STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineThe Life (Part 5) - About Life

Translation Draft

So we've already "jumped" 10,000 words on the subject, without taking into account "Beginnings" and "Water", clearly related to this topic, with which we have already "jumped" 125,000 words... And my main goal would be a kind of preparation for materials that will "debate" man, literally, with the next leap towards the elements of classical medicine, new medicine, "therapies", etc...

That's a lot of text, isn't it?!? We have already received many feedbacks that the materials would be too large, too "alabicate", hard to understand and other more or less aggressive descriptions.

Moreover, connoisseurs of the new medicine keep stressing to me that the mass of "knowers" is low, even in the classical medical world not only in the world of the "dedicated" to the new medicine and should... Yes, to summarise the materials to the fullest because "who will want to understand will understand and, obviously, this is possible only if the one who understands already knows all that presented by me"...

It's just that I've drawn another conclusion from just a few points: "little mass" and "mass of connoisseurs"... In the sense that the mass of connoisseurs is And, the potential for knowledge of "minimum weights" that I mentioned earlier, on many benchmarks, must be at least "50% + 1" for everything to evolve towards what I think would be good (in fact, from somewhere, I feel this, without being able to specify where, once I dedicate my time and resources to my loved ones to write these lines).

So, I'm going to "accumulate" as much as I can, as much as resources will allow me, such "stupid" and "incomprehensible" materials until... something... But back to what I'm going to debate today!

If we see things relatively computer, we will be able to consider genes as such software stored on the hard drive (even if, in reality, it can be limited to a hard drive on which are stored data libraries that will use computer programs)...

It arises the question: what kind of programs are stored on the hard drive (in DNA, RNA, etc., our body)?

According to theories, there are only two large groups of programs: one for development and reproduction, which is a form of development in abundant environmental conditions, conducive to the life of the individual, group, etc., and the other group for protection and autonomy, which is a form of preservation and "time gain" in conditions of low resources, aggressive, dordont, which endangers the life of the individual.

But under both conditions there will be a need to pass on genetic information, sooner or later, regardless of the conditions, in order to avoid stagnation or concentration of information in a single individual or a small group of individuals, the purpose "hidden" in this mechanism being the "globalization" of useful genetic information.

"Globalisation" which is, in fact, a kind of condition for the survival of this information, and it is necessary to overcome some kind of critical mass in order for a "manifest" genetic information to be able to survive, literally.

So, like life, which represents movement, information is necessary to be on the move... Their usefulness is put into "movement" when they "enter" the environment and it is necessary to select either the developmental reactions or the protective reactions, they exclude each other (cannot coexist - run simultaneously).

This was the "road" of the whole evolution of life, the whole evolution of man who, I discovered in previous posts, is nothing more than a cumulation of genetic information that "resumes" the entire "path" to him, to man.

Then, this form of "functionality" is found in human physiology through the vegetative, autonomous nervous system, which has exactly these "facets" of expression... The sympathetic part that seems created specifically for the fight with the environment, the parasympathetic part that seems specially created for development, for propagation decisions...

But now it's just some kind of intrigue, a simple introduction... We'll continue at the right time! Let's go back to the cell and the possible extension to the body's symbiote of its functionality! I will now address a comparison that he wants to help you understand what has been presented to you...

The human body (or cell) can be interpreted as something like the camera... It takes the image through the lens system (a system of filtering and selection of information) and stores it on film where a complementary copy of the information is made (the device always presenting a complement to what is in the environment)...

For the human body, reduced to the cell, the membrane acts as a lens (filtering, selecting) that retrieves the information and sends it to the nucleus where the database is located... Here is made in interpretation, a comparison with what already exists (in genetic information) and, if the element is new or repeated that becomes a factor of "repetitiveness", stress that requires recording the repetition, will store in the genetic information what is "necessary" from the flow of information (so the cell will "build", will make a physical structure that complements the environment)...

Experimentally, this statement is described as follows... In Petri vessels, a living cell (or a living monocellular organism) is placed centrally. In one of them, nutrients are placed at one end, in the other vessel a toxin known to that cell (or organism) is placed.

After a period of time it will be noticed that the cells will always move to the signals representing nutrients (positive signals that encourage development) and the cells on the other side will run away from toxins (negative signals that threaten existence, life)...

Therefore, when faced with a signal from the environment, the living organism must make a decision, to be in development or to be in protection (any other stimulus, called a null signal, being ignored as long as it does not affect development or protection) and, once achieved, it becomes in the position of being either in development and abandons protection, or stops its development in order to be in protection (when you are afraid you close its development mechanisms).

In relation to faith, the more we believe that we need protection (more protection) the more we block our development mechanisms and, as such, we begin to affect our own health.

When we extrapolate the behavior identified in this experiment and expressed by the "rules" inferred above at the level of the human body, it, taken into account as a whole, will be found in a certain share in development and in the rest of the weight (up to the whole) will be found in the defense. So, based on the signals, man can be found in some development or protection.

But in humans, from this rule there are some "deviations"... The most important signal that helps development is love, love (as a complete feeling and at the highest level perceptual and conceptual)... In humans, this feeling outweighs the importance of nutrition, development...

A child who receives love will grow... Because when you're loved, you perfect your development mechanisms. A child who does not receive love will stagnate from development, his developmental parameters such as intelligence, height or other aspects of development are reduced by 30% or more (many of them even developing serious mental problems, such as autism - a condition in which the child no longer responds to environmental stimuli because he is stuck in the protection phase because he did not receive love)... In this case, perfecting the protective mechanisms that can be mishandled by going as far as cancelling the chances of survival (such as the case of autism)...

In humans, this "behaviour" is due to a system called the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis, elements of the "base" of the vegetative nervous system that I mentioned earlier...

The hypothalamus is an area of the brain that "measures" signals by making the decision that is positive or which is negative.

When a signal is negative, the pituitary (also called the "supreme gland" will be activated because it controls the state of the body) which has two states of manifestation: development and protection... And, the pituitary response will be the "fight or run" state which is reflected concretely by the functioning of the vegetative nervous system, also called autonomous, with its sympathetic components (defend yourself, fight or run) and parasympathetic (care, develop, love)...

It triggers a suppression of visceral activity (viscera "taking" the development phase) and will further activate and sustain the functionality of the somatic, perceptive and nervous system that is related to the protection phase...

Then, the hormones secreted by the adrenal glands lead to the contraction of the vessels in the viscera and push the blood to the periphery, where the muscles, brain and receptors are located (feeding them to achieve maximum yields)...

And this is just a mechanism described more briefly than you can imagine.

Note that the immune system is also part of the "development section" and, in no way, of the protective one, this system is intended to protect, support the development systems... So when the defense "manifests" itself, the immune system is virtually shut down...

In addition, when you are in a "fight or run" state, "response" behaviors are reflexes, this causes the contraction of blood vessels in the frontal area of the brain (responsible for the personality of the individual and related reactions) and pushes him into the occipital area (responsible for reflex and sensory systems)...
In other words, when we are under the "stress of the need for protection" we are less intelligent than in the development phase (here it is good to remember the stress of exams when, ready being, under stress we end up getting stuck and not knowing the answer to one or more questions.... But as we calmed down, there was another chance to remember... And if we couldn't remember, we'd do it after the exam, more correctly after the stress had passed)...

The conclusions are simple... Under stress will stop any development and viscera will be relatively unprotected, lacking effective control, compliant supplies or other things not very good ... What's more, we almost don't have an immune system anymore... This is so effective that doctors use stress hormones to inhibit the immune system (especially in transplant operations, when it is imperative to suppress this system)...

And that's where "faith" comes in... Man is one of the living beings who conceptualizes the "components" of his life... Even the human brain works on "shortcuts", complementing the rest of the "images" with what it considers to be correct and, more often than not, with its "faith" acceptances...

So, under the daily stress (all kinds of news about imminent dangers, the falling economic course that attracts direct existential dangers, the devaluation of goods and values, unscrupulous leaders who cut wages, pensions, etc., increase taxes, taxes, etc. under the most inept justifications or involve us in the most dangerous situations) we have nothing to do but decrease our returns of activity, lose our intelligence, get sick more and more often, more and more seriously... And many, many others like... Because we are forced to behaviors of defense (and, in no way, development)...

So medicine must "see" the physical state of the individual as a reflection of the environment in which he lives, because it is practically imitated by the body seeking adaptation (perception being an interface between the environment and our biology)...

But our perception, as I was saying, means faith and, as such, beliefs act as a filter between the real environment and our biology... So the filters of our beliefs interfere... If they're not correct, if we have false beliefs, genes that don't fit the environment will be selected... So the solution is a clear perception (or correction of misperception)...

Then many faiths are already in us before we are born... And I'm not talking here about what can be transmitted by the manifestation of the genotype... I am referring here to the interaction between the mother and the "chicken" that grows in her before birth through her perception of the environment...

Yes, you read it right... In the intrauterine period the parents (and the father) are real genetic engineers, who select the genes of their progeny, as they develop, to achieve the adaptation (matching) of the new organism to the environment in which the parents live and will live, therefore, the "chicken"...

That's where the new medicine comes in... The human ensemble, the "beliefs" of each individual of this ensemble, the experiences of each and many other landmarks cannot be controlled by a "statistical effort", as current, Western medicine does... But that doesn't mean that new medicine would be capable of that, obviously...

The new medicine is a kind of medical application of each individual, it is a way that must reach the "knowledge" of as many human individuals as possible so that its pathways are applied by the "concerned" people themselves, who urgently need changes in lifestyle and not only...

And I will continue through many posts from now on! So let's end this post as apotheoticas!!!

Life is everything, life gives everything, life contains everything... But we will only be able to see what the filters of our perceptions allow us and, why not, our knowledge...

And if we were taught to have filters of perception by the environment (parents, school, social beliefs, religious and the like), we were taught how to see life, in fact, we received, we accepted these filters, it is obvious that there can be a reverse mechanism...

"Elimination" that can only be done by each individual, depending on his or her acceptance to transform their own "beliefs", depending on their power of "accommodation" and other landmarks... Because not everything is at our fingertips, not everything is given to us to be at hand.

But, note, the good thing is that we can eliminate whenever we want these filters that interfere with our lives... It's in our power, in our simple choices... And it doesn't take long... It can take even a moment, that of the decision... And in doing so, selecting healthier genes, more adapted to development than those selected because of environmental concerns... So we can provide our children...

This "mechanism" is already experienced and is demonstrated by practice... A disease, affection, weakness sets in insidiously over a long period of time while the "remedy" acts much faster. For example, a cancer, in most cases, "installs" in years, while its "fix", by a correct approach by the individual himself, "achieves" a maximum of 6 months...

So... We're all-powerful! So, as I said in the past post, science, knowledge is power... Maybe that's why I chose "Love, Gratitude and Understanding" as my final "slogan"... Without love there is no involvement, action, gratitude occurs only when there is faith and understanding says the rest, in fact everything...

With everything I've presented to you so far, and with all that's to come, you'll have power over the undisclosed part of your life, you'll have the power to decide what genes will be activated and what behavior you'll have... You're all-powerful! You just need to identify (find) what are the "beliefs" with which you select your way of life and, over time, the genes and if you do not find them suitable to change them...

Ready for today! And anyway, we still have a lot of "road"... I couldn't even get over the introductory parts...

Have a good week!!!

Dorin, Merticaru