STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M


Translation Draft

In this material you have at your disposal only a simple list of diseases belonging to this "group" of diseases (with minimum details necessary for correct identification/catalogue), as it is present in the "Table Lists of Diseases" published by accredited public institutions.

In Romania this list is published by the "National Center for the Organization and Assurance of the Information and Information System in the Field of Health" being taken from the "International and Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems"...


Excludes: Certain diseases originating in the perinatal period, Certain infectious and parasitic diseases, Complications of pregnancy, birth and lute, congenital malformations, chromosomal deformities and abnormalities, Endocrine diseases, nutrition and metabolism, Traumatic injuries, poisonings and other consequences of external causes; Malignant tumors, symptoms, signs and abnormal results of clinical and laboratory investigations not elsewhere classified.

A. Diseases of the outer ear:

1. External otitis (Abscess of the outer ear - Abscess of the auricle or external auditory conduction, Carbuncle of the auricle or external auditory conduction, Furuncle of the auricle or external auditory conduction; Phlegmonous cellulitis of the outer ear - Cellulite has: the auricle, the external auditory conduction; Malignant external otitis; Other infectious external otitis - External otitis: diffuse, hemorrhagic, Swimmer's otitis; Colestheatoma of the outer ear - Obturative keratosis of the outer ear (conduct); Acute external otitis: actinic, chemical, contact, eczema, NOS, reaction; Other external otitis - Chronic external otitis NOS; Unspecified external otitis);

2. Other diseases of the outer ear (Perichondritis of the outer ear - Chronic nodular chondrodermatitis of the helix, Perichondrita a: the auricle, the ear flag; Non-infectious diseases of the ear flag - Acquired deformity of: the auricle, the ear flag - excludes the ear in "cabbage blossom"; Cerumen stopper - wax in the ear; acquired stenosis of the external auditory conduction - collapse of the external auditory conduction; Other specified conditions of the outer ear - Exostosis of the external auditory conduction; unspecified external ear disorders);

3. Diseases of the outer ear in diseases classified elsewhere (External otitis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere - external otitis in erysipelas; External otitis in viral diseases classified elsewhere - External otitis in: herpes virus infection (herpes simplex), Zoster area; External otitis in mycoses - External otitis in: aspergillosis, candidiasis, Otomycosis NOS; External otitis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere - external otitis in impetigo; Other external ear disorders in diseases classified elsewhere);

B. Diseases of the middle ear and mastoid apophysis:

1. Unsuppressed mean otitis - includes with myringitis (Acute serous mean otitis - Acute and subacute otorea of the middle ear; Other acute non-suppurative otitis media - >Medium, acute and subacute otitis: allergic (mucoid) (blood) (serous), mucoid, non-suppurative NOS, blood, seromucous - excludes barotraumatic otitis, otitis media (acute) NOS; Chronic otitis media - Chronic tubotampanic catar; Chronic mucoid otitis media - Ear with mucosities, Chronic otitis media: mucoid, with secretions, with transudation - excludes adhesive disease of the middle ear; Other non-suppurative chronic otitis media - Chronic otitis media: allergic, exudative, non-suppurative NOS, seromucous, overflowing (nonpurulent); Unspecified unsuppressed otitis media - Otitis media: allergic, catarrhate, exudative, mucoid, secretion, seromucous, serous, transsudative, overflowing (nonpurulent));

2. Suppurative and unspecified otitis media - includes with myringitis (Acute suppurative otitis media; Suppurated chronic tubo-tympanic otitis - Benign chronic suppurated otitis media, chronic tubo-timpanic disease; Chronic otitis media suppurated atticoantral - chronic atticoantral disease; Other chronic suppurated otitis media - chronic suppurated otitis media NOS; Unspecified suppurated otitis media - NOS purulent otitis media; Unspecified otitis media - otitis media: acute NOS, chronic NOS, NOS);

3. Otitis mean in diseases classified elsewhere (Otitis mean in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere - Otitis mean in: scarlet fever, tuberculosis; Otitis media in viral diseases classified elsewhere - otitis media in influenza; Otitis media in diseases classified elsewhere);

4. Salpingitis and obstruction of the Eustache tube (Salpingitis of the Eustache tube; Obstruction of the Eustache tube - Compression of the Eustache tube, Eustache tube stricture);

5. Other disorders of the Eustache tube (Eustache tube distension; Other specified diseases of the Eustache tube, Eustache tube condition not specified);

6. Mastoiditis and associated conditions (Acute mastoiditis - Abscess of mastoid, Mastoid empyema; Chronic mastoiditis - Necrosis of mastoid, Fistula mastoidia; Apexitis (petrositis) - inflammation of the petros bone (acute) (chronic); other mastoids and related conditions; Unspecified mastoiditis);

7. The middle ear choleseatoma - Colestheatoma of the eardrum - excludes the outer ear choleseatoma, recurrent choleseatoma after mastoidectomy;

8. Perforation of the eardrum membrane - includes perforation of the eardrum: persistent post-traumatic, post-inflammatory and excludes traumatic rupture of the eardrum (Central perforation of the eardrum membrane; Attic perforation of the eardrum membrane - perforation of the parccida pars; other marginal perforations of the eardrum membrane; Other perforations of the eardrum membrane - Perforation: multiple of the eardrum membrane, total of the eardrum membrane; Perforation of the membrane of the unspecified eardrum);

9. Other disorders of the eardrum membrane (Acute miringitis - Acute tympanicitis, Bullous Miringitis - excludes with otitis media; Chronic miringitis - Chronic timpanitis - excludes with otitis media; Other specified disorders of the eardrum membrane; Unspecified eardrum membrane disorders);

10. Other disorders of the middle ear and mastoid apophysis (Sclerosis of the eardrum, adhesive middle ear disease - adhesive otitis - excludes the mucoid ear; Dissociation and dislocation of ear oscillation; Other acquired abnormalities of the middle ear - Ankylosing of the ear, Partial loss of ear osciors; Polyp of the middle ear; Other specified conditions of the middle ear and mastoid apophysis; Affection of the middle ear and unspecified mastoid apophysis);

11. Other diseases of the middle ear and mastoid apophysis in diseases classified elsewhere (Mastoiditis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere – tuberculosis mastoiditis; Other specified diseases of the middle ear and mastoid apophysis in diseases classified elsewhere);

C. Diseases of the inner ear:

1. Otosclerosis – includes otospongiosis (neoblitant otosclerosis of interest to the oval window; Obliterating otosclerosis of interest in the oval window; Cochlear otosclerosis – Otosclerosis of interest: labyrinthine capsule, round window; Other otosclerosis; Unspecified otosclerosis);

2. Diseases of vestibular function – excludes vertigo: epidemic, NOS (Meniere's disease – Hydrolabyrinth, Meniere syndrome or vertigo; Benign paroxysmal vertigo; Vestibular neuronitis; Other peripheral vertigo – Lermoyez syndrome, ear vertigo: auricular, otogen, peripheral NOS; Vertigo of central origin – Central Nistagmus; Other diseases of vestibular function; Affection of unspecified vestibular function – NOS vertigo syndrome);

3. Other diseases of the inner ear (Labyrinthitis; Labyrinthive fistula; Labyrinthic dysfunction: Maze hypersensitivity, Labyrinth hypofunction, Loss of labyrinth function; Consequences of noise on the inner ear – Acoustic trauma, hearing loss due to noise; Other specified actions of the inner ear; Unspecified inner ear disease);

D. Other ear disorders:

1. Transmission and neurosensory deafness – includes congenital deafness and excludes NEC deafness, NOS deafness, hearing loss: due to noise, NOS, ototoxicity, sudden (idiopathic) (Bilateral transmission deafness; Unilateral transmission deafness without altering the other ear's audition; Unspecified transmission deafness – NOS transmission deafness; Bilateral neurosensory deafness; Unilateral neurosensory deafness without altering the other ear's hearing; Unspecified neurosensory deafness – NoS congenital deafness, hearing loss: noS central, nos neural, NOS perception, NOS sensory; Mixed bilateral transmission and neurosensory deafness; Mixed unilateral transmission and neurosensory deafness without altering the other ear's hearing; Mixed transmission and neurosensory deafness unspecified);

2. Other hearing loss – excludes abnormal auditory perception, hearing loss, earplug, hearing loss due to noise, psychogenic deafness, transient ischemic deafness (loss of hearing by ototoxicity (additional diagnosis is used to identify the toxic agent); Presbiacusia; Sudden idiopathic hearing loss – Sudden hearing loss NOS; Deaf-mute not elsewhere classified; Other specified hearing loss; Unspecified hearing loss – Deafness: high-frequency, low-frequency, NOS);

3. Otalgia and otorea (Otalgia; Otorea – excludes the leakage of cerebrospinal fluid through the ear; Otolagia – excludes traumatic otolagia – additional diagnosis is used after the type of trauma);

4. Other ear disorders not elsewhere classified (vascular and degenerative ear disorders – transient ischemic deafness – excludes presbiacusia; Acufenes (tinnitus); Other abnormal hearing perceptions: Auditory recovery, Diplacusia, Hyperacusis, Temporary change in the auditory threshold – excludes auditory hallucinations; Hearing nerve disorders – Diseases of the 8th cranial nerve; Other specified ear conditions; Unspecified ear disease);

5. Other ear diseases in diseases classified elsewhere (Acoustic neurosis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere – acoustic neuritis in syphilis; Other specified ear conditions in diseases classified elsewhere);

6. Post-procedural disorders of the ear and mastoid apophysis not elsewhere classified (Relapsing colestatom after mastoidectomy; Other conditions occurring after mastoidectomy: Chronic inflammation after mastoidectomy, Granuloma after mastoidectomy, mucous cyst after mastoidectomy; Other post-procedural conditions in the ear and mastoid apophysis; Post-procedural disorders in the ear and mastoid apophysis unspecified).

Note of The New Medicine:

As can be seen, the elements "contained" in the groups "inner ear diseases" and other "ear diseases" include rather summary diagnoses, almost too customized to the special importance that this whole represents to humans (middle ear). To understand my displeasure I'll make a little presentation...

It is well known that hearing is for some animals the most major form of perception... Similarly, blind people, especially from birth, develop with hearing a form of high-accuracy orientation, almost similar to the forms developed by animals that are mostly oriented with the help of hearing.

Then, the main element of perception of balance is the inner ear, although the "interpretation" of the sensory elements that ensure our balance also come visually and somatically.

Even healthy people (who do not have damage to the middle and inner ear) depend more than they imagine the integrity of the sensory assembly at this level which helps not only to hearing and balance but also to orientation in the environment. A man can see something without sound as he can hear something without seeing where the sound is coming from.

Thus, sight, hearing and balance form a kind of 3D world (in three dimensions) which, "per se", is difficult to separate into distinct elements, as the allopathic medical world does.

For example, according to the new medicine, total or partial deafness can occur when the individual cannot accept what he or she hears, the predominant intention being to interrupt contact between the person and those around him. If the individual is deaf, it means that a selective information process has been installed through which he hears only what suits him and rejects what he does not like.

This selective process is very effective because, in most cases, it allows "recognition", for example, of the child's voice, loved one, etc., when they are in a group of people, a process that acts in reverse if the person does not want to hear something specific.

In support of the above statements, I just want to ask you: "You have never really thought about not hearing anything around you?!?", "You have never been in an area of huge, deafening noise, and notice that you have balance problems?!?" ... And I could go on...

Let me "enter" in a small detail, the acuphena (buzzing, whistling in the ears), without this having anything to do with what is being said around the person. This phenomenon can be transient or permanent and can occur with different sound intensities, can manifest only one or both ears.

From the point of view of traditional medicine, acuphenes are not a condition in themselves but a symptom of an underlying condition, such as disorder of the circulatory system in HTA and/ or hearing loss related to injuries or age-related sclerosis (otosclerosis - although acufena also occurs in people who require hearing by exposure to loud sounds). Just that, although this disorder is more common than you think, being present in 15 – 20% of people (obviously, the percentage is much higher).

Obviously, this massive presence is due to many people who, at least nowadays, are experiencing a strong stress, especially that of performance. Acufena often occurs as a result of an event that has caused an emotional shock or when stress levels have increased greatly, especially against the background of a high period of long stress, for example after losing work, divorce, an accident, etc.

The high requirements of energy resources in the periods before and after these shocks are particularly high and the vegetative nervous system, through its sympathetic component, works to the fullest. In addition, the stress of the person concerned who needs to be recognised, his identity, rights, etc. or fear of loss of employment, of a certain social, professional status, in his personal life and the individual perceives only that he cannot cope with that situation.

Sometimes it is possible that the person has difficulty reviewing his ideas and may be stubborn, insisting in a disadvantageous situation, opposing changes that he has not chosen and cannot control. Something like a major imbalance, the inability to stand up...

And hence the connection to the (internal) ear, with its role of perception of balance, is also involved in maintaining the body-soul (spirit) equilibrium in the universe. This balance keeps the individual standing and alert, helping him to be centered and follow his or her path.

Obviously, if the ear "serves" hearing, it does not mean that it does not have a role in "inner listening", the state of the ears indicating how open the individual is to his deep emotions, how flexible and welcoming he is towards them.

This would be the "inner voice" that is good to be heard in such moments. Everything is like a radio station that emits something or not (even silence needs "emission"). And when there's no broadcast, you hear bangs, hisses, like those described in people with acuphene...

Thus, someone, something, life, brings us back to listen to the inner voice and seeks to stop any other sounds from reaching our perception. Moreover, it is a clear sign that between the body is under tension, that things are moving too fast, etc.

And, enough for now! With a few phrases I have just described that customizing on a certain system, be it "crowded", as in the case of the ear, is a serious error... Everything must be valued as it was built, as a whole...

Dorin, Merticaru