STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineHuman's Life - The Adult (6)

Translation Draft

I'm going through days where I have to pay my last respects to a relative who's made his way into this dimension. Maybe I'll be late in completing these posts, but I'm definitely going to finish them...

We're back to completing yesterday's post... The validity of the identification criterion shall be checked simply. As you have noticed in the examples that completed the previous post, everything starts from the moment the projections are recognized and begin to be withdrawn, starting the process of integrating those characteristics, the emotional tension in the relationships with those on which the characteristics were projected begin to diminish.

Absolutely, when the trait or impulse have been perfectly integrated, the attraction or rejection disappears, being replaced by the calm, serene and balanced acceptance of the other or breaking the balance of attraction by canceling the polarization. This is exactly the middle point between attraction or rejection that allows transcending both.

We can reduce all this to a simple model of representation. Thus, if we represent on an "attraction-rejection" axis as a segment that we spin around a equilibrium point (middle), we get a circle whose center is right at this point. The ensemble of rays represents all our characteristics, to which we have various attitudes of attraction or rejection, in relation to which we develop desires or aversions.

Ideally speaking, an integrated being is located right in the center, hyperconscious of what it contains, accepting without any reservations. In reality, on the multitude of "attraction-rejection" axes related to our many traits or impulses, we are further or further from this middle point, the one that signals the assumption and guarantees the correct evaluation of those characteristics in the environment.

Beware of the little "shades" that appear related to this point of equilibrium, the middle! Being defined by a state of reconciliation and quiet acceptance of a characteristic, does not mean that it is, rather, a kind of "position of indifference".

It is natural for this interpretation to occur in those who have not experienced the condition. The others, more fortunate, who had access (or have) access to this inner peace in relation to a trait that they integrated, know very well that there is no connection with indifference.

Sometimes the opposites seem to be touched, wisdom being confused with madness, inner peace being confused with indifference, etc. simplifying, indifference is a state of consciousness from which energy is lacking, while internal serenity is a state of consciousness in which energy is abundant, only it is so well balanced that it leaves the impression of unmovement.

In the first case, indifference to a particular characteristic shows that it is at levels too deep to be designed (other traits or qualities, corresponding to the level of development of the person concerned, being in the "situation" of being projected), whereas, in the second case, the detached acceptance of a characteristic shows that it has been practically integrated and there are no residual energies to arouse emotional vibrations of the type of attraction (which polarizing).

And once you accept as real polarizations (the law of attraction, the law of mirroring, etc.) and the criterion of identifying projections (especially through the efforts, more or less confirmed, of introspective and external analysis), everyone's life will become extraordinarily interesting.

There's simply no way to get bored in a world that constantly reflects your own rejected or unknown characteristics (including ignored), unassumed aspects of the vast personality you're not yet aware of.

Wherever you look, the emotional vibration you feel signals to you that there is a pole for every feature of you, a part that you accept or not, or you are convinced that it does not belong to you. Thus, the world acquires the dimensions of a huge hologram, in which others contain you, as you complement others.

When you talk to them or evaluate them, affected by what they manifest, you actually communicate with yourself. Understanding these subtle mechanisms will allow you to make real use of the principles of the Mayan, to "consciously inherit this mechanisms, putting them in the service of reaching new levels of integration or, in other words, of the realization of the Self, of the real manifestation of the ego.

On the other hand, even if you don't accept them, the laws of polarity and projection continue to influence you, just as physical laws continue to exist whether you are aware of them or believe in them or not. The ego (and then the Self) thus ensured that the universe it created would constantly push you towards the realization of your own totality, the only unknown variable being the quantity and intensity of the experiences (including the sufferings - otherwise, what was the point of the name, used by me or by those from whom I took this expression, of "wound") that you will have to cross.

So, coming back, eventually, to our under-the-face, no matter how hard you try to deny it, it exists, it's present. Maybe you're manipulative, opportunistic, emotionally fragile or constitutive, elusive or rigid. Maybe you're anxious, insensitive, cunning or tyrannical.

Accept yourself no matter what you are because that's how life built you. Your whole "body-mind-soul" triad is the necessary result, this is the point to which it has managed to evolve in your case. It's useless to blame yourself for who you are.

And judgment will pervert your being and make it even harder for you to change. that part of you that you consider advanced, no matter what point of reference, civilized or holy, will repress the animal within you, will try to kill it without ever succeeding.

You can't annihilate anything in yourself. All you're going to do by opposing yourself is waste energy in an inner conflict where there are no winners and losers. There are only integration debts that will continue until the conflict is closed, life after life, both in you and in others.

If you remember, we started talking about the sub-mask "focusing" on the animal inside us. Now I must stress to you that there is an essential problem that you must understand. The inner animals, the ones in us, never die, they can't be killed.

You cannot destroy life within you because you did not create it, and no one has the opportunity to do so, not even the Creator, because it exists in each of us (as it is well written in the Bible under the "said" of Jesus). The Creator exists through us, and we embody him as a One Being. And He encounters the same problem that the "animal" in Him cannot be killed.

Otherwise, who would have stopped him from killing the luciferic, the satanic, etc.? Let's go back! The animals retreat to the holes of the unconscious to fortify themselves and return in force by suffocating even the mask (our public part). in short, the "holiness" obtained on the basis of repression is nothing but a farce, "purity" based on rejection is merely a hoax.

These charlatans do not last long because they have nothing in common with the stability and consistency of stable manifestation, with that of integration. It is enough to scratch a little crust from the surface of such a person to see who you are dealing with, provoke a little the "holy" in front of you, deliberately insult him and you will see the beast unleash or just showing his fangs under the justification of self-defense or simple challenge, touch the "purified" of frivolous sensuality and you will see him retreat immediately.

The sexuality that an individual represses has leaked/hidden in erogenous areas or even turned relatively neutral areas into dangerous areas where touch is prohibited. The body has closed and become retractable to any stimulus, out of fear, so that the long repressed impulses do not explode, forgetting that the base of the mask is the under-mask and when the first is "thin" and thus creates weaknesses the second has no choice but to give up suddenly, uncontrollably, the accumulated pressure and manifest well beyond the cover and protection powers of the mask.

And, bad news, it would have been good if this real eruption of a volcano would only affect our mask (public image). First she "digs" into the body by weakening him, making him sick. On the newly created substrate of low energy and the possibility of reduced control attracted to the sick body (there is no diseased organ but sick body and, in fact, sick mind or, even more, suppressed ego) appear the cracks that will bring the eruption to the surface. But about the disease, much later.

So the only intelligent solution is to stop these personal wars by trying to drive out or exile parts of our being. Ending internal conflict unites our energies by becoming one, one whole, the only solution for transformation.

And remember, this is a miracle that some traditions more than ancient, even if considered esoteric, have become conscious, seeking to promote it through the awareness techniques they have developed (which we will talk about when I reach therapeutics - over many, many and many other introduction posts that will make you understand without doubt the need to achieve the whole for your progress and all , whether you think only of your children, loved ones, etc.).

Thus, with the energy that you no longer take back, that you accept into your consciousness without condemning it, something miraculous will happen, it begins to grow, to purify with the whole created by and within you. This is the magical transformation that becomes possible when you unite, that is, when you become whole.

Accepted with love, the animal tames and can be put to work. And when tamed, inner animals provide you with all their vitality, often far superior to what existed up to that point, facilitating sometimes incredible performance.

The energy accepted with love and understanding elevates your level of consciousness to higher levels of manifestation, discovering worlds you never even suspected. As the repressed energy starts to go crazy, it becomes ugly or dangerous...

Starting here, from this balance of integration, projections begin to decrease in frequency and intensity, and those who are still struggling with their demons are accepted, for the first time, truly.

Don't forget it all makes sense! Everything has value! Don't forget about everyone in your life (dear or not). Everyone deserves his homage to his existence in our lives...

Dorin, Merticaru