STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineHuman's Life - The Childhood (2)

Translation Draft

We're continuing yesterday's post and I'm going to proceed with a little "description" of the injuries we talked about there...

In chronological order (of their occurrence), the first wound is rejection. In terms of definitions, rejection means expelling, removing (refusing something), pushing, pushing, intolerance, not admitting something, evacuating, refusing, not accepting... This is where the clear distinction between rejection and abandonment must be made.

Abandoning someone means moving away from them for something else or someone else, while rejecting someone, it means removing them, not wanting to have them with you or in your life. The rejecter uses the phrase "I don't want", while the one who abandons says "I can't"...

Rejection is a very deep wound, because the one who suffers because of it feels rejected in his being and especially in his right to exist. It is the first wound that manifests itself especially because the soul that incarnates lives in rejection from birth, and sometimes even before it is born.

Let's take the example of the unwanted child, the one who ends up, as they say, "that's how it was meant to be"... If that baby's soul didn't resolve the feeling of rejection, i.e. it failed to be okay, to remain himself, despite rejection, the baby will experience a single rejection wound.

An eloquent example is that of the newborn who is not of the sex desired by the parents. There are, of course, other reasons why a parent rejects a child, but what is important here is the awareness that only souls who need to live this experience will be attracted to parents who reject their child.

It is often the case that the parent has no intention of rejecting his child, but he feels rejected in any circumstance such as: following a reproach or following the manifestation of impatience or anger of one of the parents. As long as it's not healed, a wound can easily reactivate. And, beware, whoever has this wound interprets the incidents through the filter of his wound and feels rejected even when he isn't.

From the moment the baby begins to feel rejected, he begins to create a fugitive mask. Due to numerous regressions in the fetal state it was found that the person who had a rejection wound was seen as very small in the womb of the mother, where it occupied very little space and was often dark, the fugitive's mask beginning to be perceived even before birth.

This mask can be recognized by its physical appearance, by a fugitive body, i.e. a body or part of the body that seems to want to disappear. The body is narrow and contracted, which makes it easier to disappear, or not be too present or too visible in a group.

It's a body that doesn't want to take up much space, the image of the fugitive who's going to try his whole life not to use too much space, not to disturb too much. When we have the impression that there is almost no flesh on the bones, that the skin appears glued to the bones, we can say that the rejection wound is still very large.

The fugitive is a person who doubts her right to exist and who gives the impression that she has not fully incarnated. This explains the appearance of an often fragmented, incomplete body, from which a piece seems to be missing, or the feeling that the parts of the body do not match.

For example, the right side of the body or face may be relatively different from the left side (or vice versa, as suits you better). There are things that are often very easy to see with the naked eye. A fragmented, incomplete body means a part of the body where you think a piece is missing, such as the buttocks, breasts, chin, ankles much thinner than the thighs, or a dent in the area of the back, chest, belly.

The idea of a fragmented body can also be manifested by the mismatch between the upper and lower parts of the body. it can be said that a body is contracted when we have the impression that that person folds into itself. His shoulders are applied forward and his arms are often glued to his body.

There is also the impression that there was a blockage in the growth of the body or some of its parts. As if one of the parts were not the same age as the rest of the body, or if the body is completely contracted, under the impression that we see an adult in the body of the child.

When you see someone with a deformed body that arouses your pity, you can also infer that that person suffers from a rejection wound. Besides, the soul has already chosen this kind of body, before it is born, in order to then get into a suitable situation to overcome that wound.

The face and eyes of the fugitive are small, the eyes seem naked, because those who suffer from this wound tend to flee into their world or to be on the moon (in the astral). His gaze is often filled with fear. Looking at the face of a fugitive, we may think we're seeing a mask, especially around the very hard-looking eyes. Even he may have the impression that he sees everything through a mask, being a way of not really being present at what is happening, to avoid suffering, no matter how long.

When someone has all the characteristics specified above, his rejection wound is much more important than if he did not have, for example, the eyes of the fugitive. When someone's body indicates about 50% of the fugitive's own characteristics, we can believe that the person is wearing his or her mask to protect himself from the rejection wound 50% of the time.

This would be the case, for example, of a person with a rather thick body but very small ankles. Only one part of the body that matches the fugitive's characteristics indicates that the rejection wound is less important.

Wearing a mask means not being yourself. We adopt a different attitude, even as a young man, believing that it will protect us. The first reaction of a person who feels rejected is to run away. The child is about to create a fugitive mask, when he feels rejected, he is the kind of child who will often live in his imaginary world.

Which explains why this kind of child is usually good and quiet, does not create problems and does not make much noise. He amuses himself in his imaginary world and builds sand castles. Maybe he even thinks his parents screwed up the baby in the maternity ward or that they're not his real parents.

He's the kind of kid who invents different reasons to run away from home, one of which is his big desire to go to school. Instead, once he gets to school, especially when he feels rejected or rejects himself, he finds "on the moon", gone into his world.

This kind of child wants others to realize his existence, even if he doesn't believe much in his right to exist. As it is often a child whose body remains smaller than normal, it often resembles a doll, a very fragile being. Therefore, the almost general reaction of the mothers of such children will be to overprotect them.

The child is often told that he is too young to do the cut or cut thing and, over time, he comes to believe this, so that his body remains small. For him, being loved becomes, therefore, "to be suffocated", later his reaction being to reject or run away when someone loves him, because he will again be afraid of being suffocated.

An overprotected child feels rejected because he is not accepted for what he is. To try to make up for the fact that he is small, others want to do and think everything for him and, instead of feeling loved under the given conditions, the child will feel rejected in his own qualities.

The fugitive prefers not to attach himself to material things, for they may prevent him from fleeing when he wishes, often wondering what he is looking for in this world and finds it hard to believe that he will be happy here. He doesn't often use material things for pleasure, because he considers them superficial. The fugitive admits that money is necessary, but that it doesn't make him happy. Instead it attracts everything related to the spirit, as well as the intellectual fields.

The fugitive seeks solitude because, if he received more attention, he would be afraid that he would not know what to do with it (behaviour that has a smaller manifestation in the family), which is why he generally has very few friends.

He is considered solitary and is left alone. And the more isolated he becomes, the more invisible he will seem to enter a vicious circle and become more and more lonely and thus finds a reason to feel rejected.

The wound of rejection is lived in relation to the same-sex parent, whose role is to teach us to love, love and give love (the opposite-sex parent teaching us to let ourselves be loved and receive love). By not accepting this parent, it is only natural that we have decided not to consider him a role model.

It is interesting to note that the one that encourages the "departure" of a child who feels rejected, is usually the same-sex parent. Then the child feels even more rejected and will be more and more resentful of the parent. This kind of situation happens to a parent who also has a rejection wound. He encourages "run away" because it is a familiar means, even if he is not aware of it.

And... We'll continue with the "fugitive" and tomorrow (possibly the day after tomorrow)...

A day with the most pleasant winter regardless of the code attributed to the manifestations of the weather!!!

Dorin, Merticaru