STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineHuman's Life - The Adult (10)

Translation Draft

That's how I ended up "holding" posting positions (a lot of work)...

But I retain them as a kind of obligation for me to post "debts". So, rest assured, I'll get it back! At least until I "freeze" blog posts (including on Facebook) because I don't see their effectiveness compared to maintaining my old site (

Continuing from the last post I will try to finalize the arguments about what we can "pick" by observing those around us. So it may seem bizarre or incredible, but the Creator has found no better way to make you pay attention to the steps of your spiritual evolution than thus, to complement your capacity for "reception", introspection, analysis, etc. with the reactions of those around you.

Reactions that can only be "completed" with your effort to adapt your own manifestations and thus force you to your own reactions that you refuse for various reasons. Observe what you condemn on the outside, examine your unwarranted revulsions and fears, and you will find out what is unacceptable in yourself, what are the aspects of which you resist without knowing them in detail.

Unaccepted and unintegrated pulses are continually mirrored by those around us, thus knocking on the door of our consciousness. People who irritate or disgust you, embodying what you contain but have no idea (or suppress effectively), manifest themselves powerfully in your life.

Banish them and they will come back, often more disturbing. Destroy them and their place will be quickly taken by others, very similar (at least) or more efficient (in most cases). Eventually you may understand that these things do not happen to you because you are unlucky or cursed, but because you unconsciously draw them towards you.

And when you point others in and point your finger at saying "You're guilty of...", "He's guilty of...," "You're like that...," "He's like that...," "You did that...", "He did that..." or other options, look at the other fingers to what they're pointing to... We're dealing here with some kind of "hand rule."

The "manifestation" form of this rule is simpler than you expect. Let's see, let's see, let The index finger will obviously indicate the "target" of our statements. What about the others? In most cases the other 3 fingers under the index finger will indicate their own person (the one who makes the "indication").

Yes, we are dealing with a "responsibility" of the participation in that situation of the one who indicates... And, the three "indications" signal that: finger 1, middle finger, indicates "Everything that has happened to you, you have done it yourself" (with a kind of subtle connotation to the obscene gestures that "signal" with the help of this finger), finger 2, the ring finger, indicates "The aspect you condemn outside yourself is the aspect that you deny to yourself" (with a kind of conot directly related to the name of this finger , the one on which the ring is worn, the one through which you externally handle a certain "claim") and the finger 3, the little one, indicates "Look who I have in my power and can solve something" (with a kind of connotation to the statements like "I have it on my little finger", including the function of this finger most often used to clean the dirt from the nose , between teeth and other areas that soil us)...

There remains the thumb that is either pointed, in the vast majority of cases up (to the divine powers, regardless of their level: Creator, angels, spirits, etc.), whether it has an "indecisive" positioning when the indication is made with the palm down or up, or when the finger is relaxed (then having to do with someone else around us).

More "serious" is when the thumb "catches" (includes, tightens) the three fingers pointing to us. Then there's an "angry" indication that he wants to point out your guilt "indicated" by the three fingers... Or the indication of that "target" with a relaxed hand, having the relative form of an attempt to grab, rather than indicate, a position that reveals a defeated individual (it is the one who indicates, of course), who gives in or needs help in his reactions to the person indicated and, above all, needs a concrete reaction from him (the palm of the hand actually squeezing the real and completely guilty in situation, i.e. exactly the person indicating). Interesting, isn't it?

Don't forget! All your energies want to manifest. Their right to manifest is not affected by the name you assign, the labels you apply, etc. He doesn't care about aggression if you tell him it's "bad", sexuality doesn't care about the label of "indecent", the tendency to cheat, take advantage, etc. doesn't care about the "immoral" rating.

All these dark impulses appear in the unconscious, regardless of what you want to be or show others that you are. It's like they're born into the objective world through you, like you're a mother of theirs. And who is better to take care of children if not their mother (of course, in the vast majority of cases)?

And, like, these kids aren't big or scary. They become big and scary because of the "exercised" repressions over time. These repressions are what make them grow (they become enemies if you treat them as enemies). If we take care of them properly, they'll stay at the stage of wonderful children ready to help us on our way wherever we are. I hope you know that from ancient times it is said that, "Whoever keeps the child in him all his life will not know what the limits are"...

So the people around you that you reject very strongly (or unknown people, who you only learn from the accounts of others) can teach you fundamental things about yourself. They are like postmen who deliver letters to you with the message "Here's the feature you contain and didn't assume."

The easy-to-describe situation now appears with the message "Don't shoot the messenger!". Is he guilty of the content of the letter (message)? He's just putting you in touch with yourself. It's like receiving letters that you sent yourself a long time ago (even from other existential manifestations of your own, but which you completely forgot about).

Understanding everything I've inserted into my posts will be the beginning of your salvation. But not by simply scrolling through these materials taken and processed by me from others, much more experienced, practitioners, each somity in its own way and in its work.

It's through your effort to discover yourself and practice what you've discovered. From the moment you have access to the deep meaning of these encounters (with these materials or others, with yourself or with these unbearable people in your life) and you begin to accept within yourself the characteristics that you reject and apply what you think is right (and your evolution in this dimension) Your world will begin to change. It's perfectly natural. The changes inside you will be reflected in the changes outside of you.

In a certain way, and in accordance with bolder spiritual philosophies, you are the creator of the world in which you live. Not in the sense that your self actually created it, but in the sense that your being drew it to you. You can run away from this world, but success will be fleeting.

Wherever you go, you'll recreate it, which means you'll attract it again. It's like running away from home to get under the Eiffel Tower thinking that there your face reflected in the mirror will be different. If you want to see another reflection, it is not what mirrors that need to be changed (place, shape, structure, etc.) but what is mirrored.

This is the principle behind the exhortation "If you want to change the world you live in, start by changing yourself." If you don't like or endure different aspects of those around you, stop reacting by issuing your demands or demands for their change.

Seek to discover what is in you that mirrors their behaviors and puts into practice, yourself, what you ask of them (more or less insistently). If you complete this initiative, the people around you will react exactly as you like and, above all, as you need.

Moreover, the model you offer will also allow them to change, but in a more natural way, less charged with fear, shame or culpability. And more than that, if they change more slowly, learning to accept one person, yourself, will help you accept another person, your neighbor. And when you learn to do that with yourself and the person next to you, you become more able to practice acceptance with other people.

Evaluate yourself honestly and observe how much energy you consume so as not to be a certain kind of person! Imagine how creative or powerful you could be if you gave this energy a different direction, that is, if you didn't waste it to neurotically control other energies!

If you're just going to be shallow in this effort, you might feel like a winner. But this victory is nothing but a great fool. What you've earned is just an illusion that you're going to pay dearly until you do everything right...

Anyway I can't miss the opportunity to wish you a weekend of the best!

Dorin, Merticaru