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To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineBlasphemy?!? - When Beliefs meet Science

Even if the title reveals that I am a Christian, what follows will take into account any idea of "faith" that I have encountered throughout my experiences, as it will take into account the achievements of science that I had access to until the time of writing this book…

And, even if it will seem to be an exit from dogma, going through the lines “synthesized” by me (?!?) it will be noticed that either it can be a kind of evolution of my faith, or it can be a staggered, chronologically access to the achievements of science… Everything in a kind of comparison that reveals, in fact, the same "things"…

Maybe I was wrong, researching everything that other people have discovered, lived, etc, by recording what they considered to be important to those who will come. Even my Christian dogma says "Believe and don’t investigate!" or other restrictive matters concerning the interpretation of the dogma…

But I found that all those considered to be pagans, heretics, unbelievers, unfaithful, etc say the same things, in other words, and often with other interests… As I noticed there are examples of people killed telling a truth that “got out” of dogmas but later accepted and confirmed as the “reason” of their death, the truth.

Regardless of who issued the "judgment" (forbidden, by the way) that led to these cruel injustices…

Old bibleMoreover, as I gained access to “old” religious writings, including “modern” Bibles and the like, “well and correctly translated and adapted”, my questions grew. And, as a kind of response, my study-oriented effort was also increasing.

It was no surprise to me to observe that the true word of the Supreme Divine Power was constantly altered by the "empowered" of fate, no matter who empowered them, but always, they were "connected" to the Supreme Divine Power based on all sorts of visionary, prophetic, and similar "criteria".

Moreover, each "great empowered" as "appeared", through the translation and/or interpretation of the holy book, gave birth to a new religious "current". Or he "laughed" at everything that was "heretical" by burning and/or killing and thus "laughing" old religions, whether it was the same religion but necessary to be transformed by his gesture (not "Him").

Old BibleBut I’m not going to comment on the great "dissonances" that arise from a single type of effort, that of comparing the old "holy books" with the current "holy books"…

It is important to note that I took into account (analysis, synthesis, study, etc.) all the holy writings to which I had access, with respect, without omitting any of them…

Another important "detail"… For many years of my life, I studied how knowledge influences perception. This is not the time when I will "lay down" in a book all my studies in this regard! But I mentioned this "influence" because it shaped my approach to understanding that everything, all, tells the same story.

Therefore, what I have to convey through this introduction is a kind of advice for those who are starting to go through this "work"…

Old BibleMost people who declare themselves to be part of a certain religion, faith, worship, etc have as their main point of reference a kind of conformation to that religion, which will place them (often this cataloging starting directly from that person, often dogmatically) in sinners, believers, fanatics, practitioners or the clear delimitation of atheists or, brutally, against any “opposite”, “incorrect” religion, blah, blah…

Everything is based only on the level of acceptance of the dogma, a kind of manifestation of the deeper or lighter acceptance of the dogma. Or, as I pointed out earlier, a certain level of general knowledge…

A knowledge that would quickly lead to a kind of continuation of the search for a kind (another kind) of truth and not stagnation in the level of dogma… A “more complete” truth, superior to the dogmatic one… Or, simply, to seek for the true dogma, which from "Beginning", minorly modified by human smallness, be it the level of knowledge that can radically influence the translation, transcription of "the word of the Supreme Divine Power" (possibly "Creator") at the time of its perception…

In what follows, there will be nothing compatible with such a thing. In any religion only the Supreme Divine Power has the right to judge and, in no way, the people, be they “chosen” of a particular religion…

Michelangelo CretionIt will be just a kind of "putting together" of what religions say to be sent directly from the "Creator" with what scientists have discovered…

What will follow, as you will see, is a kind of acceptance that the truth belongs to both currents of thought, both religious (without dogma, which attracts the idea of judgment) and the scientific type…

For example, one of the religions, if I can call it that, ignores the question of the origin of the universe, of the world, even considering it useless. Like the other questions related to the metaphysical essence of such questions, concretizing everything in the "parable of the arrow"…

The basic message of this parable would be that man should not worry about such questions, compared to "a poisoned arrow," but should be concerned about his direct problems (of "Now"), of removing that arrow from the flesh, as quickly as possible and not to prolong its presence in the flesh until he has the answer to his questions.

This is because the "poisoned arrow" will cause death long before the man has an answer to his questions, the basic effort being only to focus on saving the being from the suffering that existence implies.

All other religions venture into this search for the "poisoned arrow" and "translate" the genesis through human knowledge from the time when that myth was initiated, that "divine book", etc was initiated.

In a brief "review", general perceptions "inform" us that in the beginning, it was chaos, darkness, etc. He followed the thought, the word, the sacrifice, etc, and will follow the formation of the sky (with stars, planets, etc.) and the Earth (with water, earth, and everything that will follow: plants, animals, etc)…

Michelangelo AdamMan is "something" made of clay, mud, etc, according to the image and likeness of the creative deity, that he or she is Supreme (Yahweh, God, Allah, Pan-Ku, Dao, Ptah, Marduk, Mahaa-Vishnu, Brahma, Phyva, Chaos, Viracocha, Tangri, Num, Sombol-Burkan, Ocirvani, and Tsagan-Sukurty, etc.) or that they are just simple "divine workers" (Jesus and "Satanail", Nammu, Aruru, En-Ki, Prometheus and Epimetheus, Izanagi and Izazami, Ahura Mazda and Angra Maynu, Odin, Vili and Ve, “animal” and/or paradisiacal creators or sacrificed entities, demons, demiurge, etc.), who were given divine breath.

Interestingly, in the vast majority of cases, man is very close to the divine nature, at least at the beginning of his evolution, immediately after its creation.

Then, in general, man is submissive, idiotic, or intelligent, being obliged to obey the commandments given by the divinity, not to violate the precepts of the sacred order, which ensures both the smooth running of the universal world and human society.

In other variants human is created to be exploited, oppressed, to experience suffering, etc.…

But in all these perceptions, the final creation has always been human, no matter how useful he was, how stupid or smart, how good or bad, how believable, faithful or otherwise…

In conclusion, for the most part, humans was from the beginning something good, blessed by the Supreme Divine Power who liked what He created, which later became evil, attracting in the vast majority of myths, religions, beliefs, etc the flood, the cleanliness, what has been and will come, with or without certainty… And/or many, many other tests, temptations, punishments, tortures, etc one more horrible, perverse, unjust, etc than the other…

The reason, for example, even from the holy book of my Christian faith, being, the pinnacle of dogma, the knowledge of good and evil (the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil) and not of simple knowledge…

So, at least for this first book ("Genesis"), the essential approach will be a kind of merging of all knowledge, science, beliefs starting from a kind of "Beginning" accessible to the knowledge of this moment of human to "Human", including one of these times, in which I “lay” these lines.

And, even if it seems that my approach will be principally Christian, I have already pointed out that all beliefs actually say the same things, describe the same gestures, situations, facts, etc, with the particularity attracted by the knowledge of the moment of the birth of dogmas, beliefs, indications, prophecies, etc.…

Why this effort?!? Why did the "divine writings" approach the deciphering of the "poisoned arrow"?!?

Obviously, at the human level, the value of the individual lies in his deeds, in his evolution, going as far as the anathema that "the past defines human", "concentrating" everything only in judgment (in the sense of identifying the correct punishment) or, in the happier case, to the “conditional” finding of his evolution…

Losing on the way a kind of approach related to the knowledge of that human in close relation with his work. You can't know a man if you don't know his evolution. The knowledge that necessarily needs, obligatorily, value equality with that of the analyzed, “judged”…

And, from here, you cannot know the Supreme Divine Power unless you know, you have the real ability to get as close as possible to the necessary understanding of His deeds. I hope you haven't forgotten about "knowledge influences perception"?!?

Buddhe preachingTherefore, the "holy books" tried to approach the "poisoned arrow"… To be able to convey something about the work of the Supreme Divine Power and to help increase the chances of understanding this Power and thus increase the chances of changing the perception just to increase these chances…

But time proven that humans didn’t have the capacity (and is just beginning in these times, now), the knowledge to understand what was transmitted from Him. From here came the changes of the "Word" of the Supreme Divine Power by a human, from here came the dogma… And, I still hope that, out of ignorance, out of the inability to perceive correctly and not out of "bad faith".

For example, dogma eliminates any questions. That’s why it’s dogma. Not because it proves something but because it only affirms something… It starts from a Truth but then you can only conclude that you need to search further or, worse, that “Half Truth is a whole lie”… That Supreme Divine Power is used in one's interest, under one's knowledge…

Yes, by researching you can have no other evolution than to approach the Supreme Divine Power, understanding more and more of his work. Understanding… Being, step by step, overwhelmed by the perceptions related to this work…

So, one last “indication”… To those who are, willingly or unwillingly constrained by their dogma, by their knowledge, I recommend them not to read this work and, most likely, the works to come!

And this, not because it will disturb their faith (the conclusion is drawn from hundreds, thousands of discussions whose result was "signaled" in this way). Faith is faith, valuable, be it "as the size of a grain of mustard"! My effort will strengthen their faith, for sure, but it all depends on their level of knowledge… The desire and ability to know other than dogma but related to it.

pile of booksAnd, from here, the “dissensions” appear… Their knowledge doesn’t allow them to understand the work of the Supreme Divinity. It took me decades of real, deep study to understand and accept some “things”…

And, from here, appears the rejection of the "pieces of truth" accessible to human knowledge (implicitly perception) and the return to dogma, to a kind of search in the "cipher of holy books" which will be restricted to their level of knowledge, to their power of perception stuck in the same thing, in dogma…

But, for many others, it will be a kind of "comeback" that will be like a kind of imbalance, a kind of aggravation of the desire for knowledge… Which will result in an increased effort to reject true knowledge and deepening of the dogmatic manifestations … Meaningless, without a real result…

But, in the background, in some people, unfortunately, few, the search will lead to some results manifested by increasing the level of knowledge, regardless of the magnitude of this increase. The growth will depend on access to "materials", the possibility of comparison, synthesis, etc., and, therefore, in my opinion, will increase that person's "adherence" to what I still call here as the Supreme Divine Power.

Yes, I strongly affirm that any effort towards knowledge brings you closer to the Supreme Divine Power. Understanding Her work, you realize that it can be nothing but something worthy of revered, beloved, to whom you can constantly convey gratitude and love…

As a comparative example, coming from human’s smallness, a priest with grace, an Einstein or similar, they quickly become revered by those around them for their deeds. Even bastards of fate, such as the great conquerors (I don't give a name), end up being revered for their crimes, it's true…

But as for the Supreme Divine Power, he was the Creator of worlds and not the destroyer of worlds to own them and become a "great conqueror" (for whatever reason). It’s easy to make a difference… What is born of love, of creation, comes from the Supreme Divine Power… What is born of fear, of destruction comes from "something else"…

What is born of knowledge brings you closer to the Creator, what is born of judgment (not to say dogma) is very close to "something else" (attention, I don’t judge)…

The decades of thinking about this book, since I share with ordinary or faithful people (no matter how fervent, dogmatic) the knowledge that attracted the birth of this book, either directly or through blogs, my website, etc, have proved this to me.

I'm not arrogant, I don't pretend to be "very knowledgeable"! I just practiced knowledge based on what others discovered, not myself. It only belongs to me to accumulate, analyze, and synthesize as neutral as possible (you cannot be absolutely neutral) which is the basis for making a report, a book, etc.

I’m ending with a short real story from my life…

Henry IV arguingHot discussion on religious topics… Trying to end the discussion, I don’t know what comes to me and I say to the person:

- After all, no matter what we have discussed, you recognize that "A certain holy book" is the alphabet of the beginning of the faith of any human’s path?!?

My question was a trap and the person replied "without blinking": Yes!!! And here came my answer:

- Well, I'm in college!

An answer that, at first glance, denoted arrogance… But it had the desired effect, to stop a pointless discussion…

The dogmatist and/or the person without the necessary knowledge cannot understand the "hidden" message sent by me. I was just saying that I was still at school, in college, at another level of knowledge, and not at the first-grade level, where you learn the alphabet.

And that I was judged (even by a "shepherd") with: it’s a great sin to believe yourself a great scholar in such matters. Without me stating that, for example, “I give my Ph.D.”… I'm just learning but on a different level of knowledge…

What I invite you, those of you who have gone through this whole introduction…

Fiat Lux (Let it be Light)!

Dorin, Merticaru