To STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine

To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineRelaxation - Meditation (3).

Translation Draft

Today we will continue to "talk" about relaxation, in fact about the necessary preparation before the actual relaxation.

From what we have discussed in many posts it is concluded that, regardless of our manifestations, our objectives, we have to "work" with a real rupture between objective and subjective (or between the inner and the outer) that can be perceived at the level of each individual. This rupture is due to the fact that people have fallen into an intermediate state (the usual state of consciousness) or into a second reality, in which direct contact with reality has been lost, most people (who can be called "ordinary", without any idea of connection to the term "inferiority", of "common") do not see reality but its mirroring on the mental screen. Moreover, the primordial language was replaced (in fact covered) by the verbal language, which was implanted in the course of the social conditioning exercised during the first childhood.

And, if you have read the previous posts, we could see together the problems related to this "modified" language and the "smallness" of the processing power of our consciousness. The constant, involuntary, but considered to be voluntary, appeal to these diminished resources, to this diminished processing capacity is the "path" that keeps us in these moments on the totally wrong path that we find ourselves on. In fact, an indicator of the evolution of a civilization or an individual is the shortening of the time interval in which the transition from a project (idea) to its practical realization takes place.

In our current case, I pray, in the vast majority of cases we "benefit" from this "delay" that gives rise to justifications or "other objectives" that deviate us from our real path, from knowing ourselves and acting in the useful way to us, the true meaning. So, that is why we need a lot of willpower to be able to relax, why we need a constant "repetition" of our actions in order to be able to eliminate doubt and be able, at some point, to discover the real reality (what nonsense can be perceived from this expression that is nothing more than a finding). So, here is a conclusion of the above, the repetition of the relaxation exercise (training) leads to the decrease of the time interval in which the transformation of the subjective into the objective takes place.

Now, considering that we have understood why relaxation is so necessary, let us move on. In the preparation for relaxation, there is a need to prepare the place of relaxation, in order to eliminate any kind of disturbances (interferences, which can be interpreted by our "ensemble" as reaction signs) internal or external. So, to begin with, we take care not to wear tight clothes, replacing them with comfortable ones, the straps are unfolded, the cords that can hinder the free circulation of blood and energy, attention to the clothing that can limit breathing, especially the abdominal one, the hairpins are removed from the hair, the hair unfolds, you can proceed to remove the jewelry (including the watch from the hand – it bothered me to wear it and it took me a while to figure it out), especially earrings that can give pain in the case of a certain position of the head, etc.

Be careful when going to the toilet, such physiological needs can interfere, the phones, the doorbells are closed, the people existing in the house are informed not to disturb, etc. each according to the needs (who you know better than anyone) so that we do not have any disturbances when we meet with ourselves. Then we will choose a flat surface, on which to lie comfortably on our back, in a place where we feel good and safe. The flat surface (usually a bed, a sofa) is especially indicated for beginners, people advanced in the exercise of relaxation can also use an armchair, a chair or they can do this including standing, while walking and even running (jogging), including during some activities (but this is a matter for the really advanced ones).

Let's get back to the "beginners"! The place on which we will sit is prepared (it is advisable that the surface be a stronger mattress – in my beginner's phases I used with great pleasure and efficiency the lying on the floor where I had spread a blanket over the thick wool carpet that covered the parquet) and it is sought that this place be favorable for relaxation. Thus, it is necessary for this place to be free of sensory disturbances, a place where we are not disturbed during the process of meeting with ourselves (room as soundproofed as possible, a place protected from mechanical noises and vibrations, a poorly lit space, indirectly, with a temperature that does not disturb, that is, it is not "neither too cold nor too hot" taking care not to forget that the cold triggers the sympathetic system, so the tension, not to be air currents, etc., each according to the sensitivity or the level of stress they benefit from – when you advance in these procedures you will notice that you have fewer and fewer such landmarks to "follow" reaching a person "by which the train passes by without being disturbed", given that you do not lose the slightest "connection" between realities, the objective, the real, and the subjective, material one).

And now it's time to eliminate any internal disruption, here and now. The time has come to see that this is, in fact, the real problem. The external environment we can easily control, but the internal one is the real bad horse. "What are internal disturbances?" would be the first step in this analysis of what we have to do. Many of us overlap internal disturbances with everyday worries that have "effect" on our level attributable to being inside. But most of us forget that we must leave the hectic surface of the "ocean of the world." It has no business with relaxation, immersion, pacifying, domestic etc. It is not something that must or can be considered to be internal, inner disruption.

In the relaxation session, the isolation (detachment, surface breakage, detachment from the shore) is pursued, which can be achieved only by pacifying at each level of the being. And, this journey of interiorization cannot be done by someone else for us, but only by ourselves (that is why I so constantly recommend that there is no need for a person to assist you but only one to guide you). Moreover, we cannot wait to receive as a gift the state of "centering" on who we are, on ourselves, thus having access to the power to influence what lies within ourselves.

And, more than that, we need, in addition to knowing exactly who we are, and knowing exactly what we want, what is useful to us from the sum of our desires. And, all this is harder to clarify than you imagine (maybe that's why I "drafted" over 1,000 pages in my effort to clarify – and will follow, perhaps, God willingly, thousands of pages – do not be frightened by the volume of information, I have already begun to work on "segmenting" information by levels of knowledge, as I have presented in previous posts and, thus, everyone will have strict access to what interests him, represents him). But, let's go back!

We live and accept a world in which we have been conditioned to transform ourselves into patients, into vegetables that are waiting for an outside power to gift us healing or liberation, thus losing the power to influence who we are (I pray, a large and significant part of it). But, we have repeated so many times, no one is doing anything for us except us. So, the first step is to "find ourselves", then to find out what our "interests" are and, based on what we have discovered to choose, to make decisions that we put them in "motion" (according to our free will but also to those around us, according to truth and justice – the three basic principles that underlie the manifestation of our lives). Yes, we just have to be honest and do what we have decided.

No one can make a journey for us and no one can get to the center of our being in our place. And, we still have a big problem to solve, a big hurdle! This is represented by the conditioning that has been inoculated to us that in order to acquire something we have to fight, to work, for it. Get the job done! Well, what we have to do is, first of all, to relax! So, let's not work, fight or other aberrations inoculated by conditioning. No one has been able to combat insomnia (or various addictions) through combat, but only to prolong it. If we are interested in the state of inhibition (deactivation, extinguishing) we do not act in the direction, in the direction, of intensifying the state of excitation (straining, ignition).

The struggle must be replaced by a state of impartial unconsciousness, by a state of witness that programs, induces, waits, looking outside it, without getting involved, how the entry into the state of deactivation happens. Therefore, it is not about work, as long as at the somatic level it is sought to achieve the deactivation or relaxation of muscles, blood vessels and breathing, as well as of many other landmarks. We just have to understand that we have to break away from the outside world and everything will come by itself. It is something similar to our action in the outer world, but reduced to the inner one. Something like our action at the level of psychosocial integration where we seek to reduce the disturbances coming from the social world in view of the elimination of conflicts, desires, attachments, expectations and wrong identifications.

"Advice" in this direction I have given enough throughout previous posts, Read carefully, or carelessly but repeatedly, and if you will be given to understand you will understand. So, if you do not understand it does not mean that I am a fool who does not know how to expose (especially since in all the materials there is the work of real, certified somities in the scientific world and in the "big world" that I have allowed myself to cumulate, synthesize, etc. to give a coherence, a "sumum" as accessible as possible to you – OK, OK, I admit, is involved and much of what I feel, from what I believe) or that You are a fool incapable of understanding. Not! This is just about "you are allowed to understand", both, here and now... But, let me come back (again)!

In order to detach ourselves from the world we will respect the Great Covenant (in sanskrit language "maha vratta") by following the Ten Commandments: 5 commandments of pacification with the world (yama) and 5 commandments of pacification with ourselves (niyama) represented in our perceptions by reconciliation, forgiveness, contentment, interiorization, self-observation, the practice of non-identification and others. Only in this way can we detach ourselves from the conditionings received from the first childhood where we were used to identify with the name, with the parents, with the family, with the body, etc. discovering after the practice of the relaxation exercise the experience of who we are, becoming aware that we are not one with the body (the body is only a container, a coat that we wear temporarily), we will become aware that we are not one with the (identical) name we received, that we are not identical to a gender, to a nation, to a spoken language, to the profession we practice and to what we possess (wealth, economic, professional, religious status, etc.).

But, there are still days. I leave you with your quiet and beneficial weekend!

Love, Gratitude and Understanding (Namaste)!!!

Dorin, Merticaru