To STUDY - Fiction - Around the Worlds

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"Around the Worlds"
Mircea Dan
Day 1, Part 5 - Without solutions

           When he reached the stream, the Council had just finished exchanges with a working group. Iryu waited patiently until the working comes out of the stream and signals his presence.
            - Wouldn’t be better if you could take care of your container for a while, to have a sleep like all other recipes?!? intervene reprovingly Freyr.
            - No offense, Vedairyu, but interruptions produced by him increasingly frequent, complete Genius.
            - I feel this for some time… But, importantly, it’s that interruptions are generated, mainly, on the background of love and not of fear… Whether it’s human… I don't feel the need to intervene, especially because, from the point of view of the generally accepted biorhythm, he wakes up between 3 and 5 in the morning… You know that it’s the interval in which the Divine Power or we, through our essence, send the messages to help them connect with a higher goal… His sadness is minimal and I protect and help him in everything he does…
            - That’s what he felt as well, that comes the moment to re-establish your full connection, said Freyr.
            - It depends, without a superior intervention, I cannot pass over his huge emotional blockages… Immensely intense… He still doesn’t want to understand that his power is given for him and not for the souls who interact. That he is where he is to live him to have the power to truly help…
            - We know, we all have major problems from this point of view… But your container really exaggerates, emitted Mercury low, shy. It can be said that this condition is unpardonable…
            - Anyway, I feel that he has no chance of evolution in any other sense than the one for which he is created and destined! Will develop his best version whether he wants or not, whether I want or not… Something’s is going to happen. I’m feeling this, concluded Iryu, deeply affected. Time will decide…
            - Time?!? For us there is no time… Why do we hide behind this insignificant detail?!? angrily intervened Utu.
            - Already he, as a container, he understood that the way of life is not a touch of destinations but the experiences what you have on this road, continues Iryu ignoring Utu's intervention. I think he will no longer participate in a test that set him off as an objective of his life. I think that, from now on, it’s open to the experiences that I expect to have him… Anyway, the passage of time is essential for stabilization…
            - But what’s the relevance of the time here?!? insists Utu.
            - Utu, I understand your position, I understand that you're really harassed by this time of the containers, specify Iryu unaffected by Utu's emission. Time doesn’t exist for us. For the containers exist it, and we are reported, if we want or don’t want, at the evolution of this time of theirs. Without it, we couldn't get to experiment. We just created everything… Your anger is pointless. Focus on the problem of generation and refining of new energy entities and you will see that your real problem starts from there. The balance! and looked at him compassionately, penetrating.
            - My state I think is more attracted to the fact that there is some down surge in the stream and we need solutions… You must accept that without your presence everything seems endless, continue Utu.
            - Utu, intervene Logger, the presence of anyone has been just as important as the presence of all. We have felt it all this for too many times to repeat your emission now. None of us is more important than the other as none of us is unmissable or perceived. Iryu's energy, as well as yours, or mine, or anybody who supplies, vibrates in harmony or disharmony, that’s all. Interesting is only the arrival apparent without the meaning of Typhoo in these times of the containers…
            - The presence of Typhoo, from earlier, has massively powered our stream area. Is obvious, without problems, that he did this in order to diminish the “background” energy… That’s what indicates that what’s going to happen is in total agreement with all the "upper layers". The problem is only linked to their lack of transparency in what is about to happen. Something that might give us a clue as to what we can do. And so, don’t forget that my presence, or anyone else, is not mandatory. I’m in you just as you’re in me, said Iryu looking somewhere far away, trying to give a different sense to a discussion without the possibility of identifying tangible solutions.
            - As we all are in the Holy Power, and She is in us, as we are the Holy Power and She is us, solemnly repeated all of them, in choir, waking him up, fueling Iryu’s aura whose flared brightly in purple.
            - Eventually you can call at the “House of Souls” to contact my “Origin”, felt Iryu to close earlier discussion, emitting a powerful flow of love.
            - We have discussed this before, and I've told you that isn’t as easy as it seems to you, or, perhaps, it’s accessible to you, stated underlining Freyr. Your origin is far too powerful, overwhelming. That's why you have images, representations, in almost all known universes. We can't lead so much love, so much vitality and participation… We don't even understand from where so much power…
            - Then when you need me, think about the answer that I'd give you, and you’ll have it. Being aware of my power you will have access to it. And you know that I haven’t put the slightest restriction on access to what I am. And about Dan, what can I tell you Freyr?!? I have a tendency to interfere, but I feel that it’s better to let him to decide. Be and how did he do when he expressly asked to leave him independently, to stop acting in any way, to stop being his companion anymore.
            - We know, with all of them, all of them, but, frankly, I've never understood how is that possible?!? How is it possible for an independent container to develop so much love, to be so uninfluenced to what he lives and to maintain its stability under all particularly punitive conditions in which he evolve, said Lopt. The more it is considered to be a  definition of the expressions "badly good", "hopelessness naive ", "parrot only good to squeeze out his genius", the more he proves a greater stability, a more definite improving the involvement of his pure sentiments in everything he does…
            - We're almost envious of you, Iryu, of what you could create, complete Utu, with an admiration that amazes all those present. To be trampled down your entire life, with clear signs that something like will follow, to be used unscrupulously, to live only and only what those around want, in misery, in disregard, in lack of appreciation and to love with such sincerity, with so much ease, with so much involvement… To accept unacceptable things from any other person only from love, or on the basis of its own principles, stable, unwaveringly, with pain, crumbling and many, many more other who indicates you that they are those that attract everything that is not good for you but only for them… On how admirable as so impossible to accept…
            - Well, do you really remember what he always says his loved ones who ask him, advise him or something similar to give up the principles, correctly, divine, as a matter of fact, but who bring all the suffering through which he passes? said Genius. "I'm not the monkey of the times I live!"… Admirable faith! Admirable devotion… How not to be so loved such a container?!?
            - The container is specifically created to withstand contact with me and is particularly powerful, specify Iryu at Utu remark, indicating that from he is addressed the emission. Remember how much I’ve worked with you to reach a final of this container. I’m really afraid of not interfering with a personality like his. If I’m not able to fully synchronize completely with him, I will have no chance to disconnect him from his love of life, from his truly insane need, to love and to be loved and to direct him to the true action required, those for which he is the container, complete Iryu discussion by raising hands, obviously flagging the lack of solutions…
            - We know, we know, issued amused Lopt. But he doesn't know all these, continue ironically, especially from what follows with the love of so many beings toward him, with all that comes.
            - Anyway, I feel that something very important will happen not only with him, with us, and I expect for that imbalance to see what is to be done. In their time is the moment… The important thing is that he do not come into disagreement with me.
            - Destabilizing my potential, complete extinguished Freyr.
            - Or causing me to take a position, measures… At how is anchored his unconscious manifested divinity I’m convinced that any suffering reflected in his emotions, in his body will not lead him to give up his general line of action… The proof in this lies all history of our collaboration so far… Even I’m really stuck with so much indifference to what lives in the material… That’s why I’m forced to take care what signals I emit to adjust, correct his behavior in order not to cause major destabilizations… Or stop working with him in order not to destabilise, in the case of disharmony, with such a potential, those around him.
            - The others around him are, mostly parasites, speculators, intervene Freyr… And that, in a complete way… Both the containers and related souls do nothing but parasite him, to take advantage of his energy, from everything he is… And that under the illusion that they will raise in any way up from their condition…
            - In order to have where to fall more painful, complete Genius. That’s what happened to each of them. They all turned to flee from him just because they had the feeling that they could no longer fight with such divinity under their constant manifestation fully reportable outside of any divine touch… All have come to accept nerveless and insignificant relation on matters in order not to get involved in the path of light and harmony… And everything, is ending with the complete conclusion of disregard towards the soul who participated in their life, which offered them an alternative of light…
            - Well, from here their escape, pointed out Freyr. Perhaps the containers shall be scared that they couldn’t live beside an individual so full of divinity and so little anchored in the material… A person who shows them how much dirty and miserable they are. Where else do you put that their souls howls in them how wonderful is everything and not doing anything but scares them even harder when they notice on not having a chance to raise up at the height of emotions which were parted… That they had no chance to endure so much good…
            - Or to forgive so well, altruistically, with so much gratitude for what is happening in reality… So many truly unpardonable mistakes even by themselves… A big soul can be a true curse for some containers, complete extinguished Utu…
            - Hey, I’m ready to go into the container’s depression … Everything we do right now, here is wrong. I feel already I’m multiplied by zero, about the container that I managed to create myself… Let's go back to ours! Iryu, while you were missing we tried to reach to an agreement, as we set before you leave the stream, intervene Logger… But their demands were far beyond the energy possibilities of future evolution, stating Logger unaffected by the surprise perceived by all those around when he brutally change the subject of discussions. Lopt’s silence confirms those asserted by me, continues quite annoyed by the position of the others.
            - Thot, you must limit to the maximum possible the results of energy penetration with arising low potential emissions that occur. Such a mass of energy in disharmony is impossible not to attract changes in balance and energy to other energetic entities. Do you have any proposals for action? Asked Iryu according to the new course of the discussion.
            - Besides interfering with the perceptions related to fear and insecurity there are no other alternatives. This would result in a reduction of approximately three-quarters involvement on the part of those indirect involved, answer Thot.
            - And nothing on the main involved?!? curiously asked Iryu. I’m just so…
            - Just nothing, he interrupted Thot. Logger’s efforts have struck in a total indifference, unnatural. As if they are all in "zen". The leading group is too strong and owns the situation too well. Even if there were a chance of intervention they are dominated by a sort of pride, an inertia of arrogance impossible to be influenced, which is based on the old energy debts of experience from previous cycles.
            - Yes, they all pay for the cumulative order and harmonization imposed by the accepted society, specify Logger.
            - And, most of them know that they will destroy millions of related balances, but they do not care about it as long as they have the consent of all those involved, said Thot. Directly, from the past, they want to influence what happened to them, and why not, what will happen to them… And pay those who owe them.
            - The old debts story, said disappointed Iryu. Even no one really wants to see, to understand, that acceptance is the only solution in this problem?!? As the action after the "eye for an eye" principle will fill the being with blinds… What is about to happen now?!?
            - Certainly, it’s more about pride and arrogance than about direct interest, short reasonings Logger.
            - Neither the threat linked to the impossibility of effectively energy entities storing or placement in penitential and cleaning areas did not influence them in any way, said Freyr. We went in so far as to ensure that, if there exist any losses, dissipation, they would be strictly from among the main ones. But, their word, we are far too predictable in our honesty, our respect and our laws that they have long considered of all these, all the details. It’s their risk and they assume it… Everything was, it’s and will be in vain. In addition, their essence agree and support everything that happens.
            - Many times I wonder if just this stability, in reaction, of ours, does not urge to the birth of all these pressures?!? points out Thot.
            - Free will is the law of the laws, the basis of any other laws, intervened brutally Iryu. "The ones beyond" had nothing to comment on? continue Iryu, as if he hadn’t noticed Thot’s completion.
            - After we communicated the need for help and they advised, Mihaiil's reply was: "The balance is the most important, more important than anything, and cannot be achieved in this case without loss. If they have chosen this, their loss!". Exactly as Lopt estimated.
            - Equilibrium, but at what price?!? emitted disappointed Iryu. But, above them? he asked hopefully.
            - They didn’t even answer to our request for help, said Nabu. And…
            - The time has come for the decision! interrupted firmly Iryu. Listen!
            After a brief delay came the answer of the 12 members of the Council. Iryu's perceptions were clear, well defined and without doubts. So, he proceeds to the communication of the result.
            - Does not intervene in any way! Remember Typhoo's intervention! We don't have reason to waste additional energies as long as the losses, which must be managed, will occur anyway. There are no solutions! We letting things to evolve and we are focus only on the integration of entities in the stream that will get here until the first phase of the incident is carried out. In this issue, Freyr will take over the entire leadership of the measures to be taken. We’ll see what’s will follow, whether we want or not… Without solutions, I repeat!!! Let those involved to decide and we will continue to apply the other two laws of the Holy Thirds, The Truth and The Justice… As long as they only use the first law, The Free Will…
            The surprise was general, easy to deduce from their dismay of the face. Nevermore had it come something like that, the total inaction…
            - Now, let’s focus on those who have requested particular support! imposed Iryu the new course of Council actions. Let's start with…
            And the Council focused on individual problems until most of them emerged from the stream directly or at the call of the container or containers they were bound energetically…

            Hint: 11. At the initial time of the realization of this page I inserted, according to the fashion-trend of television series, a kind of "will follow"/ "in the next episode" (a game day being equivalent, to me, with one episode). Below (at hint 12) I'll "leave" to browse the text  "since then"... The reason for this hint is born from the fact that you will reach some sort of final implementation of this story, at which point, besides this "will follow"/ "from the next episode" will be inserted relatively relevant information about the time period in which I estimate the development of that "future episode" will be inserted.

            12. "Will follow"/ "From the next episode" - The Change:

            Mircea Dan - He felt a state of discomfort, a kind of foreboding... What can it be?!? Everything is unclear, doubtless... He had to solve the problem with Ema, see how it reduces the states of tension... Everything is clear... Once it sets the details with it everything will go by itself. There have been quite a lot of such problems, and they have resolved with or without compromise on his side. There are no variable elements that stress him to determine the state that he has. Then from where, why?!?

            ... -"Yesterday would have been best", said Corasdo smiling, winking at him, and then the transmission ended, making it even more disoriented. Certainly is not Corasdo's style...
            He remains silent about the turn was taken by events. "No more Dan, zero pilots... Then no more "open arms" of Corasdo... It felt clear that something was wrong... But eventually what can follow as dull as transport flights?!?"

            ... "What was Thank doing for?!? What else does he want from him? As far as I know, he does nothing pointless, especially cheap interpellations... Is this be the source of all his forewarning feelings?!?"
            ... "Either here or at me," it's obviously some kind of signal from Corasdo, conscious Dan. What does he want to convey to me?!? What considerations will have Thank following this message?!?, think, but continue with:
            -Okay, but how did it get here? Dan interrupted him trying to mentally land between them.

            ... -OK, ok, calm down! intervening Dan standing up, attracting all eyes toward him, I agree with this solution of military life. Okay, I've decided!
            In the quiet of the litter after his response, he could not perceive Corasdo's disappointment, giving such resignation to the Ada and, most strangely, the satisfied grin of Thank.

Dorin M - December 03, 2017

notă translare/ translation note/ Übersetzungshinweis/ note de traduction/ nota di traduzione/ nota de traducción/ nota de tradução.

                 Dear readers in English,
            Using existing methods of translation (for the Romanian language) have still large gaps, so I proceeded to an effort to achieve, if possible, its translation (and its adaptation) for you. I apologize for the many mistakes but I am sure that my effort gives better results than existing translation engines.
            In addition, your effort to correct this text with your translations are welcome but I cannot reward your efforts, just only with mere mention of your aid, in bottom of text, where it was given and, why not, in the future, you may have a possible material reward, if my adventure will be financially successful.
            Thanks for your understanding (and help, if possible),
            Dorin M

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