STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineEndocrine Diseases, Nutrition, and Metabolism

Translation Draft

A. Thyroid gland disorders:

1. Congenital iodine deficiency syndrome – includes endemic conditions associated with iodine deficiency of the environment, either directly or as a consequence of maternal iodine deficiency; some diseases do not have a current hypothyroidism, but are the consequence of abnormal secretion of thyroid hormone in the development of the fetus; goiter due to the environment can be associated – excludes hypothyroidism by subclinical deficiency in iodine (congenital iodine deficiency syndrome of neurological type: edemaic cretinism of neurological type; Congenital deficiency syndrome of iodine of myxedematos type – endemic cretinism: hypothyroid, myxedematic type; Congenital deficiency syndrome of iodine of mixed type: endemic cretinism of mixed type; Congenital deficiency syndrome of unspecified iodine: hypothyroidism by congenital deficiency of nos iodine, nos endemic cretinism);

2. Thyroid disorders and related diseases related to iodine deficiency – exclude congenital iodine deficiency syndrome, hypothyroidism by subclinical iodine deficiency (Diffuse (endemic) goiter related to iodine deficiency; Multiinodular (endemic) goiter related to an iodine deficiency: nodular goiter related to iodine deficiency; Goiter (endemic) related to the unspecified iodine deficiency: NOS endemic goiter; Other thyroid and related disorders related to iodine deficiency: hypothyroidism due to nos acquired iodine deficiency);

3. Hypothyroidism by subclinical deficiency of iodine;

4. Other hypothyroidisms – exclude hypothyroidism related to an iodine deficiency, postprocedural hypothyroidism (Congenital hypothyroidism with diffuse goiter: goiter (nontoxic) congenital nos, parenchymal – excludes transient congenital goiter with normal function; Congenital hypothyroidism without goiter: Thyroid aplasia (with myxedema), congenital: thyroid atrophy, NOS hypothyroidism; Hypothyroidism due to some drugs and other exogenous substances; Post-infectious hypothyroidism; Thyroid atrophy (acquired) – excludes congenital atrophy of the thyroid; Myxedematic coma; Other hypothyroidisms specified; Unspecified hypothyroidism: MYXED NOS);

5. Other non-toxic goiter – excludes diffuse congenital goiter, NOS, parenchymal, goiter related to an iodine deficiency (Non-toxic diffuse goiter – non-toxic goiter: diffuse (colloidal), simple; Unique non-toxic thyroid nodule: colloid (cystic) nodule (thyroid), non-toxic uninodular goiter, thyroid (cystic) nos nodule; Non-toxic multinodular goiter: NOS cystic goiter, nos multinodular (cystic) goiter; Other non-toxic goiter specified, Non-toxic goiter not specified: NOS goiter, nodular (nontoxic) GOIter NOS);

6. Thyrotoxicosis (hyperthyroidism) – excludes chronic thyroiditis with transient thyrotoxicosis, neonatal thyrotoxicosis (Thyrotoxicosis with diffuse goiter: exophthalmic or nos toxic goiter, Graves disease, diffuse toxic goiter; Thyrotoxicosis with single thyroid node: thyrotoxicosis with toxic uninodular goiter; Thyrotoxicosis with toxic multinodular goiter: NOS toxic nodular goiter; Thyrotoxicosis due to thyroid ectopic tissue; Factic thyrotoxicosis; Acute thyrotoxic crisis; Other thyrotoxicosis: overproduction of thyroid-stimulating hormone; Unspecified thyrotoxicosis: NOS hyperthyroidism, thyrotoxic heart disease);

7. Thyroiditis – excludes postpartum thyroiditis (Acute thyroiditis: abscess of the thyroid – thyroiditis: pyogenous, suppurated; Subacute thyroiditis – thyroiditis: de Quervain, gigantic cells, granulomatous, nonsuppressive – exclude autoimmune thyroiditis; Chronic thyroiditis with transient thyrotoxicosis – excludes autoimmune thyroiditis; Autoimmune thyroiditis: Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Hashitoxicosis (transient), Lymphadenoid goiter, Lymphocytic thyroiditis, Lymphomatous strumitis; Thyroiditis caused by medications; Other chronic thyroiditis – thyroiditis: chronic fibrous, NOS, woody, Riedel; Unspecified thyroiditis);

8. Other thyroid disorders (Calcitonin hypersecretion: C-cell hyperplasia of the thyroid, hypersecretion of thyrocalcitonin; Goiter due to a disorder of hormonal synthesis: familial goiter due to a hormonal synthesis disorder, Pendred syndrome – excludes transient congenital goiter with normal function; Other specified diseases of toroidism: thyroglobulin anomaly, thyroid hemorrhage, thyroid infarction, euthyroid dysfunction syndrome; Unspecified thyroid disease);

B. Regulation of glucose intolerance and mellitus diabetes.

– according to who criteria for regulating glucose intolerance (revised in 1999), the tolerance test based on the correct administration of glucose orally (venously harvested plasma glucose on the uneaten is 6.1 – 6.9 mmol/ l or venous plasma glucose 2 hours after oral glucose administration is 7.8 – 11 mmol/ l or the level of venous plasma glucose on uneaten 6.1 – 6.9 mmol/ l; criteria for diabetes mellitus: tolerance test based on the correct administration of glucose orally (uneaten venously harvested plasma glucose greater than or equal to 7 mmol/l or venous plasma glucose 2 hours after oral glucose administration, venous plasma glucose 2 hours after administration of oral glucose greater than or equal to 11.1 mmol/ l) or the level of uneaten venous plasma glucose higher than 7 mmol/ l or classical symptoms of thirst, polyuria and randomized venous plasma glucose greater than 11.1 mmol/ l):

1. Regulation of glucose intolerance – includes abnormal glucose (carbohydrates), regulation, tolerance, chemical diabetes, latent diabetes, intolerance: low blood glucose levels (IFG), low glucose (carbohydrates) (IGT), prediabetes and excludes diabetes mellitus, high blood glucose levels (Regulation of glucose intolerance with peripheral angiopathy (Regulation of glucose intolerance with peripheral angiopathy (Regulation of glucose intolerance with peripheral angiopathy; Regulation of glucose intolerance with peripheral angiopathy with gangrene; Regulation of glucose intolerance with characteristics of insulin resistance – regulation of glucose intolerance with: Hypertension with any condition below and / or obesity NOS, Increased visceral fat deposit, Insulin resistance NOS, One or more of the following: achantosis nigricans, dyslipidemia, hyperinsulinism, obesity; Regulating glucose intolerance with unspecified complications; Regulating glucose intolerance without complications);

2. Diabet mellitus type 1 – includes autoimmune, fragile, idiopathic, insulin-dependent diabetes (mellitus), with onset in young people, prone to ketosis and excludes diabetes mellitus due to/ in neonatal, NOS, other specified forms, pregnancy, childbirth, lausia, type 2, glycosuria: NOS, renal, regulation of glucose intolerance, postprocedural hypoinsulinemia (Diabetes mellitus type 1 with acidosis, Diabetes mellitus type 1 with acidocetosis without coma: diabet mellitus type 1 with acidocetosis NOS, Diabet mellitus type 1 with acidocetosis with coma: diabet mellitus type 1 with hyperglycemic coma NOS, Diabet mellitus type 1 with lactic acidosis without coma: diabetes mellitus type 1 with lactic acidosis NOS, Diabetes mellitus type 1 with lactic acidosis with coma, Diabet mellitus type 1 with acidocetosis with lactic acidosis without coma: diabetes mellitus type 1 with acidocetosis with lactic acidosis NOS, Diabetes mellitus type 1 with acidocetosis with lactic acidosis with coma; Diabetes mellitus type 1 with renal complications: Diabetes mellitus type 1 with incipient diabetic nephropathy – diabetes mellitus type 1 with glomerular thickened basal membrane, mezzangial expansion, incipient (early) nephropathy (reversible), constant, persistent microalbuminuria; Diabetes mellitus type 1 with established diabetic nephropathy – diabetes mellitus type 1 with diffuse glomerulosclerosis, intracapillary, nodular; Kimmelstiel-Wilson (disease) (lesion), macroalbuminuria, nephropathy (advanced) (NOS) (progressive), proteinuria (fixed) (persistent), Diabetes mellitus type 1 with end-stage kidney disease (ESRD): diabetes mellitus type 1 with chronic renal failure or chronic kidney injury; Diabetes mellitus type 1 with eye complications; Diabetes mellitus type 1 with background retinopathy – diabetes mellitus type 1 with: retinal(a), hemorrhage (with points and spots) (in the form of flame), exudate, microaneurysm, venous dilation, NOS retinopathy; Diabetes mellitus type 1 with preproliferative retinopathy: diabetes mellitus type 1 with: intraretinal microvascular abnormalities (IRMA), retinal: spots in a vătous form, hemorrhages (with spots) (round) (small), ischemia, venous (oss): pearl, curly, doubled; Diabetes mellitus type 1 with proliferative retinopathy – diabetes mellitus type 1 with: preretinal hemorrhage, glassy, formation of new vessel (neovascularization), retinal traction without detachment; Diabetes mellitus type 1 with other retinopathies – diabetes mellitus type 1 with: macular, edema (focal) (generalized) (intraretinal), in the form of a star, maculopathy (circinate) (ischemic), retinal thickening; Diabetes mellitus type 1 with diabetic cataract – excludes diabetes mellitus type 1 with cataracts with onset at early age; Diabetes mellitus type 1 with other specified eye complications: diabetes mellitus type 1 with cataracts with onset at early age; Diabetes mellitus type 1 with cataracts with neurological complications; Diabetes mellitus type 1 with unspecified neuropathy; Diabetes mellitus type 1 with diabetic mononeuropathy – diabetes mellitus type 1 with amyotrophy, cranial nerve palsy III (oculomotor), VI (abductor), femoral neuropathy, multiple mononeurisitis, ophthalmoplegia, radiculopathy: thoracic, troncular; Diabetes mellitus type 1 with diabetic polyneuropathy – diabetes mellitus type 1 with insulin neurititis, symmetrical distal peripheral neuropathy, selective "with small fibers", sensorsomotory – excludes diabetes mellitus type 1 with autonomous diabetic polyneuropathy; Diabetes mellitus type 1 with autonomic diabetic neuropathy – diabetes mellitus type 1 with: abnormal secretion (gustatory), autonomic diabetic polyneuropathy, diabetic diarrhea, anorectal dysfunction, esophageal, gastroparesis, hypotonia of the bladder, neuropathic edema, postural hypotension; Diabetes mellitus type 1 with other specified neurological complications; Diabetes mellitus type 1 with peripheral angiopathy without gangrene – excludes diabetes mellitus type 1 with peripheral angiopathy without foot ulceration; Diabetes mellitus type 1 with peripheral angiopathy with gangrene – excludes diabetes mellitus type 1 with peripheral angiopathy with gangrene with leg ulceration; Diabetes mellitus type 1 with diabetic ischemic cardiomyopathy; Diabetes mellitus type 1 with other specified complications; Diabetes mellitus type 1 with specified musculoskeletal and connective tissue diabetic complications – diabetes mellitus type 1 with Charcot arthropathy, diabetic/s hand syndrome (cheiroararthropathy) (Dupuytren's contracture) (palmar fascial fibromatosis), osteopathy, shoulder periarthritis; Diabetes mellitus type 1 with complications of the skin and subcutaneous tissue specified – diabetes mellitus type 1 with diabetic(a) bullous (bullosis diabeticorum), dermopathy (skin spots), erythema, rubella, scleroderma, skin thickening, diabetic lipoidic necrobiosis (NLD), periunghial telangiectasia; Diabetes mellitus type 1 with specified periodontal complications – diabetes mellitus type 1 with acute periodontal abscess, periodontitis; Diabetes mellitus type 1 with hypoglycemia – diabetes mellitus type 1 with hypoglycemia(ic) coma, NOS, attack (seizures) (seizure); Diabetes mellitus type 1 with poor control – diabetes mellitus type 1 for stabilization, poorly controlled, unstable; Diabetes mellitus type 1 with other specified complications – diabetes mellitus type 1 with gangrene (acute dermal) (bacterial) (hemolytic), Forunier, Meleney, necrotizing fascita, ulcer (lower extremities) – excludes foot ulceration on the periphery with angiopathy and / or neuropathy; Diabetes mellitus type 1 with multiple complications; Diabetes mellitus type 1 with multiple microvascular complications; Diabetes mellitus type 1 with leg ulceration due to multiple causes – diabetes mellitus type 1 with foot ulceration on the periphery with angiopathy and / or neuropathy; Diabetes mellitus type 1 with unspecified complications, Diabetes mellitus type 1 without complications);

3. Diabet mellitus type 2 – includes diabetes (mellitus) (without obesity) (obesity), onset in adults, due to a defect in insulin secretion, insulin resistant, mature onset, noncetonic and excludes diabetes mellitus (in) NOS glycosuria, renal, mature onset (in young people) (MODY), neonatal, NOS, other specified forms, pregnancy, birth, lausia, type 1, Regulation of glucose intolerance, postprocedural hypoinsulinemia (Diabetes mellitus type 2 with hyperosmolarity; Diabetes mellitus type 2 with hyperosmolarity without hypercytic hyperglycemic-hyperosmolar noncetotic coma (NKHHC), mellitus type 2 diabetes with NOS hyperosmolarity; Diabetes mellitus type 2 with hyperosmolarity with coma; Diabetes mellitus type 2 with acidosis; Diabetes mellitus type 2 with comaless acidocetosis – diabetes mellitus type 2 with NOS acidocetosis; Diabetes mellitus type 2 with coma acidocetosis – diabetes mellitus type 2 with hyperglycemic coma NOS; Diabetes mellitus type 2 with lactic acidosis without coma – diabetes mellitus type 2 with nos lactic acidosis; Diabetes mellitus type 2 with lactic acidosis with coma; Diabetes mellitus type 2 with lactic acidocetosis without coma – diabetes mellitus type 2 with acidocetosis with nos lactic acidosis; Diabetes mellitus type 2 with acidocetosis with lactic acidosis with coma; Diabetes mellitus type 2 with kidney complications; Diabetes mellitus type 2 with incipient diabetic nephropathy – diabetes mellitus type 2 with thickened glomerular membrane, mezzangial expansion, incipient (early) nephropathy (reversible), constant, persistent microalbuminuria; Diabetes mellitus type 2 with diffuse glomerulosclerosis, intracapillary, nodular, Kimmelstiel-Wilson (disease) (lesion), macroalbuminuria, nephropathy (advanced) (NOS) (progressive), proteinuria (fixed) (persistent); Diabetes mellitus type 2 with end-stage kidney disease (ESRD) – diabetes mellitus type 2 with chronic renal failure or chronic kidney injury; Diabetes mellitus type 2 with other specified renal complications – diabetes mellitus type 2 with acute renal failure, medullary necrosis (papillary); Diabetes mellitus type 2 with eye complications; Diabetes mellitus type 2 with background retinopathy – diabetes mellitus type 2 with retinal hemorrhage (with points and spots) (in the form of flame), exudate, microaneurysm, venous dilatation, NOS retinopathy; Diabet mellitus type 2 with preproliferative retinopathy – diabetes mellitus type 2 with intratinal microvascular abnormalities (IRMA), retinal spots in injurious form, hemorrhages (with spots) (round) (small), ischemia, venous (oss), pearly, curly, doubled; Diabetes mellitus type 2 with proliferative retinopathy – diabetes mellitus type 2 with preretinal, vitreous hemorrhage, formation of new vessel (neovascularization), retinal traction without detachment; Diabetes mellitus type 2 with other retinopathies – diabetes mellitus type 2 with macular, edema (focal) (generalized) (intraretinal) (intraretinal), star form, maculopathy (circinate) (ischemic), retinal thickening); Diabetes mellitus type 2 with advanced eye disease – diabetes mellitus type 2 with neovascular glaucoma, iris rubella (rubeosis iridis), detached retinal traction; Diabetes mellitus type 2 with diabetic cataract – excludes diabetes mellitus type 2 with cataracts with onset at early age; Diabetes mellitus type 2 with other specified eye complications – diabetes mellitus type 2 with cataracts with onset in early age; Diabetes mellitus type 2 with neurological complications; Diabetes mellitus type 2 with unspecified neuropathy; Diabetes mellitus type 2 with diabetic mononeuropathy – diabetes mellitus type 2 with amyotrophy, cranial nerve palsy III (oculomotor), VI (abductor), femoral neuropathy, multiple mononeuriitis, ophthalmoplegia, thoracic radiculopathy, troncular; Diabetes mellitus type 2 with diabetic polyneuropathy – diabetes mellitus type 2 with insulin neuritus, symmetrical distal peripheral neuropathy, selective "with small fibers", sensorinemotory – excludes diabetes mellitus type 2 with autonomic diabetic polyneuropathy; Diabetes mellitus type 2 with autonomic diabetic neuropathy – diabetes mellitus type 2 with abnormal secretion (gustatory), autonomic diabetic polyneuropathy, diabetic diarrhea, anorectal dysfunction, esophageal, erectile failure (impotence), gastroparesis, hypotonia of the bladder, neuropathic edema, postural hypotension; Diabetes mellitus type 2 with other neurological complications specified; Diabetes mellitus type 2 with circulatory complications; Diabetes mellitus type 2 with peripheral angiopathy without gangrene – excludes diabetes mellitus type 2 with peripheral angiopathy without leg ulceration; Diabetes mellitus type 2 with peripheral angiopathy with gangrene – excludes diabetes mellitus type 2 with peripheral angiopathy with gangrene with foot ulceration; Diabetes mellitus type 2 with diabetic ischemic cardiomyopathy; Diabetes mellitus type 2 with other specified complications; Diabetes mellitus type 2 with other diabetic musculoskeletal and connective tissue complications specified – diabetes mellitus type 2 with Charcot arthropathy, diabetic hand syndrome (cheiroartropathy) (Dupuytren's contracture) (palmar facial fibromatosis), osteopathy, shoulder periarthritis; Diabetes mellitus type 2 with complications of the skin and subcutaneous tissue specified – diabetes mellitus type 2 with diabetic: bullous (bullosis diabeticorum), dermopathy (skin spots), erythema, rubella, scleroderma, thickening of the skin, diabetic lipoidic necrobiosis (NLD), periunghial telangiectasia; Diabetes mellitus type 2 with specified periodontal complications – mellitus type 2 diabetes with acute periodontal abscess, periodontitis; Diabetes mellitus type 2 with hypoglycemia – diabetes mellitus type 2 with hypoglycemia coma, NOS, attack (seizures) (crisis); Diabetes mellitus type 2 with poor control – diabetes mellitus type 2 for stabilization, poorly controlled, unstable, Diabet mellitus type 2 with other specified complications – diabetes mellitus type 2 with gangrene (acute dermal) (bacterial) (hemolytic), Fournier, Meleney, necrotizing fasciitis, ulcer (lower extremities) – excludes foot ulceration on the periphery with angiopathy, neuropathy; Diabetes mellitus type 2 with multiple complications; Diabetes mellitus type 2 with multiple microvascular complications (two or more); Diabetes mellitus type 2 with characteristics of insulin resistance – diabetes mellitus type 2 with hypertension with any related condition shown below, NOS obesity, increased visceral fat deposit, insulin resistance NOS, one or more of the following: achantosis nigricans, dyslipidemia, hyperinsulinism, obesity; Diabetes mellitus type 2 with ulceration of the foot and periphery with angiopathy, neuropathy; Diabetes mellitus type 2 with unspecified complications; Diabetes mellitus type 2 without complications);

4. Other specified forms of diabetes mellitus – include diabetes mellitus (due to) (secondary) (in) (with) drug-induced or chemically induced, endocrinopathy, genetic defect of beta cell functioning, insulin action, genetic syndrome, immuno-mediated disease, infection, mature onset in young people (MODY), exocrine pancreatic disease and excludes diabetes mellitus (in) neonatal diabetes, NOS, pregnancy, birth, lausia, type 1, type 2, GLYCOSURIA NOS, renal, regulation of glucose intolerance (Other specified forms of diabetes mellitus with hyperosmolarity; Other specified forms of diabetes mellitus with hyperosmolarity without hyperglycemic-hyperosmolar noncetotic coma (NKHHC) – diabetes mellitus NEC with nos hyperosmolarity; Other specified forms of diabetes mellitus with hyperosmolarity with coma; Other forms of diabetes mellitus with acidosis; Other specified forms of diabetes mellitus with coma-free acidocetosis – diabet mellitus NEC with NOS acidocetosis; Other specified forms of diabetes mellitus with coma acidocetosis – diabet mellitus NEC with hyperglycemic coma NOS; Other specified forms of diabetes mellitus with coma-free lactic acidosis – diabet mellitus NEC with nos lactic acidosis; Other specified forms of diabetes mellitus with coma lactic acidosis; Other specified forms of diabetes mellitus with kidney complications; Other specified forms of diabetes mellitus with incipient diabetic nephropathy – diabet mellitus NEC with thickened glomerular membrane, mezzangial expansion, incipient (early) nephropathy (reversible), constant, persistent microalbuminuria; Other specified forms of diabetes mellitus with established diabetic nephropathy – diabetes mellitus NEC with diffuse glomerulosclerosis, intracapillary, nodular, Kimmelstiel-Wilson (disease) (lesion), macroalbuminuria, nephropathy (advanced) (NOS) (progressive), proteinuria (fixed) (persistent); Other specified forms of diabetes mellitus with end-stage kidney disease (ESRD) – diabetes mellitus type 2 with chronic renal failure or chronic kidney injury; Other specified forms of diabetes mellitus with other specified renal complications – diabetes mellitus NEC with acute renal failure, medullary necrosis (papillary); Other specified forms of diabetes mellitus with ocular complications; Other specified forms of diabetes mellitus with background retinopathy – diabet mellitus NEC with retinal hemorrhage (with points and spots) (in the form of flame), exudate, microaneurysm, venous dilation, NOS retinopathy; Other forms of diabetes mellitus with preproliferative retinopathy – diabet mellitus NEC with intratinal microvascular abnormalities (IRMA), retinal spots in inadulging form, hemorrhages (with spots) (round) (small), ischemia, venous (s) pearly, curly, doubled; Other specified forms of diabetes mellitus with proliferative retinopathy – diabetes mellitus NEC with hemorrhage, preretinal, vitreous, formation of new vessel (neovascularization), retinal traction without detachment; Other specified forms of diabetes mellitus with other retinopathies – diabet mellitus NEC with macular edema (focal) (generalized) (intraretinal), in the form of a star, maculopathy (circinate) (ischemic), retinal thickening; Other specified forms of diabetes mellitus with advanced eye disease – diabet mellitus NEC with neovascular glaucoma, iris rubella (rubeosis iridis), detached retinal traction; Other specified forms of diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract – excludes diabetes mellitus NEC with cataracts with onset early age; Other specified forms of diabetes mellitus with other specified eye complications – diabetes mellitus NEC with cataracts with onset at early age; Other specified forms of diabetes mellitus with neurological complications; Other specified forms of diabetes mellitus with unspecified neuropathy; Other specified forms of diabetes mellitus with diabetic mononeuropathy – diabet mellitus NEC with amyotrophy, cranial nerve palsy III (oculomotor), VI (abductor), femoral neuropathy, multiple mononeurisitis, ophthalmoplegia, thoracic radiculopathy, troncular; Other specified forms of diabetes mellitus with diabetic polyneuropathy – diabet mellitus NEC with insulin neurit, symmetrical distal peripheral neuropathy, selective "small fiber", sensorimotor – exclude diabetes mellitus with autonomous diabetic polyneuropathy; Other specified forms of diabetes mellitus with autonomic diabetic neuropathy – diabetes mellitus NEC with abnormal (gustatory) sweating, autonomic diabetic polyneuropathy, diabetic diarrhea, anorectal dysfunction, esophageal, erectile failure (impotence), gastroparesis, hypotonia of the bladder, neuropathic edema, postural hypotension; Other specified forms of diabetes mellitus with other specified neurological complications; Other specified forms of diabetes mellitus with circulatory complications; Other specified forms of diabetes mellitus with peripheral angiopathy without gangrene – excludes diabetes mellitus NEC with peripheral angiopathy with foot ulceration; Other specified forms of diabetes mellitus with peripheral angiopathy with gangrene – excludes diabetes mellitus NEC with peripheral angiopathy with gangrene with foot ulceration; Other specified forms of diabetes mellitus with diabetic ischemic heart disease; Other specified forms of diabetes mellitus with other specified complications; Other specified forms of diabetes mellitus with specified musculoskeletal and connective tissue diabetic complications – diabetes mellitus NEC with Charcot arthropathy, diabetic hand syndrome (cheiroartropathy) (Dupuytren's contracture) (palmar fascial fibromatosis), osteopathy, shoulder periarthritis; Other specified forms of diabetes mellitus with complications of the skin and subcutaneous tissue specified – diabetes mellitus NEC with diabetic(a) bullous (bullosis diabeticorum), dermopathy (skin spots), erythema, rubella, scleroderma, skin thickening, diabetic lipoidic necrobiosis (NLD), periunghial telangiectasia; Other specified forms of diabetes mellitus with specified periodontal complications – diabetes mellitus NEC with acute periodontal abscess, periodontitis; Other specified forms of diabetes mellitus with hypoglycemia – diabetes mellitus NEC with hypoglycemia coma, NOS, attack (seizures) (crisis); Other specified forms of diabetes mellitus with contro, weak – other specified forms of diabetes mellitus for stabilization, poorly controlled, unstable, with secondary treatment failure; Other specified forms of diabetes mellitus with other specified complications – diabetes mellitus NEC with gangrene (acute dermal) (bacterial) (hemolytic) Fournier, Meleney, necrotizing fasciitis, ulcer (lower extremities) – excludes foot ulceration on the periphery with angiopathy, neuropathy; Other specified forms of diabetes mellitus with multiple complications; Other specified forms of diabetes mellitus with multiple microvascular complications – two or more conditions; Other specified forms of diabetes mellitus with characteristics of insulin resistance – other specified forms of diabetes mellitus with hypertension with any condition below: NOS obesity, increased visceral fat deposit, nos insulin resistance, one or more of the following achantosis nigricans, dyslipidemia, hyperinsulinism, obesity; Other specified forms of diabetes mellitus with leg ulceration due to multiple causes – diabetes mellitus NEC with foot ulceration on the periphery with angiopathy and / or neuropathy; Other specified forms of diabetes mellitus with unspecified complications; Other specified forms of diabetes mellitus without complications);

5. Unspecified diabetes mellitus – diabet mellitus NOS – excludes diabet mellitus (in) neonatal, non-insulin dependent, pregnancy, birth, lausia, type 1, type 2, NOS glycosuria, renal, regulation of glucose intolerance, postprocedural hypoinsulinemia (Diabetes mellitus not specified with hyperosmolarity; Diabetes mellitus unspecified with hyperosmolarity without hyperglycemic-hyperosmolar noncetotic coma (NKHHC) – diabetes mellitus NOS with nos hyperosmolarity; Unspecified mellitus diabetes mellitus with hyperosmolarity with coma; Diabetes mellitus unspecified with acidosis; Diabetes mellitus not specified with coma-free acidocetosis – diabet mellitus NOS with nos acidocetosis; Diabetes mellitus unspecified with coma acidocetosis – diabet mellitus NOS with hyperglycemic coma NOS; Diabetes mellitus unspecified with lactic acidosis without coma – diabet mellitus NOS with nos lactic acidosis; Diabetes mellitus unspecified with lactic acidosis with coma; Diabetes mellitus not specified with coma-free lactic acidic acidosis with lactic acidosis – diabet mellitus NOS with lactic acidocetosis NOS; Diabetes mellitus not specified with acidocetosis with lactic acidosis c coma; Diabetes mellitus unspecified with kidney complications; Diabetes mellitus unspecified with incipient diabetic nephropathy – diabet mellitus NOS with thickened glomerular membrane, mezzangial expansion, incipient (early) nephropathy (reversible), constant, persistent microalbuminuria; Diabetes mellitus unspecified with established diabetic nephropathy – diabetes mellitus NOS with diffuse glomerulonecrosis, intracapillary, nodular, Kimmelstiel-Wilson (disease) (lesion), macroalbuminuria, nephropathy (advanced) (NOS) (progressive), proteinuria (fixed) (persistent); Diabetes mellitus unspecified with end-stage kidney disease (ESRD) – diabetes mellitus NOS with chronic renal failure; Diabetes mellitus unspecified with other specified renal complications – diabetes mellitus NOS with acute renal failure, medullary necrosis (papillary); Diabetes mellitus unspecified with eye complications; Diabetes mellitus unspecified with background retinopathy – diabet mellitus NOS with retinal hemorrhage (with points and spots) (in the form of flame), exudate, microaneurysm, venous dilation, NOS retinopathy; Diabetes mellitus not specified with preproliferative retinopathy – diabet mellitus NOS with intratinal microvascular abnormalities (IRMA) retinal spots in a vătous form, hemorrhages (with spots) (round) (small), ischemia, venous (os) pearly, curly, doubled; Diabetes mellitus unspecified with proliferative retinopathy – diabet mellitus NOS with preretinal, vitreous hemorrhage, formation of new vessel (neovascularization), retinal traction without detachment; Diabetes mellitus unspecified with other retinopathies – diabetes mellitus NOS with macular, edema (focal) (generalized) (intraretinal), star form, maculopathy (circinate) )ischemic), retinal thickening; Diabetes mellitus unspecified with advanced eye disease – diabetes mellitus NOS with neovascular glaucoma, iris rubella (rubeosis iridis), detached retinal traction; Diabetes mellitus unspecified with diabetic cataract – excludes diabetes mellitus NOS with cataracts with onset at early age; Diabetes mellitus unspecified with neurological complications; Diabetes mellitus unspecified with unspecified neuropathy ̧ Diabetes mellitus not specified with diabetic mononeuropathy – diabetes mellitus NOS with amyotrophy, cranial nerve palsy III (oculomotor), VI (abductor), femoral neuropathy, multiple mononeurisitis, ophthalmoplegia, thoracic radiculopathy, troncular; Diabetes mellitus unspecified with diabetic polyneuropathy – diabetes mellitus NOS with insulin neurit, distal peripheral neuropathy, selective "small fiber", sensorimotor – excludes diabetes mellitus NOS with autonomic diabetic polyneuropathy; Diabetes mellitus unspecified with autonomic diabetic neuropathy – diabetes mellitus NOS with abnormal sweating (gustatory), autonomic diabetic polyneuropathy, diabetic diarrhea, anorectal dysfunction, esophageal, erectile failure (impotence), gastroparesis, hypotonia of the bladder, neuropathic edema, postural hypotension; Diabetes mellitus unspecified with other specified neurological complications; Diabetes mellitus unspecified with circulatory complications; Diabetes mellitus unspecified with peripheral angiopathy without gangrene – excludes diabetes mellitus NOS with peripheral angiopathy with leg ulceration; Diabetes mellitus unspecified with peripheral angiopathy with gangrene – excludes diabetes mellitus NOS with peripheral angiopathy with gangrene with foot ulceration; Diabetes mellitus unspecified with diabetic ischemic cardiomyopathy; Diabetes mellitus unspecified with other specified complications; Diabetes mellitus unspecified with diabetic complications musculoskeletal and connective tissue specified – diabetes mellitus NOS with Arthropathy Charcot, diabetic hand syndrome (cheiroartropathy) (Dupuytren's contracture) (palmar fascial fibromatosis), osteopathy, shoulder periarthritis; Diabetes mellitus unspecified with complications of the skin and subcutaneous tissue specified – diabetes mellitus NOS with diabetic(a) bullous (bullosis diabeticorum), dermopathy (skin spots), erythema, rubella, scleroderma, skin thickening, diabetic lipoidic necrobiosis (NLD), periunghial telangiectasia; Diabetes mellitus unspecified with specified periodontal complications – diabetes mellitus NOS with acute periodontal abscess, periodontitis; Diabetes mellitus unspecified with hypoglycemia – diabetes mellitus NOS with hypoglycemia, coma, NOS, attack (seizures) (crisis); Diabetes mellitus unspecified with poor control – diabetes mellitus unspecified for stabilization, controlled weak, unstable, with the failure of secondary treatment; Diabetes mellitus unspecified with other specific complications – diabet mellitus NOS with gangrene (acute dermal) (bacterial) (hemolytic), Fournier, Meleney, necrotizing fasciitis, ulcer (lower extremities) – excludes foot ulceration on the periphery with angiopathy, neuropathy; Diabetes mellitus unspecified with multiple complications; Unspecified diabetes mellitus with multiple microvascular complications – two or more conditions; Diabetes mellitus unspecified with characteristics of insulin resistance – diabetes mellitus unspecified with hypertension with any condition below, nos obesity, increased visceral fat depot, insulin resistance NOS, one or more of the following: achantosis nigricans, dyslipidemia, hyperinsulinism, obesity; Diabetes mellitus unspecified with leg ulceration due to multiple causes – diabetes mellitus NOS with ulceration of the foot and periphery: angiopathy, neuropathy; Diabetes mellitus unspecified with unspecified complications; Unspecified mellitus diabetes without complications);

C. Other disorders of glucose metabolism and internal pancreatic secretion:

1. Nondiabetic hypoglycemic coma (Drug-induced insulin coma in nondiabetics; Hyperinsulinism with hypoglycemic coma; Hypoglycemic COMA NOS);

2. Other disorders of pancreatic internal secretion (drug-induced hypoglycemia without coma; Other hypoglycemia: Functional nonhyperinsulemic hypoglycemia; Hyperinsulinism: functional, NOS; Hyperplasia of beta cells of pancreatic islets NOS; Encephalopathy due to postglycemic coma; Unspecified hypoglycemia; Glucagon hypersecretion: hyperplasia of pancreatic endocrine cells with excess glucagon; Abnormal secretion of gastrin: hypergastremia, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome; Other specified disorders of pancreatic internal secretion: endocrine hypersecretion of the pancreas by growth hormone profactor (GHRH), pancreatic polypeptides, somatostatin, intestinal vasoactive polypeptides; Disorders of unspecified pancreatic internal secretion: hyperplasia of the cells of the islets of Langerhans NOS, hyperplasia of pancreatic islets cells NOS);

D. Diseases of other endocrine glands – exclude galactorrhea, gynecomastia:

1. Hypoparathyroidism – excludes Di George syndrome, postprocedural hypoparathyroidism, NOS tetania, transient neonatal hypoparathyroidism (idiopathic hypoparathyroidism; Pseudohypoparathyroidism; Other hypoparathyroidisms; Unspecified hypoparathyroidism – parathyroid tetania);

2. Hyperparathyroidism and other disorders of the parathyroid gland – excludes adult, infantile and juvenile osteomalacia (primary hyperparathyroidism – parathyroid hyperplasia, generalized fibro-cystic osteitis (von Recklinghausen bone disease); Secondary hyperparathyroidism not classified elsewhere – excludes secondary hyperparathyroidism of renal origin; Other hyperparathyroidisms – excludes familial hypocalciuric hypercalciuric hypercalcemia; Unspecified hyperparathyroidism; Other specified disorders of the parathyroid gland; Unspecified parathyroid gland disorder);

3. Hypersecretion of the pituitary gland – excludes Cushing's syndrome, Nelson's syndrome, acth hypersecretion not associated with Cushing's disease, pituitary ACTH, thyroid stimulating hormone (Acromegaly and pituitary gigantism: arthropathy associated with acromegaly, hypersecretion of growth hormone – excludes: constitutional gigantism, high stature, growth hormone profactor (GHRH); Hyperprolactinemia; Syndrome of abnormal secretion of antidiuretic hormone; Other hypersecretions of the pituitary gland: early central puberty; Hypersecretion of the pituitary gland);

4. Hyposecretion and other disorders of the pituitary gland – includes the conditions presented regardless of whether the disorder occurs in the pituitary gland or in the hypothalamus and excludes postprocedural hypopituitarism (Hypopituitarism: the syndrome of fertile eunuchoidism, hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism, idiopathic insufficiency of growth hormone, isolated insufficiency of gonadotrophin, growth hormone, pituitary hormone, Kallmann's syndrome, Lorain-Levi syndrome, Necrosis of the pituitary gland (postpartum), Panhypopituitarism, Pituitary(a): caşexia, NOS insufficiency, statural insufficiency, Sheehan's syndrome, Simmonds disease; Drug-induced hypopituitarism; Diabetes insipidus – excludes nephrogenic diabetes insipidus; Hypothalamic disorders not elsewhere classified – exclude Prader-Willi syndrome, Russell-Silver syndrome; Other disorders of the pituitary gland: abscess of the pituitary gland, adipose-genital dystrophy; Disorders of the pituitary gland unspecified);

5. Cushing's syndrome (Pituitary-dependent Cushing's disease: Hypersecretion of pituitary ACTH, pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism; Nelson syndrome; Drug-induced Cushing's syndrome; Ectopic secretion syndrome of ACTH; Alcohol-induced pseudo-cushing syndrome; Other Cushing syndromes; Unspecified Cushing's syndrome);

6. Adrenogenital disorders – includes masculinizing or feminizing adrenogenital syndrome, either acquired or due to adrenal hyperplasia the consequence of congenital anomalies of hormone synthesis; in women: adrenal pseudohermaphrodystism, early heterosexual pseudopubertates, in men: early isosexual pseudopubertates, early mecrogenitosomy, sexual precocity with adrenal hyperplasia, virilization (in women) (Congenital adrenogenital disorders related to enzymatic deficiency: Deficiency of 21-hydroxylase, Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, Congenital adrenal hyperplasia with salt loss; Other adrenogeninal disorders; Idiopathic adrenogenital disorder; Unspecified adrenogenital disorder: ADRENOGENITAL NOS syndrome);

7. Hyperaldosteronism (Primary Hyperaldosteronism: Conn syndrome, Primary Aldosteronism due to adrenal hyperplasia (bilateral); Secondary hyperaldosteronism; Other hyperaldosteronisms: Bartter's syndrome; Unspecified hyperaldosteronism);

8. Other adrenocortical disorders (Other adrenocortical hyperfunctions: Hypersecretion of ACTH unbound from Cushing's disease, Early adrenocortical puberty – excludes Cushing's syndrome; Primary adrenocortical insufficiency: Addison's disease, Autoimmune adrenalitis – excludes amyloidosis, Addison tuberculous disease, Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome; Addisonian crisis: Adrenal crisis, Adrenocortical crisis; Primary adrenocortical insufficiency drug-induced; Adrenocortical insufficiency other and unspecified – adrenal(a): hemorrhage, infarction; Adrenocortical insufficiency NOS; Hypoaldosteronism – excludes adrenal leukodystromy (Addison-Schilder), Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome; Adreno-medullary hyperfunction: adreno-medullary hyperplasia, hypersecretion of catecholamine; Other specified disorders of the adrenal gland: cortisone animal binding globulin; Disorders of the adrenal gland not specified);

9. Ovarian dysfunction – excludes the deficiency of the isolate in gonadotrophic, postprocedural ovarian insufficiency (Hyperestrogenia; Hypernadrogenia: hypersecretion of ovarian androgens; Polycystic ovarian syndrome: sclerocystic ovarian syndrome, Stein-Leventhal syndrome; Primary ovarian failure: estrogen reduction, nose premature menopause, resistant ovary syndrome – excludes menopausal disorders and female climaterium, pure gonadal dysgenesis, Turner syndrome; Other ovarian dysfunctions: OVARIAN hyperfunction NOS; Unspecified ovarian dysfunction);

10. Testicular dysfunction – excludes androgen resistance syndrome, azospermia or oligospermia, isolated insufficiency of gonadotropin, Klinefelter syndrome, postprocedural testicular hypofunction, feminized testicle syndrome (Testicular hyperfunction: hypersecretion of testicular hormones; Testicular hypofunction: deficiency in 5-alpha-reductase (with male pseudohermaphroditism), faulty biosynthesis of the testicular androgenic hormone NOS, nos testicular hypogonadism; Other testicular dysfunctions; Unspecified testicular dysfunction);

11. Puberty disorders not elsewhere classified (Delayed puberty: delay of constitutional development, delayed sexual development; Early puberty: menstruation – excludes Albright(McCune) syndrome (-Sternberg), central early puberty, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, heterosexual pseudopubertatea in women, isosexual pseudopubertatea in men; Other disorders of puberty: premature menarche; Unspecified puberty disorders);

12. Pluriglandular dysfunctions – excludes telangiectatic ataxia (Louis-Bar), myotonic dystrophy (Steinert), pseudohypoparathyroidism (Autoimmune polyglandular insufficiency: Schmidt syndrome; Polyglandular hyperfunction – excludes multiple endocrine adenomatosis; Other polyglandular dysfunctions; Unspecified polyglandular dysfunctions);

13. Diseases of the thymus – excludes aplasia or hypoplasia with immunodeficiency, myasthenia gravis (Persistent hyperplasia of the thymus: hypertrophy of the thymus; Abscess of the thymus; Other diseases of the thymus; Unspecified thymus disease);

14. Other endocrine disorders – exclude pseudohypoparathyroidism (carcinoid syndrome; Other hypersecretions of intestinal hormones; Ectopic hormonal secretion not classified elsewhere; Statural insufficiency not elsewhere classified – statural insufficiency: constitutional, Laron type, NOS, psychosocial – excludes progeria, Russell-Silver syndrome, statural insufficiency: achindroplazic, hypochondroplastic, l, in congenital malformation syndrome, in specific dysmorphic syndrome, nutritional, pituitary, renal, immunodeficiency with micromeal; High constitutional stature: constitutional gigantism; Androgen resistance syndrome: male pseudohermaphroditism with androgen resistance, peripheral hormone receptor disorder, Reifenstein's syndrome, testicular feminization (syndrome); Other hormonal disorders specified: pineal gland dysfunction, progeria; Unspecified endocrine disorder – disorder: endocrine NOS, hormonal NOS);

15. Endocrine gland disorders in diseases classified elsewhere (Disorders of the thyroid gland in diseases classified elsewhere: tuberculosis of the thyroid gland; Adrenal gland disorders in diseases classified elsewhere: Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome (meningococcal); Disorders of other endocrine glands in diseases classified elsewhere);

E. Malnutrition

– the degree of malnutrition is usually measured in terms of weight, expressed in the standard deviation from the average of the relevant reference population; the malnutrition indicator usually occurs when one or more of the previous measurements are available, the lack of weight gain in children or the evidence of weight loss in children or adults; when only one measurement is available, the diagnosis is based on probabilities and is not definitive without further clinical or laboratory tests; in exceptional circumstances where no weight measurement is available, the diagnosis shall be based on clinical investigations; if a observed weight is below the mean value of the reference population, there is a high probability of severe malnutrition when the observed value is 3 or more standard deviations below the mean value of the reference population; a high probability of moderate malnutrition for an observed value is between 2 and less than 3 standard deviations below this average; and a high probability of mild malnutrition for an observed value is localized between 1 and less than 2 standard deviations below this average – excludes intestinal malabsorption, nutritional anemias, sequelae of protein-energetic malnutrition, starvation:

1. Kwashiorkor (Severe malnutrition with nutritional edema with depigmentation of skin and hair – excludes kwashiorkor from marasm);

2. Nutritional marasm (severe malnutrition with marasm – excludes kwashiorkor of marasm);

3. Kwashiorkor de marasm (serious protein-energy malnutrition: intermediate form, with signs of both kwashiorkor and marasm);

4. Severe unspecified protein-energy malnutrition (Severe weight loss (emaceration) in children or adults, or lack of weight gain in the child, reaching an observed weight that is at least 3 standard deviations below the average value for the reference population (or similar loss expressed according to other statistical methods), when we have only one measurement, there is a strong probability of serious smaceration when the weight is 3 or more standard deviations below the average of the reference population; Edema of starvation);

5. Mild or moderate protein-energy malnutrition (Moderate protein-energy malnutrition: weight loss in children or adults or lack of weight gain in children resulting in an observed weight of 2 or more but not exceeding 3 standard deviations below the mean value for the reference population (or a similar loss expressed by other statistical approaches); where there is only one measurement available, there is a high probability of moderate protein-energy malnutrition when the observed weight is 2 or more, but not exceeding 3 standard deviations below the reference population average: Mild protein-energy malnutrition: Loss of weight in children or adults or lack of weight gain in children resulting in an observed weight that is 1 or more but not exceeding 2 standard deviations below the average value for the reference population (or a similar loss through other statistical approaches); when only one measurement is available, there is a high probability of moderate protein-energy malnutrition when the observed weight is 1 or more, but not exceeding 2 standard deviations below the average of the reference population);

6. Developmental delay due to protein-energetic malnutrition (Nutritional: statural insufficiency, interruption of growth; Mental retardation due to malnutrition);

7. Unspecified protein-energy malnutrition (NOS malnutrition; Nos protein-energetic imbalance);

F. Other nutritional deficiencies – exclude nutritional anemia:

1. Avitaminosis A – exclude sequelae of avitaminosis A (Avitaminosis A with xerosis of the conjunctiva;
Avitaminosis A with Bitot spots and conjunctiva xerosis: Bitot spots in the small child; Avitaminosis A with corneal xerosis; Avitaminosis A with corneal ulceration and xerosis; Avitaminosis A with keratomalacia; Avitaminosis A with vesperal hemeralopia; Avitaminosis A with xeroftalmic scar of the cornea; Other ocular manifestations of avitaminosis A: NOS xeroftalmia; Other manifestations of avitaminosis A: follicular keratosis due to avitaminosis A, xerodermia due to avitaminosis A; Unspecified A avitaminosis: hypovitaminosis A NOS);

2. Deficiency in thiamine (vitamin B1) – excludes sequelae of thiamine deficiency (Beriberi – beriberi: dry, wet; Wernicke encephalopathy; Other manifestations of deficiency in thiamine; Deficiency in unspecified thiamine);

3. Deficiency in nicotinic acid (niacin, vitamin B3) (pellagra) (deficiency in: nicotinic acid (-tryptophan), nicotinamides; Pellagra (alcoholic) – excludes sequelae of deficiency in nicotinic acid);

4. Other avitaminosis of group B – excludes sequelae of avitaminosis B (Anemia by deficiency of vitamin B12; Deficiency in riboflavins: ariboflavinosis; Deficiency in pyridoxine: avitaminosis B6 – excludes sideroblastic anemia reacting to pyridoxine; Deficiency of other vitamins of group B – deficiency of: biotin, cyanocobalmin, folate, folic acid, pantothenic acid, vitamin B12; Avitaminosis of group B not specified);

5. Deficiency of ascorbic acid – vitamin C deficiency, Scurvy – excludes anemia in scurvy, sequelae of avitaminosis C;

6. Vitamin D deficiency – excludes adult osteomalacia, osteoporosis, sequelae of rickets (Evolutionary rickets – osteomalacia: infantile, juvenile – excludes rickets: celiac, Crohn, inactive, renal, resistant to vitamin D; Unspecified vitamin D deficiency: avitaminosis D);

7. Other avitaminosis – excludes sequelae of other avitaminosis (Vitamin E deficiency; Vitamin K deficiency – excludes the deficiency of the coagulation factor due to the deficiency of vitamin K, vitamin K deficiency of the newborn; Deficiency of other vitamins; Unspecified avitaminosis);

8. Food deficiency of calcium – excludes disorders of calcium metabolism, sequelae of calcium deficiency;

9. Dietary deficiency of selenium – Keshan disease – excludes sequelae of selenium deficiency;

10. Zinc deficiency;

11. Deficiency of other nutritional elements – excludes disorders of the metabolism of mineral salts, thyroid disorders related to iodine deficiency, sequelae of malnutrition and other nutritional deficiencies (Copper deficiency, Iron deficiency – excludes anemia by iron deficiency; Magnesium deficiency; Manganese deficiency; The deficiency of chromium; Molybdenum deficiency; Vanadium deficiency; The deficiency of several specified nutritional elements; The deficiency of an unspecified nutritional element);

12. Other nutritional deficiencies – exclude dehydration, developmental insufficiency, nutritional disorders in the newborn, sequelae of malnutrition and other nutritional deficiencies (Deficiency of essential fatty acids; Imbalance of ingested food constituents; Other specified nutritional deficiencies; Unspecified nutritional deficiency: NOS nutritional cardiomyopathy);

13. Sequelae of malnutrition and other nutritional deficiencies (Sequelae of protein-energy malnutrition – excludes developmental delay as a result of a protein-energetic malnutrition; Sequelae of avitaminosis A; Sequelae of avitaminosis C; Sequelae of rickets; Sequelae of other nutritional deficiencies; Sequelae of unspecified nutritional deficiencies);

G. Obesity and other disorders by excess intake:

1. Localized adiposity (abdominal or protruding sort: adipose burelet);

2. Obesity – excludes adiposogenital dystrophy, lipomatosis: painful (Dercum), NOS, Prader-Willi syndrome (Obesity due to a caloric excess; Drug-induced obesity; Extreme obesity with alveolar hypoventilation: Pickwickian syndrome; other obesity: morbid obesity; Unspecified obesity: simple NOS obesity);

3. Other excesses of intake – exclude hyperection NOS, sequelae of hyperection (Hyperavitaminosis A; Hypercarontenemia; Hypervitaminosis B6 syndrome; Hypervitaminosis D; Other excesses of the specified contribution);

4. Sequelae of excess intake.

H. Metabolism disorders

– excludes 5-alpha-reductase deficiency, androgen resistance syndrome, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, hemolytic anemia due to enzymatic disorders, Marfan syndrome:

1. Metabolism disorders of aromatic amino acids (classical Phenylketonuria; Other hyperphenylalanineemia; Disorders in the metabolism of tyrosine: Alcaptonuria, Hypertyrosinemia, Occosis, Thynosinemia, Thynosinosis; Albinism – albinism: ocular, cutaneous-ocular, Chediak syndrome(-Steinbrinck)-Higashi, Cross, Hermansky-Pudlak; Other disorders of metabolism of aromatic amino acids – disorders of: histidine metabolism, tryptophan metabolism; Disorders of metabolism of unspecified aromatic amino acids);

2. Metabolism disorders of branched-chain amino acids and fatty acid metabolism (Maple-smelling urine disease; Other disorders of metabolism of amino acids but branched chain: Hyperleucine-isoleucinemia, Hypervalinemia; Isogyrical acidemia; Methylmalonic acidemia; Propionic acidemia; Metabolism disorders of unspecified branched-chain amino acids; Disorders of metabolism of fatty acids: adenoleucodistrophya (Addison-Schilder), insufficiency of carnitine palmitiltransferase muscle – excludes refsum's disease, Schilder's disease, Zellweger's syndrome);

3. Other disorders of amino acid metabolism – exclude abnormal results without obvious disease, disorders of: aromatic acid metabolism, metabolism of branched-chain amino acids, fatty acid metabolism, metabolism of purines and pyrimidines, gout (Disorders in the transport of amino acids: Cysttinosis, Cistinuria, Fanconi syndrome(-of Toni)(-Debre), Hartnup's disease, Lowe syndrome – excludes disorders of tryptophan metabolism; Metabolism disorders of sulfide amino acids: Cistationinuria, Homocostinuria, Methioninemia, Deficiency in sulfite oxidase – excludes transcobalamin II deficiency; Disorders of metabolism of the urea cycle: Arginemia, Arginosuccinic aciduria, Cytrulinemia, Hyperamonemia – excludes disorders of ornithine metabolism; Metabolism disorders of lysine and hydroxylysine: Glutarian aciduria, Hydroxylysinemia, Hyperlysinemia; Metabolism disorders of ornithine: ornithinemia; Disorders of glycine metabolism: Hyperhydroxyprolinemia, Hyperprolinemia, noncetosic hyperglycinemia, Sarcosinemia; Other specified disorders of amino acid metabolism – disorders of: beta amino acid metabolism, gammaglutamil cycle; Metabolism disorders of unspecified amino acids);

4. Lactose intolerance (Congenital deficiency in lactase; Secondary deficiency in lactase; Other lactose intolerances; Intolerance to unspecified lactose);

5. Other carbohydrate metabolism disorders – exclude diabetes mellitus, NOS hypoglycemia, glucagon hypersecretion, mucopolysaccharidosis (Glycogen storage disease: Cardiac glycogenosis, Disease: Andersen, Cori, Forbes, Hers, McArdle, Pompe, Bulls, von Gierke, Deficiency in hepatic phosphorylase; Metabolism disorders of fructose: Essential fructosuria, Deficiency in fructose-1,6-diphosphatase, Hereditary fructose intolerance; Disorders of metabolism of galactose: Galactochinase deficiency, Galactosemia; Other disorders of intestinal absorption of carbohydrates: Glucose-galactose malabsorption, Sucrase deficiency – exclude lactose intolerance; Metabolism disorders of pyrethrum and gluconeogenesis – Deficiency of: carboxykinase phosphoenolpyruvate, pyruvat carboxylase, dehydrogenase – exclude with anemia; Other specified disorders of carbohydrate metabolism: Essential pentosuria, Oxatosis, Oxaluria, Renal glycosuria);

6. Metabolism disorders of spherolipids and other reserve lipids – excludes mucolipidosis types I-III, Refsum's disease (Gangliosidosis GM2 – disease: Sandhoff, Tay-Sachs, GANGLIOSIDOSIS GM2 in adult, juvenile, NOS; Other gangliosidosis – gangliosidosis: GM1, GM3, NOS, Mucolipidosis IV; Other sphingolipidoses – disease: Fabry(-Anderson), Gaucher, Krabbe, Niemann-Pick, Farber syndrome, Metachromatic leukodystrophy, Sulfatase deficiency – excludes adrenoleukodistrophy (Addison-Schilder); Unspecified sphthicpidosis; Lipofuscinosis with neuronal ceroid – disease: Batten, Bielschowsky-Jansky, Kufs, Spielmeyer-Vogt; Other disorders of reserve lipids: cerebrotendinous cholesterosis (van Bogaert-Scherer-Epstein), Wolman's disease; Disorders of unspecified reserve lipids);

7. Disorders of metabolism of glycosaminoglycans (Mucopolysaccharidosis type I – syndrome: Hurler, Hurler-Scheie, Scheie; Mucopolysaccharidosis type II: Hunter's syndrome; Other mucopolysaccharidosis: Mucopolysaccharidosis type III, IV, VI, VII, Deficiency of beta-glucoronidase, syndrome: Maroteaux-Lamy (mild) (severe), Morquio(-similar) (classical), Sanfilippo (type B) (type C) (type D); Unspecified mocopolysaccharidosis; Other disorders of glycosaminoglycans metabolism; Metabolism disorders of unspecified glycosaminoglycans);

8. Disorders of glycoprotein metabolism (Deficiency of post-translational transformation of lysosomal enzymes: Mucolipidosis II (disease of cells I), Mucolipidosis III (polydystrotrophy of pseudo Hurler; Glycoprotein degradation deficiency: Aspartilglucosaminuria, Fucosidosis, Manozidosis, Sialidosis (mucolipidosis I); Other disorders of glycoprotein metabolism; Unspecified glycoprotein metabolism disorders);

9. Disorders of metabolism of lipoproteins and other lipidemia – excludes spherolipidosis (Essential hypercholesterolemia: Familial hypercholesterolemia, Fredrickson hyperlipoproteinemia type IIa, Hyperbetalipoproteinemia, Hyperlipidemia group A, Hyperlipoproteinemia with low density lipoproteins (LDL); Essential hyperglyceridemia: endogenous hyperglyceridemia, Fredrickson hyperlipoproteinemia type IV, Hyperbetalipoproteinemia with very low density lipoproteins (VLDL); Mixed hyperlipidemia: Broad or floating betalipoproteinemia, Fredrickson hyperlipoproteinemia type IIb or III, Hyperbetalipoproteinemia with prebetalipoproteinemia, Hypercholesterolemia with endogenous hyperglyceridemia, Hyperlipidemia group C, tubero-eruptive Xanthome, tuberous Xanthom – excludes cerebrotendinous cholesterosis (van Bogaert-Scherer-Epstein); Hyperkylomicroanemia: Fredrickson hyperlipoproteinemia type I or V, Hyperlipidemia group D, Mixed hyperglyceridemia; Other hyperlipidemia: Combined familial hyperlipidemia; Unspecified hyperlipidemia; Deficiency in lipoproteins: Abetalipoproteinemia, Deficiency of high-density lipoproteins, Hypoalphaloproteinemia, Hypobetalipoproteinemia (familial), Deficiency of lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase, Tangier's disease; Other disorders of lipoprotein metabolism; Disorders of metabolism of unspecified lipoproteins);

10. Metabolism disorders of purines and pyrimidines – exclude renal lithiasis, combined immune disorders, gout, anemia with orotaciduria, xeroderma pigmentosum (Hyperuricemia without signs of inflammatory arthritis or toface disease: Asymptomatic hyperuricemia; Lesch-Nyhan syndrome; Other disorders of metabolism of purines and pyrimidine: hereditary Xanthinuria; Metabolism disorders of purines and pyrimidines unspecified);

11. Metabolism disorders of porphyrin and bilirubin – includes deficiency in cantalase and peroxidase (Hereditary erythropoietic porphyria: Congenital erythropoietic porphyria, erythropoietic protoporphyria; Late cutaneous porphyria; Other porphyria: Hereditary coproporphyria – porphyria: acute periodic (hepatic), NOS; Deficiency in catalase and peroxidase: Acatalasia (Takahara); Gilbert's syndrome; Crigler-Najjar syndrome; Other disorders of bilirubin metabolism: Dubin-Johnson syndrome, Rotor syndrome; Unspecified bilirubin metabolism disorders);

12. Mineral metabolism disorders – excludes food deficiency of minerals, parathyroid gland disorders, vitamin D deficiency (Copper metabolism disorders: Menkes disease (curly hair) (steely hair), Wilson's disease; Disorders of iron metabolism: Hemochromatosis – excludes anemia, iron deficiency, sideroblastic; Zinc metabolism disorders: Enteropathic acrodermatitis; Disorders of phosphorus metabolism: Deficiency in acid phosphatase, Familial hypothalasemia, Hypophosphatase, Resistance to vitamin D osteomalacia, rickets – excludes adult osteomalacia, osteoporosis; Metabolism disorders of magnesium: Hypermagnesemia, Hypomagnesemia, Calcium metabolism disorders: Familial hypocalciuric hypocalciuria, idiopathic hypercalciuria – exclude chondrocalcinosis, hyperparathyroidism; Other disorders of mineral metabolism; Metabolism disorders of unspecified minerals;

13. Cystic fibrosis – includes mucoviscidosis (Cystic fibrosis with pulmonary manifestations; Cystic fibrosis with intestinal manifestations: Ileus meconial – excludes meconian obstruction in cases where it is known that cystic fibrosis is not present; Cystic fibrosis with other manifestations: Cystic fibrosis with combined manifestations; Unspecified cystic fibrosis);

14. Amyloidosis – excludes Alzheimer's disease, primary amyloidosis (non-neuropathic heredofamilial amyloidosis: Mediterranean familial fever, Hereditary amyloid nephropathy; Neuropathic heredofamilial amyloidosis: Amyloid polyneuropathy (Portuguese); Unspecified heredofamilial amyloidosis; Secondary systemic amyloidosis: Amyloidosis associated with hemodialysis; Amyloidosis in one or more organs: Localized amyloidosis; Other amyloidosis; Unspecified amyloidosis);

15. Hypovolemia, dehydration (Dehydration; Deplection of plasma volume or extracellular fluid; Hypovolemia – excludes dehydration of the newborn, hypovolemic shock NOS, postprocedural, traumatic);

16. Other disorders of acid-base, hydric and electrolyte balance (Hyperosmolarity and hypernatremia: Excess sodium (Na), Sodium overload (Na) – excludes diabetes mellitus; Hypoosmolarity and hyponatremia: Sodium deficiency (Na) – excludes the syndrome of abnormal secretion of antidiuretic hormone; Acidosis – acidosis: lactic, metabolic, NOS, respiratory – excludes diabetic acidosis; Alkalosis – alkalosis: metabolic, NOS, respiratory; Mixed disorders of acid-base balance; Hyperkalemia: Excess potassium (K), Potassium overload (K); Hypokalemia: Potassium deficiency (K); Fluid overload – exclude edema; Other hydric and electrolyte disorders not elsewhere classified: NOS electrolyte imbalance, Hyperchloremia, Hypochloremia);

17. Other metabolism disorders – excludes X histiocytosis (chronic) (Metabolism disorders of alphaproteins not elsewhere classified: Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency, Bisalbuminemia – excludes metabolism disorders of lipoproteins, monoclonal gammapathy, polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia, Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia; Lipodystromy unclassified elsewhere: Lipodystromy NOS – excludes Whipple's disease; Lipomatosis not classified elsewhere – lipomatosis: painful (Dercum), NOS; Other disorders of metabolism specified: Defects of the mitochondrial respiratory canal – Mitochondrial DNA deletion, DEFICIENCY of NADH-coenzyme Q reductase, NOS, Deficiency of coenzyme Q-cytochrome reductase, Deficiency of succinate coenzyme Q reductase, Hoffa-Kastert disease; Launois-Bensaude adenolipomatosis; Mitochondrial(a): NOS cytopathy, NOS defect, NOS disease, NOS disorder, NOS syndrome, Trimethyllaminutria; Unspecified metabolic disorders);

18. Endocrine and metabolic postprocedural disorders not elsewhere classified (Postprocedural hypothyroidism: Hypothyroidism after irradiation; Postprocedural hypoinsulinemia: Hyperglycemia after pancreatectomy; Postprocedural hypoparathyroidism: Paratythaoprivous tetania; Postprocedural hypopituitarism: Hypopituitarism after irradiation; Postprocedural ovarian failure; Postprocedural testicular hypofunction; Postprocedural adrenocortical (medullary) hypofunction; Other postprocedural metabolic and endocrine disorders; Unspecified postproceural metabolic and endocrine disorders);

Dorin, Merticaru