STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineHuman's Life - Adolescence (1)

Translation Draft

... the first stage of the adult, the true childhood of this stage.

From now on, things are getting really serious. It is time to become aware of and/ or to bring about the full power of action, to the maximum possible freedom of the individual who starts in the true "personal life". Now we love can complete, now we can work, now we hope to be able to assert ourselves, now we have at our disposal the power of youth can reach any possible heights...

It is the time of the paradox of the manifestation of a phenomenal imbalance between the power of action of youth and the lack of experience, the wisdom of the individual that is just beginning in his personal manifestation, his own...

The moment when the wounds we already have deepen becoming true purulent caverns, ready to smear and infect anything or anyone around us (of course, with a "power" that differs from one situation to another, from one individual to another)... "Why do you give Divine Power, Creator, power to foolish youth, and wisdom to helpless old people?!?" would be the "question of the day"...

As I said in my post about puberty, studies mix the period of adolescence with that of puberty, with many publications even stating that, "adolescence begins with puberty in the range of x-y years".

The confusion I think comes from the very origin of the term adolescence that comes from the Latin "adolescent" which means "to grow". From my point of view (and not only), the adolescent starts with the legal majority, in the period 18-21 years (may take into account, in extenso, some individuals who by various circumstances, situations, etc. lower this age to a maximum of 16 years). How long does this period last...

Hmmm... That's another problem. Some of us remain adolescents even at 60 years of age, due to the fact that they have not accepted the environmental conditions, ideas and behaviors that can characterize the adult stage, remaining the same injured people (or with newly developed wounds alongside the old, unresolved ones) until they find that their body is too old (in the sense of segregation carried out by those around them , society or the like compared to "old" persons) for their situations.

Admit it, each of those who are at least 45 years old (minimum 45 years old), how old you think you are. How much "mind" do you have in addition to the age of 20 years (except for accumulations of experience, cultural or other elevated elements of manifestation of the mind, including an increased responsibility related to those around you, the environment, etc.)?

Or, doubt the perception of the passage of time, in the sense that five minutes ago you were 20 years old and now... Offf!!! 50, 60 (maybe more)?!? But to give a term, adolescence "holds" until somewhere around the age of 25-30, when there's not much we can do and we find: "Offf, how bad it is to be an adult!" ... Or, think about it, how many people around you take full responsibility for your real age (and it's not just about the beautiful ladies in our lives)!

Coming back, nowadays the term "adultness" is increasingly used... Although it sounds like a syndrome or, at least, as a medical condition, this term is nothing but a portmantou of the words adolescent and adult.

It defines a new phase of human development, especially in developed societies, under the pressure of economic instability that contrasts with the dramatic increase in population longevity. For example, if in the 19th century it was inevitable that most people would start working from the age of 10 to 12, nowadays the age of 20 to 25 is that of the first question marks related to the work.

Adolescence is a normal period of conflict, necessary for a subsequent balance, and whose complexity is not at all appropriate to generalizing discourses. Each of the individuals lives in his reality, in his environment, along with his wounds and debts (past or present). At the same time, adolescence can be considered as a dynamic evolution, with the end of its autonomy, identity and sexual adaptation.

Now comes the possibility of making decisions on his own or, at least, which depends on his choices, his decisions. This gives rise to the behavior so well delineated by the phrase "rebel adolescence".

The adolescent feels the need to escape from his self (confronting his ego, trying to avoid as much as possible evolution in the sense of experiencing the wounds "duty", perhaps even the annulment of these experiences), to broaden his interests beyond the family circle (if possible, to the maximum, towards the conquest of the whole world).

Now, identification with his parents overlaps his identification with the age group himself, with the collective hero gang. From now on, the classic "generational conflict" can no longer be stopped from manifesting itself. The young man manifests himself in sharp denials or statements, without caring about contradictions, and is constantly searching for debates, if not new contradictions, often this behavior can be interpreted as challenging for those around him (parents, etc.).

All these teenagers of ours don't know what they're going to become in life, which is actually their main search. But uncertainty and lack of social (even family) perspectives increasingly attract the attraction (and embrace) of many purely hedonistic activities as a daily way of life.

Thus, the fun has become an opiate of the masses of teenagers (and not only), whether it is online socialization, dependence on entertainment and media or redirecting creative energy towards a passion. And even if they succeed with such passions, at some point, to stabilize their way of life (special cases and very few in number), the vast majority will grow older by living in the same way as they did when they entered adolescence.

The consequences of this passivity are often the lack of accumulations and personal or social experience, problems in forming or maintaining couple relationships and the lack of motivation to accumulate that necessary experience that would be relevant later on. The only benefit is that they will continue to stay with their parents while they are favored to resolve some wounds related to their presence near the young landmark (or vice versa).

Despite appearances, the teenager is unrelenting with himself. In front of his body, his abilities of seduction, he can experience a sense of major insecurity. It all depends on the adults and the freedom of action is only related to those of a relatively close age to that of the individual landmark. It is only the blood ties that give the feeling of relative freedom.

In addition, old wounds and complexes hang heavy in the balance that can certify liberation, freedom. So the young man is normal to have a penchant for revolt, he feels insecure and anxious about normality. For him it is important to ensure that the means of statistical interpretation, so relative, are exceeded by the quality of his performance (on all levels, including in the love life).

In the uncertainty of the future in which, more often than not, "calms the water" without a visible chance of being able to move forward and escape from the flowing water of the life that leads it, the adolescent no longer benefits from reference systems (generally valid but obsolete or those that formed them before the times that live them) depending on the collaboration , cooperation, something predictable, on which it can be based.

This is an additional reason for joining various groups that can stop normal development and, above all, "walk", "scratch" each other's wounds. Added to all this is the uncertainty of the general benefits of those of the same age, now defending the great betrayals, the great abandonments, the great... enumeration could continue with awfully many landmarks.

I could also present something about the peculiarities of teenagers these days. The age of 30, which was previously a landmark of the stability of the individual who was already supposed to have a family, children, his own business or a professional destiny already written, has already "jumped" at 40.

Until then, man devotes himself to exploring, experimenting and accumulating as much knowledge as possible. In my opinion (and not only), this is the best rhythm in which a man finds (or leaves himself found) by his "call", because almost none of us certainly knows at a much younger age, such as the 24-25 year old, who will practice for much of life (or even all)...

It is true that we are increasingly opposed to inertia and procrastination (to unduly postpone the start of an action, in particular due to the usual negligence or laziness, the laziness, the procrastination) after a series of disappointments related to the environment (especially the uncertainty, instability and especially "permanent loss or change" , unwarranted the rules of the game"), but perhaps there is no need to fight them.

All experiences eventually lead somewhere, and I don't think there's any time wasted as such (that "the only crime unpunished is killing time"), even though it's about computer or tablet games, chat-ing on Facebuci or mess-uial (English mess means mess) on all kinds of messengers, as they are completed for our "considerations". It's all part of our "road" and our effort to close the wounds in possession...

And in order to get over something that teenagers (our or us) will understand much later, I will now proceed to a staggered approach according to the criterion applied to childhood (I will "attack" one by one, wounds and masks presenting their significant developments at this age).

Saturday full of spore and fun (for those at home), pleasant memories and rest (for those on vacation or crazy)!!!

Dorin, Merticaru