STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineHuman's Life - The Adult (5)

Translation Draft

Hard with posts these days! But let's keep going!

I forgot to mention that this "Law of Polarity" (or Polarization), or "Law of Mirroring" is also called the "Law of Attraction" (so discussed and affirmed lately thanks to the successful documentary "The Secret").

Between all these there are so many similarities that, in my opinion, it is only about specialized techniques of their description and application and, by no means, differentiations of mechanisms. That is why, at least for me, they are one and the same law.

But going back to where we ended up with adult postings, let's continue on accepting polarity, a mirror, our way of attracting or rejecting...

You can't understand what you don't accept and you can't accept what you deny (denial attracting the impossibility of understanding). This way you won't find out anything about yourself if you turn your back on the mirror, you won't overcome your ignorance if you reject your reflection in the mirror and be put in front of it over and over again.

Have you noticed where they stand, what people who love each other do? They stand face to face and look each other in the eye ("the mirror of the soul" as people say since ancient times). In the same way you must learn to stand face to face with your aspects reflected by those around you.

The aspects you reject inside you (chaining them in the sub-mask) you encounter outside yourself, outside, all the more so as you reject them. The universe is magical by the power of polarization to which it subjects you, it methodically mirrores hidden emotions, feelings, thoughts and desires, until you begin to recognize them in yourself, to recover and integrate them.

Yes, the universe seems determined to bring to your attention the personal traits and needs that you do not accept in your consciousness, connecting with people who embody exactly these aspects. Even if you reject them or bypass them, the universe will continually function under the law of polarization that you simply have nowhere to run.

Because the main aspects of yourself that you have to accept and transform are the current tasks in your evolution chart. A man of a certain wisdom (life experience or the like) will not perceive those people as adversaries and will not fight against them.

He will know that he has met his "pole" and will endeavour, though it will be difficult for him, to understand his sub-mask and force it to work for him, for his "progress" in all aspects that may contradict the statement of "Law of Mirroring" to the statement of "Law of Attraction" (in which you draw to you and your life all that is necessary for your fulfillment , be it material).

The sub-mask is an opponent only if you fight it, only if you "swim against the current". Change your attitude and relationship with the under-mask will turn from a cooperative struggle into an alliance and thus a simple mutation in your consciousness will turn the negative into positive. And, in fact, nothing happened. The negative and the positive have always been there and will stay there forever. Just the way you relate to them will make you aware of one or the other of polarities.

Moreover, the whole is neither positive nor negative, it being whole precisely by integrating opposites (plus minus attract). What you perceive from the whole depends only on you and your level of awareness. A wise man is aware of this reality and accepts it. It can't be any different in a universe of polarities and connections.

Accepting negatively evaluated impulses into a criminal, thief, villain, cheater, etc. Understanding moral norms and principles as a shield for your unconscious aggression will indeed dissolve them, but not to replace them with anything else.

Rather, their liquidation will allow the natural wisdom of the organism to develop, which will lead to the emergence within you of authentic principles or life references, after which you can lead your life with elegance and effort, even if it seems to have no normal meaning, important being the meaning necessary to you. This way of life has nothing to do with the impulses that some blindly listen to or the moral prescriptions that others listen to in an equally stupid way.

The body tuned to its own pace often works differently from conventional opinions about human nature. He creatively integrates the experience and develops by generating and destroying without interruption the "configurations" of a given moment, living everything completely, leaving nothing unfinished.

The healthy body ranks and harmonises the needs of the body and mind, satisfying them without haste and without delay, its consciousness moving flexibly everywhere. It allows the assimilation or withdrawal of projections, the result being a more extensive, freer and more defensive field.

And that's because, if each projection narrows or limits the body, drawing boundaries (delimitations) like "You're like this!", "I'm not like that!", the withdrawal of projections widens or enriches the personality with the projected characteristics or facets, the freedom of movement becoming superior. You'll no longer feel threatened or pressured by what you've designed, because you realize it's you.

On the other hand, right and just, we will never know for sure whether or not we are the victims of our own projections, but there is a criterion of great utility that maximizes our chances of knowledge.

This criterion is of an emotional nature which thus embodies an instrument of measurement which we contain and which, in order to be used, implies a free flow of emotions through consciousness. If, for various reasons, emotions are blocked, the instrument exists for nothing, since it is useless.

According to this criterion of identification of projections, any person or thing from the outside that stirs up in new emotional experiences represents a projection screen, the "palpable" manifestation of a polarization. And, projections don't happen when people or things in the environment just send us information without affecting us.

In other words, as the characteristics we design are evaluated, within us (ego or submask), positive or negative, our emotional feelings in relation to people or things that serve as projection screens belong to a continuum having at the two poles the attraction, respectively the intense rejection.

And for many people this idea is almost unacceptable, especially because of its consequences from the negative pole. It puts you in a position to even think, unless you admit that the traits or behaviors that disgust you, annoy you at the top (irritate you, perceiving them in this way, etc.) or even hate them to another, one way or another, belong to you.

However, the simple idea has a huge development potential because, if you happen to contain those negative characteristics, only by accepting them you can change or use the creator (or at least according to the interests of the moment or the future).

Otherwise, if you contain them but refuse them at the level of the conscious Self, they will never transform themselves, there is even chance to stiffen themselves (becoming stronger, more potentially manifest), since they are not filtered through consciousness.

To complete this post I have no more to emphasize but an idea. In short, it may prove useful to admit that you strongly reject those on whom you project unconscious and undesirable impulses or traits. at the other pole, you are strongly attracted, admire dismay or like very much the people to whom you attribute, by projection, your own qualities or tendencies evaluated as positive and desirable.

The most interesting thing about all this incredible statement is that the force or intensity of emotional experience (attraction or rejection) shows exactly the strength or intensity of the projected impulse/character. In this respect (and, above all, for understanding) I will give examples.

The intensity with which you detest the cowardice of your colleague or friend is equal (directly proportional) to the intensity of your own cowardice, of which you have no idea. If you're aware of her, you won't hate her anymore, you'll study her. You'll come to conclusions that can be, for example, like, "I know what cowardice can do in me so I can assess the behavior of the person I hate without purpose."

Reached this level, in a short time you will either no longer call that person or you will intervene by correcting his cowardice with advice or express "constrictive" requests and, in time, both parties will benefit, or by simply exiting your "perimeter" of that person who no longer constitutes a pole (and the reverse is valid) for you.

Another example, the force with which you are attracted by the mental clarity in your teacher's explanations speaks to you (through a typo I wrote "speaks to" which would not have been a real error of context... but I corrected) about your own intellectual readiness, of which you are not yet aware.

When you become aware of this, voluntary collaboration will appear that will increase the mental clarity of both, the teacher moving to another level "necessary" to you and you by going to the leaps to other necessary knowledge.

And at some point, you will come to remain only with esteem to it because by increasing the yield of transfer and collaboration will lead to the elimination of polarity and the teacher will leave your life on his way, to other poles that will attract him to complete the new whole that will form. Interesting, isn't it?

The idea continues in the next post...

Trust, love and gratitude, that's all I hate for today!

Dorin, Merticaru