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To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's Medicine

READY TO "BE OPEN" - content

Here you will find a kind of table of contents of a collection of memories, "imaginary," obtained through regressive hypnosis, processed “artistically” by the author!

Please consider that everything you will go through, characters, situations, actions, blah, blah here is complete fiction!
The show beginsA New Evening for an Old Communication (Episode 5 — An old and strange friend) - June 2, 2024
A New Evening for an Old Communication
A New Evening for an Old Training (Episode 4 — A new challenge to an ordinary day) - May 31, 2024
A New Morning fron an Old Community
A New Morning for an Old Community (Episode 3 — Old and New Perceptions of an Old Event) - May 20, 2024
A New Morning fron an Old Community
A New Morning from an Old Sentinel (Episode 2— The memory of an old protector of places) — April 30, 2024
A New Morning fron an Old Sentinel
A New Morning from an Old Hope (Episode 1 — Memories from a future built on freedom and hope) — April 29, 2024
A New Morning fron an Old Hope
A New Morning for an Old Memory (Yes, I admit, I feel the anger of the memories!) — March 24, 2024
A New Morning for an Old Momory
A New Morning for Our Love (How easy it is to be deceived by appearances) — March 5, 2024
A New Morning for Our Love
A New Morning for an Old Quest (When you’re looking to grab it in one direction, and you’ve figured out which direction) — February 23, 2024
A New Morning for an Old Quest
A New Morning for a New Scene (How powerful are the whispers of our lives?) — February 12, 2024
A New Morning for a New Scene
A New Morning for a New Perception of Love (Even though I knew, I never really realized it) — February 8, 2024
A New Morning for a New Perception of Love
A New Morning for an Old Friendship (Two souls too old not to see each other again) — February 3, 2024
A New Morning for a New Perception of Love
A New Morning for a New Love (If you give your heart to any passerby, what will you be left with?) — January 30, 2024
A New Morning for A New Love
A New Morning for an Old Pain (A New Way of Understanding What Is Happening) — January 27, 2024
A New Morning for an Old Pain
A New Morning of an Old End (Love for the joy of life or melancholy for its fragility?) — January 21, 2024
A New Morning of an Old End
A New Morning of a Higher View (The End of a Fruitful Collaboration)—January 6, 2024
A New Morning of a Higher View
A New Morning of a New Year (An Avalanche of Memories Before the end) — December 29, 2024
A New Morning of a New Year
A New Morning of an Old Atheist (The Beginning of a New Path) — December 22, 2024
A New Morning of an Old Atheist
A New Morning of an Old Fate (The Beginnings of a New Way) — December 16, 2024
A New Morning of an Old Fate
A New Morning for an Old Approach (The Beginnings of a New Understanding of the Old Odd)—December 10, 2024
A New Morning of an Old Approach
A New Morning for a New Family (The Beginnings of a New Family) — December 4, 2024
A New Morning for a New Family
A New Morning for an Old Marriage (The Beginning of an Ancient Coexistence) — October 29, 2024
A New Morning for an Old Marriage
A New Morning of a New Kind of Life (The Beginnings of a New Understanding) — October 20, 2024
A New Morning of a New Kind of Life
A New Morning for an Old Soul (The Beginnings of a New Life) — October 14, 2024
A New Morning for an Old Soul
A New Morning for an Old Stuntman (The Beginnings of a New Stunt) — October 12, 2024
A New Morning for an Old Stuntman
A New Morning for an Old Clown (The Beginnings of a New Week) — October 7, 2024
A New Morning for an Old Clown

*   *   *

Something like an introduction

Consciousness? Schizophrenia? But the memories are so vivid and so different… Of many “persons”, “I”s in my life and knowledge…

I feel like it’s not my mistakes… But they are so “mine” …

I sought… Yes, some kind of atonement for the guilt of my first existence…

Making mistakes and making mistakes again, with each new existence… With each experience I tried to correct previous mistakes. Forgetting how “stupid”, inexperienced I was back then, the first time… The second time… Oh… Way too many times…

But I did so without anyone forcing me to do it, punishing me for the number of “mistakes” that kept growing…

Yes, I felt it and wanted to do it…

Until I got to that point where it didn’t matter anymore… I was simply existing, living… Carried by the tide of life.

And everything started to flow perfectly… I could feel every “fault” disappearing, “closed” by what I had become… No more fighting for it…

It was me. Kind of “suck”, “immature”, “stupid”, “boring”, “intuitive” because of me, like Me… And other similar characterizations…

“If you’re going to make any sacrifice to live as a ‘saint’, why don’t you die and live among the ‘Winged Ones’?” Even the purest metal has “zero comma…” impurities. Do something “foolish”, “adventure”, “something”, “out” of your principles!”

Am I not doing enough? Too many? Well, from your point of view… I feel with a clean soul… I really did the best I could!

I am all Me, I am not the “monkey” of the times I live in! Regardless of sacrifices, injustices, …!

I know that whatever you do will be “rewarded” now or in future existences… No one “gets rid” of himself…

Only the “body” “escapes”, repenting or not, but the soul takes with it what it “lived” in its image and likeness…

To understand the value of your deeds: if you killed, you will be killed, if you maimed, you will be maimed, if you stole, you will be stolen, if… you will…

“If… you will…” referring to whatever guilt you will have… Guilt for doing something or not doing something… To others…

Oh, how hard it is to admit… And for you… As if there weren’t enough crazy people… Which you join…

What you did “good” is not “put” … It was normal, by itself, “unrewardable” … Only what you did “bad” is “put” … Even by you… Regardless of what kind of Self you are now of the act…

Even God pays for his love to his children whom he helps regardless of their “craziness” and “childhood” … He just helps what he can…

The call and help of the DivinityAnd usually, children don’t have the brains to understand so much love and power… His vow of non-involvement no matter what happens… Just help… If it doesn’t bother others…

“If I give You something, will the other not be ‘upset’ that he does not receive? If I think it is good to give you, what will the others think? And, if you receive, simply how much will you appreciate this gesture?

I made human, male and female, I cherished my work and blessed it… And, “man”, with his stories, written and modified by him, to his advantage, what did he do?

Moreover, as if I “dictated” these aberrations…

And, from here, You will repeat the mistakes until you learn and can pass to the “next class” … If you don’t learn, you always stay with the same “beginners” … Which… Look how “wonderful” and full of “future” it’s current times on the “planet of the apes”!

And when you have “closed” all your debts… What will come next?

The only advantage will be that you will start looking for the path to “Ascension”, or “Enlightenment” … Some kind of evolution… I…

Believing in yourself, in what really matters!

You have the power to be and not to accumulate… Ready to stop considering yourself but only those around you… Existing among them… As it is possible…

Those who will receive “good” will be more refractory than you imagine… Or, worse, they will be simple profiteers…

Does the truth hurt? Always… The climax, even by the one who already knows it, but it suits him to deny it…

Yes, it is a new revelation…

To be Me, regardless of memories, regardless of… Future… Anyway, we can’t run away from eternity…

Is the future predetermined? Or is it “shaped” by my actions and experiences?

Today I am Me… Tomorrow I am all Me… But different from yesterday… Different from tomorrow…

Do I, the past, influence me? Or the future… In which I get involved with the whole being of the moment to get there?

But, in the end, what’s the point… Isn’t it, I’m evolving with every step? Am I not feeling more “Enlightened”? Sooner or later, I will find out… Now or many lifetimes from now…

None of you will be favored! There are not My “chosen ones”, My “penalized ones” or whatever you want to call or justify. You are all My children, suffering or rejoicing with each one of you, all being My equals, and each one will be what he is!

My greetings to the audienceThere are no shortcuts… And if you “climb” higher than you deserve, you will have to fall “higher”! Obviously more painful… From your imaginary “heaven” to your imaginary “hell” … After all, you have an eternity to figure out where you are!

By the way… You don’t even need the “instructions” that you call laws! They are written in your soul: “If you don’t like to be killed, don’t kill, if you don’t like to be cheated, don’t cheat, if you don’t like to be stolen, don’t steal, if you don’t like to be humiliated, don’t humiliate, blah, blah…

*   *   *

Please consider that everything you will go through in these materials, characters, situations, actions, blah, blah here is complete, pure fiction!

Note: Images are created by me, Merticaru Dorin Nicolae, using Microsoft Bing Image Creator.

Dorin, Merticaru (10.07, 2023)