To STUDY - Technical - New Medicine

To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Paginile Noua Medicină Dacică

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         August 7, 2017 ("Zero Day", for connoisseurs) is the date when a cyber attack destroyed the entire structure we have been doing for more than two years in a CMS (Content Management System).

And I couldn't recover anything because, for efficiency, I was working directly online, without "developing" a local server that would allow me to recover based on a backup ... Although I used the backup resources of the hosting provider.

The attack was insidious, based on a metasploit that used the "weaknesses" of the hosting (be careful, it is not to blame because it was a new metasploit). I do not go into details but I am an expert in cyber security, with many international certifications and I know what I am typing. The basic idea is that everything went and the need for restoration, reconstruction based on the writing materials I used, based on the effort on, etc., went away. Too bad the translations were done in English, French, etc. that really went away because I wasn't inspired to save them somehow...

And I decided to work in "pure html" because I no longer run the risk of losing my rights to access materials through the theft by "a stupid hacker" of my CMS (or other utility) administration passwords, databases, etc. (and I will not go into details).

Normally I should complete the recovery in 2-3 years, because that's how long it took me to implement the CMS version!!!

But I decided to complete the New Medicine with new elements, based on existing materials. So, 2020 would be the year of completion, 2021 would be the year of functionality "somewhat" (if new, "painful" things do not intervene) ... Later I will proceed to the initial development plan ... Will see!

Thank you for your understanding!

Dorin, Merticaru