Entertain - Perceptible - Colors
To Study - Technical - Dorin M

Pages New Dacian's Medicine

Color as symbol, signal, and interpretation

A brief interpretation of color value

Interpretarea sumară a culorilorContent

The different interpretations of colors (Part 1 — Several takes on the same “song”) — 10 min read, 2,200 words, 9 images
The different interpretations of colors
White, the color of all colors (Part 2 — The Full Color of Light and the Beginning of All Colors) — 14 min read, 3,166 words, 9 images
White, the color of all colors
Red is the connection to Earth and life (Part 3 — The Color of the Power of Passion, Wine, Blood, and Danger) — 14 min read, 3,316 words, 10 images
Red is the connection to Earth and life
Orange, warmth, happiness, and optimism (Part 4 — The Color of Creativity, Energy, and Dynamism) — 10 min read, 2,304 words, 8 images
Orange, warmth, happiness, and optimism
Yellow, the color of intelligence and creativity (Part 5 — The Color of Energy, Joy, and Sociability) — 12 min read, 2,724 words, 9 images
Yellow, the color of intelligence and creativity
Green, the color of nature, harmony, and liberation (Part 6 — The Color of Growth, Balance, and Health) — 15 min read, 3,571 words, 9 images
Verde, culoarea naturii, armoniei și eliberării
Blue, the color of the clear sky and crystal clear sea (Part 7- The Color of the Earth and Serene and Peaceful Life) — 15 min read, 3,572 words, 10 images
Blue, the color of the clear sky and crystal clear sea
Indigo: Harmony between Heaven and Earth, Between Dream and Reality (Part 8 — The Color of the Gateway to Spirituality and Transcendence) — 10 min read, 2,124 words, 7 images
Indigo: Harmony between Heaven and Earth, Between Dream and Reality
Purple: Shades of Magic, Dreaming, and Deep Emotions (Part 9 — The Passageway from the Visible to the “Invisible”) — 17 min read, 4,007 words, 9 images
Violet: Shades of Magic, Dreaming, and Deep Emotions
Other colors or “shades” of color (Part 10 — The Colors of “Secondary” Interpretations) — 29 min read, 7,150 words, 17 images
Other colors or “shades” of color
Black: Color, its lack or the invisible? (Part 11 — The Color of the Fascinating Abyss, a Paradox of Perception… Or a Gate to Infinity?) — 19 min read, 4,473 words, 8 images
Black: Color, its Lack or the Invisible?

Statistical sum: 2 hours, 45 minutes read, 38,607 words, 105 images, and counting...

Note: Images are created by me, Merticaru Dorin Nicolae, using Microsoft Bing Image Creator.

Autorul interpretării culorilor
And the colors purple, black and… shades follow.

Merticaru Dorin Nicolae

Generalități (1).
Un punct de vedere în ceea ce privește simbolismul culorilor în conștiința popoarelor și culturilor de pe întregul Pământ, exprimat în percepțiile cosmologice, mitologice, mistice, etc.

Generalități (2).
Un alt mod de a vedea valoarea culorii, pornind de la principiile de manifestare psihologice, mediind informațiile prin lumea materială, perceptibilă concret, finalizând cu expresiile esoterice perceptibile sau nu.

Aplicații ale culorii.

Testul de culoare (Testul Luscher).




Alte culori.

Dorin, Merticaru (10.07, 2001 - 2024)