STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineHuman's Life - The Fetus (1)

Translation Draft

I can't move on in what I'm presenting until I somehow "highlight" what I presented yesterday.

I also come to address the "unbalance", possibly the "lack of cooperation" between materialists and creationists, between the materialistic "views" of doctors and those creationists of the "worshippers", those who have "blind faith" regardless of their point of reference without considering a "middle way" as approaching the new medicine, without eliminating anything from the "science" of others...

Materialists, doctors, approach everything mechanically, constantly "forgetting" the particularly useful information they hold, and we have presented it in previous posts, simplifying processes according to their interests or possible "useful knowledge".

So do creationists, who approach everything dogmatically, brutally eliminating realities, be they considerably the work of the Divine Power... It's just evidence of an evil manifestation, against their dogma...

And from these points of view, at least at the time of making this post, creationists eliminate any details about the fetus, being interested only in the soul, materialists begin to "open their eyes" starting to take into account the fetus, the important moments of the "creation" of a new body.

Then, quite simplistically, we have the "pediatric" period for materialists and childhood for creationists...

The pediatric period is more important in the world of psychiatry to materialists, possibly during the period of religious education and "baptism" to some faiths, to creationists.

Then comes the period of adolescence, the prominent one, in all respects for all ideological "currents"... And then, what an adult...

So, in as few words as I can tell why I will approach "human life" in these great periods, in all respects... Some kind of approach to the "periods" of human life... And, the first step is that of the fetus, because he is least approached by the current knowledge...

I'm not going to start with our parents because it's going to get to the adult or old stage anyway, even if they start from the moment we're "mom inside, in the tummy"... I'll just give you some summary details about what parents mean, as some kind of starting point...

Certainly, undeniably, the parents will conceive the future human being, in all respects... In the case of creationists, they will pass on their "curses" or their forefathers, in the case of materialists they will transmit a kind of potential attributed to being transported by the DNA of "sexual" cells.

So, in all respects, research reveals that parents act as genetic engineers for their children in the months before conception, not to mention the pure transmission of "genetic elements" carried out through the DNA of procreation participants.

Process that takes place throughout the life of the parents up to the time of procreation. You read correctly... If I want to have a child with a certain determining characteristic, both my wife and I will have to practice that feature as much and more "correctly" as possible during the entire period since we thought of starting a family...

Why do we need so much focus on this goal?!? It's pretty simple... Genetic transmission works quite randomly, much more complicated than a simple "coin-to-money" on the qualities of the parents... He comes "a long time ago" to the line of genetic accumulations...

And, that would be the "essential" reason why we should not rely on our genetic lines and make a clear effort in the direction of what we want to manifest concretely, in the majority, in our future offspring. More directly, this way we will have the best chance of getting what we want...

Remember that we are talking about the time before procreation and not what is to come!

During this period, scientific studies have shown that, in the final stages of maturation of the egg and sperm, a process called "genomic printing" is "manifested" which adjusts the activity of the specific groups of genes that will form including the character of the child to be conceived.

An adjustment that can be a kind of "inertia" manifestation of the way of life of the parents but, above all, in terms of the magnitude that manifests itself during this period of genomic printing, the period in close proximity of the act of procreation and shortly after, when the processes of major division at the level of the fertilized egg are initiated...

Note, in all the studies conducted it is revealed that what happens in the lives of parents during the genomic printing process has a profound influence on the mind and body of their future child (a scary thought, given the way most people have children)...

Specifically, there is a clear difference whether we are conceived out of love, love, hatred or haste, by one or both parents, whether a mother wants to get pregnant, regardless of the motivation of the moment in "rational calculations" or "pure sexual desire", or does not want to get pregnant, regardless of motivation, if the parents do well by living in a calm and stable environment , without addictions and helped by family and friends and many other details...

And, stupor, in these times of advanced material and/ or spiritual "knowledge" it is quite obvious that these differences are the ones that matter the least and, at the "disposition" of the public come particularly rarely materials that "empower" this audience...

As for the "knowledge" of these details, it is good to point out that they are "known" from ancient times, whether or not this knowledge is involved... For example, interesting is that Australian Aborigines have recognized for thousands of years the influence of the environment in which the conception will take place and that before conception the couple was required to ceremonially purify their minds and bodies...

Remember other human, cultural or whatever groups you want?!? European populations in the Balkan region, Egypt, the china area, not to mention the famous case of the Greeks with their famous island "Lesbos"...
Everything was known but omitted, over time, step by step, from strictly material interests, as human societies "advanced" and this responsibility of knowledge became uncomfortable, regardless of the materialistic or creationist "insertion" of interests.

The creationists would have intervened what would be a kind of passage over the "legacy of sin", possibly a refinement of the perfect work of divine power, in the materialists would have disappeared the "blue bloodline" of the possible nobles, possibly even their primacy as individuals by their inability to cope with the progress of other individuals who would have done things the right way...

But, get with this introduction and let's "move" to customizations!

So, this path of the fetus, "simplified", starts from the reuniting of a "cell" (egg) with a writhing cell "half" (you know what it's about)... The fecundation comes when the threat of the cellulite that's showing off to the cells comes true, "If I catch you man I'll make you!" and... The division begins...

As you read in previous posts, the cell has its intelligence, has its package with useful items, etc. But when cells create cellular communities, they begin to follow the "collective voice," even though that voice sometimes requires self-destructive behavior.

But, permanently, a truth manifests itself, our physiology and behavioral patterns conform to the "truths" of the central voice, whether it is constructive or destructive beliefs.

This central voice, the subconscious, is an emotionless database, consisting of programs whose function is strictly related to reading signals from the environment and engaging in innate behavioral programs, without questions, without reasoning (being fundamentally "stimulus-response" behaviors).

It is a kind of programmable "hard disk" in which our life experiences are downloaded. Stimulations that activate behavior can be signals detected by the nervous system in the outside world and/ or signals that appear in the body, such as emotions, pleasure and pain.

When a stimulus is perceived, it will automatically determine the behavioral response that has been "learned" and, when the signal has been first experienced, it will "fix" as an asset from a form of its "potential", genetically "printed" and often conformed to the "omorm, mother's" system protector and coordinator. In fact, people who realize the automatic nature of this response frequently admit that "the right button has been pressed"...

And before the evolution of the conscious mind, the functions of the brain consist only of those that we correlate with the subconscious mind. So, now, in this phase of cell divisions and the structure of the new organism we can talk about unconscious accumulation, about what will be the basis of any future reaction (until partial or total correction with the help of "educated" reactions)...

Now we structure what will be evoked later, after birth and long after that, in a "conscious" way such behaviors, which in fact may remain unknown to the individual until an activation stimulus...

To better "complement" what I said previously, it is good to continue with a small presentation... Comparative neuroanatomy reveals that the lower an organism is on the evolutionary line, the less developed its nervous system is and the more it is based on unscheduled, innate behavior (reflex, instinctive, natural).

Bodies above the evolutionary chain have more complex integrated nerve systems, driven by growing brains that allow them to acquire complicated behavioral patterns through experimental learning.

The complexity of this learning mechanism based on environmental factors obviously culminates in people who are at the current peak of the Earth evolutionary chain (as far as is known)... Thus, in order to survive, human beings are more dependent on learning than other species.

There are, at this one instincts such as the instinct to suck, reflexes to pain, thermal differences, etc., including to swim automatically (fear of water being only acquired from their parents)... But man no longer has instincts to protect him automatically and to make him find without problems, for example, food and shelter.

But another gift, there are advantages of this "problem"... Through evolution, our "educated" perceptions have become stronger, especially because they may disregard genetically programmed instincts (for example, this is the case for trained individuals who can consciously control their programmed instincts that support the body's physiological mechanisms such as heart rate, blood pressure, bleeding mode, body temperature, etc.). ...

This process takes place with each evolutionary step of the embryo, going through that "restoration" of the evolutionary path from worm, fish, amphibian, reptile, mammal and then reach the primates in humans, in a clear and definite phase that resumes the possibilities of manifestation of the life forms that we have gone through.
A process that competes with every emotional, vegetative and similar step that the mother and the mother and the people around the mother go through...

So, to return to the stated subject, fetuses, then babies, are not simple beings that develop, grow, and perfect their reflexes, learn to walk and speak, but are complex and ageless beings - small creatures with unexpectedly large thoughts...

The "unexpectedly big thoughts" thing comes with only a small parenthesis related to the "perceptions" in the world of souls that tell us that they intervene in these stages and other individualities, even that of the soul that will coexist with that organism...

Now I will come up with news that has an official age of at least 10 years (compared to the date of this post)... Although many of us have always intuited this... Recent research shows that parents also subconsciously influence their children just before birth... And the consequence... This act, carried out consciously, can lead to the birth of smarter, healthier and happier children compared to the situation of non-involvement, and so embarrassingly difficult to identify.

And, we live in times when parents (both) are increasingly busy and, unfortunately, increasingly stressed. Then the decision to have a child often comes in moments of "conformity" and less often of real desire...

As a result, both parents continue their life without any problems even if they "make room for a soul" in the mother's tummy, then continue the life they led before the birth of their children, they can simply leave the children in the nursery, with the caregivers or in kindergarten.

But there comes a "payout" moment where we see that something is not in line with our way, the way our parents... The child (or children) have different personalities, often antagonistic...

Where's the mimicry? Where is the effect of genetic transmission (classically)? After all, children grew up in the same environment, under the same education...

And now comes the medical work, the discoveries we were talking about at the beginning of the fast...

Dr. Thomas Verny asserts that it is confirmed without a doubt that parents have an overwhelming influence on the mental and physical attributes of the children they raise, and this influence begins not after, but before birth.

Then, specialists in neurology and experimental psychology have demonstrated that the nervous system of fetuses and newborns has very vast sensory and learning possibilities, as well as a type of memory that neuroscientists call "default memory"...

Which "default memory" has the ability to assimilate non-sensory human information, such as that of surrounding bio-fields. Already in-depth studies have identified informational "takeovers" from the subconscious level of parents, forms apparently not manifested, but very prominent in the subconscious and conscious of one or both parents...

In the sense that a parent can censor the manifestation of hatred, jealousy, envy, etc. towards the partner or the feeling or other feelings but these will be found in the child who will be born with a manifestation impossible to "avoid"... A manifestation of the sub-stake, possibly of "wounds" or others, topics that we will discuss later.

This is why, even if there is the term "child amnesia" (the fact that most people do not remember anything that happened before the age of 3 to 4 years) does not mean that this period should be ignored in terms of development and the efforts of those around them in this regard...

Everything that has accumulated during this period will be permanently stored, non-selectively, in our subconscious and will form the basis of most "human" reactions as a kind of undeniably valid potential, manifest with the value of "absolute truth" (as most of the "conquests" of psychology demonstrate).

I repeat, remember, in the womb of the mother (our temporary home before we were born), the new life receives the elements that will profoundly influence her long-term behavior and health, being the ones that schedule our predisposition for coronary artery diseases, heart attack, diabetes, obesity and a lot of other life conditions to come - Dr. Peter Nathanielsz.

And to what we have presented is an even wider range of chronic diseases specific to adult life, including osteoporosis, psychosis and others, which will have no connection with the structure of DNA so "researched" to identify the "roots" or predispositions of such conditions...

So, right from the start of the development of the fetus, we, the parents (and even those around us like the existing grandparents, brothers and sisters, etc.) are dealing with a kind of compliance with the real programming mechanisms, as they are called by the scientists, the "epigenetic" ones.

This is why we are dealing with this introductory effort both as beings that we can procreate, both as beings that we can identify through structured analyses what the problems might be, what approach we can have on them and, why not, what problems we must accept that they are insurmountable and will absolutely need to accept them... Moreover, this is the first step in addressing any "position" in terms of new medicine.

But going back to the subject of this post, so that we, as parents, can intervene to improve the prenatal environment, acting as true genetic engineers for our children. And that's because the ability of individuals to respond to the environmental conditions perceived by their mothers before birth allows them to optimize their genetic and physiological development as they adapt to the perceived environment.

But remember, the same genetic plasticity that favours human development can go in the wrong direction and lead to the "programming" of a range of conical diseases, if an individual experiences adverse eating and environmental conditions during periods of development in the fetal and neonatal stage.

And there would be a lot to write but the subject "calls" too broad an approach to "exhaust" him simplistically in this post... So tomorrow I'm going to finish what's introductory to the fetus...

Come on, we're in the middle of the week... We've got a little bit left and the weekend's coming... But we have so many "cash" achievements...

Growth in all the good and desired!!!

Dorin, Merticaru