To STUDY - Fiction - Around the Worlds

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"Around the Worlds"
Mircea Dan
Day 2, Part 1 - The Meeting

           The wake-up alarm painfully scratches the entire inside of his head. Everything seemed like a living wound, ready to signal the presence of anything in a way that was hard to bear.
            Wow, it's already almost afternoon!!! think wondered at the length of his sleep. I slept for more than half a day... I have luck with the biom’s alarm that woke me up to not enter into the sleep depreciation phase... You are not allowed to sleep for more than 10 hours and the alarm occurs when you exceed 12 hours of sleep... I know, I know, he said aloud trying to hang on to something to start the day in some way.
            The steps carried him to the sanitary group where he automatically put his biomis to get him out of his general ill condition, and he wore it while he did his own hygiene. Then he dressed and sat at the table to serve his breakfast.
            However, he felt a state of discomfort, a kind of premonition... What can be?!? Everything is unclear, no doubt... He had to solve the problem with the Ema, to see how it reduces the states of tension... Everything is clear... Once he establishes the details with her everything will be self-evident. There were quite a lot of such problems, and they were resolved with or without compromise on his side. There are no variable elements that require him to determine the state it has. Then why?!?
            He instinctively opened the informational group and while eating, listening to the news of the moment, watching from time to time lost, neutral, almost without perceiving the images.
            The world-building, having fun, celebrating... Everything was going well, as usual... Activity recommendations, holidays, participation proposals... A lot of offers to live, to do something for your pleasure and tranquility... But his thoughts, his questions, were masters of almost every perception of the moment.
            Yes, he chose to participate in this life full of pleasures, comfort, tranquility, and pleasure. He felt good in his skin regardless of the comments of the others ... And what?!? What was he feeling outside of ... He didn't know exactly what he felt... The fun just distracts your attention from questions that have always harassed you... But not for long... Like an anesthetic who, necessarily, loses its effect and the pain returns as more powerful, often more devastating...
            He had quickly come to seek for some kind of break from all these distractions, hiring to a transport race, to be alone and to close his needs that could not be dazzled by dances, alcohol, all sorts of extreme sports... A kind of holiday from the veil of fun that quickly became so tiring... A kind of refocus on the dissatisfaction that harassed him constantly to find a solution, a way of action...
            Moreover, transport pilot life accustomed him with some kind of total independence of what's going on outside of him. Not to be involved in any kind of decision, to do his job and done... To have no care whatsoever and others take care of him, on the cargo-carrying it, of his accommodation, of his meal...
            He once tried to get into military life by signing up for the zero pilot test. The test was a façade and not an effective desire to become a zero pilot... Simply, if he fails the test, he would be assigned to another service, to a different occupation, depending on the selections that followed. The next distribution was anyway as a military... There was a kind of silence that could no longer be disturbed in any way... And now he thinks he's not wrong...
            As a military exactly that follows... So, more... A kind of continuity of his lack of worries with some surpluses related to the quick retirement, of somewhat higher income, depending on his involvement in risky activities...
            A community that cares for its comfort and always manages to handle it, to be seen as a kind of elite no matter what happens... It was going to be a special being actually nobody...The glory of a uniform, of status and then amplification of this status with a kind of propagandistic type reaction at the level of society... For the system to self-sustain... What else could it be?!?
            Certainly not in the absence of activity is the source of his anxiety, complete Dan his previous thoughts, concluding...
            Maybe everything is from the fact that last night I have ravaged a lot of shelves with memories. Why I have all these memories, why do all these correlations? Of all my spiritual preparation, it is certain that I am living a sort of "response" to the thoughts of others...
            He quickly remembers one of the famous "quotes": "One thought, of one person, is enough to trigger the initiations of the "response" reaction in the target of his thoughts, of his emissions. And from here, it can trigger a kind of avalanche of "response" through the situations and persons involved in that situation, to that determinant element of the status upon which the initiating thought was issued"...
            The past, I've determined that I'm no longer interested. I've done a lot of exercises of forgetting, of leaving, of reconciling. When I completed them, I felt that everything was stable, completed... But all the time I came to this conclusion: others think of me... But their thought cannot be in harmony with my status unless it's not the one that I think it is. The answer occurs due to the synchronization of vibration, perceived as a kind of verdict...
            "Can think of me anyone who wants it... I don't care!" he thought aggressively, perceiving the general state of confusion and a kind of increase in irritability. "I want my peace, to enjoy my meal!", complete defensively his thought... When I took care of my life, I screwed up in the brightest way...
            Ema, concludes when he perceives fragments of action correlated with her. Maybe she is?!? Questions that were born directly from interactions with her. I wonder what's being going on with her lately?!? Why is she still asking all of these questions, why is she drawing almost any discussion towards the conditions of living together? Lately, they almost quarreled anytime... Yes, it was fine, in a way, remembering the comfort of "bedtime atonements". But with the passage of time, he had lost the comfort that felled him at the beginning of their relationship...
            Ema had made him for a long time to live only the joy of reunion with her, forgotten in pleasures, forgotten into the comfort born of the way who loved Ema... He was accustomed to someone else taking care of him... He didn’t want long commitments to prove to be useless, to be a burden, to be quite incapable to sustain coherently something... That has been felt lately...
            And it wasn't Ema, who was pushing him, who was asking him expressly for something. It was too obvious that she was "head over heels in love"... It was obvious that she could able to bear a lot... Unbearable for him... Still, what's going on with Ema?!?
            Ohhh, what am I doing here?!? Continue with the last night's madness?!? I have to do something neutral! And he was focusing to be concentrating just on the news...
            Dumbbell, dizziness, too much movement... That was all he could perceive... Activating viewing of his general status... The biomis had done its job, but it took some time for normalization. The biom report calms him down, but not enough. There was still some confusion for a while.
            He protectively closed the informational group and continued to eat silently, thinking about the perceived agitation in the news. He hadn't held absolutely anything but had a feeling that in that turmoil there was something he needed to know... Request the resumption of the newsgroup and tried to be as careful as possible.
            Stock data, all sorts of killers psychopaths, crooks caught or searched by the police... "Ohhh, exhausting... Fail to... What! I don’t even really feel like a meal now... What can be?!? think while it rises from the table.
            He feels the need for peace and thinks of Ema. I really feel the need to get to the Pub and see myself with her... He’s trying to think of something, but at what... Everything was too confusing... He didn't even remember what he thought five minutes ago...
            He's still spinning around the room for a short while, disoriented, looking to cling to something but... Without a target, filled with confusing feelings... He wasted time with all sorts of nonsense. In a late setting it all for the conditional absence, slowly, mechanically, because the medication had not yet made its effect and come out into the life’s rush, in daylight... Painful, noisy, giving a kind of predominant feeling of a bad mood because he came out of his cocoon... Leaving to the "Pilot Pub".
            "Hey, Dan, gather up!", thought to think something, to stabilize in some way the dizziness that still felt it strongly. Let's get a taxi! It's too far to get to the Pub by walking around... But, maybe this walk would wake me up... No!
            And, already, he woke up entering into the conveyor cabin, ordering the destination...
            He felt quite irritated by the fact that the assault of thoughts continues... Something is wrong... I have determined that isn’t from me... He quickly recalled what he had thought... It wasn’t from him... It was from everything he left behind... It was from everything that came...
            He didn’t even think about the future. He had declared that everything is OK, that he gave up everything, that he only wanted tranquility... Perceiving the overall resetting status in which he lived for some time...
            Corasdo had often touched him: "Dan, let's do something! All my resources are at your disposal...             Nothing can stand in your way!"... Yes, for it does not count... His "inside" was everything... His sentimental failure, the fact that he didn’t find himself in what he was living brought him here...
            And the future what offered him?!? Silence, stability... Corasdo would provide, as always, everything he wanted... Or he would be deluded himself by the illusion of the parties, the romantic adventures of which he had almost always been part... No responsibilities... He was going to have all the specific boredom of those who do nothing, of those who are lost in ephemeral amusement, whose reward is just the pleasure of being so...
            And if this status doesn't suit him?!? How it seems to be happening and now everything... Will see... The fact is that he chose to go forward on this road and until he is convinced himself how he is, he cannot able to issue any opinion... Maybe it's a new direction of concentration that will make him forget about the "old" ones...
            And, why not, the future is uncertain for anyone... Look, I have come to the conclusion that all the madness in my mind is not due to me... Your percentage of event control is anyway diminished, inversely proportional reported to the number of people directly involved outside of your person, in joint actions or not...
            And, he came to the Pub almost unknowingly, without any real perception of the time or places through which it had passed and, suddenly, perceive the state of well-being, steady... I think the biomis has finished its work... Or what it put in me to get here... But I feel good just spiritual... The mind has calmed down... But the rest, thinking by seizing a state of significant physical discomfort... Yes, I think the substances of biomis still work... I have to control my fears! conclude apathetically.
            The Pub was full of people, although it was just the beginning of the afternoon. Maybe something will come out of this visit, think about looking all around. And, as expected, Ema was with their group at their table. He feels a kind of scared when he realizes that he had nothing to tell her about his last departure a few days ago.
            Rick, he was there too... Ohhh, I don't have much to earn any credits. I'd rather stay calm and just see only Ema, think while approaching her table.
            He expected to be filled with emotions thinking about a new confrontation with Rick, but he was wrong. The mood after the night drunk kept him bound to the ground, to the effort not to reveal his weakness. In addition, the apathetic fear from the beginning had transformed into a strange feeling of foreboding. And he was too preoccupied to fight with the elimination of any question that could distract him. He was not allowed to follow his question signs... He had work, he had to earn some credits, he would feel good with Ema... Let's see what this day will offer...
            Something confusing was tormented him... Something that doesn't even disappear after the Ema smiles sweet, tender at him and invites him to sit next to her, helping him hide the impatience of getting a rematch from Rick.
            Everything passes under the perception of a compliance apathy on his side. React as required and... So. Ema took his hand between her palms and clung to his shoulder, resting her head on him and she remained so, warming him up, giving him a strange, pleasant, comforting energy. He didn't know what to say, and he didn't know what he was going to say. So he quietly accepts her tenderness and orders a coffee and a moisturizing drink.
            The general apathy continues even after he has sat down at the table. Everyone was paying attention to the drinks, almost mute. Only Ema caressed him carefully, manifesting his presence, urging him to oblivion. It was something really strange for a loudmouth like Rick. What had happened last night.
            -Why is Rick so quiet? broke silence Dan, whispering the question to Ema.
            -His Monique didn't give any sign of life last night, although they had a date. She didn't answer his calls, nothing... And usually, it’s not so... Missing, complete ironically Ema. But what did you do? she asked him by pinching him with two fingers on the tip of his nose by a quick gesture.
            -I was taken with the activities and...
            -Have you thought about what we discussed?!? she intervening, caressing his lips with her index finger.
            -Yes, but a little... I didn't have time... I told you I had a business... And anyway, we didn't have a date today to be prepared with an answer. Are you upset at something specific, or you are just impatient? he asked as firmly as he could to hide the fear of an argument, of a confrontation, especially since he didn't even remember what the question to which he would come up with his answer.
            -The love is patience, love understands, whisper Ema by kissing him, sipping his earlobe. I wanted to know if I'd get an answer today. But, okay, I understand! We talk another time, I don't expect a response against time but one from the heart, when you're really prepared, when you're ready for what is to come, she continues by putting the index finger on his lips, as if to stop him from giving an answer.
            Oh, what nonsense?!? think stupified Dan. Divine Power, help me remember at what Ema wants me to give an answer! he begs sincerely. I think it would be something to do with the last night’s argue... Hmmm, in fact, there was quarrel... It was just a softened confrontation, as always with Ema... She wanted details about what I want from her relationship?!? If I have thoughts of continuity, thoughts of long-lasting relationship...
            Yes, I remember the question that irritated me, which made me remain with the perception of contention... Actually, it was a kind of condition... Yes...  "Time pass Dan... Mother Life gave me time, but Father Time it takes it from me... Or vice versa... " she complete like jokingly, as to keep everything in a kind of relaxing, neutral discussion...
            But he had irritated... More than he had the power to hide... And that doesn’t escape to Ema, who put an end in his tender style:  "No offense, I don’t want to upset you... For me, it’s enough to truly live every moment together... I know that everything takes time but, likewise, I know that time then takes everything back... That's why I'm quite worried"... And she began to kiss him forbidding him thus any answer, softening him, causing him to plunge in the depths of Ema's love. The discussion turning into deed, love, living...
            Even now he lived this reconciliation... Tranquility... But also a desire to continue reconciliation as last night...
            Everyone's silence was extended for quite some time, allowing him to really calm down until Rick and his gang announce that they're leaving for a little while after he had communication with someone.
            - What happens?!? Ema woke him up.
            -Boys have little work... I guess?!? I wasn’t paying attention to... I thought about us... Actually, we're going to my house or to you?!? asking with a strong tone, Dan.
            -Look at him! Dan, you're starting to be a real man?!?
            Thank’s voice had a devastating effect on circulation and breathing... Everything stuns him near the limit of unbearable.
            "What was Thank here looking for?!? Do I have visions? he thought, turning in the direction from which Thank's voice was heard to confront his gaze, as he did every time. As far as I know, he does nothing worthless, especially cheap interpellations... Is this the source of all his presentiment experiences?
            But... He had just come out of the field of vision, entering in a booth of the Pub, leaving it mute, without continuity solution. "What?!? How?!?" he thought stupidly, pointlessly... He was showing a tired smile to Ema, but only he knew what he was feeling, how panicked he became.
            - An old acquaintance, he woke up saying to Ema who was staring at him in astonishment at his reaction.
            Thank was the man of the total calculation. It was a quality that he presented as many times as possible, as a threat or as a conformer, using a kind of justification of his performance, even presented by himself, to anyone he seemed to need to hear, as a joke: “My heart has never beaten with more or less than 72 beats per minute. And that's just my merit."
            So his simple appearance turns these moments into something unusual, with a publicly declared character... He was starting to be more and surer about it. He already perceived everything as a reality... However, my feelings were not related to... I didn’t feel anything about it... The past, yes, the past... Thank is the past... But also the future, as it seems... Correlation... The past comes again in my future, this is the source... He thought of me, obviously... Here’s the source of my internal destabilization... Deh, besides from drunkenness last night... Besides from Emma's love... And, along with him, the other correlations come...
            His efforts to perceive what Ema told him did not yield any results. He was scared... His eyes fixed her pupils in a desperate attempt to have a foothold that would remove him from his state of mental short-circuit state.
            And, Ema disturbed by the fixity of Dan's gaze, slapped his forehead to wake him up. Which really woke Dan up, no matter irritating had her gesture had been.
            -What's going on, Dan? What is it with you? You look like you've seen a ghost and not just a simple acquaintance... From what I've gotten to know you I could even say that you are really horrified...
After all, what would be the purpose of Thanks’s appearance?!? To remember to go back to my ordinary life... Of unlucky... What can happen now? think fast and tell to Ema:
            -Give me a moment to recover from this shock! Yes, you read me well. It is an acquaintance who has had a tremendous influence on my life, especially in the academy.
            Ema looked at him in astonishment at the answer, but she conforms and laid back her head to his shoulder. And Dan began to play with his hand through her hair, in a kind of gesture to calm down herself more than her, trying hard to seem calm, tender.
            He remembered Francis's words... "This stupid Thank is the most special boy I've ever met before. And it's not just my opinion. We all have to do with a dose of madness, with a subtle, intuitive connection that gives us the best solutions in the most unexpected moments, but... This Thank surpasses us all together. He’s nothing but a bloody maniac who doesn’t even think about what he does. I think this is the key to his perfection. And if the paths of your life make you come into contact with him or, worse, in conflict with him... What else can you do? In addition, his proximity resembles the introduction into a swamp that boils, without the chance to ask someone for help. And the more you squirm, the more you have no chance... The more you're no matter the sooner you're done... Too bad for you, Dan! Instead, I would have kicked his but and, no matter the beating I was going to take, I knew I was able to retaliate in a certain way...”
            Pedro was in a different opinion... "An unhealthy one, that's Thank, However, I would like immensely to have his qualities, to be like him, a monkey who can at any time, anything... To be when the finest physicist, when the toughest pilot, when the most efficient commander, when the most tender Don Juan... I think you’ll never be able to forget him... He blew Ada like you never existed. Brrr, the skin is soaking on me thinking that I might have been in your place..."
            Something inside prompted him to stand up to check if the person who interpellate him it was even Thank, forgetting about Ema that hugging him.
            -Hey, come back once! You’re really badly disturbed by that guy and his bimbo, protesting Ema at his sudden exit from the hug.
            Ema's aggressive voice didn't surprise him. Anyway, he felt awkward, like he was stealing or something similar. She caught his head between his hands and shook it, and then put his hands on his shoulders and carefully looked him straight in the eyes... Ema’s concentrated face amuses him and he couldn’t abstain and show a grotesque grin. The strange condition, Ema’s face response, bulvered him and spontaneously burst into a nervous, clogged laugh, forgetting about the unfortunate situation that caused his reaction.
            -What did you find laughing right now when you should be feeling sorry for yourself?!? You really think your reaction is normal, said the Ema and turned his back on him, puffed up, like an angry child.
Dan felt a sense of shame about himself.
            -Good luck! he conveyed him a very well-dressed individual, speeding past him, waking him from his awkward panic state.
            Then he noticed Thank’s face, that looked at him smiling, near the wall that delimits the booth... In some kind of invitation like "What are you doing, don't you come here?!?"...
            -Forgive me, I think I have to go to him... To talk to him, said with a faltering voice to Emma.
            -Do you want me to come? asked Ema by catching his hand, looking ostentatious, in the direction of Thank.
            -No, I don’t think that’s the case... But I won't stay long, excuse Dan, get up and walk away with the hesitant steps towards the booth, looking closely at everything that was happening around him. Thank retracted his head... He knows I'm coming, he expected it, concluding Dan.
            "I don't know why I wonder what's going on... It would be the case to wonder only to what happened... I just have to think that the great coordinator of what is happening is Thank and I found the answer to all the questions, looking Dan a solution to the questions that appeared. And even if something special happens, what can be so important?!?" he thinks to settle down. Isn’t it all a directing of Thank to induce me a certain state, to attract childish mistakes, possibly the blockage attracted by the necessary protection to this illogical aggression?!?
            He remembered his grandmother: "If you have unconditionally subjected your thoughts, you are the undisputed master of the senses"... Or was it the opposite? Anyway, I have repeatedly convinced myself of the truth of her words. I have to control myself better because something tells me that the situation is on the edge of a knife. "Must," is not the correct term, it's not the correct expression... I control, I control them, that's what must sound... I think Thank, want to give up psychically and quit, edict Dan! And that's what I need to prevent real or imaginary, what matters...
            -Do you have something to clarify, old man? come with a serious tone Thank question.
            -No, Thank! comes the dry, obviously uncertain answer of Dan.
            "I don't understand why he really takes Thank to crush my nerves?!? Does he think I won't resist a conversation with him?!?"
            He sat down at the table, face to face with Thank, without saying a word and looking him straight in the eye waiting for him to open the discussion. But he continues methodically to finish preparing his tea, carefully gathering all the leaves to put them on the edge of the cup plate.
            And then he began to think of Thank, to remember about him. He was the ideal subordinate but also the toughest ruler. Maneuvered with ability due to his psychic weakness linked to the desire to reach the best, the highest, could be integrated into any desired role. He didn't comment, didn't fail and didn't rebel any matter of what he was made to do. The interest of the above was what counts in order to get along with them and make them consider that he is the best continuation... For Thank, these things were the law. And, doing any job perfectly, unconditionally, was immediately accepted, involved, promoted...
            Few were the ones who had the courage to confront or provoke him because he become a ruthless monster when he sensed opposition, whether justified or not. And what was his most dangerous answer?!? Silence... You would find out that you only upset him after you were destroyed, crushed, trampled, no matter of honesty, honor, or the like...
            And Thank was silent ... Now, was silent ...
            And he, Dan, was among those whose destiny was bearing the mark of Thank. He was the only man who had the courage to face him in a relationship with a woman. And... He lost, as anyone lost in front of Thank.
            He didn't blame him for it... At what he lost in his life, the loss of love, be it alone and the greatest didn't mean too much. The only thing that made him feel sorry was that he felt everything from the beginning and got involved to the end in everything that followed... Knowing that he would lose but believing in her, who had no business with Thank. Did Thank "did" both of them!?!
            And, so, he lost Ada without being able to blame her. She knew very well that she was uncomfortably excited when she was courted. And, above all, for the strong ones... And nice... Who could resist Thank?!? That's the truth, thought Dan, feeling the unpleasant thrills of jealousy... And where else do you put that, Thank was nothing but her first love... She certainly didn't really love me... I cannot be her first love...
            -Hello! comes Ada’s voice who sits on the chair next to Thank, face to face with Dan.
            - Hi, Ada! he replied in astonishment, amazed.
            - I'll keep clench my fists... You have to get through everything that's coming!
            Somewhere, in the background, there was a weird, strange, distorted laugh of Thank... He sees nothing but the face of the Ada... Yes, that’s why laughs Thank, I betrayed my weakness, thought Dan while repositioning his gaze on Thank's eyes.
            - I always believed in your power! continues Ada without taking in consideration Thank’s reaction.
            -Yes, hell is with me! came uncontrolled Dan's answer. What does all this mean?!?
            But Thank does not react in any way, watching him impassive, as if he had not seen him, as if he had not heard him.
            "If I’m good at thinking, I get the impression that I've caught Thank in off-side, think with some pride. The boy didn't expect me to react so promptly. And you can be sure, old Thank, I'll catch you again on the wrong foot!" think Dan until Ada started the discussion...
            -I expected you to react to several messages transmitted on different channels to you... But, your lack of reaction made us look for you, to find you and to have a necessary discussion, complete Ada while leaning toward Thank and gently kissing him on the neck, irritating Dan, who felt the creeps of rage by passing through his stomach, dissipating the little energy that he had. That's how he always felt when Ada was tender with someone else... Even though it had been long, long since she was no longer his... Or, whatever, since he was no longer hers...
            "Dumb, he apostrophe Dan in thought, she’s no longer yours... When are you going to adapt to this and not have any retarded teen reactions?!?"
            -That’s from her point of view, brutally interrupted Ada, Thank, retreating herself strangely disturbed. I don’t think that you are such an important person to bother me to seek you, continue superior, brutally superior...
            -And, why are you looking for me?!? asked staring at the maximum Dan, awakened from his reverie. What business would you have with me?!?
            In a pretty obvious gesture, Ada tightened Thank's arm, as if asking to be allowed to speak...
            -Troubled times come, Dan, intervening Ada. Even if it seems strange to know that we've both always had some kind of special care for you. And, speaking of what comes, you are quite unprepared, quite exposed, which I do not like absolutely...
            - But Thank has nothing to say?!? ironically intervene Dan.
            Thank gave an answer but Ada tightened again the arm to stop him, making him resort to a noticeable effort to keep his face neutral, not to change it in rage... Or something.
            -It is an older pact of ours as far as you are concerned... And at my request, Thank, the man of honor who you know, reacted according to our understanding...
            Somewhere in the depths of his being, Dan could no longer bear what was happening. He stood up and said:
            -You know well that I no longer want anything to do with you anymore...
            And, effectively, he's leaving to Ema, leaving the two behind. Only Ada’s voice was heard, who said:
            -Now we've been looking for you. The time will come for you to seek us out... But things will no longer be to your advantage, as they were now...
            After two, three steps stopped trying to make sense of what Ada said. "What does he mean?!?" think pivoting, turning to face Thank and Ada. Thank raises the right hand in the sign of prohibition and said:
            -We are here... Hmmm, issued to train his voice... I am here with both Ada’s and Corasdo’s agreement... They asked me to intervene, to do something, speaking of all that comes...
            -Corasdo?!? Dan wondered as if he hadn't heard anything else.
            -Yes, underline Thank, raising the palm to Dan who was just pulling air to intervene.
            -Then I’ll talk to him, continue Dan ironically, turning their backs, seeing his way.
            He reached Ema and lifted her hand from the table, leaving the Pub immediately... Look how a day is ruining which I'm not going to be a missed day, think Dan angrily.
            -Where we go, ask obedient Ema, as if she wished not to disturb him, noticing his anger.
            -All I want is to be with you, that's all! answered Dan sweetening his tone. Let's finish everything we owe last night...
            And they came quickly to Ema’s house. She lived a few buildings away from the Pub Pilot. A road in which both do not change a word... Dan was thinking the whole time of what he could have discussed. He did not remember anything serious, which deserves further discussion, clarification... No matter how hard he struggled...
            Here, Dan, as he enters, plunges into the inviting couch that welcoming in the main room. He sighed and left his head behind, remaining so for a while.
            What could he want Thank?!? Need to look for them myself... In fact, as far as I know about Thank, I will certainly look for them, even if the message was sent to me by Ada... Advantage?!? My Advantage?!? Is it possible that in any relationship with Thank?!?
            He wakes with Ema who rode him, kneeling on the couch, embracing his body with his feet, warming him at maximum with her body.
            He immediately perceived the magnificent scent of Emma, the aroma of her freshly washed body emanating a powerful blend of ylang-ylang and jasmine, inviting, stimulating... Already knew what will follow... Her continuously kisses were already proof...
            But he was still too tense to be a total part of the game already started by the Ema. She feels this and slowly stops her gestures, resting her head on Dan's chest, looking at him tenderly.
            -What was your weakness in front of others?!? I originally thought it was the bimbo, but I realized that the guy was to blame, complete Ema by caressing him, drawing Dan's face with her index finger touch.
            -Are both, answered Dan amazed by his sincerity... I don't know why they want to get into my life again... What else do they want to clarify or initiate?!? I just have to clarify things with you, with us, continue Dan kissing her whole face, eyes, stopping over her mouth with a deep, long sigh, full of tender bites with his lips.
            Ema let him finish and moved away from his kiss, catching his head between his warm hands, warm, in a gesture full of love, looking him tenderly in the eyes... They looked at each other for a short period of time, until the Ema began to kiss as tenderly as it was so noisy, as a kind of response, but also as a kind of protest... Dan understood that and said:
            -In front of that couple, I never managed to control myself. At least not even now... It's something deep inside, uncontrollable, something with which...
            -That bimbo is the famous Ada?!? Ema interrupted, holding his head to look him in the eye.
            -It was hard to figure out, replied ironically Dan sighing deeply, perhaps too deeply, already intrigued by Ema's reaction...
            -Frankly, she didn't really have much to show, something so special to understand you. Well, much more...
            -Please! interrupted Dan. And so I'm troubled enough, and I really want to redeem myself for all the bumps of last night. I told you I wanted to be with you, and that's it!
            -That's what I feel... But I don't want to go back to what was last night. I have already received the answer that I was expecting... Let's just be us! Now you're mine and I'm yours! said Ema while undoing Dan’s shirt... You have time to remember what was important last night, complete Ema while throwing off her bluff, sticking to him, kissing him to stop his words, as he did every time.
            And it was a wonderful romantic evening in two, although, at first, Dan was controlling his nervousness quite awkwardly. He was so weak, he was so hard to control itself?!? Ema read everything... And with Thank and Ada, and his disinterest in his talks with her.
            But Ema was magnificent, as usual. She knew exactly what she had to do to make every moment wonderful, so that he, Dan, to forget what had happened... To forget what he was as manifestation, leaving himself in him as a living... She even knew him better than he knew himself... But also for her to be sure she'll have someone to talk the next day.
            And he could only concentrate on what he had to do to give Ema pleasure and joy, on what he had to receive from Ema to live pleasure and joy... Up to that maximum point where he enjoying himself his success when she rewards him with all their experiences gathered in one, theirs...
            In a late-night they fell asleep, overwhelmed by their wonderful evening of love, forgetting for the moment everything that had been happening. Without other thoughts out of those of contentment, no other words than those of caress, gratitude and...

            Hint: 1. The "restart" of the hint counters can be noticed. I'm not going to get to who knows what numbers, so every new day of the game will attract the "restart" (whoever went through the game-days variants would have noticed that V01-V05 group have a number of hints, V06-V10 group have another number of hints). In addition, from this second day of the game, there begin to appear clear differentiations between "V"s, so keeping the "continuity" of the counters of the hints would have messed us up a lot...

Dorin M - September 21, 2018

notă translare/ translation note/ Übersetzungshinweis/ note de traduction/ nota di traduzione/ nota de traducción/ nota de tradução.

                 Dear readers in English,
            Using existing methods of translation (for the Romanian language) have still large gaps, so I proceeded to an effort to achieve, if possible, its translation (and its adaptation) for you. I apologize for the many mistakes but I am sure that my effort gives better results than existing translation engines.
            In addition, your effort to correct this text with your translations are welcome but I cannot reward your efforts, just only with mere mention of your aid, in bottom of text, where it was given and, why not, in the future, you may have a possible material reward, if my adventure will be financially successful.
            Thanks for your understanding (and help, if possible),
            Dorin M

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