STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineHuman's Life - The Childhood (8)

Translation Draft

The wound of treason with the mask of the dominator (dominatrix)...

To betray is to stop being faithful to someone (to respect your commitments, to be loyal and devoted), to a cause, to abandon or expose someone, to deliberately and perfidiously deceive someone's trust (when trust is destroyed we suffer the most acutely of treason), by committing acts that are against them , making pacts with the enemy, etc., to be disloyal to someone or something, to deviate from a line of conduct, to prove inconsistency with an action, an idea, etc., to commit an infidelity in love or in marriage, to deceive. The most important term for treason is fidelity.

Before moving on, it would be good to remember that each of our wounds exists to warn us that if others make us suffer, it also happens because we also make them suffer or make ourselves suffer, which cannot be understood or accepted by the ego.

This wound is activated at the age of two to four years, when sexual energy develops, thus engaging the Oedipus complex (Each child, especially between two and six years old, becomes in love with the parent of the opposite sex or the person playing that role, this being the moment when the child becomes aware of his life force , sexual force, or that which represents his ability to create).

This wound is lived in relation to the parent of the opposite sex, the soul who wants to heal this wound attracting a parent with whom he will have a very strong affective bond and a very great mutual attraction.

It is normal for the child to merge with his mother from birth and have a great need for her attention and care. if the mother responds too much to the child's whims, to such an extent that she becomes a slave, the child begins to believe that she can replace her father.

To successfully cross this Oedipal stage means that every child must come to recognize that a father was also essential for his birth (even if he is no longer present). As soon as the child comes to understand this will become interested in the opposite sex (father). At the same time, his creative power develops, etc.

This explains the behaviour of little girls trying to seduce their father and boys who try to seduce their mother, being able to do anything to seduce the parent of the opposite sex, trying to protect him, despite the disappointment of not getting the attention they want. Unfortunately, in most cases, Oedipus's complex is very poorly lived because the mother is very possessive with her son and the father with the little girl.

And, those who suffer the wound of treason are the ones who failed to solve this complex when they were very young. This assumes that their attachment to the opposite-sex parent is far too great, which will have strong effects at the adult stage (they will always tend to compare their partner to the opposite-sex parent or have countless expectations from their partner about what they have not received from the opposite-sex parent).

The soul that is reincarnated in order to heal the wound of betrayal chooses its parents who use seduction with their child and who are rather centered on themselves. With this kind of parenting, the child comes to feel that they need him and wants, especially the opposite-sex parent, to have a good time, trying by all means to be special to that parent. And that's where the problems come from.

The child feels betrayed by his parent every time he does not keep a promise or betrays his trust. The child also experiences a betrayal every time he feels that the same-sex parent has been betrayed by the other parent, feeling this as if it were happening to him personally. A sense of betrayal can also be experienced when a little girl is left out by her father when a baby boy is born in the family. When the child begins to experience feelings of betrayal he creates a mask to defend himself, as in the case of the other wounds, that of the dominatrix.

Unlike the masochist, the dominatrix controls to pay attention to his own commitments, to be faithful and responsible, or to ensure that others keep their promises.

It is the dominator who has the most expectations of others, because he likes to foresee everything and thus to control, expectations that aim to check how they do what they have to do, whether they do it right or not, and to check the confidence they can have in them. Moreover, he is very skillful in guessing the expectations of others, frequently coming to say or do something according to each other's expectations, without necessarily having the intention of doing what he said.

The dominatrix creates a body that displays strength and power and imposes respect. A domineering man recognizes himself through his shoulders wider than his hips, bulging chest and well-shaped muscles, giving the impression that he exudes more strength in the upper body.

In a domineering woman this force is concentrated mainly in the hips, buttocks, belly and thighs, the lower part of the body being generally wider than the shoulders. In some cases the reverse phenomenon can also be observed (in both women and men) when the Oedipus complex is lived inversely, compared to the same-sex parent. one can recognize the field in which a person is domineering and is afraid of betrayal through the part of the body that indicates strength or power (the top exults anger against the same sex, while the bottom against the opposite sex).

Overall, the people who wear the dominatrix's mask occupy their rightful place well and are very physical. Sometimes you may be overweight but will have the appearance of strong and not fat people (weight gain is generally in relation to the mental part of a person who thinks they don't take up enough space in their own life).

The gaze of people of the domineering type is intense, seductive, when such a person looks at someone with the talent to make him feel special, important. The intensity of the gaze also helps them to quickly see the whole of what is happening around them, being able to see things very quickly. Thus, the dominatrix uses his eyes a lot to keep the other at bay when he is defensive or to fix and scrutinize the other in an intimidating way, when he is offensive, thus protecting himself so as not to show his weakness, vulnerability or helplessness.

Consequently, he makes it so that he is not in confrontational situations where he could not be in control, when he is with people he considers fast and strong, retreating out of fear of not being able to cope with them.

In the level of the behavior and inner attitudes of the dominatrix, force is a characteristic common to all people who have a wound of betrayal. It is important for them to address this force and especially their courage.

They are very demanding of themselves and want to demonstrate to others what they are capable of (they do everything in their power to be responsible, powerful, special and important people), any act of cowardice, therefore of lack of courage, being a betrayal (being very difficult for them to accept the cowardice of others). Thus, the dominatrix satisfies his ego who does not want to see how many times a week he betrays himself or someone else.

He is generally unaware of this because to betray is so unacceptable to him that he does not want to admit that he can do such a thing. If he is aware that he has betrayed someone, he will find all sorts of excuses and can often resort to lying to get out of that situation.

The dominator is quick in his actions, understands or wants to understand very quickly (he has a lot of talent and does his job quickly) and has difficulties when someone takes too long to explain, tell stories, act, etc. (in turn, trying to get into such situations and reacting directly and brutally when he is "signaled" that he finds himself in such a position) making great efforts to tolerate such people.

In short, he likes to be the first, especially when he finds himself in a competition, finishing first being more important to him than doing well what he has to do (often he ends up creating his own rules of the game for everything to his advantage)...

As a result, the dominatrix has a very strong personality, asserting his beliefs with force, waiting for others to adher to his beliefs. He very quickly forms an opinion about someone or a situation and is convinced that he is right, asserting his point of view in a categorical way, wanting to convince others at all costs. He believes that when someone understands him, that person agrees with him, which unfortunately is not true and will bring a lot of suffering by maintaining or deepening the wound of treason.

When things don't go according to his expectations, he quickly becomes aggressive, although he doesn't consider himself an aggressive person, which makes him the one who has the most mood swings (he can be full of attention and love so that the next second he gets angry from the slightest incident , etc.). Thus, those around him do not know how to behave in front of him, frequently living this kind of attitude as a betrayal (which "returns" to the one with the wound of betrayal)...

And the si... So much for today!

My wife, reading these lines, pointed out to me, "This is you!!!" ... But, you'll see in tomorrow's post that I've been training and I'm not getting aggressive (or changing my state of attention and love) if you ask me to continue today...

A fruitful week only in the good ones!!! And, "Happy Birthday, fulfillment and happiness" to my youngest daughter!

Dorin, Merticaru