STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineThe Human's story - Point and "from the Beginning"

Translation Draft

I completed the previous post with the "end" of an incarnation, presence before the Council and other "relevant" details... Let's get on with it!

The souls that appear before this council, all of them, have their fears about what they have done and what they have not done, the members of this council having immense compassion for the weakness of matter of a soul, which is not even "complete"...

That's not necessarily because the soul feels, "without help" the result of everything it did or didn't do... But also because he went through an experience in which he constantly practiced communication through emotions with the body that was his host and collaborator or to which he was co-creator and basis of expression... I will detail this "phenomenal" part of collaboration through emotions when the time comes to this broad, priceless topic!

This is why, this council, is in fact something similar to the "service psychologists" of the material world who clarify together with that soul what would be done to close the perceptions, feelings, emotions, destabilizing feelings, non-acceptance, etc. that emanates from them that very soul.

Their role is to "prescribe" solutions, only and only optional, to the imbalances of that soul, helping to understand the course of events, with the clear aim of allowing the approach of corrections, solutions for future developments arising from such mistakes and for such mistakes, as long as it is not considered by the soul concerned that the "road" of accumulations on that subject of evolution has been completed.

Well, don't imagine that whoever killed won't pay if I can say that so simply... There is something like a set of "tables" of "basic" laws in earthly holy books... Some kind of "evolution" laws, behavior, collaboration, if I may say so... I keep repeating this "if I may say so" because it is something much broader than you imagine... The smallness of matter can't cover the depth of what I want to describe...

And this "set" is inscribed in that soul, in any soul, hologram of the Supreme Divine Power, part of the whole encompassing the whole. This "set" is part of the soul and is inscribed even in the heart of the material being that carried that soul, being a definite and clear expression of it...

Something like questions like, "Would you like your body to be destroyed, killed before the end of its existence?!?", with answers like "Well, don't destroy other bodies!" or "Don't destroy your own body!" ... Of course in all senses, and from the soul and from the body, from the soul to the soul, from the body to the body... "In every sense" would be the most "in harmony" expression...

Including questions of lesser amplitude, perceptibly insignificant, like: "You'd like to be stolen the result of your work and suffering?!?" with answers like "Well, then don't steal!" or "Don't allow being stolen or stolen from someone else!" ... "Don't lie!", "Don't interfere in the expression, the life of another!", "Don't judge!" and more...

The above consideration will almost always attract re-inembodiment under conditions like "If you have killed, now you will be killed, to live, see, feel, analyze, etc. what you did!" or, something harder to imagine "If you destroyed your own body now you will incarnate to live, see, feel, analyze etc how the body destroys you!", or "If you stole you will be stolen to live, see, feel, analyze etc what you did!" ... And so on...

Perhaps that is why souls, "loaded" consciences come very easily to believe that there is hell, that hell or something similar to a punishment follows, because it will follow exactly what evil, without any omission or "forgiveness", they did... Remember, I have also pointed this out, given that the soul in question will be desperate to close the mistakes that "represented" him in an evolution that ended... Details that I will describe as thoroughly as I can much later than this introductory material...

Then, don't imagine that there are no rebellious souls... Especially among young souls... But also of the advanced ones, who came to the aid but could not accept the evolution in this world infinitely more insignificant than the one from which they came... Even falling into the "trap" of the idea of help, the idea that "leaves" the true "mercy", the acceptance of the divine work "relived" towards perfection...

They don't avoid blaming, peonying the Elders, the council... But always, they think it's their own fault... There are unstable souls with unstable vibration, who believe that always others are guilty...

That they were sent in the matter with "initiation" reasoning absolutely wrong points of view, the assistance of the elders having no "right" result, he, as an entity being forced to fend for himself, that the body has caused them a lot of problems, forgetting that it is their work, their image, that they are the ones who fight or suffer and other "assertions" the puerile of immature souls... Or other destabilizing motivations...

However, there is no soul to come out of council meetings without a sense of awe, conjoiner and need to straighten... Revealing to some extent that this council has only some kind of energy stabilisation role and, in no way, a 'judicial' role...

Now, surprise, perhaps it is all due to a kind of "Law of Silence", under which, for a variety of reasons, both spiritual and personal, souls can no longer remember the details of this meeting, especially when this "state" occurs at the request of the soul in question... Or, "additionally", souls do not want to discuss discussions in the council with anyone, under this law of silence, possibly only "selectively" with certain souls...

But the lack of coherence, of experience, no longer occurs in the case of advanced souls, who have come to the aid... Here comes the anger of the inefficiency of their help... They forget that they came from other parts of the universe, which had other rules and they encounter their inability to adapt to this corner of the primitive and childish universe compared to that of "here"... Forget that, in fact, it is a stage of their preparation to supplement the beneficial "forces" in this corner of divine work...

Do not understand that they make "mistakes". There's no way... They only experience the frustration of the inefficiency of their adaptation... Of goodness "translated" into stupidity and the like... But as a self-blame as strong as that of puerile souls, "here", who do murder after murder... Perhaps that is why there is a thought that says that: "If there were heaven, it would be full of all the "fulfilled" criminals, satisfied with their crimes in the name of faith or arbitrary justice, and, in the case of hell, it would be full of special souls tormented by the inefficiency of the good they have done and the faith they have shown."

Returning to the logic of exposure, perhaps that is why any soul will be additional to this council before entering or re-entering the matter, although the significant impact is that after the completion of an incarnation.

So, in summary, at this meeting after the incarnation there is only a revision of the major elections in the incarnations, the main landmark being the "fresh" incarnation ended, carefully analyzing the behavior and responsibility of the actions at the important crossroads of the "road" of that soul.

Thus are acutely aware of their mistakes, repetitiveness or evolution, reported "essential" to "collaboration" with other souls... Something like "if I hurt others," including in terms of disappointments, promises held or not held, and many, many landmarks that seem insignificant to the mind of a human body.

And the second meeting, usually before the re-establishment, is not a meeting of the "directives" but a rather relaxed one, involving discussions about the choices, opportunities and expectations that the soul has from the new presence in the matter. Reflecting, with certainty, that that soul has accepted what is to live in the incarnation, as a clear and distinct effort of the "complements" of experience necessary to close the contradictions and progress of that soul...

Do not forget that every step of the presented takes place in close collaboration with our guide, the one who is with us on the entire evolutionary "string", as an advisor, teacher, lawyer, etc., those who will clarify our question marks, interpret new concepts, those who permanently eliminate, as far as possible, confusions, etc.!

I will not elaborate now because I will debate this topic at length in future posts... Anyway, I think you've got an idea of what kind of "judgment is"...

yes, there's another pretty significant detail... This council seems to be, however, bound to authority, a perception that propagates most not only at the level of the present soul, present, but also at the level of the incarnate person, "after" the incarnation, as a whole, body-mind-soul.

That's right... This perception, for example "achieved" in terms of the authority of the council, or of the place perceived to be a kind of hall, temple, full of authority, is nothing but a kind of awareness of the solemnity of the moment, a kind of accountability over the importance of that moment...

Massive residences on these "moments" remain remaining during the incarnation, which is massively exploited by all power structures, lay or not, on Earth... But everything, I stress, is just an attempt at accountability in the world of souls and does not have the repercussions of such a moment in "assessment rooms" as those in matter...

In the world of souls the one who judges everything and then decisions is the very soul in question, being helped by this evaluation structure... Yes, even if we talk about the council as a case of authority, respect, superior knowledge, firmness, the Elders are like loving parents who temper the souls "in front of them", those who themselves are their most severe critics.

And, like a conclusion, for example, the council helps in these "last moments" before the incarnation, to a kind of awareness of the advantages or disadvantages of the capacity of that soul to create and collaborate with the future body, already taking into account what that soul, the future body, can create in the environment in which the incarnation will take place...

But, at its peak, no decision is made on the future incarnation, the essential intention of the council being that of awareness of the existing potentials, of possible developments, which are the intentions of that soul in the imminent re-incarnation, without there being even the vaguest "nail-nailed decision".

And that's when the "old men" already know everything before the soul in question appears before them, during the "deliberations" being carefully analyzed how the soul collaborated with other bodies, with other minds, and what would be the potential of that body (you will read later).

And, now a big surprise, the main milestone of this "last discussion" is not only related to a kind of decision-making status on possible experiences, potential experiences that offer them the impending incarnation. One of the most important landmarks is related to the control or lack of it exercised by the soul over the body through the emotions "born" and transmitted by the soul on the body...

Whether emotions may seem positive or negative, they are signals of the soul "felt" later by the body, often constituting a kind of basis of the body's reaction. Of course, this is also about the reaction of the body, matter, to those emotions, the council tracking how the immortal character of the soul has retained and can preserve its integrity during the incarnation, especially in terms of values, ideals and actions.

The efforts of the council being oriented towards the awareness of that soul in terms of the reality that the body is the mirror of it, of the soul or of a part of the soul "essential", that any conflict of collaboration has as its essential cause even the "essence" of that part of the soul, of the soul that initiates those problems.

Something like situations where the soul or body overwhelms, influences, dominates, etc. the other, or how the boundaries of one or the other have been exceeded. All being summed up in the "interface", to the human mind, the point of intersection of the body-soul collaboration, the aim being a mind in accordance with the existing environmental conditions in the sense of obtaining a "resulting" personality in harmony with the common path of that incarnation, from that "collaboration" of the soul with its image "of matter".

Yes, there's something else that's particularly important in this case, of an incarnation. An important part of the presence before the council is an analysis of how the body-mind-soul ensemble has used and will use its power...

If its influence has been and possibly will be a positive one or there have been or will be elements of corruption, if the whole has followed or will follow its beliefs, showing a lack of power of the whole or the potential for its manifestation, whether there have been or may have been original contributions... And many, many others like...

It would be important to note that this council is less interested in possible regressions from other incarnations or from the one to come, being maximally "focused" on our positive evolution, significant being the ability to have the courage to stand up and go "to the end" in a kind of effort of evolution, of lifting the vibrational constancy. Because what you get from every difficult life or not is earned for eternity...

Yes, and there is not only this council that will help, along with "courses", guides and other components of a true social system... There is also the "plan room" or "the room of destiny", the "projection room" (it has many names), and others, including other masters such as "masters of time" and others, thus discussing a particularly well organized system with clear, distinct specializations...

And, it would be appropriate to conclude this introduction to the "real" world of souls, even if many "speaks" will follow...

The whole evolution of spirits, souls, can be easily perceived by their individual vibration level... Like light, which has "for perception" a certain wavelength, a certain color, so is the case with the perception of the "vibrational level of a soul".

So the transition from the perception of white color, which encompasses the whole spectrum of light, all the wavelengths of the manifestation, if I may say so, takes place a kind of refinement, a clear evolution of the vibrational level, towards the delimitation of the "uncharacteristic" colors, which will "delimit" the dynamics of the "growth" of a soul.

Do not be confused that there is some kind of perception of inferiority to the presence of white color! This is the color of the innocent, universal, which is never lost, the souls even if they evolve being represented by their entire history, evolution... The "refining" of vibration is nothing more than a kind of delimitation of the predominant manifestation of that soul, the white being often associated with the aureola effect, the guides are surrounded by a nimb of bright white, and the examples can continue. Not to mention the fact that perceptions do not delineate a single color of a soul but a kind of predominant color, in a mixture of different colors.

Then it is important to point out an important detail represented by the fact that the energetic perception through color depends on the moment of perception, both from the point of view of the soul and from the point of view of the observer... Difference depending on the energy status, tone, equilibrium state of those souls, etc. But, in large part, the color ranking goes from level I with white, then dirty white with gray tent, level II with pinkish white, orange yellow, level III with yellow, gold, level IV with gold with green, green or greenish brown tent, level V with light blue, dark blue, level VI with dark blue with shades of violet and higher levels with violet as a kind of color of maximum vibrational manifestation...

Note that all visual manifestations of color above level V are masters who do not appear to be incarnated in the matter. And, for now, both about color...

I would also point out that the energy of souls is manifested by any vibrational form, color, shape, movement and sound being individual signs of souls. These elements seem to interact, although the light energy, the vibrational shapes and their specific movement, as well as the resonance of the sound are not uniform.

For example, there is a language of sound in the world of souls that goes beyond the systematization of spoken language, for example laughter, humming, singing existing, like natural sounds, such as the sound of wind or rain, but these are impossible to describe...

Obviously you've figured out why hundreds of pages dedicated to this topic will follow... But not now! It's just a simple introduction, it's right "with interest", towards what would be a story of man as complete as possible, the basis on what would be all that follows related to what I think would be "new medicine"...

A kind of "bridge" on all that would be our real problems, starting from life, to disease, in an irreversible and eternal "Point and end!" ...

So the conclusion of this long line of posts related to the "world of souls" reveals, without a doubt, that: Including in the world of souls evolution is all that matters to something better or more complete!

And with that, that's it! I have already said enough "things" about the world of souls and it is necessary to stop because too much information, without the support of knowledge, can lead to confusion, contradictions of the broadest...

Plus, I've presented enough elements to help with the next post, the finale, the conclusion of this long material about "The Man's Story"...

See you tomorrow!

Love, Gratitude and Understanding (Namaste)!

Dorin, Merticaru