STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine

To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineHuman's Life - The Adult (9)

Translation Draft

Here's a new position held as a "debt"...

Creation is a world of duality, at each pole being connected its opposite, yin gives birth to yang and yang creates yin. Opposite poles can only exist together, are complementary, assume and support each other, even if they seem to be opposites, to be against each other.

An intuitive mind can recognize here the supreme magic of the Creator, its amazing power to make things seem different than they are, to put them apparently in irreconcilable oppositions or conflicts.

He who recognizes and feels, even for a few moments, the secret harmony of the endless game of manifestation has access to the highest possible privilege for a human being. He is, in a certain sense, one with the Creator of this world composed of illusory polarities, a world which he transcends even in the process of its complete acceptance.

So no trait exists without its polar counterpart inside us. Courage does not exist without fear, the ability to love does not exist without the ability to hate. Speaking without any kind of menageness, their dissociation can only come in an insufficiently mature mind.

People quite readily admit that the face of an object does not exist without the back of that object, but fail to understand this principle at the more subtle levels of the mind-soul. Without a contrast background a figure remains undifferentiated (it is useless to write in white chalk on a white board, the white needing black or other dark color to differentiate). Only our intellectual or moral preferences make us believe that white is "good" and black is "bad."

A unified and therefore "impartial" mind will understand the relativity of these distinctions and will intuit both the potential for "evil" of white and the potential for "good" of black. Religiously applied, this capacity for unified vision produces spectacular effects but impossible to tolerate by followers of partisan visions...

And, the feeling that nothing exists in the universe without an opus of its has taken shape theoretically and in the physical plane (in the world of physics, as science) where matter is now balanced by antimatter, the need for the opposite pole becoming so strong that some scientists question whether, in addition to time, there is antitime.

In other words, what if time flowed not only from the past to the future but also from the future to the past? It sounds inconceivable, but what do you do with the premonitions that come true? Or, simply, if there is only time in our acceptance? But, this is another issue that I will detail in other posts.

On the other hand, when the mind operates in the sequential and linear regime of ordinary thinking, its chances of encompassing the circularity of reality are null and clear. For a mind that moves from close to close, limited to its own operating patterns, perceiving what is inside as the outer and what is apart as the inside is truly an impossible task.

It takes an undivided, unified mind to intuit the game of opposite polar energies and understand how any push is a pull, how any gain is a loss. A unified mind can use poison as medicine and use the earth to ascend to the sky.

A man who understands is a man who does not condemn, and a man who has understood the hidden laws of universal manifestation is a man who no longer condemns anything. Because poles exist only together, only by opposition, any state or trait can be transformed into its opposite.

This is because the energy that allows the manifestation, support or vehicle of the condition has a neutral nature. It's up to us which direction we're going to give him. I repeat, the force of life is neutral. The energies are not packed, selected, grouped and labeled as a store.

It's up to you which channels you invite the ultimate energy to flow on. And if you don't have that right, others will choose for you, each according to their preferences or needs. These things are not just theory, they are happening right now on a level hard to imagine. People refuse or are afraid to choose states, traits or behaviors that support their needs and/ or evolution, giving this right to others, most often without knowing it.

In itself, no energy is bad or harmful, it becomes dangerous only through repression and possibly perseverance in such a thing, accumulation. Their pulsating charge accumulates, just as water accumulates behind a dam. The first sign of accumulation is anxiety.

Something makes you feel anxious, but it's impossible for you to say what it is and outside of you everything is fine and the anxiety, the tension, seem snot to have an objective basis. That's because they don't come from the outside, they come from within you.

After all, this is the role of the body, to send signals incessantly, in the form of concerns, disturbances, fears without object or the like. And these tensions will be discharged through the vulnerable points in the body, causing the great physical pathologies, i.e. the inner hell reflected in the mirror of the physical body.

The impulses that appear inside us have only one purpose: to unload outward. Energies want to express themselves and do not even accept the idea of negotiation, the power of the self to stop them being dramatically limited.

Beyond a certain threshold, the eus, however solid, must yield. The force of the one is of a different nature, not represented by the brute force of the will but by the subtle force of intelligence. Using its intelligence, the self can orient these energies in one direction or another, channel them so that they bring benefits, or at most minimal damage.

In this respect can be given the "example of carbon"... Carbon enters the composition of coal, from the lowest to the upper, being characterized by a more or less pure storage of amorphous coal.

Certain conditions, especially characterized by massive energy intake, will attract the perfect structuring of carbon in the diamond. Yes, you read well, between coal and diamond it's just an orderly settlement of carbon plus the presence of impurities.

It's just a process of cleaning up impurities and ordering, the result being the transition from a kind of earth that you throw quite indifferently into the stove to the last thing you'd be willing to throw away.

The profanes among us struggle at most to make some cleaning through their coals, while the refined focused on the inner energies, transforming their being, that is, enriching themselves spiritually. But the laymen I remembered, they also struggle, even resorting to dishonest means to adapt to the life they accept, the basic idea being to gather, to enrich themselves materially.

The burning desire to enrich oneself was born in them and will turn over time into the desire for spiritual enrichment (spiritual need exists, in germ, within the need for material prosperity). Their ego is now manifesting itself on a coarse plane but it is only a matter of time to rise (it is not a problem like "if?" but a "when?").

Intelligence manifests itself gradually, going through certain stages. In the baby it is carried out quite vaguely on the basis of hypothetical-deductive reasoning (approximately up to one year) followed by sensory-motor ones (1 - 3 years), in the child it is passed to the pre-operational threshold (3 - 7 years) and that of concrete operations (7 - 11 years).

It is only after the age of 11 (on average) that there is hope that thinking will become so sophisticated that it operates without relying on concrete objects or events (without forgetting that some people never reach this stage or have great difficulty operating in an abstract cognitive register). So, the intellectual potential manifests itself gradually, from the lower to the upper, and this stageiness is valid for any other potential.

So this is why the "Mind-Soul" mirrors are not as simple as the physical ones, requiring a very practiced "eye" to identify them.

This is why evolution is required to have a "calibre" investigative capacity to detect even the subtlest shades of mirroring, to reveal any element of the sub-mask. Only then can you reach a level where you do not complicate your life unnecessarily or cause unnecessary suffering to others.

Everything you spontaneously reject in the other belongs to you and learns to discriminate between spontaneous emotional rejection and rational, legitimate rejection. There is nothing contradictory about emotionally accepting a person but not tolerating certain behaviors.

And, quite possibly, you'll end up with unassumed or unknown features based only on what affects you spontaneously. But don't forget that you still have a number of latent traits, which you are able to manifest in the future (something like, now you're not in charge, but when you become what kind of you will manifest...").

The positive qualities to which you are most sensitive, the characteristics that you constantly admire outside of yourself are aspects of your being, whose time has arrived (or will arrive) to flourish. Most often it takes your whole life to integrate them, i.e. to be able to manage them completely and harmoniously in all your actions.

At least for this moment of debate in my posts it is good to know that life in this dimension (on Earth) is like a kind of school, where you learn to integrate energies of different natures into thinking, feeling and behavior.

These themes and developmental tasks do not coincide from one individual to another. The essential task of one may be to learn to be righteous, while another must learn to be gentle (remember that even within the energies of justice or gentleness there are different levels).

The themes are so individualized that it makes no sense for people (and their tasks) to be compared to each other. Legitimate comparisons can only be made by themselves, balancing what they have managed to manifest with what they feel they can manifest. Any other comparison, made by someone from the outside, indicates only his need to assault (attention, champions in this chapter are the parents).

And finally, I have something else to point out. Aggression (revenge, anger, etc.), hatred, jealousy, possessiveness, pride, envy, etc. belong to the animal world.

It is still a world that lives within us and often pulls us back to primitive and brutal actions. But we can no longer return to it in normal, natural ways, just as an old man's body cannot return to the freshness and flexibility of childhood.

But throwing it away isn't possible either. It is part of us, it is the historical legacy of our survival, of adaptation into a hostile world. The best solution is to integrate it into the experience available to our awareness and try to give it a creative meaning by investing it in behaviors that protect general human values.

Relaxing Sunday and Recovery! And, "Happy birthday for my sister!

Dorin, Merticaru