STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineDiseases of the Nervous System

Translation Draft

It excludes certain diseases that originate in the perinatal period, certain infectious and parasitic diseases, complications of pregnancy, childbirth and lausion, congenital malformations, chromosomal deformities and abnormalities, endocrine, nutrition and metabolism diseases, traumatic injuries, poisoning and certain consequences of external causes, malignant tumors, symptoms, signs and abnormal results of clinical and laboratory investigations not classified elsewhere. A. Inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system:

1. Bacterial meningitis not classified elsewhere – includes bacterial arachnoiditis, bacterial leptomeningitis, bacterial meningitis, bacterial pahimeningitis and bacterial excludes: meningoencephalitis, meningomyelitis (Meningitis with Haemophilus – meningitis due to Haemophilus influenzae; Meningitis with pneumococci; Meningitis with streptococci; Meningitis with staphylococci; Other bacterial meningitis – meningitis due to: Escherichia coli, Friedlander bacillus, Klebsiella; Unspecified bacterial meningitis – meningitis: purulent NOS, pyogenic NOS, suppurated NOS);

2. Meningitis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere (Meningitis (in): anthrax, gonococcal, leptospirosis, listerian, Lyme disease, neurosyphilis, Salmonella infection, congenital syphilis, secondary, typhoid fever – excludes meningoencephalitis and meningomyelitis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere);

3. Meningitis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere – excludes meningoencephalitis and meningomyelitis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere (Meningitis in viral diseases classified in other diagnoses – meningitis (due to): infectious mononucleosis, rubella; Meningitis in mycosis – meningitis with cryptococle; Meningitis in other specified infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere – meningitis due to: African trypanosomiasis, Chagas disease (chronic));

4. Meningitis due to other causes and unspecified – includes arachnoiditis due to other causes and unspecified, leptomeningitis due to other causes and unspecified, meningitis due to other causes and unspecified, pahimeningitis due to other causes and unspecified and excludes meningoencephalitis, meningomyelitis (Meningitis with nonpiogenic – nonbacterial meningitis, Chronic meningitis, Recurrent benign meningitis (Mollaret); Meningitis due to other specified causes; Unspecified meningitis – arachnoiditis (spinal) NOS);

5. Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis – includes acute ascending myelitis, meningoencephalitis, meningomyelitis and excludes benign myalgic encephalomyelitis, encephalopathy: alcoholic, NOS, toxic, multiple sclerosis, myelitis: acute transverse, subacute necrotizing (disseminated acute encephalitis – postvaccinal encephalitis, postvaccinal encephalomyelitis; Tropical spastic paraplegia; Meningoencephalitis and bacterial meningomyelitis not elsewhere classified; Other unspecified encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis – ventriculitis (cerebral) NOS);

6. Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis in diseases classified elsewhere – includes meningoencephalitis and meningomyelitis in diseases classified elsewhere (Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere – encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis (in): listeriana, meningococcal, syphilis: congenital, late, tuberculous; Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis in viral diseases classified elsewhere – encephalitis, myelitis or encephalomyelitis (in): cytomegaloviral, influenza, rubella; Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere – encephalitis, myelitis or encephalomyelitis (in): African trypanosoamemia, Chagas disease, neglerase, toxoplasmosis, eosinophilic meningoencephalitis; Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis in other diseases classified elsewhere – encephalitis in systemic lupus erythematosus);

7. Intracranial and intrarahidal abscess and granuloma – additional diagnosis is used to identify the infectious agent (Intracranial abscess and granuloma – abscess (embolic) (al): brain (any part), cerebellar, cerebral, otogen, abscess or intracranial granuloma: epidural, extradural, subdural; Abscess and intrarahidal granuloma – abscess (embolic) of the spinal cord (any part), abscess or intrarahidal granuloma: epidural, extradural, subdural; Unspecified extradural and subdural abscess);

8. Abscess and intracranial and intrarahidal granuloma in diseases classified elsewhere (Abscess of the brain: gonococcal, tuberculous, schistosomian granuloma of the brain, tuberculoma of the brain);

9. Phlebitis and intracranial and intra-spinal thrombophlebitis (septic): embolism of the venous sinus and intracranial or intra-spinal veins, endophlebitis of the venous sinus and intracranial or intra-spinal veins, phlebitis of the venous sinus and intracranial or intrarahidal veins, thrombophlebitis of the venous sinus and intracranial or intrarahidal veins, thrombosis of the venous sinus and intracranial or intrarapinal veins – excludes phlebitis and intracranial thrombophlebitis: complicating: ectopic or molar abortion or pregnancy, pregnancy, birth and lausia, of non-ogenic origin, phlebitis and intrahydrousal thrombophlebitis nepiogenic);

10. Sequelae of inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system – sequelae includes the conditions specified as such or as delayed effects, or those that occur a year or more after the onset of the causative disease.

B. Systemic atrophies affecting in particular the central nervous system:

1. Huntington's disease – huntington's korea;

2. Hereditary ataxia – excludes hereditary and idiopathic neuropathy, infantile cerebral palsy, metabolism disorders (nonprogressive congenital ataxia; Early-onset cerebellar ataxia – early-onset cerebellar ataxia with: essential tremors, monoclonus (Hunt ataxia), lack of tendinous reflexes, Friedreich ataxia (recessive autosomal), recessive spino-cerebellar ataxia related to the X chromosome (with onset, usually before the age of 20 years); Late cerebellar ataxia (with onset, usually after the age of 20 years); Cerebellar ataxia with DNA repair defect – telangiectatic ataxia (Louis-Bar) – excludes Cockayne syndrome, xeroderma pigmentosum; Hereditary spastic paraplegia, Other hereditary ataxia, unspecified hereditary ataxia – hereditary cerebellar: nos ataxia, degeneration, disease, syndrome);

3. Spinal muscular atrophy and related syndromes (Infantile spinal muscular atrophy type I (Werdning-Hoffman); Other hereditary spinal muscular atrophies – progressive bulbar paralysis of the child (Fazio-Londe), spinal muscular atrophy: in adults, in child type II, distal, juvenile form type III (Kugelberg-Welander), scapulo-peroneal form; Motor neuron diseases – familial degeneration of the motor neuron, lateral sclerosis: amyotrophic, primary, progressive: bulbar paralysis, primary muscle atrophy; Other spinal muscular atrophies and related syndromes; Unspecified spinal muscular atrophy);

4. Systemic atrophies affecting mainly the central nervous system in diseases not classified elsewhere (Neuromyopathy and paraneoplastic neuropathy – carcinomatous neuromyopathy, paraneoplastic sensory neuropathy (Denny Brown); Other systemic atrophies affecting mainly the central nervous system in tumor diseases – paraneoplastic limbic encephalopathy; Systemic atrophies affecting mainly the central nervous system in myxedema; Systemic atrophies affecting mainly the central nervous system in other diseases classified elsewhere);

C. Extrapyramidal and motor disorders:

1. Parkinson's disease (Hemiparkinsonism, Agitating paralysis, Parkinsonism or Parkinson's disease: idiopathic, NOS, primary);

2. Secondary Parkinsonism (Malignant syndrome after neuroleptics (additional diagnosis is used to identify the drug); Other secondary parkinsonisms caused by medicine (additional diagnosis is used to identify the medicine); Secondary Parkinsonism due to other external agents (additional diagnosis is used to identify the external agent); Postencephalitic parkinsonism; Other secondary parkinsonisms; Unspecified secondary Parkinsonism);

3. Parkinsonism in diseases classified elsewhere – syphilitic parkinsonism;

4. Other degenerative diseases of the basal ganglia – excludes multisystemic degeneration (Hallervorden-Spatz disease – pale pigment degeneration; Pregressive supranuclear ophthalmoplegia (Steele-Richardson-Olszewski); Striato-Nigrian degeneration (nigrostriate); Other specified degenerative diseases of the basal ganglia – calcification of the basal ganglia; Degenerative disease of the basal nodes unspecified);

5. Dystonia – includes dyskinesis and excludes atheosic cerebral palsy (Dystonia caused by drugs (additional diagnosis is used to identify the drug); Familial idiopathic dystonia – Idiopathic dystonia NOS; Nonfamilial idiopathic dystonia; Spasmodic torcolis – excludes torcolis NOS; Buco-facial dystonia – buco-facial dyskinesis; Blepharospasm; Other dysttonies; Unspecified dystonia – nos dyskinesis);

6. Other extrapyramidal and motor disorders (Essential tremors – excludes tremors NOS; Tremors caused by medication (additional diagnosis is used for the external cause to identify the drug); Other specified forms of tremors – intentional tremors; Myoclonia – drug-caused myoclonia (additional diagnosis is used for the external cause to identify the drug, if it is provoked medicinally) – excludes facial myokinia, myoclonic epilepsy; Drug-provoked korea (additional diagnosis is used for the external cause to identify the drug); Other categories of korea – NOS korea – exclude NOS korea with cardiac implications, Huntington's korea, rheumatic korea, Sydenham korea; Medically provoked tics and other tics of organic origin (additional diagnosis is used for the external cause to identify the drug, if they are drug-induced) – excludes Tourette's syndrome, NOS tics; Other extrapyramidal and motor disorders specified – restless legs syndrome, impaled man's syndrome; Unspecified extrapyramidal and motor disorders);

7. Extrapyramidal and motor disorders in diseases classified elsewhere;

D. Other degenerative diseases of the nervous system:

1. Alzheimer's disease – includes senile and presenile forms and excludes senile: NEC brain degeneration, NOS dementia, NOS senility (Alzheimer's disease with early onset (with onset, usually before the age of 65 years); Alzheimer's disease with late onset (with onset, usually after the age of 65 years); Other forms of Alzheimer's disease; Unspecified Alzheimer's disease);

2. Other degenerative diseases of the nervous system not elsewhere classified – exclude Reye's syndrome (Circumcised cerebral atrophy – Pick's disease, isolated progressive aphasia; Senile degeneration of the brain not classified elsewhere – excludes Alzheimer's disease, nos senility; Degeneration of the nervous system due to alcohol – alcoholic(a): cereberal: ataxia, degeneration, cerebral degeneration, encephalopathy, dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system due to alcohol; Other specified degenerative disorders of the nervous system – Degeneration of gray matter (Alpers disease), mitochondrial myophalopathy, Necrotizing subacute encephalopathy (Leigh's disease); Degenerative disorders of the nervous system not specified);

3. Other degenerative disorders of the nervous system in diseases classified elsewhere (Subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord into diseases classified elsewhere – Subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord in vitamin B12 deficiency, Other specified degenerative disorders of the nervous system in diseases classified elsewhere);

E. Demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system:

1. Multiple sclerosis (a): brainstem, spinal cord, disseminated, generalization, NOS);

2. Other disseminated acute demyelinating disorders – exclude encephalitis and post-infectious encephalomyelitis NOS (Optic neuromyelitis (Devic) – Demyelination in optic neuritis – exclude optic neuritis NOS; Acute and subacute hemorrhagic leukoencephalitis (Hurst); Other acute disseminated demyelinations specified; Unspecified disseminated acute demyelinations);

3. Other demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system (Diffuse sclerosis – Periaxial encephalitis, Schilder's disease – exclude adrenoleucodistrophya (Addison-Schilder); Central demyelination of the callosum body; Pontin central myelinolysis; Acute transverse myelitis in demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system – Acute transverse myelitis NOS – excludes multiple sclerosis, optic neuromyelitis (Devic); Subacute necrotizing myelitis; Concentric sclerosis (Balo); Other specified demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system; Demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system unspecified);

F. Episodic and paroxysmal disorders:

1. Epilepsy – intradermal epilepsy is defined as a production of one or more attacks per month, with impaired knowledge or 12 or more attacks per year, despite treatment with appropriate doses of at least two antiepileptics, one or more in combination – differentiations are made according to considerations related to "without intradermal epilepsy" and "with intradertable epilepsy" – note: these criteria are for the clinician's use – excludes Landau-Kleffner syndrome, nos attacks (convulsives), epileptic malaise, Todd's palsy (localization-related idiopathic epilepsy (focal, partial) and epileptic syndromes with localized-onset attacks – Benign childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal peaks at EEG, Childhood epilepsy with occipital paroxysms at EEG; Symptomatic epilepsy related to localization (focal, partial) and epileptic syndromes with simple partial attacks – Attacks without altered knowledge, Simple partial attacks evolving to generalized secondary attacks; Symptomatic epilepsy related to localization (focal, partial) and epileptic syndromes with complex partial attacks – Attacks with alteration of knowledge often with automatisms, Complex partial attacks evolving to generalized secondary attacks; Idiopathic generalized epilepsy and epileptic syndromes – Benign: myoclonic epilepsy in childhood, neonatal (familial) seizures, Epileptic absences in childhood (piknolepsia), Epilepsy with attacks of grand mal upon awakening, Juvenile: absence of epilepsy, myoclonic epilepsy (petit mal impulsive), Nonspecific epileptic attacks: atonic, clonic, myoclonic, tonic, tonic-clonic; Other generalized epilepsy and epileptic syndromes – Epilepsy with: myoclonic absences, astato-myoclonic attacks, Infantile spasms, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, MERRF (myoclonic epilepsy with ragged red fiber rupture), Salaam attacks, Symptomatic early myoclonic encephalopathy, West syndrome; Epileptic syndromes in special cases – Continuous partial epilepsy (Kozhevnikof), epileptic attacks related to: alcohol, drugs, hormonal changes, lack of sleep, stress; Attacks of "grand mal" unspecified (with or without petit mal); Petit mal unspecified without grand mal attacks; Other epilepsy – Epilepsy and epileptic syndromes not specified as focused or generalized; Unspecified epilepsy – Epileptics: NOS seizures, NOS seizures, NOS attacks);

2. Epileptic malaise (Epileptic "grand mal" state – Tonic-clonic epileptic malaise – excludes continuous partial epilepsy (Kozhevnikof); epileptic "petit mal" state – epileptic absence; Condition of "epileptic bank" partially complex; Other states of "epileptic mal"; State of "epileptic bank" unspecified);

3. Migraine – excludes headache NOS (Migraine without aura (common migraine); Migraine with aura (classical migraine) – Migraine: aura without headache, basilar, equivalent, familial hemiplegic, Cu: acute installation of the aura, prolonged aura, typical aura; State of "migraine bank"; Complicated migraine; Other migraines – ophthalmoplegic migraine, retinal migraine; Unspecified migraine);

4. Other syndromes of cephalic algii – exclude atypical facial algia, NOS headache, trigemenal neuralgia (unilateral headache syndrome (eye or temple) – Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania, Unilateral headache: chronic chronic chronic, chronic chronic, episodic headache; Vascular headache not elsewhere classified – NOS vascular headache; Chronic tension headache, Episodic tension headache, NOS tension headache; Chronic post-traumatic headache; Drug-causing headache not elsewhere classified; Other specified syndromes of cephalic algia);

5. Transient ischemic strokes and related syndromes – exclude neonatal cerebral ischemia (vertebral-basilar syndrome; Carotid (hemispheric) syndrome, transient ischemic attack of multiple and bilateral precerebral arterial territories; Fugaceous amaurosis; Transient global amnesia – excludes AMNEsia NOS; Other transient ischemic strokes and related syndromes; Unspecified transient ischemic stroke – Threat of cerebrovascular accident, Spasm of the cerebral artery, transient cerebral ischemia);

6. Cerebral vascular syndromes in cerebrovascular diseases (Middle cerebral artery syndrome; Anterior cerebral artery syndrome; Syndrome of the posterior cerebral artery; Vascular syndromes of the brainstem – syndrome: Benedikt, Claude, Foville, Millard-Gubler, Wallenberg, Weber; Vascular cerebellar syndrome; Pure motor lacunar syndrome; Pure sensory lacunar syndrome; Other lacunar syndromes; Other cerebral vascular syndromes in cerebrovascular diseases);

7. Sleep disorders – excludes nightmares, non-ororgan sleep disturbances, night terrors, sleepwalking (Sleep and sleep-keeping disorders )insomnia); Sleep disturbances through excessive sleepiness (hypersomnia); Sleep-wake cycle disorders – Syndrome of retardation of sleep phases, Irregularities of wakefulness-sleep rhythm; Sleep apnea – excludes pickwickian syndrome, sleep apnea of the newborn; Unspecified sleep apnea, central syndrome of sleep apnea – central syndrome of sleep hypopnea; Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome – obstructive sleep hypoapse syndrome; Hypoventilation syndrome during sleep; other sleep apnei; Narcolepsy and catalepsy; Other sleep disorders – Kleine-Levin syndrome; Unspecified sleep disorders);

G. Nerve, root and plexus nerve disorders:

Excludes – current traumatic disorders of nerves, roots and nerve plexuses (see nerve injury after anatomical location), NOS neuralgia, NOS neuritis, peripheral neuritis in pregnancy, NOS radiculitis:

1. Trigeminal nerve disorders – includes disorders of the 5th cranial nerve (Trigeminal neuralgia – Paroxysmal facial neuralgia syndrome, Painful tic;
Atypical facial algia; Other disorders of the trigeminum nerve; Unspecified trigemina nerve disorder);

2. Facial nerve disorders – includes diseases of the 7th cranial nerve (Bell's palsy – Facial paralysis; Postherpetic geniculate ganglion disease; Melkersson syndrome – Melkersson-Rosental syndrome; Clonic facial hemispasm; Facial myochemistry (segmental muscle clonia); Other disorders of the facial nerve; Unspecified facial nerve disorder);

3. Disorders of other cranial nerves – excludes disorders of: auditory nerve, optic nerve, paralytic strabismus due to nerve paralysis (Olfactory nerve disorders – Affection of the first cranial nerve; Gloso-fariangial nerve disorders – The affection of the 9th cranial nerve, Glosso-pharyngeal neuralgia; Vagus nerve disorders – pneumogastric nerve disorder; Hypoglossal nerve disorders – Disorders of the 12th cranial nerve; Disorders of several cranial nerves – Cranial polyneurisy; Diseases of other specified cranial nerves; Unspecified cranial nerve disorder);

4. Cranial nerve disorders in diseases classified elsewhere (Post-zoster neuralgia – Postherpetic: geniculate ganglia, trigeminal neuralgia; Paralysis of several cranial nerves in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere; Paralysis of several cranial nerves in sarcoidosis; Paralysis of several cranial nerves in neoplastic diseases; Other cranial nerve disorders in other diseases classified elsewhere);

5. Disorders of nerve roots and plexuses – excludes traumatic affections of nerve roots and plexuses (see nerve injuries after anatomical localization) intervertebral disc disorders, neuralgia or NOS neurita; neurita or radiculitis: brachial NOS, lumbar NOS, lumbosacral NOS, thoracic NOS; NOS radiculitis, NOS radiculopathy, spondylosis; Brachial plexus disorders – valve chest syndrome; Diseases of the lumbosacral plexus; Cervical root disorders not elsewhere classified; Lumbo-sacral root disorders not elsewhere classified; Amyotrophic neuralgia – Parsonage-Aldren-Turner syndrome, Scapular belt neuritis; Painful syndrome of "phantom limb"; Syndrome of "phantom limb" without painful element – syndrome of "phantom limb" NOS; other disorders of nerve roots and plexuses; Unspecified affection of nerve roots and plexuses;

6. Compression of nerve roots and plexuses in diseases classified elsewhere (Compression of nerve roots and plexuses in tumor diseases; Compression of roots and nerve plexuses in intervertebral disc injuries; Compression of roots and nerve plexuses in spondylosis; Compression of roots and nerve plexuses in other dorsopatii; Compression of nerve roots and plexuses in diseases classified elsewhere);

7. Mononeuropathies of the upper limb – excludes current traumatic disorders of the nerve (see nerve damage after anatomical localization) (Carpal tunnel syndrome; Other lesions of the median nerve; Ulnar nerve injury – slow paralysis of the ulnar nerve; Lesion of the radial nerve; Causalgia; Other mononeuropathies of the upper limb – Interdigital neuroma of the upper limb; Unspecified upper limb mononeuropathy);

8. Mononeuropathies of the lower limb – excludes current traumatic disorders of the nerve (see nerve damage after anatomical localization) (Sciatic nerve injury – excludes Sciatica: due to intervertebral disc disorders, NOS; Paresthetic meralgia – Syndrome of the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh; Lesion of the femoral nerve; Lesion of the lateral popliteal sciatic nerve – Paralysis of the peronier nerve; Lesion of the sciatic nerve of the median popliteus; Tarsal canal syndrome; Lesion of the plantar nerve – Morton metatarsalgia; Other mononeuropathies of the lower limb – Interdigital neuroma of the lower limb; Mononeuropathy of the lower limb unspecified);

9. Other mononeuropathies (Intercostal neuropathy; Mononeuris with multiple localizations; Other specified mononeuropathies; Unspecified mononeuropathy);

10. Mononeuropathy in diseases classified elsewhere – excludes diabetic mononeuropathy.

H. Polyneuropathies and other disorders of the peripheral nervous system

- excludes: NOS neuralgia, NOS neurita, peripheral neurita in pregnancy, NOS radiculitis:

1. Hereditary and idiopathic neuropathy (Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy – Disease: Charcot-Marie-Tooth, Dejerine-Sottas, Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy type I-IV, Hypertrophic neuropathy of childhood; Peroneal muscle atrophy (axonal type) (hypertrophic type), Roussy-Levy syndrome; Refsum's disease; Neuropathy associated with hereditary ataxia; Idiopathic progressive neuropathy; Other hereditary and idiopathic neuropathies – Morvan's disease, Nelaton's syndrome, Sensory neuropathy: hereditary dominant, hereditary recessive; Hereditary and idiopathic neuropathy unspecified);

2. Inflammatory polyneuropathies (Gillain-Barre's syndrome – Acute (post-)infectious polyneurisitis; Serum neuropathy; Other inflammatory polyneuropathies; Unspecified inflammatory polyneuropathy);

3. Other polyneuropathies (Polyneuropathy caused by medicine (diagnostics are used to identify the drug); Alcoholic polyneuropathy; Polyneuropathy due to other toxic agents (diagnostics are used to identify the toxic agent); Other specified polyneuropathies – Polyneuropathy due to irradiation (diagnostics are used to identify the cause); Unspecified polyneuropathy – NOS neuropathy);

4. Polyneuropathy in diseases classified elsewhere (Polyneuropathy in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere – Polyneuropathy (in): diphtheria, infectious mononucleosis, leprosy, Lyme disease, mumps, postherpetic, late syphilis: congenital, NOS, tuberculous; Polyneuropathy in neoplastic diseases; Polyneuropathy in endocrine and metabolic diseases – excludes diabetic polyneuropathy; Polyneuropathy in nutritional deficiency; Polyneuropathy in systemic connective tissue disorders; Polyneurisy in other osteo-articular and muscle disorders; Polyneurisis in other diseases classified elsewhere – uremic neuropathy);

5. Other disorders of the peripheral nervous system (Disorders of the peripheral nervous system NOS);

I. Myoneural and muscular junction disorders:

1. Myasthenia gravis and other neuromuscular disorders – excludes botulism, neonatal transient myasthenia gravis (Myasthenia gravis – diagnostics are used to identify the drug, if it is drug-induced;
Toxic neuro-muscular disorders - diagnostics are used to identify the toxic agent; Congenital and progressive myasthenia; Other neuro-muscular disorders specified; Unspecified neuro-muscular disease);

2. Primary muscle disorders – excludes congenital multiple arthrogryposis, metabolism disorders, myositis (Muscular dystrophy – Muscular dystrophy: infantile autosomal recessive similar to Duchenne or Becker type, benign (Becker), benign scapulo-peroneal with early contractions (Emery-Dreifuss), distal, facio-scapulo-humeral, limb belt, ocular, oculo-pharyngeal, scapulo-peronier, severe (Duchenne) – excludes congenital muscular dystrophy: NOS, with specific morphological abnormalities of muscle fibers; Myotonic disorders – Myotonic dystrophy (Steinert), Myotonia: chondrodystrophytic, drug-provoked, symptomatic, congenital myotonia: dominant (Thomsen), NOS, recessive (Becker), Neuromiotonia (Isaacs), Congenital paramiotonia, Pseudomyotonia (additional diagnosis is used for the external cause to identify the drug, if it is drug-induced); Congenital myotons – Congenital muscular dystrophy: NOS, with specific morphological abnormalities of muscle fibers, Disease: with central axis, with miniax, with multiax; Type of disproportionate fibers, Myopathy: myottular (centro-nuclear), nonmalignant; Mitochondrial myopathy not elsewhere classified – MELAS (episode of mitochondrial encephalopathy due to lactic acidosis with allure of stroke); Other primary muscle disorders; Primary unspecified muscle disorders – hereditary myopathy NOS);

3. Other myopathies – excludes congenital multiple arthrogryposis, dermatopolymyositis, ischemic heart attack of the muscle, myositis, polymyositis (myopathy caused by drugs (additional diagnosis is used for the external cause to identify the drug); Alcoholic myopathy, Myopathy due to other toxic agents (additional diagnosis is used for the external cause to identify the toxic agent); Periodic paralysis – Periodic paralysis (familial): hyperkalalymic, hypokalalymic, myotonic, normokaliemic paralysis; Inflammatory myopathy unclassified elsewhere; Other specified myopathies, unspecified myopathy);

4. Disorders of the myoneural and muscular junctions in diseases classified elsewhere (Myasthenic syndrome in endocrine diseases – Myasthenic syndrome in thyrotoxicosis (hyperthyroidism) – excludes diabetic amyotrophy; Lambert-Eaton syndrome; Other myasthenic syndromes in neoplastic diseases; Myasthenic syndrome in other diseases classified elsewhere; Myopathy in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere, myopathy in endocrine diseases – Myopathy in: hyperparathyroidism, hypoparathyroidism, thyrotoxic myopathy; Myopathy in metabolic diseases – myopathy in: glycogen storage disease, lipid storage disorders; Myopathy in diseases classified elsewhere – myopathy in: rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, Sicca syndrome (Sjogren's), systemic lupus erythematosus);

J. Cerebral palsy and other paralytic syndromes:

1. Cerebral palsy – excludes hereditary spastic paraplegia (Spastic cerebral palsy;
Unspecified spastic cerebral palsy; Dysplegic spastic cerebral palsy; Hemiplegic spastic cerebral palsy; Quadriplegic spastic cerebral palsy – tetraplegic spastic cerebral palsy; Other spastic cerebral palsies; Dyskinetic cerebral palsy – athetosis cerebral palsy, dystonic cerebral palsy; Atalic cerebral palsy; Other cerebral palsies – mixed syndromes of cerebral palsy; Unspecified cerebral palsy – NOS cerebral palsy);

2. Hemiplegia – excludes congenital cerebral palsy (Hemiplegia flaccid; Spastic hemiplegia; Unspecified hemiplegia);

3. Paraplegia and tetraplegia – Chronic acute nontraumatic paraplegia, chronic acute nontraumatic quadriceps, Chronic nontraumatic acute tetraplegia – the distinction will be made: unspecified, acute unspecified, chronically unspecified, completely acute, completely chronic, incompletely acute, incompletely chronic – excludes paraplegia and acute traumatic tetraplegia, congenital cerebral palsy (Flaccid paraplegia; Spastic paraplegia; Unspecified paraplegia – paralysis of both lower limbs NOS, paraplegia (lower) NOS; Flaccid tetraplegia; Spastic tetraplegia; Unspecified tetraplegia – quadriplegia NOS);

4. Other paralytic syndromes – includes paralysis (complete) (incomplete) except for those presented above (Dysplegia of the upper limbs – dysplegia (upper), paralysis of both upper limbs; Monoplegia of the lower limbs – paralysis of the lower limbs; Monoplegia of the upper limbs – paralysis of the upper limbs; Unspecified monoplegia; Horse tail syndrome – neurogenic bladder due to horse tail syndrome – excludes the bladder by NOS medullary lesion; Other unspecified paralytic syndromes – Todd's palsy (postepileptic); Unspecified paralytic syndrome);

K. Other disorders of the nervous system:

1. Disorders of the autonomic nervous system – excludes the dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system due to alcohol (Idiopathic peripheral autonomic neuropathy – syncope of the carotid sinus;
Familial dysautonomy (Riley-Day); Horner's syndrome – Bernard syndrome(-Horner); Multisystemic degeneration – neurogenic orthostatic hypotension (Shy-Drager) – excludes NOS orthostatic hypotension; Other disorders of the autonomic nervous system unspecified);

2. Hydrocephalus – includes acquired hydrocephalus and excludes hydrocephalus: congenital, due to congenital toxoplasmosis (communicating hydrocephalus; Obstructive hydrocephalus; Hydrocephalus with normal pressure; Unspecified post-traumatic hydrocephalus; Other hydrocephalus; Unspecified hydrocephalus);

3. Toxic encephalopathy (additional diagnosis is used to identify the toxic agent);

4. Other brain disorders (Cerebral cyst – arachnoid cyst, acquired porencephalic cyst – excludes periventricular cysts acquired in the newborn, porencephalic cysts acquired in the newborn, congenital brain cysts; Anoxic brain injury not elsewhere classified – excludes by complicating: abortion or ectopic or molar pregnancy, pregnancy, childbirth and childbirth, surgical or medical care, neonatal anoxia; Benign intracranial hypertension – excludes hypertensive encephalopathy; Syndrome of postviral fatigue – benign myalgic encephalomyelitis; Unspecified encephalopathy – excludes encephalopathy: alcoholic, toxic; Compression of the brain – compression of the brain (stem), hernia of the brain (stem) – excludes traumatic compression of the brain: diffuse, focal, NOS; Cerebral edema – excludes cerebral edema, due to obstetrical, traumatic trauma; Reye's syndrome (additional diagnosis is used to identify the external cause); Other specified brain disorders – encephalopathy after radiation therapy (additional diagnosis is used to identify the external cause); Unspecified brain disease);

5. Other brain disorders in diseases classified elsewhere (Hydrocephalus in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere; Hydrocephalus in neoplastic diseases classified elsewhere; Hydrocephalus in diseases classified elsewhere; Other specified brain disorders in diseases classified elsewhere);

6. Other diseases of the spinal cord – exclude myelitis (syringomyelia and syringobulbia; Vascular myelopathy – Acute infarction of the spinal cord (embolic) (nonembolic), Arterial thrombosis of the spinal cord, Hematomyelia, Phlebitis and intraspine nonpiogenic thrombophlebitis, Edema of the spinal cord, Subacute necrotic myelopathy – excludes phlebitis and intraspian thrombophlebitis, except for nonpiogenic ones; Unspecified marrow compression – traumatic compression of the spinal cord; Other specified diseases of the spinal cord – Bladder by nos medullary lesion, Myelopathy: provoked medicinally, provoked by irradiation (additional diagnosis is used to identify the external agent) – excludes the neurogenic bladder: due to horse tail syndrome, NOS, neuromuscular dysfunction of the bladder without mentioning an injury of the spinal cord; Unspecified spinal cord disease – NOS myelopathy);

7. Other disorders of the central nervous system (Loss of cerebrospinal fluid – excludes spinal puncture; Meninges disorders not elsewhere classified – adhesions of the meninges (cerebral) (spinal); Other specified disorders of the central nervous system; Unspecified central nervous system disease);

8. Postprocedural disorders of the nervous system not elsewhere classified (Loss of cerebrospinal fluid after spinal puncture; Other side effects of spinal and lumbar puncture; Intracranial hypotension as a result of ventricular shunt; Other postprocedural disorders of the nervous system; Unspecified postprocedural disorders of the nervous system);

9. Other disorders of the nervous system not elsewhere classified – disorders of the nos nervous system;

10. Other disorders of the nervous system in diseases classified elsewhere (Autonomic neuropathy in endocrine and metabolism diseases – Amyloid autonomic neuropathy – excludes autonomous diabetic neuropathy; Other disorders of the autonomic nervous system in diseases classified elsewhere; Myelopathy in diseases classified elsewhere – compression syndromes of the vertebral and anterior spinal artery, myelopathy in neoplastic diseases; Other specified disorders of the nervous system in diseases classified elsewhere);

L. Cerebrovascular diseases

- includes with the mention of hypertension (additional diagnosis is used to identify the presence of hypertension) and excludes transient ischemic strokes and associated syndromes, traumatic intracranial hemorrhage, vascular dementia:

1. Subarachnoid hemorrhage from the soda and bifurcation of the carotid artery; Subarachnoid hemorrhage from the middle cerebral artery; Subarachnoid hemorrhage from the anterior communicating artery; Subarachnoid hemorrhage from the posterior communicating artery; Subarachnoid hemorrhage from the basilar artery; Subarachnoid hemorrhage from the vertebral artery; Subarachnoid hemorrhage from other intracranial arteries - multiple implication of intracranial arteries; Subarachnoid hemorrhage from unspecified intracranial arteries - Granulated (congenital) aneurysm broken NOS, Subarachnoid hemorrhage from: NOS cerebral artery, NOS communicating artery; Other subarachnoid hemorrhages - Meningeal hemorrhage, Rupture of cerebral arteriovenous malformation; Unspecified subarachnoid hemorrhage - Cerebral aneurysm (congenital) broken NOS);

2. Intracerebral hemorrhage – excludes sequelae of intracerebral hemorrhage (Intracerebral hemorrhage in the subcortical hemispheres – Deep intracerebral hemorrhage; Intracerebral hemorrhage in the cortical hemispheres – Hemorrhage of the cerebral lobes, Superficial intracerebral hemorrhage; Intracerebral hemorrhage in the hemispheres unspecified; Intracerebral hemorrhage in the brainstem; Intracerebral hemorrhage in the cerebellum, Intracerebral hemorrhage intraventricular; Intracerebral hemorrhage with multiple localization; Other intracerebral hemorrhages; Unspecified intracerebral hemorrhage);

3. Other intracranial hemorrhages – exclude sequelae of intracranial hemorrhage (Subdural (acute) hemorrhage (nontraumatic); Nontraumatic extradural hemorrhage – Nontraumatic epidural hemorrhage; Unspecified intracranial (nontraumatic) hemorrhage);

4. Cerebral infarction – includes occlusion and stenosis of the cerebral and precerebral arteries resulting in cerebral infarction and excludes sequelae of cerebral infarction (Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of the precerebral arteries; Cerebral infarction due to embolism of the precerebral arteries; Cerebral infarction due to occlusion or unspecified stenosis of the precerebral arteries; Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of cerebral arteries; Cerebral infarction due to the embolism of the cerebral arteries; cerebral infarction due to unspecified occlusion or stenosis of the cerebral arteries; Cerebral infarction due to thrombosis of nonpiogenic cerebral veins; Other cerebral infarcts; Unspecified cerebral infarction);

5. Ictus not specified as hemorrhagic or as infarction – CEREBROVASCULAR NOS accident;

6. Occlusion and stenosis of the precerebral arteries not resulting in cerebral infarction – includes embolism of the basilar, carotid or vertebral arteries, not resulting in cerebral infarction; narrowing of the basilar, carotid or vertebral arteries, not resulting in cerebral infarction; obstruction (complete) (partial) of the basilar, carotid or vertebral arteries, not resulting in cerebral infarction; thrombosis of the basilar, carotid or vertebral arteries not resulting in cerebral infarction and excludes when it causes cerebral infarction (Occlusion and stenosis of the vertebral artery; Occlusion and stenosis of the basilar artery; Occlusion and stenosis of the carotid artery; Occlusion and stenosis of multiple bilateral precerebral arteries; Occlusion and stenosis of other precerebral arteries; Occlusion and stenosis of an unspecified precerebral artery – NOS precerebral artery);

7. Occlusion and stenosis of the cerebral arteries not resulting in cerebral infarction – includes embolism of the middle, anterior and posterior cerebral arteries and cerebellar arteries not resulting in cerebral infarction; narrowing of the middle, anterior and posterior cerebral arteries and cerebellar arteries not resulting in cerebral infarction; obstruction (complete) (partial) of the middle, anterior and posterior cerebral arteries and cerebellar arteries not resulting in cerebral infarction; thrombosis of the middle, anterior and posterior cerebral arteries and cerebellar arteries not resulting in cerebral infarction – excludes when it causes cerebral infarction (Occlusion and stenosis of the middle cerebral artery; Occlusion and stenosis of the anterior cerebral artery; Occlusion and stenosis of the posterior cerebral artery; Occlusion and stenosis of the cerebellar arteries; Occlusion and stenosis of multiple and bilateral cerebral arteries; Occlusion and stenosis of other cerebral arteries – Occlusion and stenosis of perforating arteries; Occlusion and stenosis of the unspecified cerebral arteries);

8. Other cerebrovascular diseases – exclude sequelae of the following diseases (Dissection of cerebral arteries without rupture – excludes ruptured cerebral arteries; Cerebral aneurysm without rupture – Cerebral: NOS aneurysm, acquired arteriovenous fistula – excludes congenital cerebral aneurysm without rupture, ruptured cerebral aneurysm; Cerebral atherosclerosis – Atheroma of the cerebral arteries; Progressive vascular leukoencephalopathy – Binswanger's disease – excludes subcortical vascular dementia; Hypertensive encephalopathy; Moyamoya disease; Thrombosis in the nonpiogenic intracranial venous system – nonpiogenic thrombosis of: cerebral vein, intracranial venous sinus – excludes when it causes infarction; Cerebral arteritis not classified elsewhere; Other specified cerebrovascular diseases – Acute cerebrovascular insufficiency NOS, cerebral ischemia (chronic); Unspecified cerebrovascular disease);

9. Cerebrovascular disorders in diseases classified elsewhere (Amyloid cerebral angiopathy; Cerebral arteritis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere – Cerebral arteritis: listerian, syphilitic, tuberculous; Cerebral arteritis in other diseases classified elsewhere – cerebral arteritis in systemic lupus erythematosus; other cerebrovascular disorders in diseases classified elsewhere);

10. Sequelae of cerebrovascular diseases – note: this group is used to indicate the previously presented diseases as causes of sequelae, themselves classified elsewhere; 'sequelae' includes the conditions specified as such or as late effects, or those presented a year or more after the onset of the causative disease (sequelae of subarachnoid haemorrhage); Sequelae of intracerebral hemorrhage; Sequelae of other nontraumatic intracranial hemorrhages; Sequelae of cerebral infarction; Sequelae of unspecified jaundice as hemorrhage or infarction; Sequelae of other cerebrovascular and unspecified diseases);

Dorin, Merticaru