STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineHuman's Life - The Childhood (1)

Translation Draft

That's how I got to the stage of childhood, the one that psychologists invoked, but, quite rightly...

Because this period of human life is almost defining for all that will follow (as manifestation or as things "to be corrected" for each of us)...

I will not go into the details already presented (those about continuous adaptation that leave even at the cellular level, manifest at any level of the body and psyche, etc.) but I will move on to something new ... to something that defines the beliefs and shadows that will underpin all our subsequent reasonings (possibly until the wrong ones are corrected or the action taken "to other faiths)...

When you're born, the vast majority of us think it doesn't matter because we don't remember what happened until somewhere, around the age of three to four years... However, medical studies have shown that we remember everything and, especially, anyway, in the slightly more serious forms of "constituents" of bodily thinking and/ or physical manifestation...

But when you are born, there is another problem, called by me (and not only) "spiritual" (related either to the step of "incarnation" or reincarnation, each after its evolutionary or selective stage)... So, come back, when you're born, you're no longer aware of your past, because you focus especially on the needs of your soul, which wants you to accept yourself with your qualities, your flaws, your strengths, your weaknesses, your desires, your personality, etc.

And that's not "out of the blue" or as a compensatory need (or even with tendency to take advantage) of the soul... It's all because our "arrival" on these lands, in the family where we appeared, in the environment in which we are going to integrate is the result of a well-structured calculation made before the gesture of "entry", in full agreement with the parents and possibly with those who will be around us...

Besides, our ego will do everything possible to make us remember anything or, not even, to see a small effect that can help us on our way... And that's because I assigned him this mission.

So, coming back, we all have our needs. However, shortly after birth, we realize that when we want to be ourselves, this disturbs the world of adults or that of our loved ones. And we quickly come to the conclusion that being natural is not good, it's not right. It's a painful discovery that causes especially the child, tantrums. These seizures are becoming so frequent that we come to believe they are normal.

And they're called "childhood crises" or then, "teenage crises." They may have become normal, perhaps even mandatory, for people, but it certainly isn't natural. A child who naturally shakes, who is balanced and who has the right to be himself does not make this kind of crisis. Unfortunately, this type of child hardly exists at all.

And most kids go through the next steps... Having known the joy of being himself, the child, in the first stage of life, will know the pain caused by the fact that he does not always have the right to act as he feels (intuitive or not), thus moving into the second stage. Then comes the period of crisis and what rebellion, the third stage...

It is the stage at which everything is characterized by a kind of "blockage" to all the obstacles around it, to respond to everything that is contrary, especially by "nervous" reactions, of the type of revolt, of the opposite side of the obstacles... And unfortunately, the vast majority of individuals end up locked up in the third stage for the rest of their lives, which means they will always be in reaction, angry or in crisis reactions.

Then, in the fourth stage, in order to reduce their suffering, the child resigns himself and ends up creating a new personality to become what others want to become. And so, during the third and fourth stages, the individual creates several masks (new personalities) that he uses to defend himself against the suffering experienced during the second stage.

Those who have studied the phenomenon perform different "frames" of these masks but I believe that those described in Lise Bourbeau's work - "The 5 wounds that prevent us from being ourselves" - is the most relevant and closest to our senses...

These masks are in number of five and correspond to the five important wounds experienced by the human being: rejection, abandonment, humiliation, betrayal and injustice (they are presented in a chronological order, that is, in the order in which each of them appears in our lives).

Each individual can have at least one of them and even when there is one (or is reactivated), our whole being feels betrayed. We are no longer faithful to our inner God, to the needs of our being, because we let our ego with his beliefs and fears rule our lives...

The immediate effect of these wounds is to replace them with masks, the consequence of the fact that we want to hide, from ourselves and from others, which we have not yet wanted or have not been able to solve. But these hidings are nothing but a form of betrayal, of lying, of ours towards ourselves, and of those around us... So everyone we wear that mask for...

These masks, depending on the wound that "covers" it are represented by: the fugitive's mask for the rejection wound, the addict's mask for the abandonment wound, the masochist's mask for the wound of humiliation, the dominant mask for the betrayal wound and the rigid mask for the wound of the wronged...

The importance of the mask is created according to the intensity of the wound. A mask represents a type of personality, with a character that is its own, since, over time, starting "significantly" from the moment of childhood, numerous beliefs have developed that will influence that person's inner attitude and behaviors. The more important the wound, the more we will suffer, which will force us to wear these masks more often...

The inner wound can be compared to a physical wound that you've had on your hand for a long time, that you've been ignoring and not taking care of properly. You preferred to bandage it, so that the people around you wouldn't see the wound, but mostly, so that you wouldn't see it. That dressing is the equivalent of the mask. You thought by doing so, you could pretend you weren't hurt. but this is not a solution, this being known by all, except the ego of the one who "cares" the mask...

This is one in the ego's ways to fool us. And, suppose the wound hurts a lot, when someone touches you "at it", even if the wound is protected by the bandage applied... What are you going to do? Obviously you're going to pull your hand or scream, aren't you?...

I wonder how surprised a person will be who wanted to take your hand with all love, respect or other "positive starts" and you will scream: "Oh! Hurts!!??? Did he really want to hurt you? No, because if you suffer when someone touches your hand, it's because you're the one who decided not to take care of their wound and the other one isn't responsible for your pain.

And the same goes for regardless of the wound... There are many situations where we believe that we are rejected, abandoned, betrayed, humiliated or treated in an unjust way. In reality, every time we feel hurt, it's our ego that wants to believe that the other is responsible, practically trying to find a culprit. Sometimes we decide that we're guilty, when, in reality, it's no more true than when we accuse the other...

Do you know that in fact, there are no guilty persons in life but only suffering people (with strict reference to our subject)? More directly, the more we accuse (themselves or others), the more the same experience is repeated, the prosecution not serving anything other than the unhappiness of the people...

But while, if we look with compassion at the suffering human side, events, situations and people will begin to transform... And the masks we create to defend ourselves begin to become visible (and, over time, often define) in a person's morphology, including in his outward appearance...

And, all of this, it starts to unfold especially from the moment of entry into childhood. in most children, wounds begin to appear, including visible from physical appearance. The important thing is to note that easily spotted wounds at this age can indicate true wounds, the really important ones. From here will leave the further development of masks that will often be different with the passage of time...

Our ensemble (body-mind-soul) is so intelligently created, so perfect, that it always finds a way to show us what we have to solve. In reality, it is our inner God who uses it to speak to us...

And, well, we still have a lot to discuss here... But everything in future positions...

A good week and less dependent on the snow flood outside!!!

Dorin, Merticaru