leukaemia (acute monocytic leukemia – excludes acute disputation during chronic monocytic leukaemia; Chronic monocytic leukemia; Subacute monocytic leukemia; Other monocytic leukaemias; Unspecified monocytic leukaemia);

14.11. Other unspecified cell leukaemias – excludes leukemic reticulo-endoteliosis, plasma cell leukaemia (Acute erythremia and erythroleukemia: Acute erythremic myelosis, Di Guglielmo disease; Chronic erythremia: Heilmeyer-Schoner disease; Acute leukaemia with megacarioblasts – Leukemia with: megacarioblasts (acute), megakaryocytes (acute); Leukemia with mastocytes; Acute panmyelosis; Acute myelofibrosis; Other specified leukaemias);

14.12. Leukemia with unspecified type cells (Acute leukemia with unspecified type cells: Leukaemia with blastocytes, Leukaemia with suse cells – excludes acute release during non-specific chronic leukaemia; Chronic leukemia with unspecified cells; Subacute leukemia with unspecified type cells; Other leukaemias with unspecified cells; Unspecified leukaemia);

14.13. Other malignant and unspecified tumors of lymphoid, hematopoietic and related tissues (Letterer-Siwe disease – Nelipoid: reticulo-endoteliosis, reticulosis; Malignant histocytosis: medullary histiocytositic reticulosis; Malignant tumor with mastocytes – Maligna: mastocytoma, mastocytosis, Sarcoma with mastocytes – excludes leukemia with mastocytes and mastocytosis (cutaneous); True histocytic lymphoma; Other specified malignant tumors of lymphoid, hematopoietic and related tissue; Malignant tumor of lymphoid, hematopoietic and related tissue unspecified);

B. Tumors in situ – includes Bowen's disease, erythroplasia, Queyrat erythroplasia

(Note: Many in situ tumors are believed to be located inside a continuous morphological change between dysplasia and invasive cancer. For example, for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) three degrees are recognized, of which the third (CIN III) includes both severe dysplasia and carcinoma in situ. This grading system has been extended to other organs such as the vulva and vagina):

1. In situ carcinoma of the oral cavity, esophagus and stomach – excludes melanoma in situ (lip, oral cavity and pharynx: ary-epiglottic pliul: hypopharyngeal slope, marginal area, NOS; Free edge of the lip – excludes the ary-epiglottic fold, the laryngeal slope, the NOS epiglottis, the suprahioid part, the skin of the lip; Esophagus; Stomach);

2. In situ carcinoma of other digestive organs and unspecified – excludes melanoma in situ (Colon – excludes the recto-sigmoidjunction junction; Rect; anus and anal canal – excludes anal: edge, skin, perianal skin; other parts of the intestine and unspecified – excludes Vater's ampula; Liver, vesicle and bile ducts – Vater's ampula; Other specified digestive organs – Pancreas; Unspecified digestive organ);

3. In situ carcinoma of the middle ear and respiratory system – excludes melanoma in situ (larynx; The ary-epiglottic fold of the laryngeal slope, Epiglotta (suprahyid part) – excludes the ary-epiglottic fold: the hypopharyngeal slope, the marginal area, NOS; Trachea; Bronchii and lung; Other parts of the respiratory system: Accessory sinuses, Middle ear; Nasal cavities – excludes the ear (external) (skin), nose: NOS, skin; Unspecified respiratory system);

4. Melanoma in situ (Melanoma in situ of the lip; Melanoma in situ of the eyelid including the cant; Melanoma in situ of the ear and external auditory conduction; Melanoma in situ of other parts of the face and unspecified; Melanoma in situ of the scalp and neck; Melanoma in situ of the trunk – anal: edge, skin; breast (skin) (soft tissue); Perianal skin; Melanoma in situ of the upper limb including the shoulder; Melanoma in situ of the lower limb including the hip; Melanoma in situ with other localizations; Melanoma in situ unspecified);

5. Carcinoma in situ of the skin – excludes queyrat erytroplasia (penis) NOS and melanoma in situ (Lip skin – excludes the free edge of the lip; Skin of the eyelid including the cant; Skin of the ear and external auditory conduction; Skin of other parts of the face and unspecified; Skin of the trunk – anal: edge, skin; perianal skin; breast skin – excludes NOS anus and genital skin; The skin of the upper limb including the shoulder; The skin of the lower limb including the hip; Skin of other localizations; Unspecified skin);

6. Carcinoma in situ of the breast – excludes carcinoma in situ of the skin of the breast and melanoma in situ of the breast (skin) (Lobular carcinoma in situ of the breast; Intracanalic carcinoma in situ of the breast; Another carcinoma in situ of the breast; Carcinoma in situ of the unspecified breast);

7. In situ carcinoma of the cervix – includes intraepithelial cervical neoplasia (CIN III) with or without mention of severe dysplasia and excludes in situ melanoma of the cervix and severe cervical dysplasia (Endocol; Exocol; other parts of the cervix; Unspecified cervix);

8. In situ carcinoma of other genital organs and unspecified – excludes melanoma in situ (Endometer; Vulva: Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN) with or without mention of severe dysplasia – excludes severe dysplasia of the NOS vulva; Vagina: vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia (VAIN III) with or without mention of severe dysplasia – excludes severe dysplasia of the noS vagina; Other female genitalia and unspecified; Penis: queyrat NOS erythroplasia; Prostate; other male genitalia and unspecified);

9. Carcinoma in situ with other unspecified localizations – excludes melanoma in situ (Urinary bladder; Other urine organs and unspecified; Eye – excludes the skin of the eyelid; Thyroid and other endocrine glands – excludes the endocrine pancreas, ovary and testicle; Carcinoma in situ with other specified localizations; Carcinoma in situ unspecified);

C. Benign tumors:

1. Benign tumor of the mouth and pharynx (Lip: Buza (frene) (internal face) (mucosa) (free edge) – excludes lip skin;Tongue: Lingual amygdala; The floor of the mouth; Other locations of the mouth and unspecified: NoS accessory salivary gland – excludes benign odontogenic tumors, lip mucosa, rhinopharyngeal wall of the soft palate; The amygdala (false) (palatin) – excludes the lingual amygdala, the tonsil (amygdalian): fossa, pillars; Other parts of the oropharynx: epiglottis anterior slope, amygdalian (amygdalian), fossa, pillars, Valeculum – excludes the epiglottis NOS, the suprahyoid portion; Nazo-pharynx: pharyngeal amygdala, posterior edge of the septum and choans; Hypopharyngeal; Unspecified pharynx);

2. Benign tumor of the main salivary glands – excludes benign tumors of the accessory salivary glands, malignant tumors of the accessory salivary glands specified that are classified by their anatomical location (parotid gland; other main salivary glands – gland: sublingual, submandibular; Unspecified main salivary gland);

3. Benign tumor of the colon, rectum, anus and anal canal – excludes polyp, colon (non-neoplastic) (Cec – ileo-cecal valve; Appendix; Ascending colon; Transverse colon: hepatic flexure, splenic flexure; Descending colon; Colon sigmoid; Unspecified colon: adenomatosis of the colon, noS large intestine, polyposis (hereditary) of the colon; Recto-sigmoid junction; Rect; Anus and anal canal – excludes anal: edge, skin, perianal skin);

4. Benign tumor of other parts of the digestive system and poorly defined (Esophagus; Stomach – excludes polyp, stomach (hyperplastic) NOS; Duoden – excludes polyp, duodenum (hyperplastic) NOS; Other parts of the small and unspecified intestine; Liver: intrahepatic bile ducts; Extrahepatic bile ducts; Pancreas - excludes the endocrine pancreas; Endocrine pancreas: tumor of the cellular islands, Langerhans islands; Poorly defined localizations of the digestive system: NOS digestive system, NOS intestine, spleen);

5. Benign tumor of the middle ear and respiratory system (Middle ear, nasal fossa and facial sinus: cartilage of the nose – excludes the auditory canal (external), ear bone, nose, ear cartilage, ear (external) (skin), nose: NOS, skin, olfactory bulb, polyp: sinus, accessory, ear (medium), nose (cavity), posterior edge of the septum and choans; Larynx: epiglottis (suprahioid portion) – excludes the epiglottis of the anterior slope, the polyp of the vocal cord and larynx; Trachea; Bronchii and lung; Unspecified respiratory system);

6. Benign tumor of other intraoracic and unspecified organs – excludes mesotelial tissue (Timus; Heart – excludes large vessels; Mediastin; Other specified intraoracic organs; Unspecified intraoracic organs);

7. Benign tumor of the bone and articular cartilage – excludes connective tissue of the ear, eyelid, larynx, nose, synovia (Omoplat and long bones of the upper limb; Short bones of the upper limb; Long bones of the lower limb; Short bones of the lower limb; Bones of the skull and face – excludes the bone of the mandible; craniofacial bones – bone: ethmoid, frontal, occipital, orbital, parietal, sphenoid, temporal; Maxillofacial bones – bone: NOS face, malar, nasal, zigomatic, jaw (upper), turbinal, upper jaw bone, vomit; Mandibular bone; The spine – excludes the sacrum and coccyx; Ribs, sternum and clavicle; Pelvic bones, sacrum, coccyx; Bone, unspecified articular cartilage);

8. Benign lipomatous tumor (benign lipomatous tumor of the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the head, face and neck; Benign lipomatous tumor of the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the trunk; Benign lipomatous tumor of the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the limbs; Benign lipomatous tumor of the skin and subcutaneous tissue with other and unspecified localizations; Benign lipomatous tumor of intraoracic organs; Benign lipomatous tumor of the intra-abdominal organs – excludes peritoneum and retroperitone; Benign lipomatous tumor of the spermatic cord; Benign lipomatous tumor with other localizations: peritoneum, retroperitoneum; Unspecified benign lipomatous tumor: noS lipoma);

9. Hemangioma and lymphangioma – excludes blue or pigmentary nevus (Hemangioma: angioma NOS; Lymphangioma with any localization);

10. Benign tumor of the mesothelial tissue (Mesothelial tissue of the pleura; Mesothelial tissue of the peritoneum; Mesothelial tissue with other localizations; Unspecified mesothelial tissue: benign mesothelioma NOS);

11. Benign tumor of the soft tissues of the retroperitone and peritoneum – excludes benign lipomatous tumor of the peritoneum and retroperitone and mesothelial tissue (Retroperitoneum; Peritoneum);

12. Other benign tumors of connective tissue and other soft tissues – include blood vessel, bursa, cartilage, fascia, fat, ligament except uterine, lymphatic canal, muscle, synovia, tendon (tea) and excludes articular cartilage, larynx, nose as well as connective breast tissue, hemangioma, lipomatous tumor, lymphangioma, peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system, peritoneum, retroperitone, uterine: leiomyoma, any ligament, vascular tissue (Conjunctive tissue and other soft tissues of the head, face and neck: connective tissue of the ear, eyelid – excludes connective tissue of the orbit; Connective tissue and other soft tissues of the upper limb including the shoulder; Connective tissue and other soft tissues of the lower limb including connective tissue; Connective tissue and other soft tissues of the hip : armpit, diaphragm, large vessels – excludes the heart, mediastinum, thymus; Connective tissue and other soft tissues of the abdomen; Connective tissue and other soft tissues of the pelvis – exclude sin: leiomyoma, any ligament; Connective tissue and other soft tissues of the trunk not specified – noS back; Connective tissue and other unspecified soft tissues);

13. Nev melanocyte – includes nev: blue, hairy, NOS, pigmented (Nev melanocyte of the lip; Nev melanocyte of the eyelid including cantus; Nev melanocyte of the ear and external auditory conduction; Nev melanocyte of other parts of the face and unspecified; Nev melanocyte of the scalp and neck; Nev melanocyte of the trunk – anal: edge, skin, perianal skin, breast skin; Nev melanocyte of the upper limb including the shoulder; Melanocyte nev of the lower limb including the hip; Nev melanocyte unspecified);

14. Other benign skin tumors – includes benign tumor of the hair follicles, sebaceous glands, sweat glands and excludes benign lipomatous tumors, melanocytes (skin of the lip – excludes the free edge of the lip; Skin of the eyelid including cantus; The skin of the ear and external auditory conduction; Skin of other parts of the face and unspecified; Skin of the scalp and neck; The skin of the trunk – anal: the edge, the skin, the perianal skin, the skin of the breast – excludes the anus NOS, the skin of the genitals; The skin of the upper limb including the shoulder; Lower limb skin including hip, unspecified skin);

15. Benign breast tumor (breast: connective tissue, soft parts) – excludes benign breast dysplasia, breast skin;

16. Leiomyoma of the uterus – includes benign tumors of the uterus and fibromyoma of the uterus (Submucous leiomyoma of the uterus; Intramural leiomyoma of the uterus; Subseros leiomyoma of the uterus; Leiomyoma of the uterus unspecified);

17. Other benign tumors of the uterus (uterine neck; Uterine body; Other parts of the uterus; Uter unspecified);

18. Benign tumor of the ovary;

19. Benign tumor of other female and unspecified genital organs – includes the polyp adenomatos and the skin of the female genitalorgans (Vulva; Vagina; Fallopian tubes and ligaments: Fallopian tube, uterine ligament (wide) (round); Other female genitalia specified; Genital organ in unspecified woman);

20. Benign tumor of the genital organs in men – includes the skin of the genitals in the man (Penis; Prostate – excludes hyperplasia of the prostate (adenomatous), prostate/ prostate: adenoma, enlargement, hypertrophy; Testicle; Epididym; Scrotum: the skin of the scrotum; Other male genitalorgans: seminal vesicle, spermatic cord, vaginal tunic; Genital organ of the unspecified man);

21. Benign tumor of the urinary organs (Rinichi – excludes renal: chalice, pelvis (pelvic kidney); Renal pelvis; Ureter – excludes the ureteral orifice of the bladder; Urinary bladder – bladder orifice: ureteral, urethral; The urethra – excludes the urethral orifice of the bladder; other urinary organs – the paraurethral glands; Unspecified urinary organs – NOS urinary system);

22. Benign tumor of the eye and its appendages – excludes the connective tissue of the eyelid, the optic nerve, the skin of the eyelid (Conjunctiva; Cornea; Retina; Coroida; Ciliar bodies: eyeball; Tear glands and tear duct: the naso-lacrimal canal; Unspecified orbit: connective tissue of the orbit, extra-ocular muscle, peripheral nerves of the orbit, retro-ocular tissue, retrobulbar tissue – excludes orbital bone; Unspecified eye);

23. Benign tumor of the meninges (cerebral meninges, spinal meninges; Unspecified meninges: meningiom NOS);

24. Benign tumor of the brain and other parts of the central nervous system – excludes angioma, meninges, peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system, retro-ocular tissue (supratentorial brain: cerebral ventricle, cerebral hemispheres – ,lobe: frontal, occipital, parietal, temporal – excludes the fourth ventricle; Infratentorial brain: brain stem, cerebellum, fourth ventricle; Unspecified brain; Cranial nerves: olfactory bulb; Spinal cord; Other specified parts of the central nervous system; Unspecified central nervous system: nervous system (central) NOS);

25. Benign tumor of the thyroid gland;

26. Benign tumor of other endocrine and unspecified glands – excludes the endocrine pancreas, testicle, ovary (Adrenal; Parathyroid; Hypophysis; Cranio-pharyngeal canal; Epiphysis; Carotid corpuscle; Aortic glomus and other paraganglions; Other specified endocrine glands; Multi-glandular touches; Unspecified endocrine glands);

27. Benign tumor with other localizations and unspecified (lymph nodes; Peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system – excludes peripheral nerves of the orbit; Other specified locations: NOS nose; Benign tumor with unspecified localization);

D. Tumors with unpredictable evolution or unknown behavior (this includes tumors with unpredictable evolution and unknown behavior, i.e. there is doubt that the tumor is malignant or benign):

1. Tumor with unpredictable evolution or unknown behavior of the oral cavity and digestive organs (lip, oral cavity and pharynx: ary-epiglotic fold hypopharyngeal slope, marginal area, NOS, main salivary glands and accessories, free edge of the lip – excludes the ary-epiglotic fold of the laryngeal slope, the epiglottis NOS and the suprahioid portion, the skin of the lip; Stomach; Thin intestine; Appendix; Colon; Rect: recto-sigmoid junction; Liver and bile ducts: Vater ampula; Other digestive organs – anal: canal, sphincter, Anus NOS, Intestin NOS, Esophagus – excludes anal: edge, skin, perianal skin; Unspecified digestive system);

2. Tumor with unpredictable evolution or unknown behavior of the middle ear and respiratory and intraoracic organs – excludes the heart (Larynx: the ary-epiglottic fold of the hypopharyngeal slope, the marginal area and NOS; Trachea, bronchi and lung; Pleura; Mediastin; Timus; Other respiratory organs: accessory sinuses, cartilage of the nose, middle ear, nasal cavities – excludes the ear (external) (skin), nose/ nose, NOS, skin; Unspecified respiratory organ);

3. Unpredictability of tumour or unknown behaviour of the genitalorgans in women (Uter; Ovar; Placenta: destructive chorio-adenom, invasive or malignant hydatiform mola – excludes NOS hydatiform mola; Other female genitalia not specified);

4. Tumor with unpredictable evolution or unknown behavior of the genital organs in the man (Prostate; Testicle; Other genitalia in men: the skin of the genitals in men; Unspecified male genitalia);

5. Tumor with unpredictable evolution or unknown behavior of the urinary organs (Rinichi – excludes the renal pelvis; Renal pelvis; Ureter; Uretra; Urinary bladder; Other urinary organs; Unspecified urinary organs);

6. Tumor with unpredictable evolution or unknown behavior of the meninges (cerebral meninges; Rahidian meninge; Meninge unspecified);

7. Tumor with unpredictable evolution or unknown behavior of the brain and central nervous system – excludes peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system (supratentorial brain: cerebral ventricle, cerebral hemispheres – lobe: frontal, occipital, parietal, temporal – excludes the fourth ventricle; Infratentorial brain: brain stem, cerebellum, fourth ventricle; Unspecified brain; Cranial nerves; Spinal cord; Other parts of the central nervous system; Unspecified central nervous system: nervous system (central) NOS);

8. Tumor with unpredictable evolution or unknown behavior of the endocrine glands – excludes the endocrine pancreas, ovary, testicle, thymus (Tyroid; Adrenal; Parathyroid; Hypophysis; Cranio-pharyngeal canal; Epiphysis; Carotid corpuscle; Aortic glomus and other paraganglions; Pluriglandular touch: multiple endocrine adenomatosis; Unspecified endocrine glands);

9. Essential policitemia (Essential policitemia is increasingly considered to be of malignant morphology);

10. Myelodysplastic syndromes (dysplastic syndromes are increasingly considered to have malignant behaviour) (Refractory anemia without sideroblasts thus declared; Refractory anemia with sideroblasts; Refractory anemia with excess blasphemy; Refractory anemia with excess of blasphemy in transformation; Unspecified refractory anaemia; Other myelodysplastic syndromes; Unspecified myelodysplastic syndrome: NOS myelodysplasia, NOS preleukemia (syndrome);

11. Other tumors with unpredictable evolution or unknown lymphoid, hematopoietic and related behaviour – myeloproliferative tumors are considered lately as having a malignant behavior (Tumors with histocytes and mastocytes with unpredictable evolution or unknown behavior: nos mastocyte tumor, NOS mastocytoma – excludes mastocytosis (cutaneous); Chronic myeloproliferative disease: myelofibrosis (with myeloid metaplasia), unspecified myeloproliferative disease, myelosclerosis (megacariocyte) with myeloid metaplasia); Monoclonal gammapathy; Essential thrombocytemia (hemorrhagic): idiopathic haemorrhagic thrombocytopenia; Other specified tumors with unpredictable evolution or unknown behavior of lymphoid, hematopoietic and related tissues; Tumor with unpredictable evolution or unknown behavior of lymphoid, hematopoietic and related tissues unspecified: lymphoproliferative disease NOS;

12. Unpredictability tumor or unknown behavior with other and unspecified localizations – excludes neurofibromatosis (non-malignant) (Bone and articular cartilage – excludes cartilage: ear, larynx, nose, connective tissue of the eyelid, synovial; Connective tissue and other soft tissue – connective tissue of: ear, eyelid – excludes cartilage of the joint, larynx, nose, connective tissue of the breast; Peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system – excludes peripheral nerves of the orbit; Retroperitoneum; Peritoneum; Skin – anal: edge, skin, perianal skin, breast skin – excludes NOS anus, genital skin, free edge of the lip; Breast: connective tissue of the breast, cystosarcoma phillodes – excludes the skin of the breast; Other specified localizations: eye, heart, peripheral nerves of the orbit – excludeconnective tissue, eyelid skin; Unspecified unpredictable and unknown tumor: NOS tumor proliferation, NOS neoplasm, NOS neoformation, NOS tumor);


1. Localizations of primary, poorly defined, secondary and unspecified malignant neoplasms – This includes malignant tumors for which there is no clear indication of the original localization of cancer or cancer is said to be disseminated, diffused or spread without mentioning the primary localization; Primary localization is considered to be unknown in both cases.

2. Functional activity – All tumors are classified regardless of whether they are functionally active or not.

3. Morphology – There are a number of major morphological (histological) groups of malignant tumours: carcinomas including squamous carcinomas (cells) and adenocarcinomas, sarcomas, other soft tissue tumors including mesotheliomas, Hodgkin's lymphomas, non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, leukaemias, other specified types and with specific localizations and unspecified cancers; Cancer is a generic term and can be used for any of the above groups, although it is rarely applied to malignant tumors of lymphatic, hematopoietic and related tissue; Often, the term carcinoma is used incorrectly as a synonym for cancer; Tumors are classified predominantly by localization within large behavioral groups;

Dorin, Merticaru