STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineHuman's Life - The Childhood (5)

Translation Draft

The time has come to complete the presentation related to the abandonment wound, about the addict...

Given that the most intense emotion of the addict is sadness, it is obvious why she cries easily, especially when talking about her problems or trials. In this person's weeping, one can easily see how he accuses others regardless of the problem being considered.

Problems arise precisely because the addict is convinced that he is right in his reactions or positions and does not realize that most of the time she is the one who abandons others. It also does not realize the large number of projects it gives up along the way.

When an addict is in contact with the problems caused by his addiction, at that point he wants to become independent. To think of themselves as independent becomes a very common reaction to dependent people who like to ask others how much they consider themselves independent. However, this only accentuates and hides the abandonment wound because it is not cared for.

For example, an addict, male or female, may not want children under the pretext that they want to keep their independence. In the case of an addicted man, this may mean the fear of not getting all the attention from your partner, if there was a child present in the family while the addicted woman would rather be scared of feeling suffocated by all the obligations a child brings. Instead, if she wants a child, she prefers it until a very young age, when they are addicted to it, making it feel important.

In conclusion, the best thing for the addict is the attention and presence of others, but he won't realize how many times he doesn't do what he would want others to do for him. Here it would be good to add that the addict has a habit of physically clinging to the person he loves, the little girl clinging to her father, and the little boy from his mother... The addict leans on the other, holds his hand or touches him often...

When standing he looks to lean against a wall, a door or something else and even sitting down is hard to stand upright, leaning his arm against the back of the chair or feeling crushed in the chair. In any case, he finds it hard to stand up straight, standing with his back bent forward.

Here appear some elements of "direct relationship" in children such as the fact that the dependent mother, being merged, depends a lot on the love of her child and makes everything to make him feel that she thinks a lot about him. The love of others, especially those close to them, sustains addicts, helping them to stay on their feet...

For example, for the future of child addicts, it can be pointed out that they will be attracted to occupy a public office or to have access to a large audience (feeling good in any role of star), many of the singers, actors and others who work in the artistic field and appear in front of a wide audience being addicts...

In addition, the addict is a person who easily merges with others, which makes him feel responsible for the happiness or unhappiness of others, just as he believes that others are responsible for his own happiness or unhappiness.

To its advantage comes the fact that being a merged person is also a mental person, one who feels the emotions of others and leaves themselves easily invaded by them. But this desire to merge, causes a lot of fear, which can attract agoraphobia (the sickly fear of open spaces and public places).

At the level of nutrition, the addict can eat a lot without getting fat, the message that the body receives when he eats is in direct relation to his inner attitude to never having enough (when someone eats, even very little, thinking that he eats too much, his body receives this message and reacts as if he receives too much).

Therefore, the addict tends to become bulimic, in women being directly related to the feeling that the father is missing, while in the man is directly related to the absence of the mother. When these people do not have a substitute for the parent they lack, then they make a transfer to the food.

The addict prefers soft foods to hard ones, eating slowly, especially when he is in the company of other people (otherwise they do not even like to eat alone, especially outside the home).

As for the characteristic diseases, the addict is known to be a sickly, weak or weak child, his main conditions being: asthma (a disease in which exhalation becomes difficult and unbearable, indicating that that person takes on him more than he should and does not give back only with great weight), bronchitis (especially when the addict has the impression that he does not receive enough from his family , on which it depends too much), pancreatic and adrenal problems - metabolic syndrome (his entire digestive system being fragile because he thinks he is not adequately fed, even if this lack has no physical relevance), myopia (represents the difficulty of seeing at a distance, related to the fear of the future and especially one spent alone) , hysterics (because the addict feeds his part too much, in psychology it is said that the hysterical person is like the infant who is afraid that he will not receive milk and will be abandoned, which is why he expresses his feelings as loud, as visible), depression (when the wound hurts so much that they perceive the inability to feel loved as they would like) , migraines (especially because this person constantly stumbles to be himself, blocking his own self), various rare and incurable diseases (the addict is the one who most often gets such because this is the reward of the permanent desire to draw attention at all costs).

Note: As long as you continue to be resentful of a parent (albeit unconsciously), our relationships with all other same-sex people as that parent will be difficult. In addition, it is good as a parent to identify if your parent has not experienced the same wound in relation to his or her parent.

The same wounds are repeated from generation to generation, and that's as long as the karma wheel hasn't stopped by living relationships in true love. So it is very important and it becomes urgent to settle the situation with our parents, and thus we will stop replicating the same kind of situations. And beware, even if it comes to the conclusion that you have received the "necessary" attention from your parents, it may happen that that attention does not correspond to the desired one...

Remember that the main cause of an injury comes from our inability to forgive ourselves, what we do to ourselves, and what we do to others. It's hard for us to forgive ourselves because we don't usually even realize we're having a grudge against ourselves. The more important the abandonment wound, the more you abandon yourself or others, situations or projects.

We reproach others for everything we do ourselves and we do not want to see and that is why we attract people around us to show us what we do to others or to ourselves. One way to realize that we abandon ourselves or others is shame. In fact, we experience a sense of shame when we want to hide or mask behavior that we reproach others and, more often than not, we don't want them to discover that we act like them.

Spiritual laws say that as long as a person has not received an experience in love, he will have to return to earth to relive the same experience... We come back with the same souls, but with different roles, all to give us a chance to definitively solve what we have failed to regulate in our previous lives, on this earth or others...

Tomorrow we proceed to the presentation of the wound of humiliation, the one that attracts the mask of the masochist...

Finally... The weekend is coming... Who can, skiing, who can't, rest or partying!!!

Dorin, Merticaru