STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineHuman's Life - The Fetus (3)

Translation Draft

You may be wondering why evolution has produced a system of fetal development so "fragile", so exposed to danger and so dependent on the environment represented by parents (and those around them). It's actually about an ingenious system that helps your offspring survive, just...

Due to the fact that the future child will most likely grow up in the same environment as his parents, this system is the best "assurance element" that adaptation will be maximum. The information acquired from the parents, based on their perception of the environment, passes through the placenta and influences the physiology of the fetus, preparing it to confront more effectively the demands of life after birth, so that it is concluded that nature prepares the child to survive in that environment.

And so, armed with the latest results of science, parents now have a choice, they are able to reprogram their limiting beliefs about life before bringing a child into the world.

The importance of parental programming undermines the notion that our traits, both positive and negative, are entirely driven by genes. As we have seen in previous posts, genes are formed, guided and adjusted by environmental experiences.

We've all been taught that artistic, athletic and intellectual abilities are genetically transmitted traits. But as "good" as one's genes are, if the experiences of the growing period are imbued with nervousness, neglect or incorrect perceptions, the potential of the genes will be sabotaged, if not cancelled.

A famous example of this would be that of actress Liza Minelli who "possessed" the genes of superstar Judy Garland and film producer Vincente Minelli... The heights that Liza Minelli has risen on in her career and the failures of her personal life are scripts written by her parents and passed on to her subconscious mind.

If she had the same genes but was raised by a farming family, that environment would have triggered a different selection of genes. The genes that led her to pursue a successful career in the world of spectacle would probably have been masked or inhibited by the cultural demands of agricultural communities.

A wonderful example of the efficiency of conscious programming performed by parents is the famous golfer Tiger Woods. Although his father was not a good golfer, he placed Tiger in an environment rich in opportunities to develop and amplify his thinking skills, ability to concentrate and the attitudes of a great golfer.

Tiger's success is undoubtedly also linked to Buddhist philosophy, which was one of his mother's contributions. Genes are indeed important, but their importance is manifested only because of the influence of conscious growth carried out by parents and the wealth of favorable opportunities provided by the environment.

And, to everything I've presented to you so far, I should also remind you of the effect of the water that all that is all that is present in us, in the foods with which we maintain our body and the fetus, in the amniotic fluid in which the fetus bathes... What I have presented to you at the posts about water has an undeniable applicability in all that is the development of the fetus...

And, there's something else... I kind of anticipate what's to come, someday, in my presentations... When a child is born, he knows, deep down, that the reason he incarnates (reincarnates) is to be himself, going through a series of experiences chosen or not chosen by him at the time of his gesture.

And in order to be fully in line with the purposes of this effort (or happiness) in the incarnation, the manifestation we call "soul" needs a body (a container) that fully favors its path (the inertia of the initial impulse).

And for that, he chooses very carefully the family and the environment in which he will be born, all underthe maximal favoring of his (well defined) purpose... We all have the same mission, coming into the world, to live a series of experiences until we come to accept them and love ourselves by going through them...

Or, for those who agree with what we have "transmitted" previously, the period of "fetus" (even beautiful) of our lives is nothing but a period of accommodation, a period in which we prepare our start to what we have chosen... And we all know what a bad start means... Even if we can know that we have a chance to recover this failure...

And since I've given it to the spirit, now comes a "spiritual" conclusion... From what I have presented to you in these posts, bearing in mind that this is also your innocent or future children, I am ready to send you a message "achieved" by many others before me (and many will follow): WHEN YOU HAVE BEEN TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF ALL THIS, even if you do not agree, there may come a time in your life when you become aware that something is all true and then , even if you do not fully agree, BEING AWARE OF ALL THIS, it can be said that you are ON THE RESPONSION OF ANY WORK OF YOUR LIFE (personally responsible for everything in your life) INCLUSIVE OF THE START IN THE LIFE OF YOUR CHILDREN (here we all agree)...

A man cannot be held "guilty" that he is a parent in "disagreement" with the interests of the child, that he is stupid as a parent, unless he is already aware of the information described in this post (and, why not, in all others, past, present and future) and disregards it. Once you become aware of this information you can start to set in motion in the sense of providing the maximum possible framework for the smooth running of your life and especially your children...

And since I've been doing this serious stuff, it's good to tell you some more things... IT'S ABSOLUTELY FALSE THAT YOU'RE THE SAME PARENT TO ALL YOUR CHILDREN... No child can be the clone of the other child, in the world of that reference moment the same things do not happen as with the other child, the parents had entirely other time resources for the children, and so on.m. Essentially, the most important aspect is, in fact, the possibility of allocating time to the child...

When there is already one, the second will have the extra attention of the "greatest" and so the possibilities of "time allotted to the child" increase... Why did I highlight this?!? Research in recent years has shown that materials and "learning devices" are not making a difference...

Programming is not the key to optimizing children's learning and performance. More directly, not the resources allocated to them but simply your time, your parents and possibly your sisters, brothers... Now comes another question... Why do I point this out to the fetus (the unborn)?!? And in their case, the same requirement arises... The fetus, like the baby, and then the baby and then the teenager, need your attention, love and gratitude...

And to complete the birthtime posts as suggestively as possible, read carefully and "rumor" the message below:

A life without Love is worthless, Love is the Water of Life, Drink it to the end with heart and soul...

The weekend is coming... Don't forget to have fun!!!

Dorin, Merticaru