To STUDY - Technical - New Dacian's Medicine

To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's MedicineAlpha "Meetings" (4).

Translation Draft

I have much more to "pull" at the secondary descriptions about autopilotare audio columns than I expected... But, let's keep going!

As with the audio processing utility, with reference to Audacity, I will now present you another utility, very performant, and equally free, AVC or, under its full name, "Any Video Converter" (in fact this is the reason why I present these software products, the gratuity – obviously you can choose any utility available to you, knowledge or financial potential and, especially, that I do not advertise here any particular product – the AVC product also having a commercial face compared to Audacity that is completely free, a gift offered to mankind by those who worked on its realization, and, believe me, it is much more work than you can imagine). But let me leave the "complexity" of legal and commercial rules.

So, now, I will proceed to the description of how to use this utility. With the help of AVC you can perform all kinds of processing of "forms" of multimedia files (audio-video), depending on the specifics of the work you want to approach.

After downloading and installing this software you can "benefit" from an interface that has approximately this form...

avc 1

... less the form of display that differs in the areas that we have circled (in the first area, the top one, another format "enters", which I do not remember, and in the bottom circle will be listed the specific elements of your computer – dorin M will not appear but the default name assigned to the installation of the operating system).

As you can see, this is a complete audio/ video processing utility, with which you can transform almost any video or audio file into almost any other audio or video file format (there being both the possibility of writing to the hard disk or the desired storage media and "burning" directly to CD / DVD).

Now, first of all, we are interested in the ability of this utility to be able to download files from Youtube (but also other media for the distribution of multimedia elements such as Facebook, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Liveleak, Metacafe and Niconico). In my case (ours), I will focus on describing the procedures related to Youtube. In order to make use of the download possibilities offered by AVC, you will need to click on the "Add URL" button (red circle at the top of the image below). After this "call" will open the video import menu from the Internet where you will click on the symbol "+" (circled in red).

avc 2

From here things will seem to get a little complicated, but it is not so... Attention!

We start from using a browser, accessing youtube and requesting to "receive" the list of everything related to our desired search term (in my case alpha teta music). From what can be seen in the image below, one can notice the impressive and especially "passionate" offer (I can not use the term professional although it is the most appropriate but, at this moment, the officials do not accept that such a thing could be part of a profession). Here there are terms such as biaural brain waves, meditation music, alpha waves, theta waves, delta, brain stimulation, study music, relaxing music, concentration, sleep, deep sleep, Tibetan music, shamanic, etc., etc., etc.

If what you find you do not like, do not feel empathy or resonance you can use additional terms such as, for example, "chill out alfa teta music", the results giving you other types of music and "resonance" supports but also other titles such as brain food, memory development, spiritual recall, elimination of stress, fears, gamma stimulation (brain waves greater than 40 Hz characteristic of activities such as meditation, shamanics, etc., my name "superbeta"), etc. Equally "effective" are the audio columns of natural sounds type (natural sounds) that can be even louder than the musical lines... Or the combinations of lines of natural sounds and music... It all depends on each individual.

My advice is to listen to what you find and, when you like what you hear to do the download (downloading from the Internet in your small library, which will become in time your little treasure – even if you will end up like me, to give, especially to your loved ones, the results of your work, even for the simple fact that you will notice that their life is going better and better and, if your loved ones are doing well, there is no way to go wrong for you)...

But, let's return to a concrete example!

avc 3

Regardless of the path of building your pilot lines, it will be necessary to take "technical" steps to achieve them. More specifically, to accumulate the audio "bricks" that will constitute the background of autopilotation as much as possible in resonance with what your person means. For example, my wife adores (with maximum effects) the musical sound backgrounds combined with the natural noises related to the sea, to the ocean, to those related to dolphins and whales, with the noises of the seagulls (and other creatures related to the sea, the ocean) while I have maximum grip with the noises related to the forest and its creatures, with the noise of the rain and the "cruel" nature... But, let's go ahead with the example!

avc 4

The software that performs the download (the download) must be indicated the path from where the download will be made (this is "indicated" in the red circle in the image above, regardless of the browser you will use). In the case of our example, this path will be selected and copied, so that it can be inserted into the stroke for download.

avc 5

As you can see in the image above, the download link copied will be "pasted" (following the two steps "Add URL" and "+") in the free field that appears (the area circled in red at the top of the image above), after which you can click on the "Start download" button. The following is a short analysis performed by the AVC program after which the actual download of the multimedia file begins. The default download is done in the .mp4 format and the "storage" of this file will be done by default in the document directory (folder), the subdirectory "Video", then "Any Video Converter" and finally "Youtube" (if the download was made from Youtube – probably if the download is done from other sources, the directory will have a different name; so far I did not need to call other sources, so I do not know other details). For quick "recognition", the name of the file that was saved is exactly the "Youtube" name of the downloaded file to which the automatically assigned index is added (unimportant – you will recognize the file by its title, and that's it).

For the next step I can point out that some owners of other processing software will follow their processing path. For the path using Audacity it is necessary that the file be saved in .mp3 format so the next step will be taken, the conversion one (because Audacity works only with pure audio files, the .mp4 format being an audio / video one).

So, to begin with, we need to make sure that we have set the conversion to be carried out with the purpose in a .mp3 file. So, as described in the image below, click in the arrow area of the assigning area of the conversion format (the red circle at the top) and select the desired format (in our case .mp3 – this assignment will no longer need to be made for further processing because the program will retain this form of conversion until you change it to something else; this "retention" will be valid even if you upgrade the program with all updates that will be subsequent to your settings).

avc 6

So, once we have selected the format we will click on the convert button (located immediately next to the format delimitation area – circled in red) and the conversion process will begin. It can be seen from the image above that, this process can begin only and only after the completion of the downloading process. As a kind of tip, you can perform multiple file downloads that will be listed in the available file panel (the one where you can see the name of the downloaded file in our example). The file .mp3 resulting from the conversion will also be found in the "Any Video Converter" directory but in the mp3 subdirectory (it is a pretty useful delimitation of those who made this program - AVC). This path should be remembered as it will be necessary to indicate to the Audacity program where to get its work file.

There would still be some details to discuss, such as that of multiple downloads. When we select to download more files, they will be listed, as they are inserted, in a list in the area of the available files (of which I mentioned a little earlier). The downloading process will take both depending on the size of the file being downloaded (its duration, HD format or other small details greatly influencing the download duration) plus the availability of the network (internet). So you have nothing else to do but wait more or less. Only after the entire download process is over can you start converting.

Another peculiarity is related to the possibility that may arise when you do not have time or when various incidents occur that can disrupt the download process. AVC makes temporary download files but, at the time of this documentation, they did not make a utility to check the download stage in case of interruption of the downloading process. For this reason, you will need to reset the download process. Here's how to do that. You will go to the "Any Video Converter" folder and the "Youtube" subdirectory (apropos of my example) and there you will find the temporary download files (attention: unfortunately, "pure" windows users will not be able to view these files because they are "marked" as temporary – for this reason their visualization will be done with external software – the most useful is freecommander) from where you can retrieve by copying the title of the file that is downloaded, insert it for search in Youtube and resume the process with copying the download link and inserting it in the process of downloading on AVC (a process that will go exactly from where the process was interrupted). If you can not "see" these files, it would be particularly useful to make a list written on paper (by you) with the files that were in the list, in order to resume the downloading process...

It's not complicated, it's not hard, it's not impossible, it's not..., stop lamenting so much that it's hard, impossible or the like! Nothing is impossible or difficult as long as you take care of yourself, being the only person who really knows how to take care of you, as long as you practice your access to a real treasure of the possibility to care for yourself, to overcome immensely what you are now...

Even at the more advanced stage than you can imagine, where I am now, and I still have to constantly repeat to myself: "I have everything I need to do what I want and I have everything I want to do the right thing! They are a perfect and pure path of Light! The light is my shield and the guide to whom I am fully and unconditionally entrusted!" (Enough! And so I often wonder if I'm still whole-minded, what else should I ask you for...)

So after all this we already have the files for the audio column: and those written by us and those that will be the sound background.

We will continue in the next post (arrive for now)!

Love, Gratitude and Understanding (Namaste)!!!

Dorin, Merticaru