STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineDiseases of the blood and hematopoietic organs, including the immune system

Translation Draft

A. Anemia of nutrition:

1. Anemia by iron deficiency – includes anemia: asiderotic, hypochrome (Iron deficiency anemia secondary to a blood loss (chronic): post-hemorrhagic (chronic) anemia – excludes acute post-hemorrhagic anemia, congenital anemia by fetal blood loss; Sideropenic dysphagia: Kelly-Paterson syndrome, Plummer-Vinson syndrome; Other anemias by iron deficiency; Anemia by unspecified iron deficiency);

2. Anemia by deficiency of vitamin B12 – excludes vitamin B12 deficiency (Anemia by vitamin B12 deficiency due to the deficiency of intrinsic factor - anemia: Addison, Biermer, pernicious (congenital), congenital deficiency of intrinsic factor; Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia due to a selective malabsorption of vitamin B12 with proteinuria: Imerslund syndrome(-Grasbeck), hereditary megaloblastic anemia; Transcobalamin II deficiency; Other anemias by dietary deficiency of vitamin B12: strictly vegetarian anemia; Other anemias by vitamin B12 deficiency; Anemias by deficiency of vitamin B12 not specified);

3. Anemia by folic acid deficiency (Anemia by food deficiency of folic acid: megaloblastic anemia of nutrition; Folic acid deficiency anemia caused by medications; Other anemias by folic acid deficiency; Anemia by unspecified folic acid deficiency: anemia by folic acid deficiency NOS);

4. Other nutrition anemias – includes megaloblastic anemia that does not respond to vitamin B12 treatment or folic acid therapy (Anemia by protein deficiency: anemia by amino acid deficiency, orotaciduric anemia – excludes Lesch-Nyhan syndrome; Other megaloblastic anemias not elsewhere classified: megaloblastic anemia NOS – excludes Di Guglielmo disease; Scurvy anemia – excludes scurvy; Anemia associated with other specified nutritional deficiencies: anemia associated with the deficiency of copper, molybdenum, zinc – excludes food deficiencies without mentioning anemia such as copper deficiency, molybdenum deficiency, zinc deficiency; Unspecified nutritional anemia: simple chronic anemia – excludes NOS anemia);

B. Hemolytic anemias:

1. Anemia due to enzymatic disorders – excludes anemia by deficiency of enzymes induced medicinally (Anemia due to a deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PD): favism, anemia by deficiency of G-6-PD; Anemia due to other disorders of glutathione metabolism – anemia (due to): enzymatic deficiency except G-6-PD related to the monophosphate hexosis chain, hemolytic nonspherocytic (hereditary) type I; Anemia due to disorders of glycolytic enzymes – anemia (due to): nesferocytic hemolytic (hereditary) type II, hexokinase deficiency, pyruvat kinase deficiency (PK), triose-phosphate isomerase deficiency; Anemia due to disorders of metabolism of nucleotides; Other anemias due to enzymatic disorders; Anemia due to unspecified enzymatic disorders);

2. Thalassemia (Alpha-thalassemia – excludes feto-placental anasarca due to hemolytic disease; Beta-thalassemia: Cooley anemia, severe beta-thalassemia, thalassemia – intermediate, major; Delta-beta-thalassemia; Thalasemic physiognomy; Hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin (HPFH); Other thelasemii; Unspecified thalassemia: Mediterranean anemia (with other hemoglobinopathy), Thalassemia (minor) (mixed) (with other hemoglobinopathy));

3. Diseases with falciform erythrocytes (drepanocytosis) – excludes other hemoglobinopathies (Anemia with falciform erythrocytes (drepanocytic anemia) with seizures: Hb-SS bean with seizures; Anemia with falciform erythars without seizures – falciform erythirrhas: NOS anemia, NOS disease, NOS disorder; Diseases with double heterozygous phallic erythrocyte (drepanocytic) erythrocyte – disease: Hb-SC, Hb-SD, Hb-SE, beta thalassemia with falciform erythrocyte; Physiognomy of the disease of falciform erythirs (depanocytic): physiognomy of Hb-S, heterozygous hemoglobin S; Other diseases with falciform erythirrhas (depanocytic));

4. Other hereditary hemolytic anemias (Hereditary spherocytosis: acholuric jaundice (familial), congenital hemolytic jaundice (spherocytic), Minkowski-Chauffard syndrome; Hereditary elliptocytosis: elliptocytosis (congenital), Ovalocytosis (congenital) (hereditary); Other hemoglobinopathies: Abnormal hemoglobin NOS, Congenital anemia with Heinz bodies, Hb-C disease, Hb-D, Hb-E, Hemoblobinopathy NOS, Hemolytic disease with unstable hemoglobin – excludes familial polycythemia, Hb-M disease, hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin (HPFP), high altitude polycythemia, methemoglobinemia; Other hereditary hemolytic anemias specified: stomatocytosis; Hereditary hemolytic anemia not specified);

5. Acquired hemolytic anemia (Auto-immune hemolytic anemia caused by drugs; Other autoimmune hemolytic anemias: autoimmune hemolytic disease (cold type) (hot type), chronic cold hemoglutinic disease, cold agglutinin – disease, hemoglobinuria, hemolytic anemia – cold (secondary) type (symptomatic), hot type (secondary) (symptomatic) – excludes Evans syndrome, hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn, paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria; Non-auto-immune hemolytic anemia caused by drugs: enzyme deficiency anemia caused by drugs; Hemolytic uremic syndrome; Other non-auto-immune hemolytic anemias – hemolytic anemia: mechanical, microangiopatic, toxic; Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (Marchiafava-Micheli) – excludes hemoglobinuria NOS; Hemoglobinuria due to hemolysis from other external causes – hemoglobinuria: following exertion, gait, paroxysmal cold; Other acquired hemolytic anemias; Acquired hemolytic anemias not specified: chronic idiopathic hemolytic anemia);

C. Aplastic anemias and others:

1. Acquired pure red cell aplasia (erythroblastopenia) – includes red cell aplasia (acquired) (adult) (with thymoma) (chronically acquired pure red cell aplasia; Pure aplasia of transient acquired red blood cells; Other pure applause of acquired red blood cells; Pure aplasia of acquired unspecified red blood cells);

2. Other aplastic anemias – exclude agranulocytosis (Constitutional aplastic anemia – red cell aplasia (pure): congenital, of the infant, primary, Blackfan-Diamond syndrome, Hypoplastic familial anemia, Fanconi anemia; Pancytopenia with malformations; Drug-in-drug anemia; Aplastic anemia due to other external agents; Idiopathic aplasic anemia; Other specified aplastic anemias; Unspecified aplastic anemia: hypoplastic anemia NOS, bone marrow hypoplasia, panmyelophthisia);

3. Acute post-hemorrhagic anemia – excludes congenital anemia following fetal blood loss;

4. Anemia in chronic diseases classified elsewhere (Anemia in neoplastic diseases; Anemia in the course of other chronic diseases classified elsewhere);

5. Other anemias – excludes refractory anemia: NOS, with excess blasphemy, in transformation, with sideroblasts, without sideroblasts (Hereditary sideroblastic anemia: sex-related sideroblastic hypochromic anemia; Secondary sideroblastic anemia due to a disease; Secondary sideroblastic anemia caused by drugs and toxins; Other sideroblast anemia – sideroblastic anemia: NOS, reacting to pyridoxine NEC; Congenital dyseritropoietic anemia: dishematopoietic anemia (congenital) – excludes Blackfan-Diamond syndrome, Di Guglielmo disease; Other anemias specified – Infantile pseudoleukemia, leukoerythroblastic anemia; Unspecified anemia);

D. Coagulation abnormalities, purpura and other bleeding disorders:

1. Disseminated intravascular coagulation (defibrillnation syndrome) (Acquired afibrigenemia; Consumer coagulopathy; Diffuse or disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC); Acquired fibrinolytic hemorrhage; Purpura: fibrinolytic, fulminant – excludes abortion or ectopic or molar pregnancy, in newborn, pregnancy, childbirth and lausia);

2. Hereditary deficiency due to lack of factor VIII (Deficiency by lack of factor VIII (with functional abnormality) – hemophilia: A, classical, NOS – excludes deficiency due to lack of factor VIII with vascular abnormality);

3. Hereditary deficiency through lack of factor IX (Christmas disease; Lack of deficiency: factor IX (with functional abnormality), plasma thromboplastin factor (PTC), Hemophilia B);

4. Other coagulation abnormalities – exclude (which complicates) abortion or ectopic or molar pregnancy, pregnancy, birth or fiddle (von Willebrand disease: Angiohemofilia, Deficiency by the absence of factor VIII with vascular anomaly, Vascular hemophilia – excludes capillary (hereditary) fragility, deficiency by lack of factor VIII NOS, with functional anomaly; Hereditary deficiency due to the lack of factor XI: hemophilia C, deficiency in the precursor of plasma thromboplastin (PTA); Hereditary deficiency by the lack of other coagulation factors: Congenital afibrinogenemia, Deficiency of: AC globulin, proaccelerine, Deficiency by lack of factor: I (fibrinogen), II (prothrombin), V (labile), VII (stable), X (Stuart-Prower), XII (Hageman), XIII (fibrin stabilizer), Dysfibrinogenemia (congenital), Hypoproconvertinemia, Owren's disease; Hemorrhagic disorders due to circulating anticoagulants: Hemorrhage after long-term anticoagulant application, Hyperheparinemia, Increase in: antithrombin, anti-VIIIa, anti-IXa, anti-Xa, anti-XIa – excludes the use of long-term anticoagulants without hemorrhage; The acquired deficiency of the coagulation factor; The acquired deficiency of the coagulation factor – the deficiency due to the lack of coagulation factor due to: liver disease, vitamin K deficiency – excludes the deficiency of vitamin K of the newborn; Other specified coagulation abnormalities: the presence of systemic lupus erythematosus inhibitor (SLE); Unspecified coagulation anomaly);

5. Purpura and other bleeding disorders – excludes benign hypergammaglobulinemic purpura, cryoglobulinemic purpura, essential plateletma (hemorrhagic), purpura fulminans, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (Allergic purpura – purpura: anaphylactoid, Henoch(-Schonlein), hemorrhagic or idiopathic nonthrombotopenic, vascular, allergic vasculitis; Qualitative defects of platelets: Bernard-Soulier's syndrome (giant platelets), Glanzmann's disease, Gray platelet syndrome, Thrombosthenia (hemorrhagic) (hereditary), Thrombocytopathy – excludes von Willebrand's disease; Other non-thrombocytopenic purpura – purpura: NOS, senile, simple; Idiopathic thrombopenic purpura: Evans syndrome; Other primary thrombocytopenia – exclude thrombocytopenia with the absence of radius, transient neonatal thrombocytopenia, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome; Secondary thrombocytopenia, Unspecified thrombocytopenia; Other specified hemorrhagic disorders: capillary (hereditary) fragility, vascular pseudohemophilia; Unspecified bleeding disorders);

E. Ate diseases of blood and hematopoietic organs:

1. Agranulocytosis (Agranulocytic angina; Infantile genetic agranulocytosis; Kostmann's disease; Neutropenia: congenital, cyclical, provoked by drugs, NOS, periodic, splenic (primary), toxic; Neutroperic splenomegaly – excludes transient neonatal neutropenia);

2. Functional disorders of neutrophil polynuclear (Anomaly of the cell membrane receptor complex (CR3); Chronic (infantile) granulomatous disease; Congenital dysfagocytosis; Progressive septic granulomatosis);

3. Other abnormalities of white cells – excludes basophilia, immune disorders, neutropenia, preleukemia (syndrome) (genetic abnormalities of leukocytes - Anomaly (granulation) (granulocytes) or syndrome: Alder, May-Hegglin, Pelger-Huet; hereditary: hypersegmentary or hyposegmentary leukocytics, leukomelanopathy – excludes Chediak syndrome(-Steinbrick)-Higashi; Eosinofilia – allergic, hereditary eosinophilia; Other specified abnormalities of white blood cells – leukomoid reaction: lymphocytic, monocytic, myelocytes; Leukocytosis; Linfocytosis (symptomatic); Lymphopynia; Monocytosis (symptomatic); Plasmocytosis; Unspecified white cell anomaly);

4. Diseases of the spleen (Hyposplenism: Postprocedural asplenia, Atrophy of the spleen – excludes asplenia (congenital); Hypersplenism – excludes congenital splenomegaly, NOS; Chronic congestive splenomegaly; Abscess of the spleen; Cyst of the spleen; Infarction of the spleen: nontraumatic splenic rupture, spleen torsion of the spleen – excludes traumatic rupture of the spleen; Other diseases of the spleen: fibrosis of the SPLEEN NOS, perisplenite, NOS spleen; Unspecified spleen disease);

5. Methemoglobinemia (congenital methemoglobinemia: congenital deficiency of NADH-methemoglobin reductase, hemoglobin-M disease (Hb-M), hereditary methemoglobinemia; Other methemoglobinemii: acquired methemoglobinemia (with sulfhemoglominemia), toxic methemoglobinemia; Unspecified methemoglobinemia);

6. Other diseases of the blood and forming organs – excludes adenopathy, nos hypergammaglobulinemia, lymphadenitis: acute, chronic, mesenteric (acute) (chronic), NOS (familial erythrocytosis – polycythemia: benign, familial – excludes hereditary ovalocytosis; Secondary polycythemia – polycythemia: acquired, due to: erythropoietin, decrease in plasma volume, high altitude, stress, Emotional, Hypoxemic, Nephrogenic, Relative – excludes polycythemia: newborn, vera; Essential thrombocytosis – excludes essential thrombocythemia (hemorrhagic); Other specified diseases of the blood and hematopoietic organs: basophilia; Disease of blood and unspecified hematopoietic organs);

7. Some diseases of the lymphotheicular tissue and of the reticulo-histocytic system – exclude Letterer-Siwe's disease, malignant histocytosis, reticuloendotheliosis or reticulosis: medullary, leukemia, lipomelanotic, malignant, nonlipoid histocytosis (Histocytosis of Langerhans cells not elsewhere classified: eosinophilic granuloma, Hand-Schuller-Christian disease, X histocytosis (chronic) – Langerhans cell histiocytosis is classified more recently as a tumor with an uncertain or unknown behavior; Familial hemophagopathocytosis lymphocytosis, Histiocytosis of mononuclear phagocytes other than Langerhans NOS cells; Hematophagogocitary syndrome associated with an infection; Other histiocytic syndromes: reticulohistiocytoma (giant cells), sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy, xantogranuloma);

8. Other diseases of the blood and hematopoietic organs in some diseases classified elsewhere (Fibrosis of the spleen in schistosomiasis (bilharziosis));

F. Some disorders of the immune system – include abnormalities regarding the disorders of the complementary immunodeficiency system, except for the disease of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and excludes autoimmune (systemic) NOS disease, functional disorders of polymorphonuclear neutrophils, human immunodeficiency virus disease (HIV):

1. Immunodeficiency with predominant antibody abnormalities (hereditary hypogammaglobulinemia: Agammaglobulinemia recessive autosom (Swiss type), Agammaglobulinemia related to the X chromosome (Bruton) (with growth hormone deficiency); Nonfamilial hypogammaglobulinemia: Agammaglubulinemia with B-lymphocytes carriers of immunoglobins, Agammaglobulinemia common variable (CV Agamma), hypogammaglobulinemia NOS; Selective deficiency of immunoglobulins A (IgA); Selective deficiency in the subclasses of immunoglobulins G (IgG); Selective deficiency in immunoglobulins M (IgM); Immunodeficiency with increased immunoglobulin M (IgM); Deficiency in antibodies with almost normal immunoglobulins or with hyperimmunoglobulinemia; Transient hypogammaglobulinemia of the first childhood; Other immuno-deficiencies with predominance with antibody abnormalities: deficiency of the Kappa chain easily; Immuno-deficiency predominantly with abnormalities of unspecified antibodies);

2. Combined immunodeficiencies – excludes recessive autosomal agammaglobulinemia (Swiss type) (severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) with reticular dysgenesis; Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) with low B and T cell count; Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) with low or normal B-cell count; Deficiency of adenosin dezaminase (ADA); Nezelof syndrome; deficiency in purine nucleosidphosphorylase (PNP); Deficiency in major complex of histocompatibility class I: empty lymphocyte syndrome; Deficiency in major complex of histocompatibility class II; Other combined immuno-deficiencies: biotin-dependent carboxylate deficiency; Unspecified immunodeficiency: severe disorders of combined immunodeficiency (SCID) NOS);

3. Immunodeficiency associated with other major abnormalities – excludes telangiectasic ataxia (Louis-Bar) (Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome: immunodeficiency with thrombocytopenia and eczema; Di George's syndrome – pharyngeal pocket syndrome – thymic: alimfoplastic, aplasia or hypoplasia with immunodeficiency; Immunodeficiency with micromelie; Immuno-deficiency due to hereditary defective response to epstein-barr virus infection: lymphopproliferative disease related to the X chromosome; Hyperimmunoglobulin E (IgE) syndrome; Immunodeficiency associated with other specified major abnormalities; Immunodeficiency associated with an unspecified major anomaly);

4. Variable common immunodeficiency (Variable common immunodeficiency with predominance of number abnormalities and B-lymphocyte function; Common variable immunodeficiency with the predominance of immunoregulatory T-lymphocyte disorders; Common variable immunodeficiency with auto-antibodies on B or T lymphocytes; Other common variable immunodeficiencies; Unspecified common variable immunodeficiency);

5. Other immunodeficiencies (Anomaly of antigen I lymphocytic function (LFA-1); Abnormalities of the complementary system: deficiency of the C1 esterase inhibitor (C1-INH); Other immunodeficiencies specified; Unspecified immunodeficiency);

6. Sarcoidosis (Sarcoidosis of the Lung; Sarcoidosis of the lymph nodes; Sarcoidosis of the lung and lymph nodes; Sarcoidosis of the skin; Sarcoidosis with other localizations and combined: Iridocyclitis in sarcoidosis, Multiple paralysis of the cranial nerves in sarcoidosis, Sarcoid: arthropathy, myocarditis, myositis, Uveoparotidian fever (Heerfordt); Unspecified sarcoidosis);

7. Other disorders involving the immune system not classified elsewhere – excludes NOS hyperglobulinemia, monoclonalgamopathy, failure and rejection of transplantation (Polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia: benign hypergammaglobulinemic purpura, nos polyclonal gagammopathy; Cryoglobulinemia – cryoglobulinemia: essential, idiopathic, combined, primary, secondary; cryoglobulinemic: purpura, vasculitis; Unspecified hypergammaglobulinemia; Other disorders specified involving the immune system not elsewhere classified; Disorders involving the unspecified immune system: nos immune disease);

Dorin, Merticaru